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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 49 Live small, die wonderfully!

It was already evening when we returned to the dormitory. There was not only Luo Chen in the dormitory, but also an unexpected person, Gu Yuena.

“Na’er, why are you here in the boys’ dormitory?” Gu Chen was a little surprised.

“Brother Chen, Hu Liena and the others dare to assassinate us. We can’t just let it go. How about I help you kill them?” Gu Yuena said in a voice. There was only coldness in her eyes. Of course, this coldness was aimed at Hu Liena and others. of.

“Don’t worry, they won’t survive today.” Gu Chen said with a cold smile.

“Since you have a plan, I’m relieved.” Gu Yuena was stunned, nodded, and said.

“Actually, it’s my fault. If I hadn’t trusted Hu Liena and others, we wouldn’t have fallen into that situation. I’m sorry, Na’er.” Gu Chen said apologetically.

Hearing this, Gu Yuena didn’t say anything, but just approached Gu Chen. Gu Chen was startled, kept backing away, and finally hit the wall with his back with a “thud”.

Gu Yuena was still approaching Gu Chen. Their bodies were almost touching. Gu Chen could feel her breath. The distance between Gu Yuena and Gu Chen’s eyes was less than five centimeters!

Could it be that she wanted it?

Gu Chen’s face turned red, like an apple, and he closed his eyes.


Suddenly, Gu Yuena laughed, took a step back, and said with a smile: “Do you and I still need to say sorry?” After saying that, Gu Yuena left the boys’ dormitory, still humming a song when she left. , looking very happy.

Looks like you were teased?

Gu Chen opened his mouth and touched his nose. There were water droplets on it formed by the liquefaction of the gas exhaled by Gu Yuena.

“Brother Gu Chen, you are brother and sister! This…” Luo Chen looked at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen smiled mysteriously: “It’s a pity that they are not biological brothers and sisters.”

“Wow!” Luo Chen seemed to have thought of something, with a look of admiration.

“Okay, I need to go out first.” Gu Chen said and walked out of the dormitory.

He did not go far, but jumped along the steel pipe to the top of the five-story dormitory. When he saw that there was no one around, he took out the night cloak from the system backpack and put it on.

In the distance, Qianjun Douluo frowned: “This cloak is so strange, I can’t even detect its presence. Wait, I… lost you?”

Suddenly, Gu Chen’s body changed and disappeared from where he was, which surprised Qianjun Douluo.

Gu Chen knew that Qianjun Douluo was following him, but he still didn’t want Qianjun Douluo to know these secrets about the system.

Wuhun Academy, Back Mountain, Gu Chen quickly climbed to the top of the mountain and sat down cross-legged in a naturally formed cave.

The continuous movement failed to make the powerful man sweat. After calming his breathing, Gu Chen stretched out his right hand and threw a puppet.

The puppet was thrown out and turned into Hu Liena’s appearance.

“Hu Liena” quickly walked out of the cave and returned to the dormitory area of ​​Wuhun Academy.

“Brother!” Spotting Xie Yue not far away who was about to return to the dormitory, “Hu Liena” waved to him.

“Huh? Nana, didn’t you go back to the dormitory?” Xie Yue asked confusedly when she saw Hu Liena.

“Hu Liena” chuckled and said, “It’s just midnight, and I don’t want to sleep yet. Moreover, it’s really surprising that the assassination of Gu Chen and the others failed this time.”

Xie Yue nodded and said in a deep voice: “Yes, I didn’t expect Gu Chen to have a guardian following him, and even the former saintess couldn’t kill him.”

“Brother, I heard that there is a stronghold of a killer organization in the commercial street of Wuhun City. Their Wuhun gives them the ability to come and go without a trace. They will definitely be able to kill Gu Chen before his guardians find him. .” Hearing Xie Yue’s words, “Hu Liena” said mysteriously.

Xie Yue’s eyes lit up: “Really? Where is it?”

“Hu Liena” replied: “It’s on Wuhun City Commercial Street. You wait for me in an alley at the corner of the street. I’ll call Yan up.”

Xie Yue nodded and told “Hu Liena” to pay attention to her safety, then got up and walked towards the outside of Wuhun Academy. He firmly believed in what “Hu Liena” said. There was no way his sister could harm him, right?

