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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 40 Qianxunji

When Gu Chen opened his eyes, what came into view was Gu Yuena’s figure.

At this time, Gu Yuena was holding a wet white towel and gently wiping it on his forehead, her beautiful big eyes covered with a light mist.

And the place he was in was no longer the carriage before, but instead looked like a room in an inn.

Seeing Gu Chen open his eyes, Gu Yuena said happily: “Are you awake?”

When Gu Chen saw Gu Yuena looking like this, he knew that he must have been asleep for a long time: “Na’er, what is this?”

“Brother Chen, you have been in a coma for seven days. What happened to you? Why are you in a coma for no reason?” Gu Yuena asked anxiously.

Seeing that she was so worried about him, Gu Chen couldn’t help but reach out and touch her face: “I received a inheritance. In order to inherit this inheritance, my soul went to another place, so I fell into a coma.”

Hearing this, Gu Yuena became calm and said: “Inheritance? It can’t be the inheritance of gods. The only possibility is the inheritance of other powerful people in the lower planes. I was also concerned but I was confused and didn’t explore your soul. Otherwise I should be able to find it.”

In a few words, Gu Yuena guessed the whole thing, and Gu Chen was secretly surprised by this.

At this moment, the door of the room opened, and Qianjun Douluo came in. Seeing Gu Chen wake up, he frowned and said: “Although I don’t know why you are unconscious, but since you are awake, let’s talk to you Let me go to meet the Pope together. Remember, you can’t slander the Pope secretly!”

“What?” Gu Chen was stunned for a moment, “Where is this?”

“This is Wuhun City. The place you are in now is an inn in the city. Gu Yuena has already met the Pope and is willing to be loyal to the Pope.” Qianjun Douluo said.

Gu Chen was a little surprised. In the plane of inheritance, he had spent Yuan Ge’s life, as if countless years had passed, but here, only seven days had passed, and they had also arrived at Wuhun City.

Regarding Gunal’s loyalty to the Pope, Guchen believed that she had inherited the wisdom of the Dragon God and made a choice that was beneficial to them.

Gu Chen followed Qianjun Douluo out of the inn and walked all the way to the Pope’s Palace.

Outside the Pope’s Palace, Qianjun Douluo stopped and shouted into the Pope’s Palace: “My subordinate Qianjun Douluo, please bring Gu Chen to see the Pope!”

“Come in!” A somewhat evil voice came, and no one opened the door to the Pope’s Palace.

Gu Chen followed Qianjun Douluo and slowly walked into the Pope’s Palace. The Pope’s Palace was indeed the place that soul masters of Wuhun Palace aspired to. The eight walls were made of gold with exquisite patterns carved on them.

The top of the Pope’s Palace is decorated with colorful glazed lamps made of colorful glazed glass.

There is a red carpet that is a hundred meters long on the ground. If you look closely, you can see that this red carpet is unusual – it is actually made of the fur of a soul beast!

In the meeting hall of the Pope’s Palace, a gorgeous throne-like seat was placed at the end. Wearing a black papal robe with gold patterns, a nine-curved purple gold crown, and holding countless soul gems inlaid in his hands, a man sat quietly on this throne-like seat. On ordinary seats.

The man’s face looked a little sick, and the smile at the corner of his mouth looked a little evil. The purple and gold crown did not bring out his magnificence. On the contrary, the purple and gold crown on his head made him look like Satan.

“Your Holiness!” Qianjun Douluo looked at Qianxunji. Qianxunji’s morbid expression was obviously caused by excessive sexual intercourse. Although Qianjun Douluo looked respectful, there was a deep look in his eyes. Disdainful.

“Yes.” Qianxunji nodded towards Qianjun Douluo. Although he was the Pope of Wuhun Palace, he had to have the necessary respect for Qianjun Douluo who also had the strength of a titled Douluo.

You know, after being seriously injured in the battle with Tang Hao, Qian Xunji’s strength has dropped repeatedly, only level 91, and he can’t compete with Poison Douluo Dugubo, who is known as “the worst titled Douluo in the continent” let.

