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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 416 Extra Nian Beast Invasion

According to legend, there was a strange beast called “Nian” in ancient times on the earth. It had a strange horn on its head, sharp teeth, and a fierce look in its eyes. It was extremely ferocious.

“Nian” lives in a deserted land all year round, only entering the earthly world every New Year’s Eve, devouring livestock and damaging human lives. Therefore, every New Year’s Eve, people in villages and villages help the old and young to flee to the mountains to avoid the harm of the “year”.

It is said that “Nian” has a big head and a small body, with a body length of more than ten feet. His eyes are like copper bells and he comes and goes like the wind.

Because it makes a sound similar to “nian” when it roars, it is named Nian beast. As time went by, people gradually discovered that the Nian beast was afraid of three things, namely the color red, fire and loud noises. Later, people would gather together on New Year’s Eve when the Nian beast was about to arrive, put up red paper, hang red lanterns, and set off firecrackers.

The purpose is to drive away the Nian beast. After the beast was driven away, people would always happily say to each other: “Another year has passed.”

Gradually, the earth came to have a term for celebrating the New Year, and the custom of celebrating the New Year also emerged.

Douluo Continent, Wuhun Empire.

Not long ago, Douluo Continent entered the era of soul beast rule under the promotion of Gu Chen, the emperor of the Wuhun Empire and the co-lord of soul beasts.

However, the scene of a fight to the death between humans and beasts that people expected did not appear. The city opened up inner and outer cities, and humans and spirit beasts coexisted peacefully. All of this was so harmonious.

This day is the day before the New Year. According to Gu Chen’s previous life, this day is called New Year’s Eve.

At this moment, the east coast of Douluo Continent.


On the horizon 10,000 meters away from the coast, a large black hole that can absorb all colors of light suddenly appeared above the sea water. This black hole has a diameter of nearly ten meters, and endless suction comes from the black hole.

Under this terrifying suction force, the blue water was slowly drawn up and turned into a huge current, which continuously poured into the black hole and was swallowed by it.

The other end of the black hole is like an endless abyss, unexplorable.

The seawater and the life in the seawater were continuously sucked by the black hole. It was not until a minute later that the black hole seemed to have absorbed enough energy and stopped absorbing the seawater.

If the sea water cannot flow, then you can see that under the black hole, sea water equivalent to the volume of at least ten high-rise buildings has disappeared.


A beast roar came, and the sound sounded similar to the word “year”.

At this moment, a cyan horn poked out from the black hole, and then, the body of the horned owner came out of the black hole.

This is a strange creature with the body of a lion and the tail of a whale. Its whole body is covered with blue scales, and its head, back and tail like a whale are all covered with fiery red hair.

There was a bloodthirsty gaze in the eyes of the strange creature. It looked very simple and unpretentious, without any soul power fluctuations coming out. But it seems to have infinite power within its body.

As soon as its limbs fell to the water, this monster with a sphinx and whale tail jumped forward on the water. Like a master of light kung fu, it quickly tapped on the water and jumped towards the coast.

With the appearance of this monster, the diameter of the black hole that suddenly appeared on the sea slowly decreased, and finally disappeared on the sea.

A quarter of an hour later, the monster finally came to the coast. Its footprints left small craters one after another on the beach. It looked at a prosperous village not far from the coast, with a bloodthirsty look in its eyes. light.

The next moment, its body was like a tiger, rushing towards the small village. Not long after, screams came from the village, and the mournful sound lasted for a long time.

At the same time, the capital of the Wuhun Empire, Wuhun City.

Wuhun City is the only city in the entire Douluo Continent that does not distinguish between inner and outer cities, and the spirit beasts in the city are all ferocious beasts in human form.

Wuhun City is the largest city in the entire Wuhun Empire, and it is also the most prosperous city in the Wuhun Empire. It is about to welcome the New Year, and the residents of Wuhun City are buying new clothes and things they need for the new year.

Unfortunately, since Douluo Continent does not have the custom of “Celebrating the New Year”, activities such as pasting red paper, hanging red lanterns, and setting off firecrackers that existed in Gu Chen’s previous life did not appear.

At this time, a grand banquet was being held in the imperial garden of the Spirit Empire’s palace.

A dozen huge round tables were placed in the center of the imperial garden, and each wine table could seat more than twenty people.

The organizers of this banquet were obviously the noble Emperor Gu Chen of the Wuhun Empire, and the Queen Gu Yuena, who had not yet been officially canonized, but her name was also spread among the people.

