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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 44 Zu’an Grand Stage

“Let me take you to the first class of the Tianzi class first.” Luo Chen said, and after walking a few hundred meters in Wuhun Academy with Gu Chen, he entered the first class of the Tianzi class.

Although it is a class with only nine people, the size of this classroom is comparable to the large conference room in Gu Chen’s previous school.

In Class 1 of Tianzi Class, there are seven people in total, five boys and two girls.

Seeing Luo Chen bring Gu Chen in, in front of a mahogany table, a charming and beautiful girl stood up and walked towards the door, but her face showed disdain that did not match her appearance.

“Are you the new Gu Chen? That wild boy from the corner of the corner? Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Hu Liena, 18 years old, Wuhun Tianhu, level 43 control soul master, loyal The former Saint Bibi Dong is also my master.” Hu Liena has a stunningly beautiful appearance, but her proud look makes people unable to like her.

When Hu Liena said that she was loyal to Bibi Dong, she deliberately emphasized her tone.

“I heard that you are loyal to the Pope? Haha~” Hu Liena laughed loudly and looked at Luo Chen, “Luo Chen is indeed the most useless person in our Tianzi class, and he is actually friends with this person who is loyal to the Pope. .”

Luo Chen was just unconvinced and said: “What’s wrong with being friends with him? His talent is higher than yours! Gu Chen is 12 years old and level 40, and you are 18 years old, which is Gu Chen’s level!”

At this time, a man with an evil face in the back row of the classroom stood up: “So what if I, Xie Yue, are eighteen years old and forty-three years old? At least I am better than a great soul master like you, right? You think so, the last one?” “

In Tianzi Class 1, Xie Yue, Hu Liena and the rough man Yan beside Xie Yue are all loyal to the former saint Bibi Dong.

In the other corner of the classroom, there was a girl of about 13 years old and three boys of sixteen or seventeen years old. They were neutral and not loyal to either Bibi Dong or Qian Xunji.

Although they were not involved in factional fights, they also had much fewer cultivation resources than others.

The three sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys are only thirty-seven or eight-level soul masters so far, but the girl who is about thirteen years old has relied on her own talent to reach the same level as those three boys. level realm.

These are all what Luo Chen told Gu Chen.

Of course, Luo Chen is also a person without faction, otherwise he wouldn’t be at level 29 now.

Gu Chen didn’t reply and just walked towards the classroom.

Seeing this, Hu Liena raised her eyebrows: “What? He is indeed a wild boy in the corner. He is so rude and can’t even answer what others say?”

Gu Chen turned his head: “It’s not that I look down on you, but I don’t care about you at all. If the teacher hadn’t told you not to throw garbage anywhere, I would have thrown you away long ago. If you are sick, treat yourself. Don’t come to me. I Not a veterinarian.”

Ding dong! Your friend Zu An Guchen is online!

“You!” She was obviously very annoyed.

“Boy, are you looking for death?” Xie Yue’s face darkened and she said.

Gu Chen didn’t panic at all, and retorted without changing his expression: “You think everyone in the world is your mother, and I have to give way to you everywhere. Don’t think that because you look so rare, we should value the rare things. I don’t know you. Before you, I really didn’t realize that I had the problem of judging people by their appearance.”

“Very good, you successfully caught my attention! I’ll make it easier for you in the practical class later!” Xie Yue threatened with a gloomy face.

Gu Chen had killed even the Soul Emperor, and even Soul Douluo had been seriously injured by him. Isn’t it a joke that he would be afraid of a mere Soul Sect in front of him?

“Look at your serious look, you look like you can really understand people! There are so many idiots in the world, but you have become the best among them. I just want to scold people, not you.” Gu Chen continued. Breathe fragrance.

“Country people are just country people, they spit shit!” Hu Liena managed to say a rare sentence.


No one dared to argue with him for a long time, it felt like he was in Zuan!

Gu Chen suddenly felt an inexplicable joy: “I don’t understand that if the rope is too long, it will knot, but your tongue can’t? Don’t talk to me, because I can’t understand. In the eyes of others, , it was a stupid thing for me and a pig to argue.”

“Quiet, I, sit down!” Yan beside Xie Yue slapped the table, stood up, and shouted.

“Why are you banging the table? Oh, I understand. You must be choosing coffin boards for your mother?” Gu Chen said in a tone of sudden realization. Even Luo Chen beside him felt that he deserved a beating like this.

At this time, the door of the classroom was opened again, and a strange girl led Gu Yuena into the classroom. The strange girl had gray hair that reached her ears. She said nothing after entering and looked very quiet.

