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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 646 Extra: The Redemption of the Fallen Angel

Wuhun City.

This is the day of the annual Wuhun awakening. All children in Wuhun City who meet the six-year-old awakening conditions will be taken to the Wuhun Hall for the Wuhun Awakening.

However, some big families in Wuhun City have a complete set of Wuhun awakening facilities, and most of the children of these big families are responsible for the Wuhun awakening by the soul masters within the clan.

The Feng family is like this!

In Wuhun City, although the Feng family’s status is not very high, it still barely ranks among the big families.

At this time, in the Feng family compound, a dozen boys and girls were chatting, waiting for the next awakening of their martial spirits.

As children of a large family, these children of the Feng family are all people who have seen the world. Although they are curious about the next awakening of the martial arts, they are not as excited as the children in the countryside.

However, among these Feng family disciples, two people seemed to have separated from the group.

One of the children was a very beautiful girl. She was sitting quietly on a big rock nearby, holding a book introducing martial arts knowledge in her hands. She was quiet and beautiful.

Perhaps because they didn’t want to disturb this beautiful scenery, although these Feng family disciples were a little noisy, no one would bother this fairy-like girl.

In the corner of the Feng family compound, there seemed to be a little boy, trying to hide his figure under the shadow of the high wall.

This little boy’s name is Feng Xi, but the name obviously contains the word “xi” which represents sunshine, but Feng Xi’s every move is like a creature hidden in the darkness, lonely and lonely.

“All the children of the Feng family, line up in order and come here to receive the awakening of the martial spirit.” At this moment, a middle-aged man walked into the Feng family courtyard.

The middle-aged man came to the center of the Feng Family Courtyard holding a crystal ball for testing soul power and a set of awakening stones for awakening martial souls.

After hearing the middle-aged man’s words, all the teenagers in the Feng Family Courtyard walked towards the middle-aged man, and then lined up in a neat column.

And the girl who was sitting on the stone reading a book also put away the book in her hand and came to the end of the queue.

Oh no, she wasn’t in the last position.

Because in the shadow under the wall, Feng Xi had not yet entered the team.

“Feng Xi, aren’t you coming to line up?” The girl naturally noticed Feng Xi under the shadow. She tilted her head in confusion and asked.

Feng Xi heard someone calling her, and then she took action.

“Here we come.” Feng Xi walked to the end of the team, but kept a distance of nearly five meters from the entire team.

When the girl saw this, she ignored him.

The martial soul awakening was proceeding in an orderly manner. The Feng family disciples in front of them all awakened the hurricane bird martial spirit inherited by the Feng family, and their innate soul power also ranged from level four to level seven.

As for those with innate soul power above level seven, they have not appeared yet.

If placed in some ordinary villages, people would be surprised to see so many children who have awakened the high-level beast martial soul Hurricane Bird, and all of them have high innate soul power.

However, this is not surprising.

After all, those who can participate in the awakening of martial spirits in this Feng family compound are all direct descendants of the Feng family, and their bloodline is purer than that of the Feng family’s descendants.

And the only concubine in the Feng family compound was Feng Xi.

As for why he is qualified to come to the Feng family compound to participate in the awakening of martial arts, it is just because Feng Xi’s parents have made great contributions to the Feng family.

Soon, the girl from before walked up to accept the middle-aged man’s martial soul awakening.

The snow-white wings bloomed, and as expected, the martial spirit awakened by this girl was also a hurricane bird.

When testing the innate soul power, this girl was even tested to have level nine innate soul power!

“That’s great. Our Feng family has not had an innate soul power above level seven for many years. Wait for notification after you go back. I will report this to the head of the family. Maybe I can send you to the best place in the Martial Spirit Academy.” If you practice in Ziyi Class, your future will be limitless…” The middle-aged man was very surprised and said a lot to the girl.

But Feng Xi didn’t listen carefully to the specific words.

At this time, it was his turn to awaken his martial soul.

Since a genius had awakened before Feng Xi, and Feng Xi was a commoner, the middle-aged man seemed very impatient when he called him forward.

Feng Xi walked into the center of the magic circle. As the golden light lit up, Feng Xi felt a burst of pain coming from her internal organs.

Unlike the white wings of the hurricane bird, the Feng family’s inherited martial spirit, dense purple-black feathers appeared on Feng Xi’s body. These purple-black feathers did not have a trace of the wind element, but were shrouded in a strange dark force. .

What’s even more surprising is that there are no wings appearing behind Feng Xi.