Sitting at the large round table at the front were Gu Chen, Gu Yuena, Jin Zi, Ling Xiaojiu, Luo Chen, Feng Xiaoyu, Xue Youyou, Xuan Mo, Dongfang Po, Su Bai, Lu Yan, Mo Yun, Ye Wuyou, Hua Buluo, Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong and Shrek Seven Monsters.

The status of these twenty-three people in the Wuhun Empire, excluding Tang San’s Dai Mubai and the Shrek Six Monsters, are all extremely noble.

Under this large round table, there is a small round table that can seat ten people. Sitting around this round table are Di Tian and other ten ferocious beasts.

On the dozen or so large round tables in the back, sitting around were the high-ranking officials and dignitaries of the Wuhun Empire.

At this time, there are still three hours before the start of the new year, but the banquet has already begun.

In fact, the unit of Nian is rarely cared about in Douluo Continent, and the normal New Year celebrations are just a hasty affair.

However, in order to celebrate the stability of the situation in Douluo Continent and to promote the integration of human society and spirit beast society, Gu Chen decided to hold this banquet in the Imperial Palace Garden of Wuhun City on the day before the new year.

The royal chef of the palace was constantly cooking delicious food, and thousands of maid slaves in the palace were also mobilized, constantly going back and forth to the kitchen and the royal garden, serving plates of dishes to the table.

As Gu Chen took the first bite of the dish, more than 300 people present began to enjoy the food at the same time.

Although Gu Chen and others are not addicted to alcohol, they still got drunk during this happy moment.

“Brother Chen, let me toast you!” Luo Chen drunkenly raised the wine glass in his hand and gestured to Gu Chen.

Originally, with their strength, they could use their soul power to dissolve the alcohol in their bodies, but they did not do so. After all, they had to dissolve the alcohol after drinking. What is the difference between taking off their pants and farting?

With Luo Chen raising his head, everyone toasted to Gu Chen, and Gu Yuena also received a toast from everyone.

Even Dai Mubai, who was a little dissatisfied with Gu Chen, reluctantly stood up and toasted to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen did not refuse. He drank glass after glass of wine and responded to everyone one by one. With his drinking capacity, he could drink everyone present.

Just when the guests were enjoying themselves and Gu Chen was a little tipsy, a man in official uniform rushed in from outside the imperial garden without hesitation, and even the guards at the door couldn’t stop him.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty!” the man in official uniform shouted.

Seeing this, Gu Chen frowned, while Bibi Dong beside him planned to take action directly to kill this person who disturbed everyone’s interest.

Gu Chen stopped Bibi Dong, then looked at the man and asked, “What’s the matter?”

The man in official uniform quickly reported: “Your Majesty, I am the lord of Donghai City. Just now, a subordinate reported that a monster appeared on the coast of the East China Sea. In just half an hour, it Three small coastal villages were massacred. According to eyewitnesses, this monster did not have any energy, but its body was so strong that even the 100,000-year-old soul beast master of Donghai City was unable to kill it. “

“The 100,000-year-old soul beast who is sitting in our Donghai City was severely injured by the monster after taking action, and he almost couldn’t come back. After hearing the news, I immediately went to Wuhan through the teleportation array in the city. Soul City will report to you.” The Lord of Donghai City said.

The voice of the Lord of Donghai City was very urgent, as if he had seen something terrible.

Gu Chen quickly said: “Lord of Donghai City, please tell me the specific characteristics of that monster.”

The Lord of Donghai City replied: “That monster has the body of a lion and the tail of a whale. It is covered in blue scales, with red hair on its head, and its back and tail are also wrapped in fiery red. By the way, it also has a horn on its head. .”

The characteristics of this monster… are so familiar…

While Gu Chen was deep in thought, the system’s voice sounded at the right time.


“An alien creature ‘Nian’ has been detected invading Douluo Continent, please host to deal with it immediately.”

“After detecting the current situation of the host, we specially activate the plot selection:

A. Drive away the alien creature ‘Nian’ and prevent it from killing the creatures of Douluo Continent.

Auxiliary: The system mall New Year Mall is open for a limited time for three hours.

B. Ignore the alien creature ‘Nian’, it will leave after three hours of slaughter.

Auxiliary: Makes all creatures, including the host, within a radius of one hundred miles of the host, enter an unlucky debuff state that lasts for one year. “

Just as Gu Chen was about to make a choice, Tang San beside him spoke solemnly.

“Nian! That’s the Nian beast!” Tang San said in a deep voice.

Luo Chen said curiously: “Nian Beast? What is that?!”

