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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 39 The inheritance of Yuan Ge

Gu Chen practiced for a while, then stopped, turned his back to Qianjun Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo, and took out the scorpion pistol from the system backpack.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, is this a real Scorpion pistol? I’ve only played with it in Peace Elite before.” Men all love guns. Gu Chen stroked the Scorpion pistol in his hand as if he were stroking his own child.

The Scorpion pistol is a type of submachine pistol and can be fired continuously once loaded. And the rate of fire exceeds that of ordinary submachine guns.

“System, how many levels of soul masters can this scorpion pistol kill?” Gu Chen asked.


“The scorpion pistol is not very powerful, but it can kill all soul masters below the soul sect, non-defense soul masters below the soul emperor, and soul emperors of the agility attack and auxiliary systems.”

“It’s not bad. It’s useless for self-defense, and the effect is not as effective as my own golden dragon claw. However, if it is equipped with a silencer, it is good for assassination. After all, once my martial spirit is possessed, the noise will still be loud. .” Gu Chen thought, took out the silencer from the system backpack, installed it according to the system’s instructions, and loaded 20 bullets into the magazine.

After doing this, Gu Chen put the Scorpion pistol back into the system backpack, so that when he needed to use it, he could take it out and shoot directly.

“System, didn’t I enable the lottery function for the last plot selection? I want to check the lottery function.” Gu Chen said.


“System lottery function:

Lottery rules:

A draw requires 100 system points. Ten consecutive draws will give you a 10% discount, a hundred consecutive draws will give you a 15% discount, a thousand consecutive draws will give you a 20% discount, and a ten thousand consecutive draws will give you a 25% discount.

Lottery probability:

Thank you for your patronage, probability: 13%

Obtain level 1 plane items, probability: 30%

Obtain level 2 plane items, probability: 30%

Obtain level 3 plane items, probability: 25%

Obtain level 4 plane items, probability: 1.5%

Obtain level 5 plane items, probability: 0.5%”

Gu Chen nodded. The lottery in this system was already very conscientious. It was not like the Writer’s Assistant’s lottery where 1,000 times and 1,000 thank yous for your patronage.

Moreover, there are very few lottery activities where the probabilities are announced, right?

“System, let me try a single draw.” Gu Chen said.


“The host’s 100 system points have been deducted, and the remaining points are: 900.”

“Congratulations to the host: thank you for your patronage!”

Damn it, heartless!

“…” Gu Chen was depressed. Was it because he was too wrong?

“System, I want to draw you ten times in a row!” Gu Chen gritted his teeth.


“Ten draws in a row, 10% off, 900 system points have been deducted from the host, remaining points: 0”

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Bronze Sword (from the first-level technological plane: Blue Star Earth Shang Dynasty), ten packs of Weilong Spicy Tiao (from the second-level technological plane: Blue Star Earth), Velociraptor Eggs (from the first-level technological plane) Surface: Blue Star Earth Jurassic Era), Cheats: Bajibeng (from the third-level fantasy plane: Douqi Continent), thank you for your patronage, thank you for your patronage, soul power improvement card (produced by the system, the value is equivalent to the third-level plane items )*3.”

Gu Chen couldn’t help but his eyes lit up. Although he said twice as a thank you for your patronage and once as a bronze sword that was worse than scrap, the Baji Beng from the anti-inflammatory medicine and the soul power enhancement card obtained from three draws were still very useful to him. of.

As for the velociraptor egg, just send it to the Star Dou Forest another day and ask a spirit beast with dragon blood to help hatch it. It’s impossible to let Gu Chen hatch it by himself.

After spending all the 1,000 system points he got, Gu Chen felt that he had gained a lot.

“System, I want to use Yuange inheritance.” Gu Chen looked at the most valuable thing in the system’s backpack.


“It will take nearly a week to obtain the inheritance. Please ask the host to find a quiet environment to inherit.”

Gu Chen looked around and saw that there were two titled Douluo on his side, but they were considered friends at the moment, and it would take at least a week to get to Wuhun City.

