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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 558 Reshaping the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax


Xuan Mo put his hands on his chest, pinched the magic formula, and shouted quickly.

I saw the one hundred and eight fragments of the earth god’s sky-opening ax quickly arranged in a certain pattern in the air as if they had received some instructions. Then, a khaki divine power shot out from Xuan Mo’s palm and disappeared instantly. Among these fragments of the earth god’s sky-opening ax.

Under the influence of the earth god’s divine power, these fragments of the earth god’s sky-opening ax quickly gathered in a certain direction, and actually spliced ​​into the shape of a huge ax head in the air.

However, because the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax was shattered by the nine-colored beam of light emitted by the Dragon God in the battle between the Dragon God, the huge ax head was covered with countless cracks.

After all, Xuan Mo is now simply piecing together the fragments of the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Axe, just like those puzzle pieces from Gu Chen’s previous life. No matter how they are put together, they can only be scattered pieces and can never truly become one.

Therefore, what Xuan Mo needs to do now is to use the power of the Earth God to sew the cracks in the fragments of the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Axe, and reshape the original Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax.

Only by truly reshaping the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax, which consists of one hundred and eight quasi-artifact-level fragments of the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax, can it be promoted into a true super-artifact!

Under the control of Xuan Mo, the huge power of the Earth God is continuously injected into the template of the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax. The cracks between the fragments of the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax are also slowly disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye. With.

Soon, an hour passed.

All the cracks on the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax disappeared, and the shape of the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax reappeared in front of Xuan Mo.

This is a black-yellow axe. The ax is very big, even bigger than Xuan Mo’s Earth God Heavy Shield.

But with Xuan Mo’s power, he could lift the earth god’s sky-opening ax with one hand.

Countless exquisite lines appear on this earth god’s sky-opening ax, and streams of light passing through these lines further accentuate the charm of this earth god’s sky-opening ax.

However, a fatal flaw also appeared on the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax.

Right in the center of the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax, a prismatic object seemed to have disappeared, leaving a huge hole in the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax.

It is precisely because of the flaw in this hole that the Earth God Sky-Opening Ax still only has the power of an ordinary artifact after fusing all the fragments.

Xuan Mo understood that what the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax lacked was the Earth God’s heart that was completely annihilated in the battle between the Dragon God and the Dragon God!

The Heart of the Earth God requires Xuan Mo to condense it with all his divine power, but the price is the divine power that he can cultivate for at least a hundred years.

You know, let alone a hundred years, there are only less than five years left before the Douluo Continent’s celestial shield on the God Realm will disappear.

By then, even if Gu Chen does not attack the God Realm, the God Realm will feel that it is threatened, and thus send out countless gods to attack, even at the expense of destroying the entire Douluo Continent plane!

However, before he came, Gu Chen gave him something.

That is the soul power supplement card!

Unfortunately, this soul power supplement card is not a divine power supplement card and cannot directly replenish all his divine power.

However, even so, this soul power supplement card can shorten his hundreds of years of training time to less than one year.

This really surprised Xuan Mo!

It was precisely the existence of this soul power supplement card that made Xuan Mo decide without hesitation to gather the heart of the Earth God and completely reshape the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Axe.

“Heart of the Earth God, condense!”

Xuan Mo shouted again, and even greater power of the Earth God surged out of his body.

The earth god’s armor that shimmered with earth-yellow light covered his body, and its weight, which was equivalent to the weight of the Five Mountains, seemed to collapse the entire sea area.

The endless earth god’s power exploded in all directions with Xuan Mo as the center.

More than 90% of the earth god’s power eventually turned into a huge whirlpool under Xuan Mo’s control, gathering towards his palm.

But there is also a small part of the earth god’s divine power that could not be controlled in time, so it dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

These leaked earth god powers will cause devastating blows to all surrounding creatures before their power is completely dissipated.

Fortunately, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King of the Deep Sea God evacuated the marine creatures within a radius of three thousand miles of Xuanmo in advance, otherwise the number of creatures that would have died in vain under the power of the Earth God would have been unknown.

Terrifying power continued to gather in front of Xuan Mo, and soon, the outline of a diamond-shaped crystal appeared in front of Xuan Mo.

Xuan Mo understood that this diamond-shaped crystal was the heart of the Earth God.

With this template of the Heart of the Earth God, what Xuan Mo needs to do next is just the simplest charging.

Five consecutive hours passed, and the light emitted by the Earth God’s Heart became increasingly brighter, and endless energy fluctuations spread rapidly with the Earth God’s Heart as the center.

Within a thousand miles, everyone was shrouded in the terrifying pressure of the Earth God.

Another three hours passed, and the Earth God’s Heart was completely condensed.

But Xuan Mo seemed to have lost his strength, and the earth god’s power in his body was almost exhausted.

Fortunately, he temporarily forcibly removed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a radius of several hundred miles, and quickly converted it into his own earth god power, barely allowing himself to regain the ability to move.

Looking at the Earth God’s Heart being condensed in front of him, Xuan Mo’s heart surged.


Xuan Mo shouted again.

I saw the Earth God’s Heart, under Xuan Mo’s control, slowly filling the empty hole of the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax.

After the Earth God’s Heart completely entered the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax, another burst of black-yellow light lit up, and the Earth God’s Heart began to merge with the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax.

As long as the Earth God’s Heart and the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax are successfully fused, the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax will become the first super-artifact among the seven elemental gods’ artifacts!

But at this moment, dark clouds came in the sky.

Xuan Mo knew very well that this was the existence of the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax, which affected the power of rules in this plane.

That dark cloud is the calamity cloud that comes from the power of the Douluo Continent plane. The thunder that is about to fall in this calamity cloud can also be regarded as a test for the earth god’s sky-opening ax in this plane.

If the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax can withstand the attack of this thunder, then the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax can truly become a super artifact.

Xuan Mo was not worried at all about this.

After all, the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax was the one who had once withstood the Dragon God’s nine-color beam!

Even though the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax was finally broken, it left behind one hundred and eight fragments, which gave Xuan Mo the possibility of reshaping it.

Even the Dragon God’s nine-color beam couldn’t completely annihilate it, let alone this thunder, which was only at the level of a first-level god.

Soon, the thunder flashed with a blue-purple arc and instantly struck the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax.

And this earth god’s sky-opening ax continued to release black-yellow energy, and it actually withstood the bombardment of the sky thunder intact!

At this point, the Earth God’s super artifact – the Earth God’s Sky-Opening Ax, has been completely reshaped!


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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