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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 647 Extra: The Whisper of the Wind God

At this time, it was already evening.

The sunset that quietly appeared on the horizon was like spilled dye, dyeing most of the sky in the God Realm red.

The setting sun shone on the Wind God Temple floating in the air, and at the same time, whose faces were illuminated by the setting sun, there was a man and woman leaning against each other.

Feng Xiaoyu turned his head slightly and looked at Luo Chen, whose fingers were intertwined with hers. Under the setting sun, Luo Chen’s face, which was still delicate despite the tempering of the years, looked even more handsome.

The man she loved most, who had gone through countless crises and adventures with her, was finally able to be with her.

Getting married is not only what Luo Chen has been waiting for, it is also what she wants.

Now, Ragnarok has passed, order has been restored to the divine world, and they have successfully come together.

One of the things Feng Xiaoyu loves to do most now is to quietly watch the sunset with Luo Chen outside the Fengshen Temple every evening.

And, at this time, he recalled everything he had spent with Luo Chen.

Yi Yue remembered that the first time Feng Xiaoyu met Luo Chen was in the Martial Spirit Academy.

At that time, Luo Chen was still a very cute little shota, but because of his weak strength, he was bullied by the students of Tianzi Class 1.

At that time, although she could not say that she had any special affection for Luo Chen, her first impression of this cute little boy was not too bad.

Back then, they were just ignorant boys and girls. At this most innocent age, Feng Xiaoyu had never had any special feelings for Luo Chen, and the communication between them was very little.

Apart from the practical training required by Lucy Mei, the teacher in charge of Tianzi Class 1, Feng Xiaoyu could even be said to have no interaction with Luo Chen.

Until that day, Gu Chen came to Wuhun Academy.

Feng Xiaoyu and Luo Chen both joined Gu Chen’s team and began to fight side by side.

From that day on, she and Luo Chen truly became partners from strangers.

I still remember Luo Chen’s boldness and hesitation in killing Yuan Ye with a scorpion pistol in that unknown mountain range. This made Feng Xiaoyu discover that Luo Chen was not the kind of person who was easily bullied. Honest man.

Kill with one blow, no chance!

The words uttered from Gu Chen’s mouth were used vividly by Luo Chen.

Yes, if you are kind to your enemies, how much better can you be to yourself?

After all, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself!

As for the so-called “leave a thin line in life so that we can meet each other in the future”, it is nonsense when life and death are at stake. As long as the enemy is completely eliminated, then in the future… haha, then there will be no future!

In Feng Xiaoyu’s eyes, Luo Chen was like a follower behind Gu Chen, following suit every step of the way.

But she knew that Luo Chen was not doing this to please others, but to repay the people who helped her, and to follow the people who gave her a new life without any regrets.

This kind of Luo Chen would not make her hate him.

This strong, courageous and grateful boy actually made her feel a little fond of him.

But this is only limited to generating some good feelings. If you want to say that you like him, it is actually far from being mentioned.

As for when did she start to like Luo Chen?

Feng Xiaoyu turned his head and subconsciously glanced at Luo Chen’s back.

Although the wound caused by King Kong Zhuo has been completely healed, Luo Chen’s back seems to have left an invisible mark, which has been preserved in the passage of time.

If I have to make it clear, then Feng Xiaoyu fell in love with Luo Chen since that day in Wolong City of the Dream Kingdom, when Luo Chen did not hesitate to block the fatal blow from the National Master of the Dream Kingdom for her.

At that time, she and Luo Chen were just partners.

The Diamond Strike struck by the Grand Master of the Dream Kingdom was a fatal attack, and Luo Chen, a food-type soul master with a fragile body, could not resist it for her.

After all, they were just partners, and Luo Chen was just a food-type soul master.

Even if he didn’t block the blow, no one would blame him. After all, apart from using fried rice to assist, he had no responsibility to protect her!

Besides, it was also because of her recklessness that she ended up in such a situation.

However, Luo Chen still took action without hesitation. He stood in front of her without any hesitation, using his not-so-strong back to block King Kong Zhuo’s fatal blow.

In Feng Xiaoyu’s eyes, Luo Chen was the strongest and bravest at that time.

It was Luo Chen’s leap that made Feng Xiaoyu completely fall in love with this boy.

“Let me go… Even if I live now, I can only be a useless person. I don’t want to drag you down!”

