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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 644 Finale, the journey home

Even Gu Chen himself never thought that he was not as good as Gu Yuena!


Silver light flashed past, and the bag of god-level wolfberry rewarded by the system appeared in Gu Chen’s hand.

Gu Chen endured the soreness in his waist and supported himself to sit up. He took out a military kettle containing Wenxian wine from his system backpack and poured a few grains of god-level wolfberry from the bag into it.

After soaking in the military kettle for about half an hour, General Gu Chen drank all the Wenxian wine in the kettle.

Suddenly, Gu Chen’s eyes lit up.

The Wenxian wine soaked in divine wolfberry had just entered his stomach, and some of the uncomfortable feelings in his body completely disappeared. He even felt a burst of heat and vitality.

Just then, Gu Yuena came back.

“Brother Chen, Luo Chen just cooked some dishes for us, and I packed them back for you.” Gu Yuena smiled at Gu Chen, and then placed the packed dishes on the table one by one.

Seeing this, Gu Chen had a thought in his mind.

Isn’t this the life that I have always wanted?

Gu Chen got off the bed, kissed Gu Yuena gently on the forehead, then sat in front of the table and started gobbling up the dishes on the table.

Soon, all the dishes on the table entered Gu Chen’s belly.

After Gu Chen had eaten and drank, he went to wash up again before returning to the room.

Gu Chen looked at Gu Yuena and asked, “Na’er, are you sleepy?”

“It’s not bad.” Gu Yuena sat on the bed, holding an ancient book on Douluo Continent, reading it with relish, and replied softly.

Gu Chen sat next to Gu Yuena, hugged her with one hand, and grabbed the ancient book of Douluo Continent with the other hand.

“Since we’re not tired, let’s do something that people like to do.” Gu Chen said with an evil smile.


For several days, Gu Chen and Gu Yuena were nowhere to be seen in the God Realm.

When Luo Chen and others went to look for Gu Chen, they unexpectedly discovered that there were constant sounds in Gu Chen and Gu Yuena’s house, even for three days!

When Luo Chen and others waited for Gu Chen and Gu Yuena to come out, Gu Chen’s face was red, but Gu Yuena was leaning on Gu Chen’s body, seeming a little weak.

“Brother Chen, you guys…” Luo Chen was envious and jealous.

Gu Chen just shook his head and asked, “How is the God Realm these days?”

Luo Chen straightened his expression and replied: “The God King of Order Lu Yan just sent news that regarding the rules of the new God Realm, which is dominated by beast gods, there is no objection from the gods for the time being. And in the God Realm in the past few days, We are already on the right track. Coupled with the enhanced shield you have added to the God Realm, Brother Chen, even if we encounter time and space turbulence, the God Realm will not be in any danger.”

Gu Chen said: “What about Douluo Continent? Has Ye Wuyou sent any news?”

Luo Chen thought for a while and said: “Brother Chen, you have to ask him yourself. Brother Ye Wuyou has been in the God Realm recently. He seems to have found a successor in the Shadow Guards. Now the Shadow Guards of the Spirit Empire Some of the affairs are managed by those successors.”

Gu Chen nodded. He was not worried about whether the so-called “successor” was qualified. He believed that Ye Wuyou could handle all this well.

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

While Gu Chen and Luo Chen were talking, Ye Wuyou arrived.

Gu Chen looked at Ye Wuyou and asked, “Wouyou, what happened to your successors?”

“I have found some relatively qualified successors in the Shadow Guard, and I plan to leave the affairs of the Shadow Guard to them for the time being, for their consideration. As for the news about Douluo Continent, Maotu just sent the news that Wuhun Everything in the empire is normal now, and with your Douluo Star planet defense system, the Wuhun Empire is unlikely to have any problems at the moment.” Ye Wuyou said.

The Maotu that Ye Wuyou was talking about was naturally the shadow guard codenamed Maotu from the previous five-person group of shadow guards. Maotu was one of the digital successors chosen by Ye Wuyou.

Gu Chen nodded and said, “I can rest assured that you are doing your job.”

So, Ye Wuyou left.

And Luo Chen left immediately.

“System, help me open the last mysterious surprise gift box!” Gu Chen said silently in his heart after watching everyone leave.


“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ‘Earth Plane Pointer’*1, please check it.”

Hearing this, Gu Chen suddenly froze in action.

He asked the system in disbelief: “System, did I hear you correctly?! Tell me about the function of this ‘Earth Plane Pointer’, quick!”