“This… this is a wingless bird, an unknown symbol!!” After the middle-aged man saw Feng Xi’s appearance, as a soul master, he took three steps back in succession and stretched out his fingers in disbelief. Pointing at Feng Xi.

At this time, Feng Xi’s whole body was covered with purple-black feathers, but he was covered with purple-black feathers, but there were no wings on his back.

This made Feng Xi look very weird, and the dark aura emanating from him made the surrounding Feng family disciples run away in fear.

Only the little girl and the middle-aged man in charge of the martial arts awakening were still staying in the Feng family compound.

“Quick, call the head of the family over!” The middle-aged man said to the girl.

At the same time, a man suddenly appeared on the high wall of the Feng Family Courtyard and jumped into the Feng Family Courtyard.

This man released four soul rings, and he turned out to be a powerful soul sect!

His second soul ring flashed, and the cyan light fell from the sky, turning into a hurricane cage, controlling Feng Xi within it.

“Fourth Elder, what are you…” Feng Xi was stunned when she saw this.

The fourth elder had a stern look on his face, and he said sternly: “You little bastard born from a concubine, you have awakened such an ominous thing as a wingless bird, the Feng family will no longer tolerate you!”

At this moment, the head of the Feng family flew in from outside the Feng family compound.

The head of the Feng family is a powerful sixth-ring soul emperor and the most powerful person in the Feng family. Under the head of the Feng family, even the second elder only has the cultivation level of a fourth-ring soul sect.

The Feng family can become a big family, all thanks to the support of the Feng family head and the Feng family’s many industries.

“Patriarch, this little beast who was born as a concubine has actually awakened the spirit of a wingless bird, which is recorded as an ominous thing in the Feng family’s family history. Patriarch, I suggest that this little beast and his whole family be driven away from the Feng family, so as not to cause trouble for me. The Feng family brings bad luck!” The fourth elder said sternly, his tone did not sound like he was begging the head of the Feng family, but rather like he was intimidating him.

Although the head of the Feng family has the power of the Soul Emperor and is the leader of the clan, the four elders have no respect for him at all.

Seeing this, the head of the Feng family frowned and said, “Feng Xi’s parents have made great contributions to our Feng family. Neither you nor I are qualified to expel them from the Feng family.”

The fourth elder said coldly: “Master, have you forgotten the ominous man who owned a wingless bird in the family history?”

The head of the Feng family chuckled and said, “So what, this is the Feng family, I have the final say on right and wrong!”

As he said that, the head of the Feng family gave the fourth elder a cold look, as if to express his dissatisfaction.

The head of the Feng family stretched out his hand, and the wind cage that suppressed Feng Xi disappeared instantly, and the pressure Feng Xi felt disappeared.

“Feng Xi, you should go back first.” The head of the Feng family smiled at Feng Xi and then said.

“Yes, Master!” Feng Xi felt as if his heart was touched. He nodded vigorously, and then ran out of the Feng family compound.

In this way, Feng Xi was not expelled.

However, in the next nearly five years, Feng Xi was ostracized and isolated by almost all his peers, perhaps because the fourth elder maliciously spread negative public opinions.

Even if Feng Xi walks on the road openly, he will be thrown stones by some naughty children, cursed and insulted by his peers, and even the adults in the family will point fingers at Feng Xi without hiding their disgust at all. expression.

It’s like Feng Xi’s wingless bird spirit is really something ominous.

Therefore, when Feng Xi left her hut, she had to walk in the shadows. Returning to the warm sunshine seemed to be a luxury wish for Feng Xi.

Because, under that sunshine, he is no longer accepted by people.

If it was just simple rejection and isolation, it would be nothing to Feng Xi.

But as time went by, although Feng Xi did nothing, he was hated by almost everyone, and even became the target of beatings.

However, Feng Xi would not resist because he did not want to cause trouble to the head of the Feng family.

Once, five Feng family disciples with soul master training kept throwing feather blades, chasing Feng Xi, and even tried to beat Feng Xi to death.

However, just when Feng Xi was beaten all over by the flying feather blade, he came outside a small courtyard, and the door of this small courtyard happened to be opened.

“You dandy boys, if you attack Feng Xi again, don’t blame me for being rude!”

A girl’s voice came from the courtyard, and two yellow soul rings rose from the girl’s feet!

Unexpectedly, this girl turned out to be a great soul master!

Seeing this girl, the Feng family disciples who were chasing Feng Xi all dispersed.