Tang San explained: “The Nian beast, also called ‘Nian’, is an evil beast in myths and legends. It is said that in ancient times, at midnight at the end of the year, the Nian beast would attack the village, and any village occupied by the Nian beast would suffer When it comes to brutal slaughter, the horns on its head are its weapons. The Nian beast is physically invincible, and even Brother Chen, who is the Golden Dragon King, may not be able to defeat it. However, the Nian beast is afraid of three things, red, fire and explosions. Xiang, only these three things can drive away the Nian beast.”

While Tang San was explaining to everyone, Gu Chen had already silently completed his choice.

“System, I choose option A.”


“The selection is successful, the New Year Mall has been opened, please check the host.”

Gu Chen opened the so-called New Year Mall in the system, and saw a fiery red interface appearing in front of Gu Chen, but there were only a handful of products on it.


“New Year Mall:

New Year blessing character (raise it to drive away the Nian beast and keep it away from you): 10 system points/piece.

Earth Red (can be used to drive away Nian beasts and cause damage to Nian beasts): 1 system point/piece.

Two kicks (can be used to drive away Nian beasts and cause damage to Nian beasts): 1 system point/piece.

Flying Sky Monkey (can be used to drive away the Nian Beast and cause damage to the Nian Beast): 1 system point/piece.

Cannon stroke (can be used to drive away Nian beasts and cause damage to Nian beasts): 1 system point/piece.

Throwing cannons (can be used to drive away Nian beasts and cause damage to Nian beasts): 1 system point/piece. “

Gu Chen was stunned. Aren’t these the fireworks from his previous life? These things can actually be used to drive away the Nian beast!

Suddenly, the corners of Gu Chen’s mouth raised slightly. It seemed that after more than twenty years of separation, he was finally able to have a good Spring Festival again!

“System, purchase twenty-three New Year blessings, earth red, two kicks, flying monkey, rowing cannon and throwing cannon, 2,300 copies each.” Gu Chen said silently.


“11,730 system points have been deducted from the host. New Year blessings*23, earth red*2300, two kicks*2300, flying monkey*2300, cannon strokes*2300, and cannon throws*2300 have been put into the system backpack. Please check the host. “

After Gu Chen finished purchasing these things, Tang San also finished telling everyone the information about the Nian Beast.

Gu Chen took out all the things he had just purchased from the system mall and said to Tang San: “Tang San, these should be enough to drive away the Nian beast, right?”

What I saw on the top were twenty-three square pieces of red paper with the word “福” written upside down, while the ones below were more than 10,000 fireworks.

Tang San knew about this square red paper with the word “福” written on it, but those fireworks and firecrackers made Tang San a little confused.

After all, Tang San’s previous life was in Western Shu, and those so-called firecrackers were just using fire to burn bamboo to make it explode and make sounds. Because the bamboos make a “cracking” sound when burned, they are called firecrackers.

Tang San pointed at Earth Red, Sky-Sky Monkey, Er Kick, Cannon Strike and Cannon Throw, and asked with a confused look on his face: “Brother Chen, what is this?”

“Borrow a fire.” Gu Chen did not answer Tang San directly, he kissed Gu Yuena on the forehead and said softly.

Gu Yuena nodded with a slight blush on her pretty face, and a bright flame appeared in her palm.

Gu Chen used the flame in Gu Yuena’s hand to set off one of each of the five types of fireworks and demonstrated it to Tang San.

Tang San was amazed by these beautiful fireworks.

“Without further delay, let’s leave quickly.” Gu Chen taught everyone how to operate these fireworks and firecrackers, and gave each of the other twenty-two people a piece of red paper with the word “福” and a piece of paper for each type of firecracker. Hundreds.

With lives at stake, Tang San and others nodded and quickly followed Gu Chen to the Shadow Guard headquarters in Wuhun City. The teleportation array leading to Donghai City is now set up in the Shadow Guard headquarters.

Twenty-three people passed through the six-pointed star teleportation array and arrived at Donghai City.

The teleportation array of Donghai City is set up on the east gate of Donghai City, which is very convenient for the people. As soon as they exit the teleportation array, everyone feels a gust of sea breeze blowing against their faces.

However, following the salty sea breeze came the pungent smell of blood.

Everyone’s eyes froze and they looked down at the city gate.

I saw the Nian beast in Tang San’s mouth, with the body of a lion and the tail of a whale, looking at the people on the city wall with eager eyes.

And the smell of blood came from the bloody mouth of the Nian Beast. Its sharp teeth still contained a little blood of humans and soul beasts.

“Damn beast!” Qian Renxue shouted. She rose into the air and released endless killing intent. The angelic costume covered her body. “Master, please go and test whether this Nian beast is really fleshly.” Invincible!”

Qian Renxue said, she released her angel holy sword, and slashed towards the Nian beast with one strike of the angel holy sword.

