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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 428 Chess

The Golden Crocodile’s Sky Break penetrated the Golden Crocodile King’s abdomen in an instant. The Golden Crocodile King screamed and fell to the ground. Its abdomen was bleeding, and its breath became very tired.

Jin Zi took a step forward, straddled the Golden Crocodile King, and then punched the Golden Crocodile King’s head one after another, causing pain as if his head was exploding.


The Golden Crocodile King growled and begged Jin Zi for mercy.

“Surrender, or die!” Jin Zi shouted in a low voice. His right hand turned into a golden claw and pressed on the head of the Golden Crocodile King. As long as he wanted, he could tear open the Golden Crocodile King’s head at any time.

Feeling the sharp claws suddenly appearing above its head, the Golden Crocodile King trembled. In the end, the desire for life defeated its self-esteem, and the Golden Crocodile King roared again to express surrender.

At this moment, a rough voice appeared in Jin Zi’s mind.

“Suppression, the way to control the beast! Forcibly suppress it, control the beast. At the end of the first test, the affinity of the God of Wild Beasts has increased by 10%, and the current total is 10%.”

“The reward is soul power level three, the life span of the whole soul ring is increased by five thousand years, and the reward is the divine skill of the beast god – the beast control talisman.”

A dark brown light appeared. Under the influence of the dark brown light, Jin Zi’s soul power level instantly increased by three levels, reaching the level of the eighty-seventh level high-level Soul Douluo.

Of course, this is not his biggest gain. Jin Zi’s biggest gain is the magical beast-controlling talisman in Jin Zi’s mind.

“The second test, training, the art of controlling beasts. Do you want me to be able to use the beast-controlling talisman to reach the level of a master?” Jin Zi murmured, jumping off the back of the Golden Crocodile King.

After feeling the aura belonging to the God of Wild Beasts, the Golden Crocodile King lay on the ground and did not dare to move at all.

A ball of dark brown energy suddenly appeared in Jin Zi’s hand. This was not the power of the God of Wild Beasts, but the power of controlling beasts converted from Jin Zi’s soul power.

This mass of dark brown energy quickly intertwined in the air, slowly forming a rune.

“Go!” Jin Zi shouted sharply, and the beast-controlling talisman formed suddenly shot out and merged into the body of the Golden Crocodile King.


Feeling the hot thing entering its body, the Golden Crocodile King roared loudly and rolled on the ground trying to struggle, but after more than ten seconds, it crawled back to its original position and lay down.

The Golden Crocodile King looked at Jin Zi with pure respect and no longer harbored any disapproval.

Is this the power of the Beast Taming Talisman?

Jin Zi thought as he looked at the golden crocodile king in front of him who was as docile as a puppy.

However, although this beast-controlling talisman was successful, it could only be considered an elite level.

Similar to Luo Chen’s cooking, the effects of the beast control talisman are also divided into five levels, namely ordinary, senior, elite, grandmaster and god level.

The master-level beast-taming talisman is the highest level that a mortal can achieve. If you want to make a god-level beast-taming talisman, the maker himself must be a god.

“Senior Ditian, can I practice my beast-controlling talisman here?” Jin Zi asked.

Di Tian said: “Yes, but you cannot enslave other soul beasts for the time being. I have to report to the Lord. Only if he agrees can you enslave other soul beasts.”

Jin Zi nodded, expressing understanding.

At the same time, the chess god’s small world.

When Gu Chen, Gu Yuena and Lu Yan appeared here, the portal that sent them disappeared.

This is a small island. It is clear and cloudless above the small island. The sun is hanging directly above the small island at this time. However, because the sun is far away, even if it is fixed in one place, the small island will not be too far away. Hot.

Surrounding this small island is endless void. The entire island is in the shape of a top, floating in this void.

“This is… a small artificial world!” Gu Chen said solemnly.

Lu Yan said in surprise: “Did the chess god create this place? The chess god must be too powerful to be able to create a small world!”

Gu Yuena shook her head and said: “No, I can feel the extremely rich power of space around me. I am afraid that the god who really created this small world is the god of space, and he has obtained the power of the god king. Help. Otherwise, the power of the God of Space is simply not enough to support the creation of such a small world.”

Gu Chen said: “Let’s go, the Chess God Heritage Temple seems to be in the center of this island.”

The golden dragon wings were released, and Gu Chen flew ten meters into the air. He could see a five-story sacred tower five hundred meters away.

This sacred tower must be the inheritance temple of the chess god.

Gu Chen’s body fell from the air, and the three of them walked toward the Chess God’s Heritage Temple.

Soon, the three of them arrived a hundred meters away from the Chess God’s Heritage Temple.

This is a huge square with a side length of one hundred meters, and this square looks like a huge chessboard composed of black and white.

“This is…chess?!” Gu Chen was stunned when he saw the chess pieces placed on the huge chessboard.

He did not expect that chess from the previous life would appear in this chess god’s inheritance temple.

“Chess? What is that?!” Lu Yan asked.

Gu Chen shook his head and said nothing. He looked at the chess set in front of him. White was on the side close to the three of them, and White’s king, queen and pawn suddenly disappeared under Gu Chen’s gaze. .

“It seems that if you want to enter the chess god’s inheritance temple, you have to pass this level!” Gu Chen said solemnly. He walked straight into the chess board without hesitation and stood in the “king” position.

Gu Yuena walked to the “back” position next to Gu Chen.

Lu Yan had no choice but to walk to the soldier’s position.

As the three people stood still in three positions, a voice reached the ears of the three people at the same time.

“God’s chessboard rules: The player holding white moves first in the game. Each time he moves one step, both sides take turns playing chess until the game is over. The general moves of various chess pieces are as follows.

Wang: You can walk horizontally, straightly, or diagonally, but you can only walk one step at a time. The king cannot be eaten, that is, any grid controlled by the enemy, your own king cannot enter. Otherwise, it will be considered as a ‘sending the king’ foul, and the game will be ruled a loss three times. Except when casting, the king can move to any adjacent square that is not attacked by the opponent’s pieces, and he can only move one step. Castling is a move made by the king and any of his own rooks together and is still considered a move by the king.

Back: You can walk horizontally, straightly, or diagonally. There is no limit on the number of steps, but you cannot go too far.

Car: You can walk both horizontally and vertically, the number of steps is not limited, and you cannot walk diagonally. Except for castling the king’s rook, one cannot cross the piece.

Elephant: Can only walk diagonally. There is no limit to the number of grids, and you cannot exceed the number of grids. At the beginning, each side has two elephants, one occupying the white square and one occupying the black square.

Horse: In each chess move, first move one square horizontally or vertically, and then move one square diagonally outward; or first move one square diagonally, and finally move one square horizontally or vertically outward to jump over.

Soldier: You can only move forward straight, one space at a time. But when taking the first step, you can move one or two squares. The way a pawn captures pieces is different from the direction of movement. It moves straight and diagonally, that is, if there is an opponent’s piece in a square where the pawn moves diagonally, it can capture it and occupy that square. “

It’s really chess!

Gu Chen felt like crying, why not Chinese chess? Isn’t Chinese chess delicious? I don’t know how to play chess at all!


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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