“It’s okay, I’ll take care of you!”

The conversation at that time seemed to reappear before her eyes.

That was not just an impulsive word, but also a young girl’s promise to the boy she loved!

She wants to raise him, she wants to protect him!

Feng Xiaoyu was touched not only in her heart, but also in her emotions!

Thinking of this, she held Luo Chen’s little hand and couldn’t help but use a little force.

I still remember that she was seriously injured and fell into coma during the second test of Fengshen inheritance.

The first thing he saw when he woke up was Luo Chen kneeling beside the bed.

“Sister Xiao Yu, can we not take the exam for the Wind God inheritance? We won’t take the exam…”

Because of his injury, tears flashed in his eyes. Feng Xiaoyu still remembers the figure lying on his bedside begging for help.

That’s because he cares about himself and doesn’t want himself to get hurt.

Later, she learned from Gu Chen that the boy actually stayed by her bedside all night, and only after she woke up could she rest assured.

“Sister Xiao Yu, what’s wrong?” Luo Chen asked subconsciously when he found Feng Xiao Yu staring at him motionless.

Feng Xiaoyu shook his head gently and said: “It’s nothing, the sunset is about to fall into the mountains!”

Just as Feng Xiaoyu said, the setting sun has half disappeared into the mountains in the distance, as if it will disappear soon.


Feng Xiaoyu slowly let out a breath, looking at the still dazzling sunset, she fell into memories again.

I remember that time, when she was conquering the Xianlin City of the Xingluo Empire, she was severely injured after blocking Luo Chen’s full blow from the Xiao Family Soul Douluo.

But Luo Chen was like a maniac. He didn’t hesitate to spend ten years of his life to kill the Xiao Family Soul Douluo!

When she couldn’t understand Luo Chen, when Gu Chen could kill him at such a cost, Luo Chen spoke.

“But, Sister Xiao Yu, I don’t want to see you get hurt!”

There was nothing sweet in the boy’s words, but they were still echoing in her mind like the best confession.

“Luo Chen… I, Feng Xiaoyu, have recognized you!”

Luo Chen fell into a coma because she couldn’t withstand the backlash of her soul skills, but at that time, she had made such a promise.

From then on, she truly fell in love with Luo Chen, this cute little lady!

I swear to follow you to the death and never leave!

It was at that moment that Feng Xiaoyu chose him, the one who would stay with her for the rest of her life!

She still remembers that after the level 12 fixed soul-guided cannonballs destroyed the sky and earth and destroyed Star Luo City in one fell swoop, she and Luo Chen discovered the escaping Emperor Dai Heng of the Star Luo Empire.

That time, it was the second time Luo Chen stood in front of her, using his thin back to block the enemy’s attack.

In that incident, Feng Xiaoyu relied on the overwhelming anger generated by Luo Chen’s serious injury to comprehend one of the Wind God’s magical skills, the Thousand-mile Enemy-killing Wind God Sword.

It was also during that time that Luo Chen confessed to her.

Although the relationship between Feng Xiaoyu and Luo Chen had been more than just ordinary partners before this, neither of them had tried to pierce the thin layer of window paper.

Until this time, Luo Chen finally couldn’t bear it anymore and confessed to her.

She accepted it without hesitation. Just as Luo Chen liked her, how could she not like Luo Chen?

Feng Xiaoyu fell in love with him very early, but at that moment, they truly had this level of relationship as a couple.

Since then, the relationship between Feng Xiaoyu and Luo Chen has been heating up rapidly.

In her impression, Luo Chen had always been a person who kept his promises, but one time later, he broke his promise.

That was Luo Chen’s first time breaking an appointment, and it was precisely because of this time that she almost lost him.

That was after Gu Chen usurped the throne and became the emperor of the Wuhun Empire, and asked them to investigate Tiandou City and Soto City respectively.

Before Feng Xiaoyu and Luo Chen separated, they had agreed to contact each other every three days to ensure each other’s safety.

However, Luo Chen broke the promise. He tried to choose destruction for Gu Chen, letting the zombie virus envelope the entire Soto City and turning the entire Soto City into a forbidden area.

She didn’t blame him, though.

If it were Feng Xiaoyu, she might choose to do the same.

After all, everything she and he had was brought by this big brother named Gu Chen!

If Luo Chen was indifferent to this for her sake, he would even watch helplessly as a group of rebels in Soto City insulted Gu Chen while still chatting with her happily.