But Nian Beast just glanced at Qian Renxue with disdain, and swatted out Qian Renxue, who was a first-level god.

Qian Renxue stabilized her figure in the air and said, “This Nian Beast… is really invincible physically!” As she spoke, a hint of red appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Gu Chen said: “Act as planned.”

Everyone nodded.

The bodies of twenty-three people flew up at the same time, and flew to twenty-three different directions of the Nian beast and landed.

Seeing that Gu Chen and others were near him and were trying to surround him, Nian Beast bared his teeth, selected Luo Chen, who was the least powerful among them, and flew away.

But Luo Chen didn’t panic at all. He wiped the space soul guide from the belt around his waist with his right hand, and a red square paper appeared in his hand. On this square paper, there was an upside-down “福” written on it. Character.


When the Nian beast saw the red paper, it seemed as if it had seen something terrible. It turned around and tried to escape.

The Nian beast ran in the opposite direction of Luo Chen, that is, in the direction of Feng Xiaoyu opposite Luo Chen, and swung its claws at Feng Xiaoyu, trying to kill her and escape.

But Feng Xiaoyu just smiled slightly, and then took out the red paper with the word “福” that was exactly the same as Luo Chen.

Nian Beast was startled and changed direction again.

The Nian beast kept changing directions, but in each direction there was a person taking out a red piece of paper with the word “福”, forcing it to retreat.

Moreover, everyone continued to narrow the encirclement, and finally trapped the Nian beast within a radius of ten meters.

“Do it!” Gu Chen shouted, holding the red paper with the word “福” in his left hand, and took out a red earth ball with his right hand, lit it and threw it towards the Nian beast.

Dadihong made a “cracking” sound in the air, and red light appeared everywhere. Amidst the roar of Dadihong, Nian Beast seemed to become a little depressed.

“Hey, there are actually very strong energy fluctuations in the beast’s body this year!” Gu Yuena suddenly let out a soft “Hey”.

Tang San’s eyes turned purple, he took a closer look, and then said with certainty: “Well, it seems that the Nian Beast’s body is completely made of energy! It’s just that this energy has been solidified into substance. That’s why Nian Beast looks like now, so we didn’t notice it.”

Qian Renxue said with some surprise: “In other words, are our firecrackers weakening the Nian beast’s energy?”

Tang San nodded affirmatively.

Everyone seemed to have been given a shot of comfort. If they were asked to use their strength to kill the Nian Beast, they really couldn’t do it. But if they could kill it with fireworks, then killing the Nian Beast would be enough for them. Not a problem anymore.

The twenty-three people kept taking out the earth red, lighting it and throwing it towards the Nian beast.

At this time, the Nian Beast no longer looked as ferocious as before. It seemed like a wronged child, holding its head with both claws and whimpering “Nian” from its mouth.

And the majestic energy in it seems to be constantly becoming thinner.

Soon, a total of 2,300 earth reds were consumed, but Nian Beast still had three-quarters of the energy in its body.

The Nian beast felt the loss of energy in its body, and its expression became frightened. It wanted to run away, but was intimidated by the red paper with the word “福” in the hands of Gu Chen and others. It could only stay in this ten-meter circle, unable to leave.

After using up the red earth, Gu Chen and others took out the cannons and cannons.

Explosive sounds continued to sound on the Nian beast, and the energy in the Nian beast’s body became increasingly scarce.

A quarter of an hour later, a total of 4,600 throwing cannons and swiping cannons were exhausted, and only a quarter of the energy in the Nian Beast’s body remained.

Without hesitation, Gu Chen and others took out the next type of firecracker-Er Kick from their space soul guides.

One hundred shots per person, for a total of 2,300 shots. Two kicks almost completely annihilated the Nian beast.

At this time, Nian Beast’s body is no longer a solid entity. Its body is vaguely transparent, and the aura it emits becomes weaker and weaker.

Now the energy contained in Nian Beast’s body is less than one thousandth of the original!

But what makes people’s scalp numb is that the aura exuded by Nian Beast at this time is at the level of Extreme Douluo!

In other words, one thousandth of the Nian Beast is equivalent to a Ultimate Douluo, which shows how powerful its body is!

While exuding the aura of Ultimate Douluo, the aura emitted by Nian Beast also carries endless evil thoughts, as if these evil thoughts are the source of this energy.

Just like Gu Yuena’s previous judgment that there was energy in Nian Beast’s body, only when the energy was thin to a certain extent could everyone discover the nature of this energy.

“This Nian beast should be made up of human beings’ nightmares. It absorbs people’s evil thoughts and appears to hurt people after thousands of years. And our actions are undoubtedly eliminating these people’s nightmares. Get rid of Nian Beast, the people on the mainland can live a happy and healthy year.” Gu Chen said.