“Hu Liena” watched Xie Yue leave with a smile on her face, then headed towards Xie Yue’s dormitory.

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, Yan was extremely irritable due to the failure of his plan in the morning. He had just smashed his own table.

“Who is it?” Yan opened the door and saw “Hu Liena” outside.

“Nana?” Yan was a little surprised and restrained his emotions. He was Hu Liena’s most loyal follower. To be strict, he was a licker.

“Yan, I have something to ask you. Do you have time to talk to me alone?”

“Hu Liena” lowered her head slightly, with a blush on her face, grabbed the corners of her clothes with both hands and kept rubbing them, and asked in a low voice.

Nana, are you going on a date with me?

Yan’s face turned red at lightning speed, and his head seemed to be disconnected and went blank.

“Okay, okay…” Yan said subconsciously.

“Hu Liena” looked happy and said softly: “Then it’s settled. I’ll be waiting for you in the woods behind Wuhun Academy at the third watch.”

Before Yan could react, “Hu Liena” had already left.

Yan sat down on the ground, slapped himself on the face, and said blankly: “It hurts so much. This is not a dream. Is Nana really going to accept me?”

“Hu Liena” appears again, oh no, it should no longer be called “Hu Liena” at this time, but should be called “Evil Moon”.

Because, at this time, the person at the door of the girls’ dormitory also had the appearance of Xie Yue.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

“Xie Yue” gently knocked on the door, and it was Hu Liena who opened the door.

“Nana, I have something to ask you. Is it convenient for you to come out?” Seeing Hu Liena, “Xie Yue” said.

Hu Liena looked inside the dormitory and said, “Brother, my roommate is not in the dormitory. She will not come back until tomorrow. If you have anything to say, just tell her.”

Hearing this, “Xie Yue” smiled, and his smile was a little weird. He seemed to be talking to Hu Liena, and wanted to say to himself: “Really? Then, this will be easy to handle. Nana, won’t you invite me in?” ?”

“Oh, brother, please come in!” Hu Liena quickly stepped aside and invited “Xie Yue” to enter the dormitory.

Walking to the window, “Xie Yue” looked at the moon outside and sighed: “Today’s moon is so beautiful! Nana, are you right?”

Hu Liena didn’t know what “Xie Yue” wanted to do, but she still walked in front of “Xie Yue” obediently, turned her back to “Xie Yue”, and looked outside: “Yes, the crescent moon today is very beautiful.”

“Xie Yue” smiled: “I just don’t know if your blood will be as beautiful and dance as gracefully?”

“What?” Hu Liena turned around suddenly, but she could no longer see Xie Yue’s figure. Instead, there was a metal puppet with an evil and strange appearance.

“Noise and commotion~” the puppet made a weird neutral voice, and the metal claws pinched Hu Liena’s neck hard, showing no mercy at all.

Countless threads burst out and wrapped tightly around Hu Liena from head to toe. Hu Liena’s hands and feet were tied, and the steel wires connected the puppets and all the furniture in the dormitory.

“Who are you?” Hu Liena struggled fiercely, but could not move. Her eyes were full of fear, and she shed tears of despair.

“Lifelike death!” Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind her. Hu Liena wanted to look back, but found that she could no longer control her body.

It turned out that a paper luan had penetrated her heart and was nailed to the wall opposite. The paper luan penetrated the wall several centimeters deep. You know, this wall was made of metal!

The breath of life continued to drain away, Hu Liena could no longer struggle, her eyes became empty, and her head hung down feebly.

Blood emerged from her chest, flowed down her collar, and gathered into a pool of bright red blood on the ground.

Behind her, Gu Chen was still wearing a cloak of darkness, but he took off his hood, revealing his evil eyes. He withdrew the paper luan, took back the puppet, discarded the threads, opened the main door and walked out of the dormitory, his head Leave without looking back.

“Live small, die wonderfully!”

Thanks to book friends 20200807100133561, Desire to Be Happy Forever, Ghost Flute, Xinheng, Wuyou, First Embrace, and Xia for their rewards.

Xiaobai would like to thank you all here!

In addition, Xiaobai also wants to ask for some recommendation votes~(˙ω˙)


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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