Then, this kind of Luo Chen is no longer the Luo Chen she likes.

Later, with Gu Chen’s help, she retrieved him.

However, at that time, he was unkempt and looked like a wild man in the mountains and forests.

Gu Chen gave Luo Chen a slap in the face and angrily accused him of being unworthy of her.

However, she knew his difficulties.

Feng Xiaoyu did not blame Luo Chen, and even felt extremely distressed because of the slap Luo Chen received. She did not think Luo Chen had done anything wrong. After all, the boy who was affectionate and righteous was the boy she liked.

As for the sobbing before, it was just that she was too worried about him.

This is the first time Luo Chen has broken an appointment, and it is also the last time.

Just like Feng Xiaoyu once broke an appointment and failed to protect him.

Her broken appointment with him not only did not create a gap in their relationship, but actually made the bond between them deeper.

She didn’t know when she had become accustomed to Luo Chen being by her side. She didn’t want him to leave, and she couldn’t accept his departure.

She still remembers that in the fantasy world of Fengshen Shenkao, she would be frightened and sad because of Luo Chen’s distance.

Feng Xiaoyu knew clearly that she could never leave Luo Chen, just as Luo Chen could never leave her.

Her him and his her have become everything in her and his life.

Feng Xiaoyu actually had four of the seven-emotion illusions in the Fengshen Shenkao related to Luo Chen.

As for the seven-emotion illusion in the God of Cookery test, Luo Chen also has four related to Feng Xiaoyu.

Perhaps it was from Feng Xiaoyu’s words, “It’s okay, I’ll support you!”, or maybe it was from Luo Chen’s, “I can’t see you getting hurt!”, all the things that could affect their emotions had already turned into concerns about their bonds.

At this time, the setting sun has been completely buried in the distant mountains, leaving only the faint remaining light, still shining on the distant sky.

Feng Xiaoyu lowered her eyes slightly, her memories of the past had completely transformed into love for the people around her.

“Let’s go, Luo Chen, it’s time to go back.” Feng Xiaoyu stood up and gently kissed Luo Chen’s forehead.

Luo Chen also stood up and hugged Feng Xiaoyu into his arms.

The boy and girl they once were are no longer there. Now they have become a romantic and happy couple.

As the sun disappeared, the moon shining with purple-gold light hung high in the sky, and the soft moonlight shone outside the door of the Wind God Temple.

Feng Xiaoyu and Luo Chen held each other’s arms and walked into the Wind God Temple together.

After the palace door was closed, Luo Chen skillfully took out a series of kitchen utensils and prepared to cook dinner for Feng Xiaoyu himself.

Feng Xiaoyu, on the other hand, was sitting at the dining table, holding her chin, watching Luo Chen’s movements quietly, her beautiful eyes constantly flashing with splendor.

If this moment could be frozen, the scenery inside the Wind God Temple would definitely be an excellent work of art!

“Sister Xiao Yu, dinner is ready!”

Luo Chen’s face was filled with a smile. He put the cooked food on a white porcelain plate and gently held it in front of Feng Xiaoyu.

He also sat down, but he did not move his chopsticks. Instead, he looked expectantly at the person he loved in front of him, waiting for her comment.

Feng Xiaoyu didn’t hesitate. She smiled at him, then raised her chopsticks and started using them.

Putting a piece of fat meat with full soup into his mouth, Feng Xiaoyu couldn’t help but his eyes lit up.

She almost fell in love with the man in front of her. Since the end of the war, he had always brought her all kinds of surprises in terms of food.

After such a long time, the food every day has never been the same!

“How is it? Are today’s dishes okay?” Luo Chen looked at Feng Xiaoyu expectantly.

Seeing this, Feng Xiaoyu smiled, and then pretended to be cold and said: “Hmph, it’s not bad!”

However, no matter how hard Feng Xiaoyu pretended, she could not hide the smile that appeared on her lips.

After dinner was over, Luo Chen waved his hand, and the light yellow divine power was released, washing and clearing the dishes on the table.

Not long after, the couple cuddled together in a warm little bed, reading an ancient book from the divine world under the candlelight.

It was late at night, and the candle on the bedside had been extinguished.

Feng Xiaoyu closed her eyes, and her beautiful eyelashes blinked slightly.

She turned sideways to look at him beside her and said softly: “Good night, Luo Chen!”


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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