As Gu Chen spoke, the last kind of firecracker appeared in his hand.

Gu Chen lit up the Flying Sky Monkey in his hand, and the Flying Sky Monkey suddenly flew into the sky with a “whoosh” sound, and then exploded.

And Nian Beast’s body seemed to become a little more transparent.

Everyone set off the Sky Monkey one after another, but everyone was no longer as nervous as before. Facing the almost non-threatening Nian Beast, everyone no longer paid attention to it, but raised their heads and looked at the Nian Beast in the sky. Fireworks.

Eventually, the Nian beast completely disappeared.

Its body turned into a ray of red light, rising into the sky ten thousand meters high, and then turned into thousands of light points, falling towards various parts of the Douluo Continent.

Gu Chen said: “This red light is the energy that brings luck and happiness to people!” What Gu Chen said was what the system told him.


“Congratulations to the host for successfully destroying the alien creature ‘Nian’. Here is a reward: 1 super large firework*. I wish the host a happy New Year!”

The sound of the system spread, and Gu Chen sensed that a huge box with a side of ten meters and a height of half a meter suddenly appeared in his system backpack.

Gu Chen smiled knowingly, and then said to everyone: “Since the Nian Beast has been destroyed, why don’t we go back to Wuhun City to continue enjoying the banquet. If we go late, the food will be cold!”

Everyone laughed, then jumped up the east city wall, passed through the teleportation array, and returned to Wuhun City.

Gu Yuena released the power of space and led everyone back to the Royal Garden.

At this time, there are only ten minutes left before the new year arrives.

Gu Chen called all the people participating in the banquet and came to the mountain behind the imperial garden.

The imperial garden of the Wuhun Empire is very large, and actually contains a naturally formed hill. The top of the back hill is no less than the top of the Wuhun Empire’s palace.

Gu Chen made a move with his right hand, and a ten-meter-long square box appeared in front of everyone.

He found the fuse and lit it.

Gu Chen took a few steps back, then turned around and smiled at everyone: “Everyone, please enjoy the fun tonight!”

As Gu Chen finished speaking, the New Year’s bell rang!

At the same time, fireworks shot into the sky from the square box, flew to an altitude of tens of meters, and then exploded, turning into beautiful fireworks.

Fireworks exploded in the air, outlining various beautiful shapes. This box of fireworks continued to set off for a quarter of an hour without stopping. You know, this box of fireworks contained a full 10,000 fireworks!

Gu Chen sat on the soil at the top of the mountain, holding Gu Yuena’s delicate body in his arms. Looking at Gu Yuena’s slightly blushing face, Gu Chen kissed her pink lips.

At the same time, behind the fairy couple Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, there were two groups of lovers spreading dog food.

Feng Xiaoyu and Luo Chen relied on each other, and Luo Chen held Feng Xiaoyu’s little hand and looked at the fireworks blooming in the starry sky, his face full of intoxication.

Jin Zi put his right hand around Ling Xiaojiu’s waist and sat on a big rock. Ling Xiaojiu leaned his little head on Jin Zi’s shoulder, showing happiness while admiring the beautiful fireworks.

Soon, half an hour passed.

The fireworks are about to burn out.


As a bang sounded, a hundred rays of light burst out from the huge box at the same time, and these one hundred rays of light were all the fireworks left in the huge box.

These one hundred rays of light, ranging from red to yellow, formed four large characters in the sky, shining dazzlingly.

new! Year! quick! happy!

The appearance of the four big characters brought everyone’s mood to a climax of joy. The fireworks finally came to an end, and in everyone’s hearts, only the joy and joy of the New Year remained.

“Brother Chen, thank you!” On the way back to Yangxin Palace, Gu Yuena leaned on Gu Chen’s shoulder and said softly with a slightly red face.

Gu Chen looked at the person in his arms, with only endless tenderness and love in his eyes. He said slowly in a magnetic voice: “Look, the thousands of stars in the sky are so beautiful. Na. Son, do you know? You are my thousands of galaxies!”

Hearing this, Gu Yuena’s pretty face turned red to her ears, she closed her eyes and stopped talking.

The road from the Royal Garden to the Yangxin Hall is very short, and just the time the two of them talked was enough for them to return to the Yangxin Hall.

After briefly washing up, they got into bed.

Lying on the soft pillow, looking at the seductive Gu Yuena who had fallen asleep in his arms, Gu Chen couldn’t help but kiss her head gently, and then said in his heart.

Good night, Gu Yuena!

Happy New Year!


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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