As for Gu Yuena, Gu Chen believes that she will protect him when he inherits Yuan Ge’s inheritance. This is his trust in her.

“It’s okay, system, I want to inherit Yuan Ge’s inheritance.” Gu Chen said with a sarcastic smile.


“The inheritance of Yuange begins!”

Dizziness, endless dizziness.

Although Gu Chen’s body still stayed where he was, his soul had gone to another world, or in other words, another plane.

The plane of Kings Canyon, a three-thirds land.

When people found him, the young Yuan Ge completely lost the ability to speak due to shock and fear. No one knew what a terrible misfortune he had witnessed.

“My child, come with me to Jixia, where you can learn a lot.” The stranger stretched out his hand to him.

Yuan Ge was speechless. After a long time, he silently stretched out his hand.

Under the leadership of a stranger, Yuan Ge went to Jixia, the place that everyone longs for.

After arriving in Jixia, Yuan Ge met his knowledgeable and dazzling senior brother Zhuge Liang, who was the idol of countless students. Regardless of the magic mechanism, the intelligence and military tactics, he is the best in everything, and all problems seem to be easily solved in front of him.

Zhuge Liang encouraged Yuan Ge, a young man who suffered from excessive fear and lost his voice: “Junior brother, why don’t you make a machine puppet and use the puppet to communicate with the whole world on your behalf.”

Yuan Ge’s silent and dark world suddenly became bright and vivid. He gradually became immersed in the mechanism of making puppets, and his low self-esteem was transformed by relying on exquisite puppets.

When the puppet talks, it’s like he’s talking; when the puppet dances, it’s like he’s dancing. He kept trying and finally produced amazing works: impeccable and lifelike, just like another flawless version of himself in the world.

Time flies, and the young Yuan Ge grows into a young man. He left Jixia Academy and began to travel around.

The news during the journey is always particularly keen: about the rise of Weidu and the mysterious man, the tragic defeat of the God of War, and the crisis facing the turbulent Chibi.

With almost no hesitation, he made his decision immediately.

That night, he made puppets one after another under the bridge in the wind and rain, making all preparations for the next plan.

Cao Cao, who had seized the ancient secrets from his old friend Cai Yong, had long planned to annex Jiangdong. He was determined to achieve a miracle, but he was unable to pursue it until Yuan Ge, who had studied under Jixia, came to seek refuge.

“I am an ordinary mechanism master, wholeheartedly pursuing the beauty of the supreme mechanism.” The puppet spit out charming words. Behind the puppet is the master Yuan Ge who controls him.

“What is the beauty of a supreme institution? It can only be called the beauty of a supreme institution by reviving ancient miracles in the world with the order of supreme power.”

“Mechanic, you have such ability, why not join me, you will definitely become famous in the future!” Cao Cao was overjoyed and kept him as a subordinate.

By the time the hero led the army to march eastward, he already had increased trust in him. This made the man in black, who was the hero’s confidant, extremely unhappy.

“I am a small mechanic, but I only know a few tricks. Of course, you are the one that adults trust and value more.” The puppet said eloquently, “Please allow me to make suggestions for you.”

Yuan Ge moved between the emperor and his ministers with ease. Everyone admitted that his words were always as sweet as honey, and his strategies were as close to one’s heart as possible.

Unknowingly, everyone has taken him as their confidant, forgetting that the puppet dances gracefully, but the thread is pulled in the Yuan singer.

“Oh, life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills…” At some point, Yuan Ge behind the puppet quietly uttered a sentence.

The down-and-out king and grandson formed an army with him and formed an alliance with Zhou Yu, hoping to use the mantis as a chariot. But Zhuge Liang actually also knew the secrets of the Book of Heaven and seized the opportunity.

Although the heroic army was approaching, the lost opportunity made him furious.

The man in black thought deeply. If you have enough lives, you may be able to cast a more powerful secret method to compete with Miracle. But how to obtain these lives?

“Wouldn’t it be enough to connect the warships with iron ropes so that you can cast secret spells from the air? Faced with the attack from the warships in the air, the other side’s soldiers have no choice but to sacrifice their lives in vain.” The puppet saw through his mind and offered this advice, ” Connecting the warships is a piece of cake for the mechanics.”

