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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 645 Extra: The Rebirth of the God of Death

Spirit world.

After the Ragnarok battle a few years ago, the divine world was ruled by five new god-kings. Three of these five god-kings were beast gods.

After the establishment of the new order in the God Realm, the paths to the God Realm for various lower realm beast tribes have been reopened, and under the rule of the five new god kings, the God Realm and all its affiliated planes are back on track.

However, the Golden Dragon God Gu Chen, who was believed by the gods in the God Realm, left the God Realm shortly after the war, taking his wife the Silver Dragon God Gu Yuena with him.

As for where the Golden Dragon God Gu Chen is going and what he is going to do, no one knows except the fifteen people who got the secret message he left behind.

The center of the divine world.

The Shadow Guard organization, which was originally only distributed in the Douluo Continent, developed into the God Realm and its affiliated planes after its leader, the God of Death, Ye Wuyou, ascended to the God Realm.

Some high-level officials of the Shadow Guard organization also obtained the status of priests or third-level gods under the arrangement of the God of Death, Ye Wuyou, and entered the God Realm to work.

In the center of the God Realm, there is even an area that was assigned to the Shadow Guard organization and became the new Shadow Guard headquarters.

“Sir, there have been a total of large-scale cases, two medium-sized cases, and thirty-six small cases in the Douluo Continent this year. All cases were solved by the shadow guards dispatched within three days of the occurrence. Douluo Continent Plane Nothing unusual.” In the Shadow Guard headquarters, a graceful girl wearing a rabbit-like mask knelt on one knee in front of the God of Death, Ye Wuyou, and reported.

Surprisingly, the aura exuded by this girl is not that of a third-level god or priest at the top of the Shadow Guard organization, but that of a second-level god!

Ye Wuyou nodded slightly and said: “Although your results are among the best among all the lower realms, your performance is not good enough in terms of your identity as the ‘heir’. I hope that in future cases , can be handled within one day, so as to ensure that those cases will not cause too much damage. Maotu, go back!”

“Yes!” Maotu saluted again, and then walked neatly towards the outside of the Shadow Guard Headquarters.

Looking at Mao Tu’s back, Ye Wuyou rubbed his eyebrows.

Ever since the war ended and his mission was completed, Ye Wuyou would always feel uneasy and anxious in his heart.

Ye Wuyou also consulted Su Bai, the god with the power to control emotions, but found nothing.

However, Ye Wuyou actually knew where this feeling of anxiety came from.

Whenever he fell asleep, the boy named “Nightmare” would reappear in front of him, and the tragedy decades ago would also reappear in front of his eyes.

If it hadn’t been for this little boy named Ye Shang, his younger brother, who had blocked the Ye family’s pursuit for him, I’m afraid he wouldn’t have achieved what he did today.

Ye Wuyou knew that the tragedy that happened back then had subtly become his inner demon as his cultivation level continued to improve.

Although he passed the test related to Nightmare in the God of Death’s Seven Emotions and Six Desires test, did he really pass it?

If Gu Chen hadn’t used the communication runestone to wake him up when he was about to lose himself, I’m afraid he would have died in that death inheritance.

This inner demon born in the bottom of my heart is the price of Ye Wuyou’s cheating in the death inheritance!

“Brother, no!”

At night, Ye Wuyou woke up from his nightmare again. As a first-level god, cold sweat was flowing down his back.

Ye Wuyou stood up, looked in the mirror in the room, and frowned as he looked at himself in the mirror with a livid face.

As time goes by, the power of this inner demon becomes more and more powerful.

If he cannot completely solve his inner demons, then sooner or later he will collapse among his inner demons!

But, how should he solve it?

Both the former Ye family and his younger brother Ye Shang disappeared into thin air decades ago.

“Perhaps, the God King of Time and Space will have a way…” Ye Wuyou murmured, and beside him stood the death sickle exuding the aura of death.

Ye Wuyou stretched out his right hand and held the Death Scythe, and the Death Scythe merged into his body obediently under his will.


Ye Wuyou walked out of his Death Temple and closed the palace door of the Death Temple.

The god of death’s power emerged, and Ye Wuyou’s figure disappeared into a stream of black light, fleeing towards the center of the God Realm.

Although it was dark at this time, the lights inside the God Realm Center were still brightly lit.

No matter day or night, the center of the God Realm will never stop functioning.

The five god kings in the center of the god world take turns on duty at night.

According to the order, the God King on duty in the God Realm Center tonight is the Space God King!

The moment Ye Wuyou stepped into the center of the God Realm, the Space God King sensed Ye Wuyou’s presence.

Soft silver light flashed, and the silver light enveloped Ye Wuyou’s body, bringing Ye Wuyou to the center of the God Realm in an instant.

