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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 504 The Eyes of the Forest

This long aisle is paved with blue stone bricks. Like other parts of the Forest Heritage Temple, these blue stone bricks also release life energy all the time.

Ling Xiaojiu didn’t look much. She walked along the long aisle towards the end of the Forest Goddess Temple.

At the end, there was a chair made of living gold. On the chair, the forest goddess held the imitation forest butterfly harp and sat there with a smile, looking at Ling Xiaojiu who was walking quickly below.

Since Ling Xiaojiu’s affinity with the Forest Goddess has exceeded 100% after completing the eighth Forest Goddess test, she is qualified to receive guidance from the Forest Goddess before she begins to inherit the throne.

However, Ling Xiaojiu had already learned the complete inheritance process from Gu Chen before coming here, so she had no doubts about the inheritance of the divine throne.

Therefore, Ling Xiaojiu did not ask the Forest Goddess about the divine test, but instead asked the Forest Goddess for advice on some areas where she was confused about the music of the Forest Piano.

Although the forest goddess was a little surprised, she still taught Ling Xiaojiu very carefully.

About half an hour later, all Ling Xiaojiu’s doubts about the music were solved. She saluted and said, “Thank you! I can start the spiritual test.”

The forest goddess nodded and said: “Okay, I will send you to the inheritance place now. Remember, keep your mind close and don’t be affected by anything!”

“Yes!” Ling Xiaojiu nodded obediently.

The forest goddess gently moved the imitation forest harp in her hands, and two consecutive emerald-green streams of light ejected from the forest harp, turning into a vortex of life force and shrouding Ling Xiaojiu.

Ling Xiaojiu felt as if her soul was about to leave her body, and the endless vitality enveloped her. In the flash of emerald light, the emerald green life energy enveloped her tightly.

The entire Forest Goddess Temple was trembling, shaking like an earthquake, and some small animals in the Forest Goddess Temple also looked very panicked.

Soon, Ling Xiaojiu disappeared in this package of life energy, and the Forest Goddess Temple returned to normal.

The forest goddess once again wavered twice on the imitation forest songbutterfly in her hand, and two more bursts of life energy shot out, and then stopped not far in front of her, turning into a huge screen.

On the screen, the scene of the inheritance place where Ling Xiaojiu was located was shown, and in the Forest Goddess inheritance temple, a screen also appeared in front of Gu Chen and others.

Not long after, the sense of restraint that Ling Xiaojiu felt disappeared, and the life energy that enveloped her also dissipated. Ling Xiaojiu found that she was currently on a circular platform.

The pattern on this circular platform was very similar to the emerald green rune in the center of the highest level of the Forest Goddess Heritage Temple. A burst of life energy spread out from under her feet. Ling Xiaojiu glanced around. She saw eight eyes diagonally above the circular platform. A small floating circular platform.

The diameter of these eight small circular platforms is about two meters, and they are all centered on the circular platform where Ling Xiaojiu is located.

“It seems that this is the Seven Emotions Assessment that Brother Chen is talking about. The extra circular platform should be used to hold the forest singing harp.” Ling Xiaojiu thought.

Just as Ling Xiaojiu was thinking, a large emerald light suddenly burst out from the circular platform under her feet. This life energy once again enveloped Ling Xiaojiu’s body, making her unable to breathe.

Apart from his unaffected vision, Ling Xiaojiu could no longer perform any movements, and even the speed of the soul power in his body had obviously become slower. All her soul power and mental power seemed to be suppressed by an inexplicable force.

There is no doubt that this is the beginning of the final assessment!


A burning sensation came from Ling Xiaojiu’s eyes without any warning, and then, this burning sensation turned into severe pain, accompanied by a harsh friction sound, and the pain from the eyes penetrated his heart.

In Ling Xiaojiu’s perception, her eyes seemed to have been pierced by a sharp knife. This kind of pain made her very unbearable.

Is this soul bone stripping? It seems that the first thing to be stripped off is my own soul bone!

Yes, Ling Xiaojiu’s external soul bone is her eyes, the external soul bone of the eyes of the evil-eyed tyrant who has ruled for a hundred thousand years!

Of course, this external soul bone was not provided by the evil-eyed tyrant Lord of the Sun and Moon Continent, but an artificial soul bone purchased by Gu Chen from the system mall.

Ling Xiaojiu once told Gu Chen that the consumption of her mental power was much higher than the consumption of her soul power when she used the Nine-leaf Sword Grass soul skill and the Forest Goddess skill. Therefore, the external soul bone that Gu Chen gave her was also the main To enhance mental strength.

In this desperate pain, Ling Xiaojiu felt as if he had spent a century.

Finally, with two crisp “click” sounds, it seemed that two bones were forcibly removed from Ling Xiaojiu’s eyes. The pain seemed to be magnified several times under the influence of the life energy.

Fortunately, the forest harp in Ling Xiaojiu’s arms automatically levitated and released the soft forest goddess power, wrapping Ling Xiaojiu’s body and trying its best to offset the pain for its owner.

At the same time, inside the Forest Goddess Heritage Temple.

Jin Zi looked at Ling Xiaojiu’s eyes that were bleeding from the soul bone peeling off, and couldn’t help but feel a burst of heartache. He simply wished he could forcefully enter this inheritance place and bear the pain on Ling Xiaojiu’s behalf.

After all, the woman he loves is going through unimaginable suffering, and as a man, he can only watch helplessly, so naturally he will not feel better.

At this time, in the place of inheritance.

After the soul bones attached to his eyes were removed, a cold voice sounded in Ling Xiaojiu’s mind.

“The restraints will be released. If the disassembly of the soul bone is blocked, the assessment will be forcibly interrupted. The most serious consequence of the interruption of the assessment is obliteration. You are not allowed to leave the two-meter range of the center of the platform, and you are not allowed to change the main body position of the disassembled soul bone. Otherwise, it will be regarded as Give up the inheritance.”

As soon as the voice fell, all the life energy that bound Ling Xiaojiu disappeared. After Ling Xiaojiu recovered his ability to move, he immediately activated the soul power in his body to block his own perception.

Under the dual protection of the soul power in her body and the forest singing butterfly harp, Ling Xiaojiu’s perception was shielded to a minimum, but even so, her perception of the outside world is still twice as high as usual!

Ling Xiaojiu forcibly suppressed the pain that made people want to roll on the floor, gritted his teeth, and controlled himself to sit in place.

At this time, one of the eight small platforms surrounding the platform where Ling Xiaojiu was sitting flew out and came to one meter in front of Ling Xiaojiu. The platform was flashing with emerald green lines, and on the emerald green lines were Exuding a faint vitality.

Ling Xiaojiu’s external soul bone turned into a ray of emerald green light and flew to the platform, turning into two bloody spherical substances.

At this time, the emerald-green forest goddess’s divine power appeared like lightning from under the two emerald-green crystal balls, and gradually spread to every corner of the evil-eyed tyrant’s outer soul bone.

Before Ling Xiaojiu could think about it, suddenly, an extremely beautiful scene appeared in front of her eyes.

The originally bloody spherical substance turned into two beautiful emerald green crystal balls under the purification of the forest goddess’s power.

Of course, if the people looking at it knew that it was a pair of eyeballs, they probably wouldn’t find it beautiful anymore.

These two emerald green crystal balls have reached the level of gods under the purification of the forest goddess’s divine power. They should now be called the Eyes of the Forest!


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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