Not only because they can’t defeat this girl at all, but the main reason is because this girl is the only genius in the Feng family with ninth-level innate soul power, and they can’t afford to offend this girl!

“Is it you?” Feng Xi couldn’t help but froze when she saw the girl’s face.

He still remembered that when the martial soul awakened, it was this girl who called him out from the shadows.

Feng Xi thanked you: “Thank you.”

The girl just smiled and nodded, and then said: “Feng Xi, would you like to come to my yard to rest for a while? I have medicine at home that can help you bandage your wounds.”

Hearing this, Feng Xi hesitated for a moment and said, “Let’s forget it. The adults in the clan hate me. I’m worried that your parents will blame you for inviting me in.”

“No, my parents are very nice and don’t have any ill intentions towards you. Come in.” The girl said.

The girl invited him twice in a row, and the girl had just helped him, so Feng Xi did not refuse anymore, but nodded and followed the girl into the small courtyard.

“By the way, I haven’t asked yet, what’s your name!” Feng Xi followed the girl, scratched her head and said.

The girl looked back with a smile and said: “My name is Feng Xiaoyu, please give me your advice!”

“Oh, thank you, Feng Xiaoyu.” Feng Xi nodded and thanked again.

At this time, Feng Xiaoyu had already brought Feng Xi to the small courtyard.

Feng Xiaoyu’s parents were both in the courtyard. After seeing Feng Xi’s bruised appearance, they all came over with concern.

Feng Xiaoyu’s mother personally took the dressing medicine and helped Feng Xi treat the wound, which made Feng Xi feel even more flattered.

After all, he has always received only cold looks in the Feng family, and his heart has almost become cold. Apart from his parents, Feng Xiaoyu and Feng Xiaoyu’s mother are the first people who are willing to care about him so much. .

This touched Feng Xi’s heart again, and a warm feeling rose from the bottom of her heart.

In this small courtyard, Feng Xi felt as warm as at home.

For a moment, Feng Xi even had the idea of ​​not leaving the small courtyard. After all, the only thing outside the small courtyard was the icy cold wind and disgusted eyes.

From that day on, the small courtyard where Feng Xiaoyu’s family lived was the place Feng Xi wanted to go most besides her own home.

However, the real opportunities for him to go are very few.

Originally Feng Xi thought her life would go on like this, but one day not long after.

The head of the Feng family responded to the call of the Wuhun Palace and wanted to bring three strong men from the clan to participate in the Wuhun Palace. What they were about to do was extremely dangerous.

Due to the exclusion of the elders, Feng Xi’s parents had no choice but to join the plan.

In the end, the head of the Feng family took Feng Xi’s parents and another strong man from the Feng family and left forever.

After the fourth elder received the news of the death of the head of the Feng family, instead of feeling sad at all, he was overjoyed.

In just one week, countless Feng family disciples who had been recruited by the four elders rose up and seized all the power originally held by the head of the Feng family. The four elders took control of the Feng family.

On the first day after the Fourth Elder took power, he ordered people to expel Feng Xi, and even secretly found someone to kill Feng Xi.

Unfortunately, the news that the Fourth Elder wanted to find someone to kill Feng Xi secretly leaked out, and Feng Xi learned about it.

At this time, Feng Xi was in the hut.

Purple-black feathers from the Wingless Bird Martial Spirit grew from his body, and the fluffy and slender feathers were faintly flashing with energy fluctuations of dark elements.

Three soul rings rose up from the soles of Feng Xi’s feet. These three soul rings were yellow, yellow, and purple.

When Feng Xi awakened the Wingless Bird Spirit, the middle-aged man did not test Feng Xi’s soul power. This also made everyone except Feng Xi unaware that Feng Xi was actually innately full of soul power. !

The innate talent of full soul power and the dark element attribute, one of the seven elements, allow Feng Xi to practice faster than his peers. Even Feng Xiaoyu cannot catch up with him.

As for his unwillingness to resist when being bullied by other Feng family children, it was just because Feng Xi didn’t want to cause trouble for the Feng family head and his parents.

However, now they all died outside the Feng Family, and the leader of the Feng Family wanted to kill him.

“Alas.” Feng Xi sighed. He held a piece of silk cloth in his hand and gently wiped a dagger that shone with cold light.

Feng Xi held the cleaned dagger in her hand. In the dead of night, she pushed open the wooden door of her hut and looked out at the moonlight.