Not far from Ye Wuyou, there was a silver-haired man.

Although all dragons love their own bodies and are unwilling to turn into human forms, the height of the building inside the God Realm Center is so high that it cannot accommodate the huge body of the dragons.

Therefore, the God King of Time and Space had no choice but to transform himself into a human form. Of course, this was only when he was working in the center of the God Realm. Once he left the center of the God Realm and went to his own territory, the God King of Time and Space would immediately transform himself into a human form. Return to the body of the dragon clan.

“God of Death, what’s the matter?” God King of Time and Space asked, looking at Ye Wuyou ten meters away.

Ye Wuyou’s eyes were piercing. He looked into the eyes of the God King of Time and Space and said: “God King of Time and Space, as far as I know, after you got Gu Chen’s God Status Enhancement Card and achieved the position of God King, you will Do you have the ability to use the power of time retrieval at any time?”

The God King of Time and Space was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, “Yes.”

Ye Wuyou pleaded: “God King of Time and Space, can I ask you to send me back to that day decades ago. I want to go back to that moment and save him…my brother Ye Shang!”

“Send you back to the past time dimension?” The God King of Time and Space was stunned.

Although it would be much easier to send a person back in time than actually going back in time, it is still very difficult for the God King of Time and Space.

Ye Wuyou said firmly: “Yes, the God King of Time and Space.”

The God King of Time and Space spoke, and only heard him say: “I do have such an ability, but I cannot send you completely back to decades ago.”

“What do you mean?” Ye Wuyou asked.

The God King of Time and Space said: “If you are sent back decades ago, you will lose almost everything you have now. Your divine status, your cultivation, and your body will all be turned into the smoke of the past. , you will return to the weak body you had decades ago, leaving nothing but memory. God of death, are you willing?”


Ye Wuyou looked at the silver-haired man not far away and couldn’t help but froze for a moment.

Having helped Gu Chen conquer the God Realm, his mission has been completed and he no longer owes Gu Chen anything.

However, what I owe to that little boy is something I will never be able to repay.

“So what if I lose everything, it’s just a matter of starting over. If I can change the original history, then I am willing to pay all the price.” Ye Wuyou smiled at himself, and then said seriously to the Dragon God of Time and Space.

Seeing Ye Wuyou’s resolute attitude, the God King of Time and Space also sighed.

“Oh, that’s all. Death, come with me.”

A silver light lit up in front of the two of them, and instantly turned into a silver light door that could allow one person to pass through. The God King of Time and Space said to Ye Wuyou.

On the other side of this silver light door is the long river of time and space.

The God King of Time and Space, who possesses the power of the attributes of time and space, has the ability to independently enter the river of time and space after breaking through to the realm of the God King.

He can even open a portal and take others into the river of time and space.

Looking at the God King of Time and Space who had entered the silver light door, Ye Wuyou followed him without hesitation and stepped into the silver light door.

After Ye Wuyou entered it, the silver light door also disappeared.

In the long river of time and space, the sky is filled with silver stars.

Those are not real stars, but space-time crystals condensed by the power of time and space.

“I am about to cast a spell to send you back. Although this magical power will not have any side effects on me, it will consume 99% of my divine power. Now, you have another chance to change your mind.” The God King of Time and Space looked at Ye Wu Worry, he spoke again.

Ye Wuyou shook his head and said, “No need, just use your magical powers.”

There was no regret in Ye Wuyou’s eyes, only determination and seriousness.

The God King of Time and Space nodded. His whole body exuded powerful fluctuations of time and space. Under the control of the God King of Time and Space, the power of time was peeled off from the long river of time and space like a cocoon.

“The power of time, look back!” The God King of Time and Space shouted, and the endless power of time, centered on Ye Wuyou, gathered quickly like a whirlpool.

The rich time attribute power covered Ye Wuyou’s body. This endless power of time showed pure white color in the air, which formed a contrast with Ye Wuyou’s black death costume.

The power of time quickly wrapped around and covered Ye Wuyou’s body, wrapping him tightly in it.

From the outside, Ye Wuyou seemed to have turned into a big white chrysalis wrapped by the power of time, and no one could be seen inside.

The God King of Time and Space shouted again, and the terrifying divine power in his body instantly left his body and surged towards the big white chrysalis.

This big white chrysalis swallowed the divine power of the God King of Time and Space without hesitation, without slowing down at all.

A quarter of an hour later, almost all the divine power of the God King of Time and Space was swallowed up by the big white chrysalis, leaving only a ray of divine power running in the body, stabilizing his state.

At this time, the big white chrysalis also stopped devouring the divine power of the God King of Time and Space, and showed a weak white fluorescence, suspended in the long river of time and space.