“This is my roommate, Feng Xiaoyu. He is thirteen years old. His martial spirit is Hurricane Bird. He is a level 36 three-ring agility attack type war spirit master. He currently does not have any faction.” Gu Yuena introduced and looked at Gu Chen at the same time. Luo Chen beside him.

“This is my roommate, Luo Chen. He is twelve years old. His martial spirit is fried rice. He is a level 29 food major soul master.” Gu Chen introduced.

“System, check Feng Xiaoyu’s character information.” Gu Chen said.


“System character panel:

Character: Feng Xiaoyu

Age: 13

Strength: 1000

Mental strength: 900

Bloodline: 100% human bloodline

Level: Level 37 Soul Lord

Soul ring: yellow, yellow, purple

Loyalty: 16%

Comprehensive evaluation: A talented girl, a soul master whose various attributes exceed the same level, has high development potential. “

not bad.

“My name is Gu Chen.” Gu Chen extended his hand to Feng Xiaoyu and said, completely without the frivolity he showed when he faced Hu Liena before.

“Feng Xiaoyu.” Feng Xiaoyu stretched out her hand and let go as soon as it touched Gu Chen’s. Her voice was as cold as ice springs.

“Gu Yuena.” Gu Yuena saw that Gu Chen was friendly to Luo Chen, so she also extended a hint of kindness to Luo Chen.

“Luo Chen.” Luo Chen said with a cute smile.

“Hey, don’t ignore us!” Hu Liena and others, who were completely used as a background wall, said angrily.

“Shut up!” Gu Yuena tilted her head and looked at the three of them with extremely cold eyes, as if they were thousands of years old.

Hu Liena and the other three who saw Gu Yuena’s eyes were completely stunned.

In their eyes, Gu Yuena’s eyes only conveyed a soul-stirring chill, as if anyone who offended her would fall into the underworld and never recover.

“Everyone from Tianzi Class 1, come out and gather at the training ground for practical lessons.” At this time, a cold female voice came from the door of the classroom.

I saw a female teacher with black hair and a shawl, holding a book in her hand. This book was not an ordinary book, but her martial spirit.

“Are you the new Gu Chen and Gu Yuena?” The female teacher looked at Gu Chen and Gu Yuena.

The two nodded.

“My name is Lucy Mei, you can call me Teacher Mei. I am the head teacher of Class 1 of Tianzi Class, Wuhun Magic Book, Level 69 Soul Emperor. You will be taught by me during the few years you are here. “Lucy said.

Ten minutes later, on the training ground of Wuhun Academy, eleven men and four women stood side by side, with Lucy standing directly in front of the eleven.

“Two new students are here today. Please introduce yourselves.” Lucy said.

“I’m called Hua Buluo, Wuhun Sakura, level 37 control type battle soul master.” said the boy standing on the far left.

“My name is Xuan Mo, martial soul Shattering Mountain Shield, level 36 defense type fighting soul master.” The second boy said.

“My name is Feng Ming, a gold-plated martial soul scepter and a level 36 auxiliary weapon soul master.” said the third boy.

Next came the self-introductions of Yan, Xieyue and Hu Liena. When the three introduced themselves, they all sounded very arrogant, as if they were the only one in the world.

“Xue Youyou, Wuhun Ice and Snow Sword, level 38 attack type battle soul master.” The girl said with a charming smile.

After Xue Youying, it was Luo Chen and Feng Xiaoyu who had been introduced before, and finally it was Gu Chen and Gu Yuena’s turn.

“Gu Chen, Golden Dragon of Martial Soul, forty-level attack-type War Soul Sect.”

“Gu Yuena, the Seven Colorful Dragon of Martial Spirits, the forty-level control-type War Spirit Sect.”

“Okay, release your soul rings.” Lucy said to everyone.

A total of thirty-seven soul rings rose into the sky, but the soul rings floating behind Gu Chen and Gu Yuena were shocking.

“How is this possible with a ten-thousand-year soul ring?!” Hu Liena exclaimed.

No, the supporting cast is almost all male (laughing and crying), I want a female character…

in addition,

Thanks to Mr. Chen, Guangmianhui, Ganggui Di, Shuyou20190826140644706, Death Fusheng, Minglin and other big guys for their rewards!

Thank you Xiaobai here!

(Old book friends of Qidian.com may have missed some thanks for the rewards today, because I can’t see the names of the rewards here T﹏T. From Qidian.com, I can only see who I have received more through the fan list. So if I missed the name, Please forgive me. When this book is put on the shelves, I will read out the names of the book friends who have recommended this book again, and I will definitely not miss it.)


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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