The man in black was moved. So the next day, he proposed a strategy to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was extremely happy and ordered the men in black to act accordingly. During the decisive battle in Chibi, thousands of ships took off. The connected warships merged into a more stable ship, overwhelming the sky and the sun, and the momentum was extraordinary.

On the flagship, the sorcerer met with the hero and stated his next plan: “The secret technique used will cover the entire Red Cliff… No one can escape…”


“After all, we have controlled the sky. Next, is what we dream of…”

“My life?” Cao Cao asked.

The man in black was overwhelmed by the sudden question, and cold sweat broke out from his forehead.

“No, it belongs to Zhou Yu and Liu Bei…”

“As the Lord on a warship, your life is also under the shroud of evil. I’m afraid Zhou and Liu are not the only ones you want to absorb.”

In the shadow behind Cao Cao, the gorgeous puppet spat out hateful accusations with incomparable grace and coldness. In the flash of lightning, the man in black understood that he had been tricked.

“It’s obviously a plan proposed by you as an engineer…you betrayed me!”

“Isn’t it because this plan caters to your ambition that you will adopt it? Tsk tsk, lord, look, what I said is right.”

“No, lord! I am loyal to you… This guy from Jixia must be for Zhou Liu… Ah, yes, it is the counter-intentional plan of that cunning guy Zhuge Liang!”

During the endless debate, the hero’s sharp eyes were shaken and confused. He could not tell which of these two seemingly loyal subordinates was telling the truth. Perhaps, both of them have double-minded intentions?


Three words entered the ears of the man in black lightly. That was not the ventriloquism of a puppet, but a strange voice that was heard for the first time. People are often attracted by the gorgeous puppet and forget the existence of its owner.

“A poor imitation can never prevail against the Supreme Creation.”

This sentence stirred the most painful heartstrings in the heart of the man in black, about the source of his power, about his embarrassing past… He suddenly became furious and revealed his true form, wanting to kill the bastard who exposed his hidden pain in one fell swoop.

Yuange fell heavily.

It is the hero who can change the expressions of surprise, joy, and anger.

Gorgeous acting skills just put on a good show of sacrificing one’s life for the savior.

“Look, lord! His real target is you!”

The last phrase disappeared under the side of the ship together with Yuan Ge’s body. The puppets who were chattering on the deck were instantly scattered to the ground. Yuan Ge directed the whole play, while he played the role of a loyal minister who sacrificed his life for the savior. The man in black understood that he was completely defeated. The attendants who surged up guarded the hero, their swords and spears pointed at the man in black.

The tide is over.

Countless black bats flew wildly towards the soldiers who captured the traitor. When people came to their senses, the man in black disappeared without a trace.

In one day, two confidants were lost. Gritting his teeth, Cao Cao issued the order to attack.

Suddenly, the ground shook.

Yuan Ge’s fall was like a signal. The power of the Dongfeng Altar shrouded all the warships under thunderclouds, and a huge tornado was forming and gathering to ruthlessly crush this giant ship with chain links. The Zhou and Liu coalition forces on the river bank below were waiting with blazing mechanisms.

The torrent rushed into the sea, and the deep whirlpool picked up the young man who fell from the sky.

“No desire, no need, always smile!”

Feeling dizzy, Gu Chen personally experienced Yuan Ge’s life from a first-person perspective. He was Yuan Ge, and Yuan Ge was him…

“Happiness is daunting, but I prefer the aesthetics of despair…” Since accepting the inheritance of Yuan Ge, his mentality has undergone some changes, becoming less naive and more ruthless.

Perhaps such a personality is more suitable for survival in Wuhun Palace…

This chapter is mainly to write about the rewards the protagonist received in the last plot choice. At the same time, it quotes the background story of Yuan Ge in King of Glory. Moreover, through this, some changes can be made to the protagonist’s personality, otherwise it will be difficult to survive in the intrigues of Wuhun Palace.


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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