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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 394 Meet the Young Master

While everyone was gradually improving their soul power levels and waking up, Lao Liu kept going back and forth between Gu Chen’s table and the kitchen, bringing plates of delicious food to the table.

However, only a third of the dishes were served, but the wooden table was already full.

“Everyone, I’m about to start!” Gu Chen said, raising his chopsticks to pick up the food.

After passing the spiritual rice porridge outside, as well as the Wenxian wine and peanuts, Gu Chen confirmed that the food here was not only delicious, but also helpful to improve his strength.

Everyone was obviously aware of this, and they all used their chopsticks to grab food.

During this period, after Luo Chen finished filling his bowl, he did not forget to pick up some food for Feng Xiaoyu, which made everyone laugh.

Feng Xiaoyu also felt warm in her heart, and her pretty face turned slightly red.

Seeing this, Gu Chen did not hesitate to pick up some food for Gu Yuena.

“Hey, Brother Chen, my bowl is full!” Gu Yuena reminded her when she saw that her bowl was full and Gu Chen stretched out his chopsticks to pick up vegetables.

Before she finished speaking, Gu Chen directly put the food on the chopsticks into her mouth.

Gu Yuena subconsciously kept her mouth shut to prevent the dishes from falling. Inevitably, her tongue touched Gu Chen’s chopsticks.

The smell that belonged exclusively to the man next to her made Gu Yuena distracted.

But just when she was distracted, the whole table of food was almost eaten up. She was so frightened that she quickly stretched out her chopsticks to pick up the food and put it on her bowl, which had already formed a mountain.

One thing to say, the food in this God of Food Hotel is really great, and each food has different special effects.

Some can help filter impurities from the human body, and some can make people more energetic, or even permanently improve people’s mental strength.

While everyone was eating, their eyes glowed with gold.

It didn’t take long for the food on the table to be wiped away.

The empty plates were stacked like a hill, and every time Lao Liu brought a new delicacy to the table, it would be eaten up within three breaths.

Soon, two-thirds of all the delicacies ordered by Gu Chen from the God of Cookery Hotel had entered their stomachs.

For them, who are the lowest Contras, this little food is not enough to make them feel bloated, but perhaps it is because the delicacies are all made from Tiancai Dibao, except for Gu Chen, Gu Yuena and Ye Everyone except Wuyou had their stomachs swelled from eating, and they leaned on their chairs and moaned in pleasure.

Even Xuan Mo, whose strength reached the level of a titled Douluo, was no exception.

The remaining one-third of the food had to be eaten by Gu Chen and the others. Platefuls of food went into the stomachs of the three of them, and soon, all the food that was served to the table were eaten by the three of them.

“Have you finished eating?” Gu Yuena asked.

Gu Chen shook his head and said: “There is still one last step left to stir-fry lobster, this is the big one!”

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives. Just as Gu Chen was talking, Lao Liu brought a large plate of stir-fried lobster to the table.

The aroma of the thousand-year-old blood lobster wafted out, and just inhaling this gas made the weak Luo Chen and others’ blood surge.

“This stir-fried lobster should be for the physical body. Jin Zi, Mo Yun, Xuan Mo, Dongfang Po, Su Bai, Xue Youyou, you are attack or defense type soul masters, please eat more of this last dish. Let’s go.” Gu Chen looked at Jin Zi and the other four who had already digested part of the food.

Jin Zi, Mo Yun, Dongfang Po, Su Bai and Xuan Mo nodded one after another and picked up a piece of blood lobster meat and put it into their mouths without hesitation.

“Ah?” Xue Youyou heard Gu Chen call her name. She was stunned for a moment, and then she came to her senses. She stuck out her tongue and said, “The recent soul skills are all towards the control system, I almost forgot about them. I am now an offensive soul master.”

As she spoke, she also stretched out her chopsticks to pick up the meat of the bloody lobster.

In the end, four-fifths of the blood lobsters on this side entered the six people.

The meat of these blood lobsters actually helped each of the six people increase their soul power by one level!

Even Xuan Mo, a Titled Douluo, is no exception!

Gu Chen, who was also an offensive soul master, only took a small bite. After all, his physical strength was already so strong that the blood lobster could not help him.

“So full!” Luo Chen touched his round belly and said with satisfaction.

Gu Chen looked at Luo Chen and said, “Now that the feast has been eaten, let’s go find the chef, the God of Cookery, and start your divine test.”

Before Gu Chen could get up, Lao Liu came over, ready to help everyone settle the bill: “Sir, the total is 15.82 million gold soul coins.”

Gu Yuena asked: “That’s wrong, shouldn’t it be 10.82 million gold soul coins? Why is there an extra five million?” Gu Yuena had already ordered all the dishes when Gu Chen placed the order. The total price has been calculated.

Lao Liu smiled and said: “That Tanwen Immortal Wine costs five million gold soul coins!”

A jar of wine, five million gold soul coins!

This really shocked everyone. Even the most expensive stir-fried lobster was only 20% of the price of this jar of Wenxian Liquor!

Gu Chen was not too surprised. He nodded and said, “It’s worth the money. By the way, can we meet the chef?”

“You want to see the chef?” Lao Liu was stunned. He hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, “Okay, sir, please wait a moment.”

Lao Liu walked back to the kitchen. After a few minutes, a middle-aged man who looked older, also wearing a chef’s uniform, walked out of the kitchen, with Lao Liu following behind him.

“Brother, I am the guest at this table. I want to meet you.” Lao Liu said.

The middle-aged man in chef’s uniform nodded. He walked in front of Gu Chen and asked in a soft voice: “Guests, what do you want from me?”

Gu Chen said: “May I ask, is this the inheritance place of the God of Cookery? Are you the one who worships the God of Cookery?”

Hearing this, the expressions of the middle-aged man in the chef’s uniform and Lao Liu behind him changed, and their gazes towards Gu Chen became wary. The middle-aged man’s voice in the chef’s uniform was no longer as gentle as before: “Who are you?”

“I don’t mean any harm. What I just told you was through sound transmission. Others can’t hear it.” Gu Chen explained while gesturing to Luo Chen.

Luo Chen understood, stood up, took a few steps forward, reached out to lift the bangs covering his forehead, and released his soul power to activate the God of Cookery mark on his forehead, making it glow slightly yellowish.

The great priest of the God of Cookery looked at the mark of the God of Cookery on Luo Chen’s forehead and couldn’t hide his excitement. He quickly bent down and shouted: “Greetings to the young master!”

Lao Liu, the sixth enshrinement to the God of Cookery, who was next to the great enshrinement of the God of Cookery, also bent down and said: “Greetings to the Young Master!”

“Lao Liu, hurry up, call the brothers out!” The God of Cookery Great Priest shouted to Liu Priest with an excited look.

Liu Zongfang didn’t hesitate at all. He picked up his steps and rushed towards the kitchen. His face was also filled with endless joy.

Thanks to book friend 20200116094634979, Dark Night Wither, Tangmen Yutian, and Low Bell for your monthly passes.


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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