I thought I would be redeemed like that angel, but in the end, I still fell into the abyss and became the fallen angel that people feared.

Feng Xi’s figure was shrouded in black dark elemental power. He quickly flashed out of his hut and moved toward the houses of the Feng family’s children.

Feng Xi clearly remembered that in the Feng family, no one except Feng Xiaoyu’s family was willing to accept her. The rest of the family would either beat her to bruises or abuse her with obscene words.

They… all deserve to die!

Feng Xi’s heart was completely wrapped in a layer of dark elemental ability, which prevented him from being moved by emotion at critical moments.

Like a ghost in the darkness, Feng Xi quickly entered a hut where a Feng family member lived. He remembered that the owner of this hut had teamed up with other Feng family members to beat him to death.

He came to the bedside of the Feng family disciple. The Feng family disciple was still sleeping soundly, without any awareness of the upcoming crisis.

Feng Xi raised his right hand, and the dagger flashing with cold light suddenly appeared in his palm.


Feng Xi stabbed the dagger straight into the heart of the Feng family disciple, killing him.

This Feng family member died so silently in his sleep!

Every time Feng Xi entered the courtyard of a Feng family disciple, he would stab the dagger in his hand without hesitation and stab it accurately into the opponent’s heart, killing him.

In just half an hour, nearly 90% of the Feng family’s children died in Feng Xi’s hands.

In fact, it is normal for Feng Xi to kill so fast. After all, Feng Xi is a three-ring soul master, and he has the power of dark element attributes, and has extremely strong combat ability in the same realm.

But among the Feng family, most of them are soul masters or great soul masters. Even the soul masters and soul masters, there are only ten people in total.

What’s more, these children of the Feng family are used to being comfortable and are not even wary of the coming danger.

This allowed Feng Xi to assassinate these Feng family disciples like a wolf among sheep, without any hindrance.

At this time, in the Feng family, only three soul sects, including the fourth elder, and Feng Xiaoyu’s family were left.

As for the others, they were all dead.

When Feng Xi stepped into the courtyard where the fourth elder was, his aura was instantly noticed by the second elder, third elder and fourth elder.

These three Feng family experts with Soul Sect cultivation appeared in three different directions of Feng Xi at the same time, surrounding Feng Xi.

Seeing the river of blood flowing in the Feng family’s mansion, the fourth elder immediately became furious. He roared: “Feng Xi, you damn little beast, I said at the beginning that you would bring misfortune to the family, but it’s a pity that the head of the family That old immortal thing is unwilling to expel you from the Feng family. Now, I want to clean up the house!”

As the fourth elder’s words fell, the fourth elder’s hurricane bird spirit possessed him. As the third spirit ring flashed, countless blades made of feathers shot towards Feng Xi’s direction.

Feng Xi lowered his eyes and said calmly: “Since you think I will bring bad luck to the family, then I will bring bad luck to the family!!”

Before Feng Xi finished speaking, the second yellow soul ring behind him flashed, and his figure turned into a black mist.

The countless feather blades pierced into the black mist, but came out from the other end of the black mist without stopping.

And the black mist transformed by the power of dark elements dissipated, and Feng Xi had already disappeared.

In the next moment, the second elder suddenly widened his eyes.

On his neck, a thin blood line suddenly appeared. Then, the blood line enlarged, and the second elder’s head flew up and rolled to the feet of the fourth elder.

Behind the headless body of the second elder stood the expressionless Feng Xi.

“Little beast, you are so vicious!” The fourth elder looked at the head at his feet and subconsciously took a step back, feeling a chill in his heart.

The first one to die was the second elder, and no one knew whether he would be the next to die!

“Die!” The fourth elder shouted to encourage himself, and then, his fourth soul ring lit up.

With the fourth elder’s body as the core, a strong storm blew up quickly, and the area of ​​tens of meters around the fourth elder was filled with the shimmering wind blades.

“Fourth Elder, are you crazy?” The third elder looked at the fourth elder in disbelief. You must know that he is within the range of the fourth elder’s soul skills!

The fourth elder snorted coldly and said: “Stop talking nonsense, the top priority now is to kill this little beast Feng Xi!”

The third elder had no choice but to resist the wind blade of the fourth elder while looking for traces of Feng Xi.


Suddenly, the third elder let out a scream.

It turned out that Feng Xi appeared behind the third elder at some unknown moment and stabbed the dagger into the third elder’s abdomen.