“God of Death, I wish you good luck!” the God King of Time and Space said silently.

At the same time, the big white chrysalis instantly burst out with endless light, forcing the God King of Time and Space, a strong man in the God King realm, to close his eyes.

In the big white chrysalis, Ye Wuyou also felt the changes in his body. He felt that his soul seemed to have separated from his body.

Goodbye, God Realm!

Goodbye, Shadow Guard!

Ye Wuyou also closed his eyes under the influence of the white light. He meditated silently while waiting for what was about to happen next.

In the long river of time and space, the God King of Time and Space reopened his eyes, and the white pupa that was originally in front of him had disappeared.

Suddenly, the God King of Time and Space frowned and said to himself: “It’s strange that the God of Death in the God Realm has disappeared. Alas, I don’t know if this is a blessing or a curse…”

The silver light door appeared again, and the God King of Time and Space returned to the God Realm.

At this time, the long river of time and space also regained its previous silence.

decades ago.


This is a mountain that is not very high. Because this mountain is very close to Xingluo City, the capital of the Star Luo Empire, it was named “Xing Luo Mountain”.

On the mountain path, two boys wearing shabby linen clothes were running barefoot in the mountains. They looked frightened. Even though the soles of their feet were worn out, they did not stop at all.

It was as if there was something big and terrifying behind them, chasing them.

But the fact is indeed the case. Less than a thousand meters behind the two boys, there are more than 20 young men wearing black brocade clothes and tokens with the word “night” engraved on their waists. They are holding scimitars and heading towards Two boys were rushing in the direction.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.


At this moment, a ray of silver light suddenly lit up from the night sky, and instantly turned into a point of light and disappeared into the body of the larger-looking boy.

Ye Wuyou suddenly opened his eyes, everything in front of him was so familiar.

The familiar night sky, the familiar Xingluo Mountain, the familiar body and the familiar younger brother beside me, Nightmare!

“Am I back…” Ye Wuyou murmured. He could feel the weakness of his current body, as if a gentle touch could knock him down.

Compared with his body when he came, his body now is as weak as an ant!

“Those two damn traitors are right ahead, chase them!”

Suddenly, a loud shout came from behind Ye Wuyou and Ye Shang.

Black shadows flashed out one after another, located in different positions, vaguely showing the appearance of surrounding Ye Wuyou and the two.

Both Ye Wuyou and Ye Shang stopped, and they made vigilant postures to prepare for battle.

At the same time, a figure walked out from among the Ye family disciples. Through the expressions of others, Ye Wuyou could tell that these Ye family disciples were following this person.

“You will be blamed for offending Master Ye Han!” The leader of the Ye family sneered and pulled out the scimitar from his waist.

Seeing this, Ye Shang took a step forward.

Faced with the danger of life and death, Ye Shang didn’t flinch at all. Instead, he held a purple-winged angel and stood in front of his brother, Ye Wuyou!

Ye Shang turned his head and smiled brightly at Ye Wuyou: “Brother, don’t be afraid. I can protect you!”

Just when Ye Shang was about to take action, Ye Wuyou suddenly took a step and stopped Ye Shang.

“No, this time, let me protect you!”

Ye Wuyou’s eyes were filled with murderous intent, and strands of death energy emitted from his body at some point and spread in all directions.


Suddenly, a wave of energy flashed past, and a sickle with flashing black lines suddenly appeared in Ye Wuyou’s hand.

Looking at the scythe in his hand, Ye Wuyou said in surprise: “Old man, I didn’t expect you to follow me here!”

Yes, since Ye Wuyou’s Death Scythe is a soul contract with him, even if Ye Wuyou lost the Death God position and lost all his power, the Death Scythe followed his soul here. !

However, because there is no support from the God of Death and the power of the God of Death, the current Death Scythe is in a sealed state.

But even so, the power that the Death Scythe can display is not weaker than a high-end quasi-artifact!

Ye Wuyou held the Death Scythe tightly. In his perception, the Death Scythe was like a part of his body. Every swing of the Death Scythe was under his perception!

“Kill them!” The leading Ye family disciple shouted, and the more than twenty Ye family disciples, all armed with scimitars, came towards Ye Wuyou and Ye Shang.

Ye Shang wanted to take action, but was stopped by Ye Wuyou.

Ye Wuyou looked at a member of the Ye family in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was an incomparable edge in the depths of his eyes.


The death sickle swung out horizontally and struck directly at the neck of the Ye family disciple.

But Ye Wuyou leaned back and avoided the scimitar slashed by the Ye family disciple.

The Death Scythe cut open the Ye family member’s trachea without any accident, and blood shot out from the Ye family member’s throat like a fountain, splashing all over Ye Wuyou.