The reason why Qian Xunji is able to securely hold the position of Pope is due to the strength of his father, the great enshrinement of Wuhun Palace, Qiandaoliu 99th level ultimate Douluo.

“You are Gu Chen, right? I have seen your sister’s soul ring. She is truly a genius. Now, release your soul ring.” Qian Xunji looked at Gu Chen and said.

Gu Chen nodded, possessed by the Golden Dragon King, and four soul rings, one purple and three black, slowly rose up, attracting people’s attention.

“What a monster. As far as I know, you are only 12 years old, right? You have the strength of the soul sect at the age of 12, and you still have such a matching soul ring that exceeds your age.” Although Qian Xunji has heard about Gu Chen’s soul ring. , but when I actually saw it, I was still amazed.

“However,” Qian Xunji paused, his eyes became sharp, the Seraphim’s martial soul possessed him, the nine soul rings slowly rose, and the aura of the titled Douluo swept away in all directions, “Would you like to Are you loyal to Wuhun Palace, or in other words, are you willing to be loyal to me?”


“After detecting the current situation of the host, we specially activate the plot selection:

A. Be loyal to Qian Xunji and secretly win over the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

Auxiliary: Yuange’s five original puppets (from the third-level mythical plane “Glory of Kings”), 500 system points.

B. Be loyal to Bibi Dong and gain support from the reactionary forces of Wuhun Palace.

Auxiliary: Secret skill: Ending (from the third-level mythical plane “Glory of Kings”), system points 500. “

“I choose A.” Gu Chen muttered silently.


“Successful selection! The original Yuange puppet and system points have been stored in the system backpack, please check them carefully.”

Gu Chen looked at Qian Xunji’s sharp eyes, knelt on one knee, lowered his head slightly to show respect: “I am willing to be loyal to the Pope!”

Seeing this, Qian Xunji smiled: “Haha, I have obtained two unparalleled talents in a row, and the revitalization of Wuhun Palace is hopeful!”

“You are very good, Liu Zongfang. Please take him and Gu Yuena who came before to go through the procedures to join Wuhun Academy, and arrange training resources for them. The training resources should be three-quarters of the specifications of the Holy Son of Wuhun Hall. Come on.” Qian Xunji said and ordered Qianjun Douluo.

Qianjun Douluo nodded and walked down with Gu Chen.

After leaving the Pope’s Palace, he saw an old man waiting. This old man was none other than Demon-Conquering Douluo.

“Now, you are also a member of the Wuhun Palace. When you return to the inn, I will tell you some things to note about the Wuhun Palace.” Demon-Conquering Douluo said, taking the lead in heading towards the inn.

Back at the inn, Demon-Conquering Douluo called Gu Yuena and said to the two of them: “The relationship in Wuhun Palace is complicated. I want to tell you the power relationship among them first.”

“Represented by Pope Qian Xunji, they are the forces of the Qian Family. Among them, the Great Enshrinement, the Second Enshrinement Golden Crocodile Douluo, the Third Enshrinement White Armor Douluo, Ghost Leopard Douluo, and I and Demon-Conquering Douluo all belong to this sect. Since you and Gu Yuena are loyal to Qian Xunji, they are both considered friends.”

“In addition, the forces formerly led by Saint Bibi Dong were loyal to Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo, as well as Snake Spear Douluo, Array Douluo, and Demon Bear Douluo. They have a hostile relationship with our faction, so you must remember it. , you can’t get close to them, otherwise, our suspicious Pope may doubt you.”

Gu Chen and Gu Yuena listened very carefully and nodded from time to time.

After all, their goal is to control Wuhun Palace, and they still need to understand these necessary relationships.

Thanks to Luo Chen, Diluo_Xingchen, Grow Up Marriage, balabala_, Shi Yi, Xiaoyao Ying, and Vast Starry Sky for their rewards.

Thank you all Xiaobai here!


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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