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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 649 Extra: Travelers returning home

In that mysterious and vast universe, countless suns, moons and stars are spread out regularly and move according to established trajectories.

This is a dynamic world, but in people’s eyes it is so peaceful and peaceful.

However, with the passing of two streams of light, one gold and one silver, the calmness in the starry sky was broken.

Looking carefully, there are actually two human figures in the two streams of light.

It is not necessarily true to say that the creatures in this stream of light are human beings. After all, the blood of the creatures in this stream of light is completely that of the dragon clan. To say that they are human beings is just because they are in human form at this time.

“Na’er, the light on this pointer is getting brighter and brighter. We should not be far from the earth!” In the golden stream of light, a man was holding a metal instrument that looked like a compass, with an excited expression on his face. He said to the woman in the silver stream of light beside him.

On the pointer of the metal instrument that resembled a compass, a dazzling light was shining, and this light became brighter and brighter as they flew!

Gu Yuena smiled at him and said softly: “Well, Brother Chen, I’m very curious about what the earth looks like!”

While the two were talking, about one-tenth of a light-year ahead, a blue planet appeared in their field of vision.

With the two of them traveling at super-light speed, they could reach the blue planet in at least a month.

It has been a year since they left the God Realm. During this year, both Gu Chen and Gu Yuena maintained a state of flying at super-light speed.

If Gu Chen hadn’t been constantly consuming the 10 million system points he owned to exchange divine power supplement cards to replenish his and Gu Yuena’s soul power, otherwise the two of them would have exhausted their divine power long ago.

Even so, Gu Chen and Gu Yuena passed through many planes in this year.

Most of these planes are second- or third-level planes, including fantasy planes, fairy planes, fantasy planes, and technological planes similar to the earth.

When the two pass through these planes, they always choose to enter them to rest, and replenish their lost divine power by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

During such a journey, Gu Chen and Gu Yuena traveled together and saw a lot of scenery.

“Is that blue planet the earth?” Gu Chen said excitedly, looking at the radiant pointer in his hand and the planet not far away.

Without any hesitation, Gu Chen burst out at a higher speed again and flew towards the blue planet.

Gu Yuena also adjusted her direction and followed behind Gu Chen.

A month later, Gu Chen and Gu Yuena used the power of the God King to pass through the atmosphere of the blue planet and entered this plane.


“It has been detected that the host has entered the fourth level fantasy plane, please be careful!”

At this moment, the sound of the system came.

Hearing this, Gu Chen felt very disappointed, but he quickly cheered up.

Although this plane is not the earth, the light of the pointer is already so bright, presumably his hometown earth is not too far away from this plane.

However, this plane turned out to be a fourth-level plane, which surprised Gu Chen.

After all, even the God Realm is just on the edge of the fourth-level plane. Strictly speaking, with the strength of the powerful people in the God Realm, the God Realm is not considered a fourth-level plane at all.

As for the true fourth-level plane, the strongest person’s cultivation level is even higher than that of the God King!

“Na’er, this is not the earth. Let’s leave quickly. The strongest person in this plane has a cultivation level higher than that of the God King. Let’s try our best to leave here before the strongest person in this plane notices us!” Gu Chen He said to Gu Yuena with a solemn expression.

In the past year, the planes they passed through were all second- and third-level planes, and the strongest among them was only the strength of a first-level god.

As for the fourth level plane, it was the first time that Gu Chen and Gu Yuena saw it.

Gu Chen was not sure that he could protect himself from the attack of the strongest person in this plane!

Gu Yuena nodded equally solemnly, and she turned into silver light again and fled towards the sky.

Gu Chen released the Golden Dragon Divine Armor again, and the endless power of energy and blood turned into a terrifying thrust, causing him to shoot towards the sky like a laser.

However, just when the two were about to rush out of the atmosphere, an invisible barrier instantly bounced their bodies back.

At the same time that the two people were bounced back, endless red light emerged from the air, and instantly enveloped the space with a radius of thousands of miles where Gu Chen and Gu Yuena were.

At the same time, Gu Chen and Gu Yuena suddenly discovered that a woman in red clothes and white hair had appeared thousands of miles away.

The woman’s face was indifferent, and her calm eyes seemed to regard everything as a stupid dog.

In just a blink of an eye, the woman in red appeared not far from the two of them.

Gu Chen’s expression changed when he felt the special energy fluctuations emitted by the woman in red.

