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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 293 Defeat the enemy

After the parliamentary army soldiers on the city wall of Sayuki City completed their tenth rotation, the three thousand soul masters of the emperor’s army had been killed and injured under the hail of bullets.

However, the casualties of the soldiers of the Parliament Army Pistol Regiment were not small. The weapons in their hands were undoubtedly hot weapons, but don’t forget that their opponent was not the Star Luo Empire who only mastered cold weapons, but also the hot weapons. Weapons of the Imperial Army of the Sun and Moon Empire!

Under the bombardment of soul cannons carried out by these soul masters regardless of their own lives, the death toll of the Parliament Army Pistol Regiment soldiers on the walls of Sayuki City also exceeded a hundred.


Seeing this, the leader of the Parliamentary Army Pistol Regiment and the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, Matthew Ismail, lit up. Although the number of his own soldiers killed in the battle has exceeded a hundred, this was completely earned with blood!

In Matthew Ismail’s view, the soul master group that can kill the emperor’s army, let alone more than 100 people killed in the battle, will definitely make a profit even if it kills 1,000 or even 10,000 people. !

How long does it take to train an ordinary soldier who can fight with a P9 pistol? Less than three days.

And how long does it take to train a third-level soul mentor with soul master-level soul power? Decades! Moreover, third-level soul masters cannot be cultivated over time. They must have sufficient talent and understanding. More importantly, these soul masters themselves must have soul power!

The probability of the current martial soul awakening its soul power is so low, which also makes the cultivation of soul mentors even more difficult!

When all the soul masters of the Emperor’s Army were dead and wounded, the half-million-strong army had already arrived at the gates of Sayuki City. A huge ramming vehicle, driven by dozens of Emperor’s Army soldiers, quickly crashed into the city gate.

In the rear, the general of the Imperial Army of the Sun and Moon Empire saw that the soul masters were all dead and wounded, and he couldn’t help but have an ominous premonition in his heart. However, seeing that Sayuki City was about to be broken open by his ram car, he did not give the order to retreat. .

At this time, with another rotation, the soldiers who walked up the city wall had changed their targets and focused their fire on the Imperial Army soldiers near the ramming car.

The ramming vehicle with huge wooden stakes was only a few dozen meters away from the city gate. The shorter distance increased the hit rate of the parliamentary soldiers who drew their guns and fired.

Countless bullets poured out, killing a large number of soldiers of the Imperial Army of the Sun and Moon Empire who were surrounding the ramming car. This made other soldiers of the Imperial Army of the Sun and Moon Empire remain silent and did not dare to approach the ramming car.

Damn it! These rubbish!

Seeing this, the general of the Emperor’s Army cursed angrily, seeing that the ramming car was about to knock open the gate of Sayuki City, but these soldiers were cowering at this critical moment.

The parliamentary troops on the city wall continued to shoot and kill the emperor’s soldiers under the city wall in rotation after rotation. Their initial target was to rush the enemies near the ramming car, but soon changed to the enemies who were drawing their bows and shooting arrows, because Just a few breaths ago, several parliamentary soldiers were shot dead by archers under the city wall!

However, although the parliamentary army has never stopped killing the emperor’s soldiers under the city wall, because there are as many as 500,000 enemy troops, but only a thousand people can stand on the city wall at the same time, this has also led to the massacre of soldiers under the city wall. The half-million-strong army was still approaching Sayuki City. At this time, they had entered within ten meters of the city wall of Sayuki City, and some soldiers of the Imperial Army had even begun to try to build ladders.

But at this moment, a khaki ray fell from a height of 100 meters. This terrifying khaki ray fell among the soldiers of the Imperial Army, and an extremely violent explosion occurred!

The shock wave generated by the explosion instantly spread out, covering the emperor’s army within tens of meters, and the burst of soul power swallowed and annihilated the bodies of these soldiers!

It was Matthew Ismail who took action!

At this time, Matthew Ismail relied on his soul power to fly to an altitude of 100 meters. The level-7 soul cannon in his hand shone with terrifying light, and his eyes were filled with coldness.

The deputy speaker of the parliament, the leader of the pistol regiment of the parliamentary army, and the seventh-level soul engineer finally took action!

However, why didn’t Matthew Ismail take action before? As the only soul master with a seventh-level soul guide left in Sayue City, he must use his soul guide cannon to block the emperor’s high-ranking troops at any time. The attack of the soul master.

After all, the city wall of Qingyang City was blown open by the “city-destroying” shot of the seventh-level soul cannon!

And just now, Zhang Haisheng, who had left Sayue City to support Marcia Agular, had returned and told Matthew Ismail about the successful assassination of all high-level soul masters in the Imperial Army.

Therefore, Matthew Ismail took action with confidence and intervened in the battle.

“Damn it! Retreat, everyone retreat!” The general of the Emperor’s Army cursed angrily. Because the ordinary soldiers who had previously shot at the city wall and had an ability that was not inferior to that of the soul master, he had almost forgotten that there were seven soldiers in Sayue City. The super soul master is in charge!

At this time, he suddenly realized that although it was too late, he still decisively ordered to withdraw his troops at the cost of gold!

The soldiers of the Emperor’s Army have gone through the most rigorous training in the Sun and Moon Empire, and they completely obeyed the orders and prohibitions during the war.

Enter when you hear the sound of drums, retreat when you hear the sound of gold!

When these soldiers of the Imperial Army heard the sound of gold ringing from behind, they did not continue to attack the city. Instead, they quickly led a group of heavy shield soldiers to the rear holding heavy shields, while the rest began to retreat in an orderly manner.

The Imperial Army began to retreat, but the gunfire of the Parliamentary Army soldiers did not stop. During the withdrawal of the Imperial Army, soldiers were constantly shot and killed, and their bodies were exposed in the wilderness.

Rivers of blood flowed, and outside Sayuki City, there were corpses of Imperial Army soldiers!

Matthew Ismail’s attacks in the air did not stop. Every shot of the seventh-level soul cannon would take away the lives of nearly a thousand soldiers of the Sun and Moon Empire’s Imperial Army!

Although Matthew Ismail hoped to kill as many enemy troops as possible, he was not reluctant to fight. After the emperor’s army left Sayuki City one kilometer, he put away the soul cannon and flew back to Sayuki City.

This battle to defend the city also ended with a complete victory!

“According to incomplete statistics, the number of people killed by the Emperor’s Army this time was at least 270,000, while the number of people killed by the Parliamentary Army was less than 500.” Zhang Haisheng said, holding a report handed over by his subordinates.

Matthew Ismail was extremely happy. He said: “Haha, the emperor’s army is bleeding heavily this time! With 270,000 casualties, they will definitely not dare to attack the city in a short time. And for at least ten days, we Then we can produce enough nine-millimeter bullets. With these bullets, our parliamentary army can launch a counterattack and fight back to Mingdu!”

Marcia Agullar also smiled and narrowed her eyes. She sighed: “This is all thanks to Mr. Gu. If Mr. Gu hadn’t sold us the P9 pistol, we would never have been able to defend the veil with such few casualties. Moon City, and caused heavy damage to the Emperor’s army!”

Zhang Haisheng nodded, looked at Marcia Agular, and asked: “By the way, Marcia, how are the things I asked you to arrange for your subordinates to do before?”

Marcia Agular shook her head and said with some regret: “It is too difficult to deduce the method of making a milk bottle just based on its appearance and effect. So far, the sisters have no clue.”

Thanks to book friends Chuqiu and Qixi and another book friend whose name I can’t type out for their monthly passes.


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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