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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 364: After hunting geese all day long, he was eventually pecked and blinded by geese!

The man on the right is about the same height as Tang Wei, but he is as thin as a bamboo pole. He and Nie Dai are both agility-based soul masters. His martial soul is the Shadow Leopard, and he is the eleventh existence on the red notice. , named Nonglong.

These three people all possess the realm of soul saints, but their strengths are different.

For example, Tang Wei possesses the evil lion martial spirit and is an offensive spirit master with relatively balanced attributes in all aspects; while Nie Dai, who possesses the poisonous blood dagger martial spirit, has a strength that is infinitely close to that of Contra in terms of attack and speed, but However, his defensive power is not as good as that of ordinary attack-type soul kings.

Nong Long’s attack and speed are slightly inferior to Nie Dai, but his defense is also at the level of a normal Soul Saint.

“Second brother, we have almost used up the remaining money from the last round. Why don’t we go down and do another round tomorrow?” Nong Long tore off a piece of the barbecue on the fire, put it in his mouth, and chewed two pieces. After swallowing it, he looked at Nie Dai and said.

Nie Dai said: “Why do you ask me? Just ask the boss. I am the one responsible for searching for treasures.”

Tang Wei frowned and said: “However, the imperial court has been very weird recently. Except for the people in the Killing City and us, everyone on the red notice was killed by the shadow guards. I’m afraid that after we show our traces, we will be tracked by them. If you come here, it’s not worth the gain.”

Nie Dai laughed, put his arms around Tang Wei’s neck, and said with a smile: “It’s just a court eagle dog. Besides, if we don’t rob it, how can we make a living? Besides, if the court eagle dog is so powerful, it will appear in front of me right now. Huh? Haha…uh…”

Before Nie Dai finished speaking, he suddenly stopped, and a strong smell of blood came out.

Tang Wei and Nong Long, who lived a life of licking blood from the tip of a knife, changed their expressions the moment they smelled the bloody smell. Their bodies subconsciously ejected back nearly ten meters, and then looked at them warily. Toward the source of the bloody smell.

I saw that Nie Dai was pierced through the chest by a sharp and poisoned dagger at some point. The poison spread rapidly, causing Nie Dai to fall into paralysis.

“As you wish!” Behind Nie Dai, Zi Shu slowly appeared. He pulled out the dagger, then inserted it again, directly into Nie Dai’s head, completely ending his life!

After hunting geese all day long, he was eventually pecked and blinded by geese!

Nie Dai relied on lurking and assassination, and he didn’t know how many people he killed, and how much wealth he plundered from them. But there is reincarnation in the way of heaven, and he died in the lurking and assassination that he was best at.

At this time, Zi Shu’s body was coated with a dark green juice. It was this juice that masked his scent, which prevented Nie Dai from discovering his existence.

“Second brother!” Tang Wei and Nong Long shouted in pain at the same time. They looked at Zishu resentfully, and each released their own martial souls, and the pressure of the Soul Saint level burst out.

Although Zi Shu has the ability to assassinate Nie Dai, the Soul Saint, this is based on the premise that Nie Dai’s defense is only equal to that of the Soul King, and the quality of Zi Shu’s dagger is good enough.

His own strength was only that of a junior soul king. Facing the pressure released by two soul saints at the same time, his face turned pale and he was obviously a little overwhelmed.

Tang Wei immediately released his first soul skill. His body was covered in black hair, and his head seemed to turn into a lion’s head.

And Nong Long also used his second soul skill to transform his hands and legs into the shape of a cheetah, ready to go.

Seeing this, Zishu quickly took out a spherical metal object from his waist, and then said with a sneer: “Bye, everyone!”

As he finished speaking, the metal ball was hit hard on the ground by Zi Shu.


The metal ball exploded with a bang and turned into thick purple smoke. The purple smoke covered an area of ​​more than ten meters in radius, completely blocking Zi Shu’s figure.

Zishu raised the corners of his mouth, tightened the hood of the Night Cloak, then slowly retreated, and after getting out of the battle, triggered the invisibility effect of the Night Cloak again.

When the purple smoke dissipated, the rat was no longer in sight!

“Damn, damn, damn!” Tang Wei roared and punched the ground suddenly. The permafrost, frozen by the cold in the far north, cracked in an instant and turned into ice slag all over the ground.

Nong Long also had an angry look on his face: “Fuck, damn court eagle dogs, how did they find this place?!”

Could it be… there’s a mole? !

The two looked stern at the same time, but they quickly dismissed the idea.

After all, they are all on the top of the red notice list. There is no way back for them, so how can they become moles?

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

At this moment, the two of them suddenly felt the hair on their hair stand on end, and a sense of fear of facing death appeared in their hearts. In their field of vision, two red, high-speed rotating shells exploded towards them!

At this time, the cannonball was less than one meter away from them, and they had no chance to escape!

The two of them have no other choice but to fight hard!

“Evil Lion Heart Shield!”

Tang Wei shouted loudly, his sixth soul ring lit up, and a dark purple semicircular shield appeared in front of him, intercepting the shell of the “Carl Gustaf” M4 recoilless rifle.

The shells of the “Carl Gustaf” M4 recoilless rifle exploded into flames all over the sky. The evil lion’s heart shield only lasted for less than a breath before it was broken open. The powerful shock wave knocked Tang Wei away. , causing him to vomit blood and fly backwards.

Tang Wei hit the ground hard, obviously badly injured.

The increase in the first soul skill of his Evil Lion Spirit was also broken.

On the other side, Nong Long of the agility system did not have a defensive soul skill like Tang Wei. He was killed by another “Carl Gustaf” M4 recoilless cannon shell on the spot, leaving no trace of his body!

Not far away, Thirteen and Fifteen appeared. They did not continue to reload, but put the “Carl Gustav” M4 recoilless rifles back into the space soul guide.


The sound of gunshots appeared, and Tang Wei just wanted to stand up, but a bullet from a Kar-98k sniper rifle instantly penetrated his eyebrows, killing him!

At this point, the criminal trio were all killed by the Shadow Guard!

On the previous hillside, Uotu stood up from her lying state and showed her figure. She showed a victorious smile.

Next to Maotu, Ye Wuyou and Youji also showed their figures.

Ye Wuyou breathed out a sigh of relief, and then said: “Okay, the operation is over, let’s go back to the Shadow Guard base. As for the fugitives in the Killing City, I will go find your Majesty to find a solution.”

“Yes, boss!” Maotu and the other five people shouted loudly. After completing the action, everyone seemed to be more energetic and even rushed much faster.

It only took less than half a quarter of an hour for everyone to return to the exit of the six-pointed star array from whence they came.

The group passed through the six-pointed star array and returned to the Shadow Guard base.

Ye Wuyou extracted the soul power from the six-pointed star teleportation array and turned it into a golden key again.

“Maotu, bring these golden keys to the Shadow Guard Headquarters and indicate their teleportation destination. Then give them to the person in charge of the Shadow Guard Headquarters and tell him that these golden keys can be turned into teleportation arrays and set up at The Shadow Guard headquarters is available to the public for a fee.” Ye Wuyou handed a bunch of golden keys to Mao Tu and said.

Asking for a reward


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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