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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 292 Complete crushing of arms competition!

This purple-gold ray carried the power of piercing the sky, and instantly penetrated the chest of the leader of the Ice Grass Army. The soul power carried by this purple-gold ray exploded in the chest of the leader of the Ice Grass Army, and the terrifying impact was instantaneous. All his vitality was wiped out!

“You’re so careless!”

At the same time, Marcia Agular, who was frozen in ice, also broke the ice and escaped from control, she said in annoyance.

After scolding herself, she looked at the man wearing a purple and gold-trimmed dress who was flying not far away. She was a little surprised and said: “Zhang Haisheng, aren’t you commanding the defense of the city? Why are you here?”

Yes, the person who released the purple-gold ray that annihilated the leader of the Jibingcao Army was Zhang Haisheng.

At this time, Zhang Haisheng’s right hand was holding a dark purple metal cannon with golden patterns that was the same height as him. This dark purple metal cannon was the most powerful seventh-level soul cannon he had designed and produced – “Eternal Night Moon” !

Hearing this, Zhang Haisheng replied: “The leader of our parliamentary army pistol regiment is Matthew Ismail. It is enough for him to conduct the command of the city defense battle. I had thought before that the emperor’s army could not be so stupid. , knowing that Sayue City has a seventh-level soul master in charge, but only sent a sixth-level soul master to participate in the battle. Sure enough, I really expected that this siege army really has a seventh-level soul master in charge, but fortunately I arrived in time.”

“Haha, although there is indeed a seventh-level soul engineer here, you guessed it wrong. The emperor’s army is really that stupid, and only sent a sixth-level soul engineer to participate in the battle. The seventh-level soul engineer you just killed was in The temporary advancement a month ago was not the original intention of the Emperor’s Army.” Marcia Agular covered her mouth and said with a smile.

Zhang Haisheng scratched his head in embarrassment and said, “It’s okay if I guess wrong. If I hadn’t guessed wrong, I might not have been able to save you in time.”

Marcia Aguilar whispered charmingly: “Well, I really have to thank you. By the way, Matthew Ismael usually works against you, but you actually trusted him and left him alone. Lead the troops to defend the city.”

Zhang Haisheng smiled slightly and said: “No matter how you don’t deal with it, Matthew Ismail is also a member of the parliament! You should take your men back to the city quickly. I will go back to lead the battle first.” With that, Zhang Haisheng Turning around, the power of the moon blessed him, speeding up his flight.

Watching Zhang Haisheng’s back go away, Marcia Agular was stunned for a moment, then picked up the loot, changed direction, and flew in the direction of the more than fifty female soul mentors.

As for the emperor’s army soul masters who were only in single digits in the soul master position below, she ignored them. After all, the strength of the soul master group was that multiple soul masters could cooperate and fight at the same time. However, When the number of soul mentors is reduced to single digits, they can no longer play their original role.

After the more than fifty female soul mentors under Marcia Agular had consumed 70% of their soul power, they had already put away their level six soul cannons and circled towards the back of Sayue City. She quickly He quickly found the team and led the female soul mentors back to the city quickly.

At this time, the 500,000-strong Emperor’s army had already reached the gates of Sayuki City. Because of the general’s previous words, even if they heard the screams and explosions coming from the soul master’s position behind them, no one looked back.

The three thousand soul mentors following the soul mentor group on the flanks had quickly released their soul cannons, and the light of soul power condensed at the muzzle.

As long as they enter within a hundred meters of Sayuki City, the soul cannons in their hands can be fired without hesitation, bombarding the parliamentary soldiers guarding the city wall.

When they were more than two hundred meters away, these soul masters with great soul master and soul master cultivation levels could already clearly see the situation on the city wall.

What puzzled them was that according to the intelligence, Sayue City clearly had an entire group of soul engineers, but those guarding the city wall were not the soul engineers of the parliamentary army’s soul instructor group, but ordinary soldiers with no cultivation.

And what the soldiers were holding in their hands was not a crossbow, but a strange-shaped metal the size of a fist.

Could it be that the council has given up on Sayuki Castle?

This question emerged in the minds of most soul engineers involuntarily, and they had thoughts of contempt that they should not have at all. Facing a thousand soldiers on the city wall, they were completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter. .

When these soul masters followed the army of 500,000 people and entered within 100 meters of the city wall of Sayue City, preparing to fire the soul cannons in their hands, they were surprised to find that the soldiers on the wall moved.

These one thousand soldiers held the guns with both hands in very standard movements. Their eyes were parallel to the aiming device on the P9 pistol. As they pulled the trigger without hesitation, the fire flashed, and the bullets were burned red by the high temperature caused by friction. It spun and shot out, and instantly appeared in front of these soul engineers.

The parliamentary soldiers on the city wall obviously knew that the biggest threat to Sayuki City was not the half-million-strong army, but the 3,000-person soul mentor group!

Therefore, their firepower was almost concentrated in the direction of the soul masters.

Even though the accuracy of these soldiers was not as good as expected, under the hail of bullets caused by thousands of people firing at the same time, a large number of the emperor’s army soul mentors were shot dead.

“What kind of weapon is this? How can such a powerful weapon be controlled by ordinary people?!” A third-level soul engineer roared in horror. His body subconsciously kept retreating, and his comrades around him fell one after another. .

The bodies of the comrades seemed to have been penetrated by an unknown sharp weapon. Lines of blood shot out, taking away fresh lives!

The next thing happened, the third-level soul master’s pupils dilated, and a blood hole suddenly appeared on his forehead. As blood gushes out, his body slowly fell to the ground.

The thousand parliamentary soldiers on the city wall kept firing, and the bodies of the soul masters in the soul master group fell down in rows like leeks.

However, there are also soul teachers who seize the opportunity and complete the firing of the soul cannon before dying.

Soul-guiding rays were fired from the soul-guiding cannons of these soul masters and hit the city wall. Every time a ray hit the city wall, a large number of stones would fly.

Although the damage to the city wall was very serious, under the protection of these bunkers, the casualties of the soldiers on the wall were not very large.

Soldiers of the Parliamentary Army fell from the city wall one by one, but only a few fell because they were killed by soul-guiding rays. Most of the soldiers who left the city wall did so because the bullets in their magazines were exhausted and they needed to fight with the next group. The soldiers are just rotating.

As the soldiers originally standing on the city wall left the city wall, the next group of soldiers from the Parliamentary Army Pistol Regiment also climbed up the city wall along the stone steps in an orderly manner. They quickly pulled out the P9 pistols on their waists and took over the previous ones. Soldiers are on a mission to shoot and kill enemies.

Asking for a reward


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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