“Die!” When the fourth elder saw Feng Xi’s figure, he launched his third soul skill without hesitation, and countless feather blades shot out, blasting towards Feng Xi.

Although behind Feng Xi was the third elder who was in the same camp as the fourth elder, the fourth elder did not hesitate when taking action, and even completely ignored the life and death of the third elder.

Seeing this, Feng Xi just raised the corners of his mouth slightly, his second soul ring lit up, and disappeared into black mist again as usual.

However, the feather blades of the fourth elder could not be stopped. Without Feng Xi to block the front, these feather blades penetrated directly through the body of the third elder, and one feather blade even penetrated the heart of the third elder!

The third elder’s eyes widened, with endless resentment in his eyes, as he looked at the fourth elder in the center of the storm.

He never expected that he was not killed by Feng Xi, but died in the hands of the fourth elder!

“As expected of the Fourth Elder, he is so ruthless!” Feng Xi’s voice came faintly from behind the Fourth Elder.

The fourth elder was shocked and turned around to attack.

But in the next moment, a dagger suddenly pierced his heart.

“It seems that I have become the unforgivable fallen angel. Anyway, all this is my own choice.” Feng Xi’s figure appeared, he looked at the body of the fourth elder and murmured.

The next moment, he disappeared into the darkness.

The talent of Wuhun can make Feng Xi disappear in the darkness. It is night at this time, which means that any place where the moonlight cannot shine will be his home court.

The next day, Feng Xiaoyu’s family woke up from their sleep.

They found in disbelief that the huge Feng family was already bleeding like a river, and no one survived except them!

“Xiao Yu, your mother and I must report everything that happened last night to the Wuhun Palace truthfully. We have already set up a formation in this courtyard, and anyone with ill intentions towards you will not be able to enter. You Practice at home, let’s go first.” After Feng Xiaoyu’s father told Feng Xiaoyu, he quickly went out with Feng Xiaoyu’s mother towards the headquarters of Wuhun Palace.

In the evening, the small courtyard where Feng Xiaoyu was located was shrouded in the setting sun. Only the high wall of the small courtyard was still covered by shadows.

Feng Xiaoyu was practicing in the yard. Suddenly, she opened her eyes.

“Brother, why are you here?” Feng Xiaoyu looked at the boy who suddenly appeared not far away from him in great surprise.

After Feng Xi came to this small courtyard for the first time, Feng Xiaoyu no longer called him “Feng Xi”, but called him brother.

Feng Xiaoyu thought it would not be too harsh to call him this way.

“Just because of my mutated martial spirit, my clan members thought that I would bring bad luck and lead to the family’s downfall. Because of this false rumor, they killed my parents and even put me in such a situation… It’s just, They didn’t expect that even a wingless bird would be able to soar one day…” Feng Xi did not answer Feng Xiaoyu, he was talking to himself, his voice was low and his tone was unusually calm, as if he was just narrating. A small everyday thing.

Suddenly, Feng Xi laughed and said: “Since they believe that I will bring bad luck to the family, then I am here. I killed all the people in the family except you. After my parents died, I felt in the Feng family There is only coldness and darkness, and no one is willing to help me except you. You accepted me, and you and your parents are like the warm sun, warming my heart and bringing me a ray of hope-like light.”

“I thought I could become the redeemed fallen angel, but it’s a pity that the dark boy fell into the abyss after all. I’m sorry that my existence has caused you all… I just want to give you one last thought before leaving. I just came to see you, now…it’s time for me to leave.” Feng Xi’s expression had a hint of loneliness, he turned around and slowly walked out of the other courtyard.

“Brother, they are also members of the clan who are related to you by blood!” Feng Xiaoyu spoke, tears flashing in her eyes.

Feng Xi turned around and said: “Clan members… maybe. Goodbye, Xiao Yu!”

“Wait!” Feng Xiaoyu shouted again.

Feng Xi cast a doubtful look.

Feng Xiaoyu said: “Brother, if you must leave, can you take me with you? I think there is still a possibility for fallen angels to be redeemed.”

Feng Xi smiled and shook his head. He turned around again and waved.

Feng Xi’s figure walked into the shadows and completely escaped into the darkness.

No one knows where he has gone, and no one knows what will happen to him in the future.

At this time, there was only one voice left in the small courtyard, still echoing.

“The fallen angel has fallen into the embrace of darkness, but you, the kind-hearted one, cares about the light. We are destined to be different. See you at the end of the journey, sister. By then, you will understand everything I have done!”


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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