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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 552 The eighth test of the three partners, complete set of soul bones!

Dongfang Po’s soul power level directly broke through to level ninety-seven with the reward of this seventh test.

If his prediction is correct, after he completes the eighth test, his soul power level will directly reach the realm of level ninety-nine Extreme Douluo. In this way, he can directly inherit the divine position.

After the Jiaoyi Spear was completely integrated with the Divine Spear, Dongfang Po also returned to the great worshiper Mu Jing.

“Grand Priest, I have completed the seventh test of the Gun God. I am going back with my partners now. I will be back when the ninth test is over.” Dongfang Po said to the Grand Priest Mu Jing.

Grand Priest Mu Jing nodded, and a burst of Qi was released by him, and the two of them returned to the first floor of the original Temple of the Gun God.

Dongfang Po found himself still standing on the circular metal piece.

Dongfang Po suddenly said with some curiosity: “Grand Priest, where was the place we were just now?”

Grand Priest Mu Jing replied: “The metal piece you are standing on on the top floor of the Gun God’s Heritage Temple is also the only teleportation circle that can be teleported to the top floor.”

“That’s it.” Dongfang Po suddenly realized.

The chief priest Mu Jing shouted to the second priest not far away: “Second brother, go to the second floor and invite the two guests to come down.”

Since the place where the worshipers entertain guests in the Gun God Heritage Temple is on the second floor, Dongfang Po did not see Gu Chen and Su Bai.

The second worshiper nodded, and he also walked to the metal piece at the end, shot out a burst of Qi, and disappeared from the spot.

Seeing this, Dongfang Po couldn’t help but ask: “Great Worshiper, isn’t this the teleportation circle leading to the top floor?”

Grand Priest Mu Jing said: “Yes, but it can also lead to other layers of the Gun God’s Heritage Temple. Do you see the holes around this array? When the true energy is injected into different holes, the activated array will Teleport the people in the circle to different levels.”

Dongfang Po nodded. If someone who didn’t understand this magic circle at all operated this magic circle, it might be self-defeating and put himself in danger.

Soon, Gu Chen and Su Bai, led by Erzongfeng, appeared in front of Dongfang Po.

“Congratulations!” Su Bai said happily.

Gu Chen said: “I’m sorry that Su Bai and I couldn’t help.”

Dongfang Po said quickly: “How could it be possible? This is also the rule of the Gun God Examination. Besides, if it weren’t for your help, boss, I might not even be able to enter the Gun God Heritage Temple.”

Gu Chen did not show politeness to Dongfang Po. After saying goodbye to the great priest Mu Jing, the three of them left the Gun God Heritage Temple.

Su Bai’s mental power was released, and all three of them entered a state of invisibility through mental simulation.

The three of them left the Gun God’s Heritage Temple without any pretense and returned to the location of the six-pointed star teleportation array in the sky.

Fortunately, Su Bai released the mental barrier in advance to prevent others from seeing the six-pointed star teleportation array. Otherwise, it would not be good if people from other worlds came to Douluo Continent through this six-pointed star teleportation array.

Su Bai unlocked the mental barrier, and Gu Chen and the others returned to Douluo Continent through the six-pointed star teleportation array.

After returning, Gu Chen immediately put away the six-pointed star teleportation array.

The three teams soon gathered in the imperial study room.

“Jin Zi, Mo Yun, you should have completed the divine test, right?” Gu Chen asked.

Jin Zi and Mo Yun nodded at the same time.

Gu Chen asked again: “By the way, what are your eighth tests?”

Dongfang Po was the first to say: “Self-made, exclusive marksmanship. I need to create a marksmanship that is unique to me based on my own spear intention, and then I can complete the divine test. I have just condensed my own spear intention, so I just need to strike while the iron is hot, Within three days, you will be able to create your own marksmanship.”

Gu Chen nodded. It seemed that Dongfang Po had no need for his help.

Mo Yun said: “The eighth test of the Scorpion God, add new hidden weapons. This requires me to add three new hidden weapons to the Scorpion God’s inherited artifact – the Scorpion God’s Box. I plan to go to Teacher Tang San’s place , asking for Buddha’s Angry Tang Lotus, Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle and Peacock Feather as hidden weapons to be added to the Scorpion God’s Box.”

Gu Chen nodded again, Tang San was enough for this divine test.

Jin Zi was the last to speak: “My eighth test is not very difficult. As long as my cultivation reaches the Ultimate Douluo level, I can complete the divine test.”

Hearing this, Gu Chen said directly: “Jin Zi, let me help you get your full set of soul bones. After fusing the soul bones, your cultivation level can be significantly improved. Even if you break through to the limit of Douluo in one fell swoop, Realm, it’s not a bad idea.”

Jin Zi nodded vigorously.

Gu Chen continued: “Dongfang Po, Mo Yun, let me help you get the soul bones by the way.”

Dongfang Po and Mo Yun nodded together and said, “Okay, I’m sorry to trouble you.”

Gu Chen first exchanged the required soul bones for Dongfang Po and Mo Yun in the system mall, and then began to help Jin Zi select soul bones.

Among them, in addition to the soul bones of various parts of the body, Dongfang Po possesses external soul bones which are the 100,000-year-old Flying God Dragon Wing Bone, because Dongfang Po’s marksmanship emphasizes the word “fast”, and the 100,000-year-old Flying God Dragon Wing Bone can extremely Maximizes Dongfang Po’s explosive speed to improve his combat capabilities.

Mo Yun’s external soul bone is a hundred thousand year old strange demon leopard metacarpal bone. Moreover, this metacarpal bone is not one, but a pair!

Thanks to the growth of the strange demon leopard metacarpal bones that have been around for a hundred thousand years, his ability to throw hidden weapons can even surpass that of his master, Tang San!

After Dongfang Po and Mo Yun, there is Jin Zi’s soul bone.

Since Jin Zi had obtained the right arm of the Ten Thousand Years Exploding and Burning Flame in the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Student Elite Competition a long time ago, the only soul bones Jin Zi needed were the skull, left arm bone, both legs bones, Trunk bones and external soul bones.

In order to help Jin Zi improve his ability to summon and control beasts, the skull Gu Chen prepared for Jin Zi was a ten-thousand-year-old golden-patterned ice silkworm skull that could greatly increase his mental power.

Jin Zi’s left arm bone was chosen to be symmetrical with the right arm bone, a left arm of ten thousand years of bursting and burning flames.

Jin Zi’s left leg bone and right leg bone are respectively the left leg bone and the right leg bone of the Ten Thousand Years Bloodthirsty War Tiger. These two soul bones also come from the Thousand Years Bloodthirsty War Tiger.

The bloodthirsty war tiger is one of the most powerful soul beasts. With the same level of cultivation, it can even fight with the Titan Giant Ape.

After fusing the leg bones of this bloodthirsty war tiger, Jin Zi’s melee combat ability can be broken through again.

As for Jin Zi’s trunk bone, Gu Chen prepared the Wannian Mountain Dragon King’s trunk bone for him.

As one of the nine sons of the Dragon God, the Mountain Dragon King is a peerless being with unparalleled offense and defense. After fused with the torso bones of the Ten Thousand Years Mountain Dragon King, Jin Zi’s physical strength can even directly rival that of a third-level god!

Of course, this Wannian Mountain Dragon King torso bone is just an artificial soul bone made from a trace of the Mountain Dragon King’s bloodline.


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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