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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 352 Times have changed

Besides, Gu Chen is currently in the sky above Wuhun City. If the Death Light Tower is invaded by thieves, he will find out immediately.

“Everyone check again to confirm the safety of Wuhun City.” Ye Wuyou quickly ordered.

Upon hearing this, the dozen shadow guards quickly took out a military telescope from their waists.

Yes, ever since General Gu Chen lent his telescope to Feng Xiaoyu that day, Ye Wuyou became very interested in military telescopes as an auxiliary tool. After he asked Gu Chen for a new military telescope, he ordered Ying to Made by our own in-house craftsmen.

Now every shadow guard is equipped with a military binoculars.

“Everything is normal due north.”

“Everything is normal due south.”

“Everything is normal due east.”


Soon, reports were heard one after another. Ye Wuyou’s expression did not change, and he did not relax his vigilance. But soon, the sound of a sound made his muscles tense instantly.

“Report, at 32 degrees to the northwest, a man in black robe appeared, visually estimated to be 1.8 meters tall. He just ran out of a jewelry store, holding a black sack in his hand, which should be jewelry in the jewelry store.” A shadow guard reported.

Ye Wuyou’s face hardened, and he quickly ordered: “No. 1, No. 3, and No. 5, carry out the mission with me. The others stay where they are and continue to be vigilant. If anything unusual happens, use the public communication rune stone to contact me. “

“Yes!” The shadow guards called No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5 shouted at the same time. No. 1 was the shadow guard who reported the news earlier. They followed Ye Wuyou and climbed down the viewing platform. And flew away in the direction reported by No. 1.

In just one minute, they arrived outside the jewelry store No. 1 mentioned.

“There are footprints, let’s go!” After only a brief pause, Ye Wuyou discovered the remaining footprints on the street. He took a step forward, then turned left into a small alley, as fast as a ghost.

The three shadow guards quickly followed behind Ye Wuyou, even faster than Ye Wuyou!

Soon, the four of them arrived at the end of the alley, which was a stone wall nearly ten meters high. Above the stone wall, the man in black robe whom No. 1 mentioned earlier was holding a black sack in one hand and holding a bag in the other. At the top of the wall, prepare to climb over the wall.

When the man in black robe saw the arrival of Ye Wuyou and others, he just sneered and gave a middle finger to Ye Wuyou at the front: “Shadow guard? Come and catch me!”

With that said, the man in black robe climbed over the wall and continued to escape. His destination was the entrance to the underground black market of Wuhun City. As long as he entered the hidden underground black market under Wuhun City, it would be impossible for Ye Wuyou to escape again. Get him!

Seeing the gestures made by the man in black robes, a trace of anger appeared in Ye Wuyou’s eyes. He jumped into the air and jumped onto the nearly ten-meter-high stone wall.

Although No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5 did not have such ability, they quickly came to the bottom of the stone wall, threw out five daggers in a row, and inserted them into the stone wall.

The three shadow guards also used this as a leverage point and climbed up the stone wall in a few jumps.

But at this time, the man in black robe had already ran more than fifty meters.

This man in black robe is really heart-warming. As he ran, he turned around and made a face: “Trash Shadow Guard, come after me!” Six soul rings rose from the soles of his feet. He didn’t expect this. The man in black robe is actually a powerful Soul Emperor. No wonder he dares to be so arrogant. After all, ordinary Shadow Guards only have the strength of Soul Sect or Soul King.

The man in black robe immediately planned to use the acceleration soul skill to escape, but at this moment, the three shadow guards No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5 pulled out a handful of metal objects from their waists at the same time, and in less than a breath, they After taking aim, he decisively pulled the trigger.

Hot bullets spun out of the P9 pistol at high speed. Just as the black-robed man’s third soul ring lit up, three bullets hit the black-robed man at the same time.

Two of the bullets penetrated his chest, and the last bullet opened a large hole in his head.

“How… how is it possible…” The man in black robe looked in disbelief and fell into a pool of blood with his eyes open.

Seeing this, Ye Wuyou was not surprised at all and just sneered.

As early as more than a month ago, all members of the Shadow Guard were equipped with P9 pistols. All members of the Shadow Guard have a unique P9 pistol.

The popularity of P9 pistols among shadow guards has not only greatly improved the survivability of shadow guards in operations, but also allowed many shadow guards of the investigation department who possess the sharp-tailed swift martial spirit to join the assassination department and secret guards. ministry qualifications.

Ye Wuyou no longer looked at the body of the man in black robe, turned around, and said calmly: “No. 5, return the stolen property to its original owner. No. 1 and No. 3 are responsible for identifying the deceased and then cleaning up the body.”


After receiving the order, No. 5 picked up the sack that the black-robed man dropped after his death, and walked quickly towards the jewelry store where he came from.

Numbers 1 and 3 surrounded the body of the man in black robe.

Number 1 kicked the black-robed man in the head and said with a hint of mockery: “Oh, brother, times have changed!” As he spoke, he compared it with the person in the message. After a while, , he made a gesture to No. 3.

No. 3 glanced at No. 1 and said nothing. He just took out a purple glass bottle from his space soul guide. He uncorked the bottle and slowly poured the liquid on the body of the black-robed man. go.

The zombie water quickly turned the black-robed man into a pool of pus, while No. 1 quickly took out his tools and cleaned up the remaining traces.

Soon, No. 5 returned after returning the stolen goods, while No. 1 and No. 3 also completed the task of cleaning up the corpses.

“Go back.” Ye Wuyou waved his hand and led the three shadow guards back the same way.

What happened in the shadow of Wuhun City was not discovered by anyone, except of course the jewelry store owner who was robbed.

Ever since Gu Chen and Gu Yuena flew out of Wuhun City to face Priest Yu Wenzhuo, the crime rate in Wuhun City seemed to have increased by more than ten percent.

Crime incidents occurred one after another in every corner of Wuhun City.

However, due to Gu Chen’s advance instructions, the Shadow Guards also maximized their investigation efforts during this period. Everything that happened in Wuhun City was invisible to the Shadow Guards.

Anyone who commits a crime in Wuhun City during this period will be arrested by the shadow guards immediately, and those who resist arrest will be killed on the spot.

And these criminals were implicated in the three clans, and their whole families were detained in the Shadow Guard headquarters. They will be expelled to the Killing City as soon as the battle is over!

This is the price of taking advantage of the chaos and committing crimes!

Asking for a reward(ε)


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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