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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 31 Mushroom Sausage

Seeing this, Tang San quickly stepped forward, and Xiao Wu helped Gu Chen and Gu Yuena up respectively.

Not seeing Gu Chen’s annoyed look at all, Tang San said: “Brother Chen, are you okay?”

Gu Chen’s thoughts were all on Gu Yuena at this time. He licked the corners of his mouth and raised his eyebrows slightly: “It’s okay, it’s just that the soul power has been consumed a little too much. Just recover for a while.”

“Grandpa! Grandma!” At this time, Meng Yiran exclaimed and threw himself at Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang who fell to the ground.

“Both of them are still breathing. If you take them out of the Star Forest now, they may still be saved. The premise is that you can leave alive.” Gu Chen looked at Meng Yiran with cold eyes and said.

Meng Yiran was very afraid of Gu Chen at this time. He supported Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang’s bodies and walked towards the outside of the Star Forest, taking deep steps one step at a time.

Damn it! If I have enough strength in the future, I will definitely kill them!

Meng Yiran thought with hatred in his heart.

Gu Chen rubbed his brows. He originally asked Oscar to kill the crested crested snake, just to reduce the trouble. But in the end, the trouble increased countless times…

After Gu Chen asked Oscar for a few sausages, he gave a few to Gu Yuena and drank the rest of the recovery sausage.

After practicing for an hour, most of their soul power had been restored.

When the two of them recovered their soul power, Oscar absorbed the soul ring of the phoenix-tailed crested snake, and the purple soul ring slowly gathered into Oscar’s body.

After taking a long breath, Oscar slowly opened his eyes. In an instant, the pale pink light on his body suddenly changed and turned into a beautiful pink. His whole body was bathed in this pink light.

“Congratulations, Xiao Ao.” Zhao Wuji looked at him with a smile.

After obtaining the third soul ring, Oscar’s whole person underwent some subtle changes. His figure seemed to have grown a bit taller, and he looked more energetic. The biggest change was his peach blossom eyes, which actually twinkled. With colorful light. Just like the energy released by the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb before when it threatened everyone.

Dai Mubai’s hearty laughter also came over: “Xiao Ao, you are the second among us to break through level 30. Congratulations. Let us see what your third soul ring skill is.”

Oscar was obviously very excited after receiving the third soul ring. However, when Dai Mubai mentioned his third soul ring skill, he couldn’t help laughing and said awkwardly: “Forget it, let’s go back and talk about it later.” .”

Ma Hongjun said angrily: “Xiao Ao, what are you afraid of? Are you still afraid that we will laugh at you? The soul spell of your third soul skill can’t be more funny than the first two. Brothers are also worried about you. Shaoli, hurry up and show us the results.”

Oscar nodded helplessly: “However, as agreed, you must not laugh after listening to my soul curse.”

Everyone nodded at the same time, but there was already a bit of smile on their faces.

Oscar raised his right hand and finally recited his third soul curse: “I have a mushroom intestine.”


After hearing his words, everyone burst into laughter at the same time, even Zhao Wuji burst into laughter. Even Gu Chen, who knew the plot, couldn’t help laughing when he actually heard the soul curse.

Oscar looked at everyone with wide eyes, “Didn’t you promise not to laugh?”

As soon as these words came out, they had the opposite effect, and everyone laughed even harder.

After all, Zhao Wuji was a teacher. He was the first to stop laughing and looked at Oscar’s sad and angry face: “Xiao Ao, tell everyone, what is the use of your mushroom intestines? The soul skills produced by the thousand-year soul ring , the effect will never be too bad.”

Oscar snorted angrily and said, “Just laugh, no one will eat my mushroom sausage from now on. Hum!”

Hey, are you still arrogant?

Gu Chen felt funny.

Oscar raised the mushroom sausage in his hand, and the look on his face became a little weird, and then loudly said in a proud tone: “Mushroom sausage, the third soul ring skill. The effect is flying.”

The laughter stopped suddenly, and except for Gu Chen, everyone looking at Oscar became stunned. And all this is because of those two simple words, fly.

“Ahem.” Looking at everyone’s dumbfounded look, Oscar felt relieved. He coughed twice and continued: “Well, I haven’t finished speaking yet. My third soul ring skill is to fly for one minute.”

“Sure enough, your sausage is just like you, short and weak!” Although Gu Chen knew that the mushroom sausage could fly at the speed of a crested snake, he still couldn’t help laughing.