The cultivation level of this woman in red is actually higher than that of the God King, and the power she exudes actually contains the power of the rules of this plane!

Damn it!

Gu Chen cursed secretly, his luck was too bad, but just after entering this plane, he unexpectedly met the strongest person in this plane!

“Hello, Na’er and I are traveling around the universe and happened to come here to rest. I don’t mean to offend you, but please let me leave.” Gu Chen said respectfully to the woman in red.

When the woman in red heard the words, she didn’t make any move. She said expressionlessly: “Outsiders, your journey ends here!”

The voice of the woman in red was indifferent. As her words fell, the power that surpassed the God King was released along with a wisp of the power of the rules of this plane, turning into red light all over the sky and crushing towards Gu Chen and Gu Yuena. Coming under pressure.

Seeing this, Gu Chen’s expression changed drastically.

“Na’er, gold and silver dragon god transformation!” Gu Chen shouted towards Gu Yuena. His figure retreated and flew quickly in the direction of Gu Yuena.

But it was too late. A dazzling red light instantly intercepted the two people and turned into a huge barrier, blocking Gu Chen and Gu Yuena on both sides.

Being unable to get close to the opponent means that they cannot perform the Gold and Silver Dragon Divine Transformation.

And relying on their own strength, neither Gu Chen nor Gu Yuena could defeat the woman in red.


Gu Chen roared, and the golden dragon gun appeared in Gu Chen’s right hand. The tip of the golden dragon gun flashed an extremely terrifying golden light. Gu Chen shrank his legs, and the golden dragon wings behind him suddenly flapped. Gu Chen immediately It burst out in the direction of the woman in red at sub-light speed.

The golden dragon spear pointed forward, aiming towards the head of the woman in red.

The same is true for Gu Yuena. She holds the silver dragon gun in her left hand. The silver light is transformed into a large amount of space power, covering her body, allowing her to accelerate to sub-light speed in an instant and fly towards the woman in red.

The target of the silver dragon gun is the same as the golden dragon gun, the head of the woman in red!

Two peerless divine spears at the level of super artifacts arrived in front of the woman in red in an instant. The tips of the two peerless divine spears flashed with golden and silver light respectively. This light turned into endless chill, which seemed to kill this woman. Completely pierced!

Facing such a terrifying attack, the woman in red remained expressionless. She raised her hands at the same time, heading towards the golden dragon spear and the silver dragon spear respectively.

Seeing this, Gu Chen’s eyes flashed with disdain.

No matter how powerful the woman in red is, she can’t block his golden dragon spear with her flesh and blood body!

After all, Gu Chen’s energy and blood power is infinitely close to that of the God King!

However, Gu Chen still miscalculated.

In the horrified and disbelieving eyes of Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, a red light with a ray of rule power appeared in the palm of the woman in red. This red light actually stopped the golden dragon spear and the silver dragon. Gun offensive!

The woman in red waved her hand, and the golden dragon spear and silver dragon spear were immediately thrown away.

The bodies of Gu Chen and Gu Yuena were also repelled by a powerful and irresistible force. The two were knocked unconscious by the woman in red in an instant. Their bodies turned into a stream of light, chasing their weapons, and It exploded towards the ground in two different directions.

In just a blink of an eye, they hit the ground, but the damage from these impacts was not enough to injure the two of them.

I don’t know how long it took before Gu Chen woke up.

“Damn it, who is this woman in red!” Gu Chen roared, and he suddenly pulled out the golden dragon gun stuck on the ground beside him.

He took the Golden Dragon Spear back into his body, stood up, and patted himself.

Gu Chen looked solemn. In this unknown fourth-level plane, his top priority was to make peace with Na’er.

Only with Gu Yuena can he display the golden and silver dragon divine transformation.

The Gold and Silver Dragon Divine Transformation is Gu Chen’s only ability that can reach the power of a God King!

Gu Chen closed his eyes, and after a while, he opened them.

Although his strength was partially suppressed in this plane, the power of his God King still made him feel a city thousands of miles away.

However, what surprised him was that most of the people in the city were people with cultivation levels, and the strength of most of these people with cultivation levels ranged between Soul Kings and Titled Douluo.

It was as if there were no cultivators below the Soul King in these cities.

Without thinking much, Gu Chen released the golden dragon wings and flew in the direction of the city.

At his speed, it only took him a few breaths to reach the city. Soon, he appeared outside the city.

He stopped and looked at this huge city.

