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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 383 Full set of soul bones, final assessment

“Come in, my successor.”

A hoarse but easy-going voice came out from the Temple of Death. At the same time, along with a series of roars, the two-hundred-meter-high giant door slowly opened and opened towards the inside of the Temple of Death.


Countless rays of black light burst out from the Temple of Death. This black light contained not the energy of death or the aura of Death, but the pure divine power of Death!

“Is this the pressure of gods?” Ye Wuyou murmured. He still remembered the monstrous momentum brought by Yuwen Zhuo when he came to Wuhun City. Although they were blocked by the barriers of Gu Chen, Gu Yuena and Xuan Mo, The shield blocked it, but he could still feel the power.

But what I feel now is the pressure of a first-level god!

Under the power of death, he felt like a mayfly in the world, small and short-lived.

However, facing the overwhelming pressure, Ye Wuyou had no fear. The faith in his heart was enough to keep him going to the end.

In the Temple of Death, there are dozens of black crystal pillars on both sides of the hall, and in the center is a passage up to a hundred meters wide, extending to the end of the hall.

At the end, there was a huge chair like the throne that Gu Chen sat on in the Palace of the Spirit Empire. And above the chair, there was a tall figure sitting upright.

Ye Wuyou couldn’t help but stop. He didn’t have any taboos. He looked directly at the tall figure. The owner of this figure had a human appearance, and the complete version of the death helmet and death armor owned by Ye Wuyou’s martial spirit, It was being applied to this person at this time.

He is the God of Death!

Although the God of Death has lived for who knows how many thousands of years, his face still looks like that of a young man, handsome but also a bit evil and unruly.

The God of Death stared at Ye Wuyou, who was walking towards him, with a strange light flowing in his peaceful but stern black crystal eyes.

As he approached the God of Death, Ye Wuyou felt that the pressure on his body had become stronger and stronger, just like when he was still the Soul Lord, facing the pressure of a titled Douluo, neither body nor soul could resist it.

“Dear Lord Death, I didn’t expect you to preside over this final inheritance ceremony.” Ye Wuyou came under the Death God’s throne and bowed slightly. His voice was calm, neither humble nor arrogant, as if the person in front of him was not a god who covered the sky with one hand. , but like an ordinary elder.

Seeing Ye Wuyou’s plain and polite behavior, Death smiled, and he stood up from the throne: “Very good, you are worthy of being my successor. I came here for a reason. Yours My affinity with the God of Death is over 100%, so according to the rules, I can come here and give you some advice.”

Ye Wuyou quickly saluted again: “Thank you, Lord Death, for your love.”

The God of Death kept smiling and asked curiously: “By the way, wouldn’t you be dissatisfied with the deathly sacrifice?”

Ye Wuyou replied: “No. Dashang is my benefactor, but he sacrificed for me, but I will not be dissatisfied with you because of it. This is not because I have no gratitude, but because Dashang is offering sacrifices to me.” During the sacrifice, what I saw in his eyes was only relief and relief, but no pain or resentment. Obviously, this is the fate of the great sacrifice and his destination.”

The smile of the God of Death became more and more radiant, and he said happily: “I didn’t expect that you can think so clearly. I also want to tell you that after the death of the great worshiper, the soul will not dissipate. He will be guided by my power. Next, go to another world—the place where gods go after death.”

“Next, here is my tip for you. Your inheritance is divided into eight parts, and each part will let you experience different pains and tests. With your physical fitness, the possibility of success is not low. Remember , no matter what kind of pain you experience, you must keep your heart. Only by unwavering confidence can you become the new Death!” The smile of Death disappeared, replaced by solemnity, and he spoke more solemnly.

Before Ye Wuyou could answer, as the God of Death finished speaking, a black light burst out from his black crystal eyes.

Ye Wuyou only felt as if his soul was about to leave the body. The endless mysterious gray fog enveloped him. In the flash of black light and shadow, a basketball-sized Death God’s power appeared on the Death God’s chest. In an instant, black light surrounded him. shoot.

The entire Temple of Death was trembling, beating wildly, as if it was about to annihilate everything.

Ye Wuyou disappeared in this black light, and the Temple of Death quickly returned to normal.

The God of Death took a step back and sat back on the throne. He crossed his legs and a crystal ball appeared in front of him. What was displayed on the crystal ball was the scene of Ye Wuyou at this time.

Soon, the confusion that Ye Wuyou felt disappeared, and the gray fog that enveloped him also dissipated. Ye Wuyou found himself on a circular platform.

This circular platform was very similar to the Altar of Death before it was unsealed. A very familiar breath came from under the feet. Ye Wuyou glanced around. He saw eight small floating circular platforms diagonally above the circular platform.

The diameter of these eight small circular platforms is about two meters, and they are all centered on the circular platform where Ye Wuyou is located.

“It seems that these are the eight difficulties.” Ye Wuyou thought. Before coming, Gu Chen had told him that the final test of the Death God inheritance was probably related to the soul bone stripping and the test of seven emotions and six desires.

As for why it is very possible, but not certain?

Perhaps it’s because in Gu Chen’s memory, when Dou Er’s Huo Yuhao inherited the throne of the God of Emotions, this link did not appear.

Ye Wuyou felt the soul bones in his body. When he was in the Palace of the Spirit Empire, Gu Chen had equipped him with a complete set of ten-thousand-year-old soul bones, and even a hundred-thousand-year-old soul bone attached to the palm.

Of course, these soul bones all come from Gu Chen’s system mall.

According to Gu Chen, the seven soul bones should be the test of the seven emotions, and the six soul bones should be the six desires.

Including the metacarpal bones in the palm of his hand, Ye Wuyou has seven soul bones, so what he will have to endure is probably the test of the seven emotions.

While Ye Wuyou was thinking, a large black light suddenly emerged from the circular platform under his feet. This black light enveloped Ye Wuyou’s body and even blocked his breathing.

Except for his unaffected eyes, he could no longer perform any movements, and even the speed of the death energy in his body had obviously become slower. His mental strength and death energy seemed to be suppressed by an inexplicable force.

Ye Wuyou knew that this was the beginning of the final assessment!

Thanks to book friend Wei Gu_ for the 999 book coin reward, thank you Xiaobai!

I just took a look, and I guess it should be (wild°3°) – the name has been changed.


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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