The Ye family member showed an unbelievable look in his eyes, and finally fell down, dying with his eyes open!

In this body of a teenager, after Ye Wuyou killed a member of the Ye family, not only did he not feel any discomfort, but he licked the blood that was spattered at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes revealed more. of bloodthirsty.

The assassin who hunts the enemy will chase the taste of blood!

Facing this enemy with a blood feud, Ye Wuyou struck without mercy, and every scythe he swung was aimed at killing the enemy!

Every time the death sickle is swung out, the life of a member of the Ye family disappears from the world.

On the other hand, Ye Wuyou had a lot of blood on his body, but not a drop of it was his own. These Ye family members couldn’t even get close to Ye Wuyou, so their throats were slit!

In just a few breaths of fighting, most of the more than twenty Ye family disciples who were chasing Ye Wuyou and Ye Shang fell into Ye Wuyou’s hands.

Blood was flowing on the ground, and more than a dozen Ye family disciples fell there with eyes wide open, looking very horrifying!

Although the former leader of the Ye family was not killed by Ye Wuyou, a fatal wound was opened on his chest, and his heart was even cut open. Blood was pouring out, and he was also Increasingly powerless.

Although his Soul Sect-level strength prevented him from dying immediately, the feeling of waiting for death was even more excruciating!

The smell of blood spread quickly and was smelled by everyone present.

“He…he is the devil, the God of Death!” A member of the Ye family collapsed completely as he looked at the corpses on the ground. He shouted wildly and tried to run away in the opposite direction.

But in the next moment, a death sickle with flashing black lines pierced his heart. The sickle pulled back and pulled the heart of the Ye family member out of his body.

Ye Wuyou’s eyes were full of blood, and he roared: “I told you, you all have to die here today!”

As he spoke, Ye Wuyou’s figure flashed quickly like a shadow, and the death scythe was constantly being swung out, assassinating each of the Ye family’s children.

Soon, there was only one surviving member of the Ye family.

“I…I have a lot of gold soul coins. As long as you let me go, I can give you more gold soul coins than you can spend in a lifetime!” The last member of the Ye family was so frightened that he fell to the ground and shouted loudly Begging for mercy.

Ye Wuyou snorted coldly and stood in front of this disciple of the Ye family.

Seeing that Ye Wuyou had stopped, this son of the Ye family thought that Ye Wuyou had changed his mind. He asked tentatively: “So, what is your choice?”

“Haha, my choice is…this!” Ye Wuyou sneered, and the death sickle turned into a shadow that could not be seen clearly with the naked eye, and passed over the Ye family disciple’s head in an instant, completely splitting it in half. .

When this member of the Ye family died, his eyes were still shining with hope.

He had no idea why Ye Wuyou, who had already stopped, ended up killing him.

In fact, now that he is here, he should have been prepared to die, right?

After killing all the enemies, Ye Wuyou walked towards the little boy Ye Shang.

Looking at Ye Wuyou, whose eyes were still shining with blood, Ye Shang was so frightened that he took two steps back.

Seeing this, Ye Wuyou seemed to realize something, and he reintegrated the Death Scythe into his body.

He raised his left hand and wanted to touch Ye Shang’s head, but he stopped in mid-air.

Ye Wuyou rubbed his left hand vigorously on his linen clothes to wipe away the blood on his hand, then placed his palm on Ye Shang’s head and rubbed it gently.

“Brother…” Ye Shang no longer acted as bravely as before, he shouted softly.

Ye Wuyou’s eyes became moist again.

He suddenly hugged Ye Shang into his arms and kept repeating: “It’s okay, Ye Shang, the people who are chasing us are all dead!”

Ye Shang gently hugged his brother’s body, and then whispered: “Brother, where should we go next?”

Hearing this, Ye Wuyou let go of his hand. He looked into the distance and said, “Go to Wuhun City. There is someone my brother wants to wait for!”

With that said, Ye Wuyou put away the space soul guides owned by the dead Ye family members one by one, and then headed down the mountain.

Ye Shang didn’t say much, he just followed Ye Wuyou obediently.

“Ye Shang…”

Suddenly, Ye Wuyou stopped.

“What’s wrong, brother?”

Nightmare also stopped and looked at his brother in confusion.

Ye Wuyou seemed to be talking to Ye Shang, or to himself, as he just heard him say: “Once, you protected me. Now, let me protect you, brother!”

Before he finished speaking, Ye Wuyou continued walking forward.

At this time, the shining sun had risen from the east of Xingluo Mountain, and this dazzling light illuminated the faces of Ye Wuyou and Ye Shang.

“The past belongs to Death, the future… belongs to you!”


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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