Dai Mubai curled his lips and said, “This is a useless skill, right? What’s the use of flying for a minute? You can’t fly over any wide rivers or cliffs.”

The colorful light in Oscar’s peach blossom eyes seemed to become more obvious: “Is this really the case? What if this one minute of flying is at the speed of a cockscomb?”

“What?” Dai Mubai was shocked, “You mean, after eating this mushroom sausage of yours, you can fly at the speed of a cockscomb for one minute? Is this possible?”

Oscar said proudly: “What’s impossible? My third soul ring comes from the crested crested snake, and my soul skills are naturally related to it. My feelings are not wrong. If you want to eat my mushroom sausage in the future, You have to beg me nicely.”

“You are panting while talking, and sooner or later you will die!” Tang San said with a venomous tongue.

Zhao Wuji nodded with satisfaction and said: “Finally, my energy was not wasted. Xiao Ao, your third soul ring is very good. With your current soul power, how many mushroom sausages like this can you make?”

Oscar thought for a while and said: “This mushroom sausage consumes much more soul power than the previous two kinds of sausages. In my current situation, I can only make ten at most at one time. After that, my soul power will be exhausted. I need Only after everything is restored can it be manufactured again.”

Looking at the students, Zhao Wuji said with satisfaction: “Ten sausages are enough. As your soul power increases, this number will continue to increase. Among the food-type auxiliary martial souls, your sausages will be from now on. It can already be classified as the best. Okay, everyone, get ready, we will leave here immediately and return to the academy.”

“Teacher Zhao, I’m afraid we can’t leave yet.” At this moment, Tang San suddenly said to Zhao Wuji.

As expected of the protagonist of this world, even without fighting Meng Yiran, Tang San still made a breakthrough in the short period of training and reached the bottleneck of level 30.

Zhao Wuji was stunned for a moment, “Can’t leave? Why? Xiaosan, this Star Dou Forest is not a place to play. I am the teacher, and I have the final say. The goal has been achieved, we must return to the academy as soon as possible, otherwise, who of you will get out The question is, how will I explain to Flender when I go back?”

“But…” Tang San spoke eagerly, but was interrupted by Zhao Wuji, “There’s nothing to worry about. Now that you’re awake, everyone shouldn’t rest anymore until we leave the Star Dou Forest. While the sky is still dark It’s not completely dark yet, so we’ll set off immediately.”

“Teacher Zhao, can you wait for me to finish speaking?” Tang San looked at Zhao Wuji helplessly.

Zhao Wuji’s eyes flashed with a cold light, but he seemed to remember something again. The cold light appeared and then disappeared. In the past, anyone who dared to disobey him would have been slapped by his bear’s paw.

But when he thought of Tang Hao, Zhao Wuji became scared again.

Tang San didn’t wait for Zhao Wuji to speak, and said quickly: “I also need a spirit ring, why not just find a spirit beast this time. It will save me the chance to make another trip soon.”

“No. Don’t you understand what I’m saying?” Zhao Wuji said without thinking. Suddenly, his body stiffened, and he stared at Tang San with wide eyes, “What did you just say?”

Tang San repeated seriously: “I said, I also need a spirit ring. I saw the battle between Brother Chen and Sister Na’er, and I benefited a lot. In the training just now, I also broke through to level 30. So, I also need a soul ring. Do you think it is okay?”

Zhao Wuji stared at Tang San.

Oscar, who was gesturing triumphantly with the mushroom sausage in his hand, let go of his hand and the mushroom sausage fell to the ground.

The two pupils in Dai Mubai’s evil eyes strangely merged into one.

The fat man Ma Hongjun opened his mouth wide, and Zhu Zhuqing’s coldness turned into astonishment.

Ning Rongrong’s soft and pretty face had two dimples, while Xiao Wu hugged Tang San’s arm excitedly.

Although Tang San’s talent was far inferior to that of Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, this was something that a 12-year-old Soul Master could only do with a genius.

I was drunk today too.

@A certain reader, please save your face without naming me. If you don’t like Wuhun Temple, don’t like it. If you object to the protagonist joining Wuhun Temple, just oppose it. Because this book is about the main character joining the Spirit Hall, why should I just give it a one-star negative review? ? !

I guess this person has never read this book, right? Just leave a negative review after reading the introduction?

I lost it!

(You don’t have to look for that. For this kind of person, just ban him permanently and delete his comments. For this kind of person, I can only wish him the best as he goes further and further on the road to being banned from all platforms)


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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