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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 376 Charging is complete and the artifact is activated!

A quarter of an hour later, from a distance of nearly a kilometer, the two of them saw ruins.

This ruin is the former human city. Among the ruins, there are scattered dilapidated buildings. You can vaguely see the streets between the buildings, but the broken bricks and billboards on the streets have long been broken. Wait until things are piled up.

And in this ruins, a large number of zombies are rampant, with no end as far as the eye can see. You know, before the disaster, the permanent population of a second-tier city reached one million!

Gu Chen and Ye Wuyou soon flew into the ruins of the old city. Ye Wuyou released the Death God’s Domain. The death energy in the zombies within a few hundred meters was extracted by Ye Wuyou, and then died.

And the death energy contained in Ye Wuyou’s Death Domain is also rising rapidly!

Ye Wuyou felt the death energy he had gained, and his face showed excitement. Under his control, the Death Domain continued to expand outwards. In the blink of an eye, the Death Domain expanded from a hundred meters in radius to It became a kilometer in radius!

At this time, the expansion of the Death Realm has not stopped!

The energy that Ye Wuyou uses to support the realm of the God of Death is death energy. In this old city ruins, what he lacks the most is death energy.

As long as there is enough death energy, the realm of death can expand infinitely!

All the death energy that is integrated into the Death Realm after the death of zombies is used for the expansion of the Death Realm. Of course, if Ye Wuyou does not expand the Death Realm, his body and the existing scope of the Death Realm will not be able to accommodate such a huge amount. of death!

You know, among the zombies that had just had their death energy extracted from Ye Wuyou, there was a seventh-level zombie, and the death energy that this seventh-level zombie provided to Ye Wuyou was equivalent to the size of Ye Wuyou’s fingernail. Death crystal!

In other words, the death energy contained in this seventh-level zombie alone exceeds the death energy that Ye Wuyou gained in nearly ten thousand human wars!

Therefore, after extracting the death energy from this seventh-level zombie and all zombies within a radius of 100 meters, if Ye Wuyou does not expand the realm of death, most of the death energy will be lost.

The Death Realm is still expanding. Countless zombies and beast corpses have been drained of the death energy from their bodies by the Death Realm. After being integrated into the Death Realm, part of this death energy is used for the expansion of the Death Realm.

A thousand meters in radius is far from the end!

Soon, the scope of the Death God’s domain expanded to a radius of hundreds of miles, or even a radius of thousands of miles!

Ye Wuyou’s Death Realm almost covers the entire old city ruins. Here, he is the God of Death!

Although it is said that after Ye Wuyou achieves the throne of the God of Death, it is just a matter of raising his hand to make his Death God realm cover thousands of miles, but now he is just a titled Douluo, not a god!

And there is a gap as unbridgeable as a chasm between the titled Douluo and the gods!

An hour passed, and the millions of zombies in the entire old city ruins were all drained away by Ye Wuyou. In just one hour, the entire old city ruins were cleared of zombies!

After absorbing all the death energy, Ye Wuyou planned to start reclaiming the Death Realm, but the moment the recovery started, an extremely large amount of death energy poured into his body, making his face flush and his blood vessels protruding.

No, if you continue to recycle, your body will explode from the death energy!

Ye Wuyou decisively gave up on continuing to recover the Death Realm. According to his estimate, if all the death energy contained in the Death Realm were compressed into Death Crystals, it would be at least the size of a basketball!

In other words, the death energy contained in this death realm is equivalent to a hundred times that of the deathly crystal of death, and is equivalent to dozens of times the death energy capacity of the death altar!

This trip has been fruitful!

While supporting the Death Domain that could cover a thousand miles in radius, Ye Wuyou and Gu Chen returned to the previous teleportation array.

The two passed through the teleportation array and returned to the Death Heritage Temple again.

The worshipers of the Death God Heritage Temple were all shocked when they saw Ye Wuyou appearing with such a terrifying Death God Realm: “I’m a good boy, young master, how did you get so much death energy?! It’s simply It’s incredible!”

With Gu Chen’s permission, Ye Wuyou briefly introduced that plane and the characteristics of zombies to the nine worshippers.

The great worshiper said with a hint of envy: “If I weren’t worshiping under the God of Death, I really want to follow you to that plane to see what the so-called zombies look like. I have accumulated more than five hundred years of death energy. , but not as good as one percent of the death energy contained in the realm of the God of Death!”

After accumulating enough death energy, Ye Wuyou walked up to the altar of death. He did not immediately inject the death energy into the altar of death, but affected the operation of the altar of death to help him compress the death energy.

After all, once the Death Altar is activated, it will turn into the form of a Death Scythe, and it will no longer be able to continue to accelerate and compress the death energy for him.

And if he wanted to compress such a huge death energy on his own, he wouldn’t know that it would have to last until the year of the monkey.

A day and a night passed like this. With the Death Altar operating at full speed, Ye Wuyou successfully compressed most of the death energy in the Death Domain into Death Crystals.

The remaining part of the death energy, which was equivalent to 10% of the death energy limit of the Death God Altar, was injected into the Death God Altar by Ye Wuyou, completing the activation of the Death God Altar.

At the moment when the last ray of death energy needed for the Death Altar was injected, endless black light appeared from the countless lines on the Death Altar and burst out.

The altar of the God of Death suddenly shook, knocking Ye Wuyou off the altar of the God of Death.

Crunch! Crunch!

As a series of vibrations sounded, the six black energy chains connecting the Death Altar and the ground broke one after another. The Death Altar actually broke away from the ground and floated into the air!

Immediately afterwards, a burst of mechanical sound came, and the altar of death continued to collapse towards the center, and finally turned into a huge black light group.

This black light group once again shot out streaks of black light in all directions. This black light was so dazzling that even Gu Chen and Ye Wuyou closed their eyes subconsciously at this moment.

When everyone opened their eyes again, the black light group had disappeared, replaced by a sickle-shaped weapon as tall as a person.

This sickle is completely black, but in the darkness, it seems to have a crystal clear feeling, as if it is not made of metal, but made of crystal.

On the sickle, countless silver lines are looming. These lines form strange runes. Each rune actually contains a large amount of death energy.

“Is this… the Death God’s inherited artifact, the Death God’s Scythe?” Ye Wuyou was a little shocked.


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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