“The earth plane pointer appears in the form of a compass. The earth plane pointer will not be interfered by any force, and the pointer will always point in the direction of the earth plane. Yes, as the host thinks, that earth plane is The host’s hometown before time travel!”

Listening to the introduction of the system, Gu Chen was stunned.

He was ecstatic, his whole body was shaking, and tears burst out of his eyes and flowed down his face.

Earth, hometown…

Earth, home!

Gu Chen originally thought that he would stay here and stay with his beloved Gu Yuena for the rest of his life.

But he didn’t expect that at this last moment, he would get the chance to go back!

No matter how small this opportunity is and how hard it is to find, Gu Chen will give it a try!

At this time, Gu Yuena was shocked when she saw Gu Chen trembling and crying.

She shook Gu Chen’s shoulders anxiously, almost crying in her anxiety: “Brother Chen, what’s wrong with you?! Don’t scare me…”

Hearing Gu Yuena’s constant calling in front of him, Gu Chen came back to his senses.

He hugged Gu Yuena into his arms.

“Na’er, do you know why I have those special abilities since the Dragon God was divided into you and me?” Gu Chen whispered in Gu Yuena’s ear.

Gu Yuena shook her head and said, “Brother Chen, I don’t know. But if you don’t want me to know, I won’t force you.”

Hearing this, Gu Chen couldn’t help but be moved again.

“Actually… I’m not the real Golden Dragon King, I…”

Gu Chen sighed and told Gu Yuena that he had traveled from the earth.

Listening to Gu Chen’s narration, Gu Yuena’s eyes gradually became incredible. When she looked at Gu Chen, her eyes were filled with excitement.

Gu Yuena said firmly: “Brother Chen, I like you, and this will never change. No matter who you are!”

“So, are you willing to embark on the journey home with me and accompany me to find my hometown and my parents?” Gu Chen looked at Gu Yuena expectantly, and a few rays of nervousness appeared in his palms. Sweat.

Gu Yuena said softly: “Of course I am willing. I am already yours. If I don’t follow you, who else can I follow? So, Brother Chen, when will we leave?”

Gu Chen said: “Now the Douluo Continent and the God Realm have settled down. It’s better to choose a different day. Let’s set off now, but before that, I want to leave a letter to my friends!”

Gu Chen said as a dozen pieces of letter paper appeared in his hand.

Gu Chen wrote letters to the twelve companions, to the Beast God Ditian, and to Tang San and Xiao Wu who were sworn brothers and sisters.

Soon, Gu Chen put down the brush, smoothed each piece of letter paper, and then let the golden energy carrier pigeons transformed by divine power carry the letters to the hands of the recipients.

“Na’er, let’s go.” Gu Chen took Gu Yuena’s little hand and said softly.

A silver door of light appeared in front of the two of them, and Gu Chen and Gu Yuena walked into it together.

Luo Chen and Feng Xiaoyu were stunned after reading the letter they received. They both felt a little disappointed and looked up into the sky.

Brother Chen, don’t worry, everything you leave behind will be protected by all of us!

The speed of the golden carrier pigeon was very fast, and in just a few breaths, everyone got their stationery.

Ye Wuyou, Ling Xiaojiu, Jin Zi, Xuan Mo, Xue Youying, Hua Buluo, Dongfang Po, Su Bai, Lu Yan and Mo Yun, after reading the letter, they all looked up at the vast Starry sky, leaving their blessings.

After the Beast God Ditian read this letter, he silently bowed in the direction from which the golden homing pigeon came, and whispered: “Lord, we will definitely live up to your expectations!”

Xiao Wu and Tang San also finished reading the letter.

Tears shone in Xiao Wu’s eyes, and she felt reluctant to leave Gu Chen and Gu Yuena.

On the other side, Tang San was a little unable to control himself.

The content written on the letter Tang San received was completely different from others.

On the letter paper in Tang San’s hand, there was only a short line of words.

Twenty-Four Bridges On a moonlit night, where can a beautiful lady teach me how to play the flute?

“Brother Chen…” Tang San couldn’t control it anymore, tears kept pouring out. He never thought that Gu Chen came from the same place as him.

Brother Chen, wish you good luck!

In the end, Tang San could only leave his blessing silently.

In the entire God Realm, countless people looked up at the sky at the same time.

In that vast starry sky, there is an endless universe.

Outside the divine realm, in the vast and boundless universe.

Looking at Gu Yuena who kept looking back at the God Realm, Gu Chen whispered: “Let’s go, Na’er.”

“Let’s go home together!”

(Complete the book!)


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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