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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 360 Poor people must be hateful

In fact, Gu Chen originally wanted to promulgate hundreds of new Spirit Empire systems, but he did not promulgate them all at once.

After all, major national issues like reform must be planned slowly, and doing it too hastily will only be counterproductive. Besides, Gu Chen also had to give time for the people to accept it. People were not like professional lawyers who could memorize so many rules in just a few days.

At this time, the Ministry of Industry.

“Sir, the first batch of imitation products are all here.” Minister of the Ministry of Industry handed a space soul guide to Ye Wuyou.

Ye Wuyou put his mental power into it. Inside the space soul guide, there were a hundred smoke bombs and fifty rounds of “Carl Gustaf” M4 recoilless cannon shells.

Ye Wuyou nodded secretly. It seemed that the Minister of Industry was not lazy.

Dismantling, researching, and quickly summoning craftsmen to build it. To be able to achieve such results in just seven days, the Minister of Industry must have put his heart into it.

“Very well, let’s continue building these things. But there’s no need to be in such a hurry, just make sure the monthly output is twice as much as here.” Ye Wuyou said.

The minister of the Ministry of Industry saluted and said: “Yes!”

After Ye Wuyou left, he went to the Shadow Guard Base and once again summoned Zishu, Maotu, Youji, Thirteen and Fifteen in the previous secret room No. 24.

After Ye Wuyou distributed the ammunition obtained from the Minister of Industry to the five people, he said: “This time we passed the teleportation array and went directly to the far west of the mainland. After you pass the teleportation array, put on the cloak of night.”

Saying that, Ye Wuyou took out a golden key from his pocket.

This golden key is Gu Chen’s teleportation array. This teleportation array was released by Gu Chen when he and Gu Yuena went to the Sun and Moon Continent to connect to the far west.

Ye Wuyou poured soul power into the golden key and threw it high, and a six-pointed star array appeared in front of everyone.

Under Ye Wuyou’s order, Zishu and others quickly passed through the six-pointed star array and disappeared. Ye Wuyou followed closely behind, passing through the teleportation array, and arrived at the far west of Douluo Continent as the stars shifted. .

Not far away from everyone is the west coast of Douluo Continent.

At this time, the five Zishu people had already put on dark night cloaks according to Ye Wuyou’s order, and everyone could only rely on their own perception to sense the presence of their teammates.

And Ye Wuyou also used the sixth soul skill Dark Concealment to become invisible as soon as he appeared.

“Bian Jikui, the tenth-ranked fugitive on the red wanted list, is in Liuguang Town, a hundred meters away due north. After absconding to Liuguang Town, he disguised himself and made up the identity of a foreign winemaker. With his help, he disguised himself as a foreign winemaker. With Bian Jikui’s wine-making skills, he was unanimously recognized by the villagers of Liuguang Town, and finally settled down in Liuguang Town.” Ye Wuyou introduced all the information about Bian Jikui to the five people.

Thirteen said with some confusion: “Boss, if this Bian Jikui has such ability, why would he commit a crime, and he is also on the red wanted list. He can obviously make enough money by brewing wine.”

Ye Wuyou sighed and said: “According to the court’s information, when the Wuhun Empire was first established, he sold the brewing formula he designed to the city lord in a Wuhun Empire city, but the mercenary city lord robbed him of the formula. , and drove Bian Jikui out of the mansion. This made Bian Jikui resentful, and he planned a tragedy that killed all 581 people in the city lord’s mansion, and no one was spared.”

“At that time, this case shocked the entire court. However, due to Bian Jikui’s awareness of counter-reconnaissance and his own strength, he managed to escape capture. Moreover, the main target of the Wuhun Empire at that time was the two empires, so the matter was eventually dropped. But His name is also on the red notice.”

Mao Tu said with some sympathy: “So, this Bian Jikui is also a pitiful person.”

Zishu shook his head and said: “Poor people must be hateful. Although Bian Jikui did this because he was treated unfairly, among the 581 people in the City Lord’s Mansion, the majority are innocent. “

Ye Wuyou said: “In this case, let’s give him a good time. On the 15th, you load the shells of the ‘Carl Gustav’ M4 recoilless rifle. After you find the target, follow my order to fire. You must do it as expected.” Kill him. Maotu, now go find the commanding heights to ambush. If the fifteen-first hit fails, you will be responsible for the last hit.”

Among the AKM assault rifles and Kar-98k sniper rifles, Maotu chose the Kar-98k sniper rifle. The firearms training she received was also about sniper rifles.

“Yes!” The two shouted at the same time, and Maotu left directly, heading towards the place she had determined in her heart.

Fifteen, under the cloak of darkness, took out the “Carl Gustav” M4 recoilless rifle, loaded it, and then held it in his arms.

Zishu, Youji and Shisan were responsible for responding on the spot, while Ye Wuyou and Shishi entered Liuguang Town invisibly.

Ye Wuyou took out the Thousand Miles Pursuit Device and enlarged the target map to the maximum. Following the instructions of the Thousand Miles Pursuit Device, the two of them arrived near the mayor’s house.

More than thirty meters away to the right of the mayor’s house, there is a low brewing house. A sturdy middle-aged man wearing shabby clothes is brewing wine in the brewing house. His appearance is very low-key.

This middle-aged man’s face looks very simple and honest, making it impossible to associate him with a fugitive, but the fact is that this middle-aged man is the one who massacred 581 people in the City Lord’s Mansion. Fugitive Bian Jikui!

“Aim and fire.” Ye Wuyou commanded calmly from a distance of nearly fifty meters.

Hearing this, Fifteen perked up. Under the cloak of darkness, he quickly put the “Carl Gustav” M4 recoilless rifle on his shoulder. After taking aim, he decisively pressed the firing button.


The tail of the “Carl Gustaf” M4 recoilless rifle sprayed a ball of flames to the rear. If Fifteen’s night cloak was not of good quality, it would have been burned to ashes. Fifteen also staggered, and finally Stabilized his body.

The shells of the “Carl Gustav” M4 recoilless rifle exploded out of the barrel, spinning at high speed towards the brewhouse fifty meters away.

Although Bian Jikui has seventy-eight levels of soul power and extremely strong perception, after several years of living a comfortable life, he no longer thinks that anyone from the court will be able to find him.

Faced with the sudden attack, he had no time to prepare emergency response measures.

The “Carl Gustav” M4 recoilless rifle shell hit his waist instantly and exploded. The entire brewing house instantly turned into a fireball, in which all life was reduced to nothing.

But Ye Wuyou and Shi Shi did not relax their vigilance until the flames dissipated and the nearby villagers came running screaming. However, Ye Wuyou and Shi Shi did not find any trace of Bian Jikui, so they put down their bags. heart, put away the weapon and left invisibly.

When it’s over, brush off your clothes and go away, hiding your merit and fame!


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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