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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 289 The siege begins!

Three days later, the troops of the Emperor of the Sun and Moon Empire approached five kilometers outside Sayue City.

But Zhang Haisheng, who was in charge of commanding the battle on the wall of Sayue City, was not in a hurry at all. One hundred thousand ordinary soldiers were armed with P9 pistols, and all of them had the ability to kill the powerful Soul King!

In three days, even if all the craftsmen in the city put down other tasks and devoted all their efforts to making nine-millimeter bullets, only one million were made.

In other words, every ordinary soldier equipped with a P9 pistol has only twenty rounds of ammunition in the magazine.

“According to the previous grouping, the pistol regiment will go up to the city wall in groups! Try to hit the target, don’t be reluctant to fight, and immediately go down to the city wall for rotation after firing twenty rounds of bullets.” Zhang Haisheng said loudly.

Three days ago, the Parliamentary Army established a pistol regiment based on Parliamentary Army soldiers who owned P9 pistols. According to the grouping of the pistol regiment, 100,000 Parliamentary Army soldiers were divided into 100 groups, each group containing 1,000 people.

And there was just enough room for a thousand people to stand on the walls of Sayuki City.

Marcia Agular was also standing not far from Zhang Haisheng at this time. She said: “According to the intelligence, there are two legions of the Emperor’s Army participating in the siege this time, totaling about 500,000 people. In addition to these ordinary soldiers In addition, the Emperor’s Army has also dispatched three soul master legions, each of which has a strength of one thousand people.”

“What are the levels of the soul mentors in these soul mentor legions?” Zhang Haisheng asked.

Marcia Agular said: “Most of them are third-level soul masters or second-level soul masters at the soul master realm, and there are nearly a hundred third-level soul masters at the soul king level. However, because their realm has met the requirements, these soul kings Level 3 soul mentors can also use level 5 soul cannons. In addition, the commanders of the three major soul mentor legions are all level 6 soul mentors, and they all have the strength of an eight-ring soul douluo. It’s a level seven soul cannon made by the Imperial Master.”

Zhang Haisheng frowned and said: “The effective range of the P9 pistol of our Parliamentary Army Pistol Regiment is only 100 meters, which is similar to the level 3 soul cannon. But if the emperor’s army launches a level 5 and above soul cannon before the war begins, Shelling, then our pistol regiment will suffer heavy casualties.”

Marcia Agulal smiled slightly and said: “Don’t worry, the elite soul masters under my command have quietly left the city from the rear. As soon as the siege of the emperor’s army begins, the elite soul masters under my command will attack the emperor’s army.” We will bombard the soul master’s position, and I will also be responsible for assassinating the three legion commanders who possess level seven soul cannons.”

Zhang Haisheng nodded slightly and said, “Then I’ll trouble you!”

Marcia Agular said with a smile: “Why bother? I have been coveting those three level seven soul cannons for a long time. If I can get them, then the elite soul engineers under my command will be even more powerful! “

Suddenly, Zhang Haisheng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said: “The Emperor’s army seems to have begun to form an array, you should start preparing as soon as possible!”

Marcia Agular nodded, and her figure turned into a stream of pink light and flew towards the outside of the city.

Don’t forget, Marcia Agular is not only a seventh-level soul mentor, she is also a powerful Titled Douluo!

In just a few seconds, her figure appeared five kilometers outside Sayue City. Her speed was so fast that no one in the Sun-Moon Empire, which had not yet invented a soul detection device, could see her movements.

After Marcia Aguilar landed on her feet, she put two fingers in front of her lips and whistled. Her voice was like a bird’s song and sounded very natural.

Suddenly, the grass around her shook, and figures appeared in front of her.

Within a few minutes, these people who suddenly appeared formed a square formation in front of her.

There were only about fifty people in the square formation, but all of them were female soul masters. They were wearing camouflage uniforms, and their originally delicate faces were smeared with dark green colored mud.

These more than fifty female soul mentors all carry a large metal cannon barrel behind their backs. Judging from the fluctuations in the soul power they emit, these metal cannon barrels are actually level six soul cannons!

Marcia Agular: “Sisters, be careful to take cover! The Emperor’s Army is now five hundred meters east of us. When the Emperor’s Army launches an attack on the city, you will bombard the Soul Master’s position behind the Emperor’s Army. When After 70% of your soul power is consumed, you will retreat and go back to Sayue City via the original route.”

The fifty female soul mentors quickly squatted down and began to adjust the level six soul cannons in their hands. Their voices were clear and unified: “Yes, Mr. Vice Speaker!”

Marcia Agular nodded and made no other moves. With her title Douluo cultivation, as soon as the siege started, she could attack the Emperor’s Army Soul Master five hundred meters away in one minute. position.

At the same time, within the camp of the Imperial Army of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Half a million troops have been arranged into square formations. These soldiers hold knives, spears, shields, halberds and other cold weapons in their hands. Their faces are solemn, and they are listening to their general’s final lecture.

“Soldiers, according to my experience, the surviving council in Sayue City will probably send troops to sneak attack the soul master position behind us. However, there are three sixth-level soul masters sitting in our soul master position, and there are also three The people in the council are not afraid of the seventh-level soul cannon at all.”

“If the rear is really attacked, don’t mess around. Our goal is to attack the city and conquer Sayue City at all costs. The two thousand third-level soul engineers of our soul engineer group will also participate in our siege. During the operation, the city defense troops of Sayue City were not enough to see in front of the two thousand soul mentor legions!”

The emperor’s army general first guessed the actions of the parliament, and then encouraged the morale of the soldiers.

“Yes! General!”

The five hundred thousand troops shouted in unison, their voices resounding as loudly as the sky.

The general first turned around and looked at the three old men behind him. After seeing the three old men nodding, he issued an order: “The whole army listens to the order and attacks the city!”

Those three old men were naturally the three sixth-level soul masters of the Imperial Army of the Sun and Moon Empire. Although they were not seventh-level soul masters, the combat power they could exert with their seventh-level soul cannons was no better than that of the seventh-level soul masters. How much difference.

Following the general’s order, half a million troops charged towards Sayuki Castle five kilometers away under the roar of war drums.

At this time, it was five hundred meters away.

Seeing that the Imperial Army began to charge, Marcia Agular stood up suddenly, and a pair of pink-blue daggers appeared in her hands. She shouted loudly: “Sisters, target the Imperial Army.” From the soul master position in the rear, fire! Kill them!”

The six-level soul cannons that had been installed one after another were calibrated. The terrifying light of soul power, injected by the soul power of the female soul mentors, lit up at the muzzle of the six-level soul cannon. It only took a few breaths. More than fifty rays of light burst out, and powerful soul power rays exploded towards the soul master position of the Emperor of the Sun and Moon Empire five hundred meters away!

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Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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