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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 381 The final inheritance of gods

“Fusion, the power of Death! Energy conversion, Soul Ring of Death. At the end of the eighth test, due to the higher degree of completion, the rewards have increased, and the affinity of Death has increased by 15%, and the current total is 105%.”

The end of the eighth test did not seem to bring any other rewards to Ye Wuyou, but Ye Wuyou clearly discovered that his sensitivity to death energy exceeded the previous level that could be achieved by ten times the mental power, and My affinity with the Death Scythe has also been greatly strengthened, as if the two are one.

At the same time, the great worshiper opened his eyes deathly, looked at Ye Wuyou, and asked softly: “Young Master, are you ready?”

Ye Wuyou was stunned and said, “What are you preparing for?”

Deadly smiled, his eyes full of softness, but also a bit of reluctance and relief: “Of course I am ready for the final inheritance of the gods, young master!”

Ye Wuyou looked at Gu Chen, who nodded at him. Ye Wuyou’s eyes became firm. He looked at Death Silence and said without hesitation: “Great offering, I’m ready!”

As Ye Wuyou’s words fell, the other eight worshipers except Dead Silence all took a step back, and then looked at Death Silence with respectful eyes.

Deathly Silence looked at Gu Chen and said: “Gu Chen, because the energy of the God of Death is too huge, the young master will have a large amount of energy overflow when inheriting the gods. The overflow of energy inherited by the gods is beneficial to the soul master, but The inheritance of Lord Death is different. When the young master inherits the gods, a large amount of death energy will overflow, which may cause great harm to you. Why don’t you get out first.”

Gu Chen shook his head and said: “Don’t worry, Great Worshiper, I have great defense against all energies. Unless it is the breath of death or the power of death, pure death energy cannot cause harm to me.”

After saying that, Gu Chen also took a step back and paid tribute to Death Silence.

He knew what the great worshiper was going to do next. He couldn’t change it, he could only look at it with respect.

“Stand in the center of the platform.” Dead Silence said, his body rose into the air and landed at the original location of the Death Altar. After the Death Altar was separated, the ground turned into a circle engraved with countless black runes. shaped silver platform.

Ye Wuyou walked onto the platform as instructed and stood face to face with the great worshipper.

When Ye Wuyou stood still, a flush of red appeared on his originally pale face. In this moment, he seemed to be young again, bursting with vitality. The reluctance in his eyes has disappeared, replaced by strong excitement.

Dead Silence looked up to the sky and screamed: “After waiting for more than five hundred years, this moment is finally coming. Great Lord Death! Your servant is finally able to complete the task you assigned.”

A light gray color began to rise from the feet of the great altar, Deathly Silence. At this moment, his whole body seemed to have entered a special state. The light gray light was exactly what Deathly Silence’s soul power and Ye Wuyou transformed. Energy that is very similar to death energy!

This was also the first time that Gu Chen and Ye Wuyou saw this great priest truly showing his power.

Under the light gray light, Deathly Silence’s long pale hair was flying in the wind, and under the mysterious gray death aura, soul rings were released from his body one after another. Each soul ring is covered with a layer of gray mysterious brilliance, and it can be vaguely seen that among all nine soul rings, the lowest ones are at the ten thousand year level.

This is the strength of Death, the great worshiper who has been stationed in the Death Heritage Temple for more than five hundred years. This powerful man who has been unknown in this lonely temple for hundreds of years is currently using his power to ignite the sacred ceremony.

The mysterious gray, increasingly stronger gray light completely illuminates every corner in the Death God’s Heritage Temple. The breath of Death that Ye Wuyou felt when he built a bridge of communication with the Death God’s Scythe was now in the silence of death. Under the influence of the released death energy, the breath of death completely stripped away all the distracting thoughts in everyone’s hearts.

Ye Wuyou released the death energy in his body and let the death energy surround him. The look on his face became very calm. Ye Wuyou was silently waiting for the last moment to come.

At this moment of deathly silence, even his eyes had turned into a mysterious gray. The nine soul rings on his body expanded at the same time, increasing to three meters in diameter. Ye Wuyou only felt a burst of warm energy passing through his body, and his body was enveloped by nine deathly soul rings.

Nine soul rings with a light gray death aura enveloped two people at the same time. This was the first time for the other worshipers to see this strange sight. The huge energy fluctuations are still very gentle. But the lit up Death God Heritage Temple has become extremely dazzling.

Black patterns mostly appear in the form of arcs or death scythes in the Death Heritage Temple, and are densely covered on the roof, walls, and the platform beneath the two of them. The breath of death is flowing slowly like ink, and the mysterious energy fluctuations make the air here seem to be filled with the breath of death.

The Grand Priest raised his right hand, and a black crystal-like Death Crystal appeared in his hand. This was the Death Crystal left by the previous Grand Priest!


A ball of death energy suddenly erupted from the death crystal, and this death energy emitted a bright gray light!

Under the illumination of the death energy, the mark of the death sickle on Ye Wuyou’s forehead gradually shone, and a warm feeling instantly spread throughout his body. At this moment, Ye Wuyou felt that every cell in his body seemed to be… It seems to be coming alive, dancing to its heart’s content.

The entire Death God Heritage Temple feels like a huge magic circle, and the platform where Ye Wuyou is standing is the eye of this magic circle!

The great worshiper stared at Ye Wuyou dead silently, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly: “Ye Wuyou, are you really ready?”

Ye Wuyou didn’t flinch at all, and stared firmly into the dead eyes: “Yes, I’m ready.”

The dead voice of the great worshiper suddenly became serious: “The God of Death is the god who controls the death of life. As the inheritor of the God of Death, you will spare no effort for the faith of the deceased. Ye Wuyou, can you do it?”

Ye Wuyou said without hesitation: “I can.”

The great worshiper, Death, asked again: “The God of Death is the spokesperson of death and the controller of the soul. Can you keep your original intention forever and not forget it due to the power of the God of Death?”

Original intention? Isn’t my original intention just to repay Gu Chen for giving him everything?

Thinking of this, Ye Wuyou couldn’t help but glance at Gu Chen not far away, and then affirmed again: “I will never forget my original intention and keep in mind the mission I carry.”

Deadly said: “The God of Death has the power to harvest souls and bring them back to life. As the inheritor of the God of Death, the new generation of the God of Death, you must always remember that you cannot dishonor the majesty of the God of Death!”

“Yes, I will definitely do it.”

The dead gaze seemed to penetrate Ye Wuyou’s body. The two of them made eye contact. Ye Wuyou did not try to dodge or block it. He allowed the high priest’s dead gaze to look into the deepest part of his eyes, just like It’s like seeing through your own soul.

He knew that the question of Death Silence was not a routine inquiry, but an inquiry made on behalf of the God of Death, and also came from the test of the God of Death.

The Grand Priest Deadly nodded with satisfaction. He raised his palm holding the Death Crystal and placed the Death Crystal on the Death Scythe brand on Ye Wuyou’s forehead.

“Death’s glory will continue through you.”

A burst of scorching energy suddenly poured into Ye Wuyou’s mind from the gray gas. Ye Wuyou felt as if his soul had exploded in an instant. The hoarse voice that had appeared many times before was heard. The moment came again, and with great emotion.

“Nine tests of the God of Death, the ninth test, the inheritance of the God of Death, begins.”


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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