This city is very large, even nearly ten times the size of Wuhun City. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a small country.

During Gu Chen’s spiritual detection, a huge stone statue stood in the center of the city, and the power of the wind element was exuding from this stone statue all the time.

After Gu Chen observed it for a while, a girl about eighteen years old flew out of the city, with a cyan wing behind her.

However, the wings did not seem to grow from her body, but were artificially installed flying gliders.

“Hello, I am the patrol guard captain of Fengqing City, Diana. I think you are not from Fengqing City, right?” The young girl, carrying a fiery red long bow, looked at Gu Chen with some confusion. said.

Gu Chen nodded and said: “Yes, I come from other places. I came here to find my relatives. May I ask, have you ever seen a girl with silver hair and purple eyes named Gu Yuena in this city? “

Hearing this, Diana said helplessly: “Sir, there are so many girls with silver hair and purple eyes in Fengqing City. I don’t know if there is anyone named Gu Yuena! Why don’t I take you to the regiment in Fengqing City?” Headquarters, the leader may know.”

“Corps Headquarters? Don’t you have a city lord’s palace in Fengqing City?” Gu Chen asked.

Diana said: “Our Fengqing City is a free city-state. There is no so-called ruler in our city. The people who maintain order in Fengqing City are our corps.”

Gu Chen nodded and said: “I see, please lead the way.”

So, Gu Chen followed Diana to the Corps headquarters.

The leader of the Fengqing City Corps is a tall woman.

The other party’s cultivation level was already the strongest in Fengqing City according to Gu Chen’s detection, but she was just a priest.

Is it possible that the highest level of cultivators in this plane can only reach the level of priest, and the level of the fourth plane was all lifted up by the woman in red with her own strength?

Gu Chen guessed so.

The woman smiled and said: “Hello, my name is Lian, and I am the leader of the Fengqing City Corps.”

“Hello, my name is Gu Chen. May I ask, have you ever met a girl named Gu Yuena.” Gu Chen said straight to the point.

Lian thought for a while and said: “I’m sorry, Mr. Gu, we have not seen a girl named Gu Yuena in Fengqing City.”

“Okay.” Gu Chen sighed. In fact, he didn’t have much hope. After all, as long as Gu Yuena appeared within a radius of ten thousand miles, he could sense her presence.

He came here to inquire, just hoping to get the whereabouts of Gu Yuena.

Lian said: “I’m sorry that I can’t solve your trouble. If you have any other questions, you can ask me.”

Gu Chen thought for a while and asked: “Captain Lian, do you know that woman in red with white hair?” As he said that, Gu Chen told Lian the specific characteristics of the woman in red who knocked the two of them out of the sky. .

Hearing this, Lian opened his eyes wide and looked at Gu Chen in disbelief: “You…have you met that adult?”

“That lord?” Gu Chen didn’t understand what he meant.

Lian said solemnly: “That lady is the ruler of the entire world. Even the six elemental gods must be under his jurisdiction. She also has another name, called the Destiny Maintainer!”

Destiny maintainer!

Gu Chen wrote down this title.

Gu Chen continued to ask: “You just said that there are six elemental gods. Are they the six elements of water, fire, earth, wind, light and darkness?”

What Gu Chen was talking about were six of the seven elemental gods in the divine world, and the space element was ignored by him.

Lian shook his head and said: “No, the world we are in is divided into six city-states, each ruled by the six elemental gods. However, our Lord Wind God did not want to control us, so he made us a free city-state. Among them, These six elements are wind, rock, fire, thunder, ice, and grass, these six elements!”

“The basis of our cultivation is to sense through the statue of the Lord Elemental God. If you have the talent for cultivation, then the statue will drop the Eye of God with the power of attributes. After integrating the Eye of God, we can directly Have a certain level of cultivation.” Lian continued.

Only then did Gu Chen understand. No wonder when he first explored Fengqing City, all the cultivators were above the Soul King.

It turns out that when they started practicing, they already had a cultivation level equivalent to that of a Soul King.

“Captain Lian, do you know of any way to deal with the fate maintainer?” Gu Chen asked.

Hearing this, Lian said with some horror: “You want to deal with the Destiny Maintainer? That is simply impossible. Once upon a time, the six elemental gods also tried to join forces with the underground world to deal with the Destiny Maintainer, but they were eventually shattered. His heart almost fell to the level of god!”

Gu Chen frowned and said: “Then there is no way to deal with the Destiny Maintainer?” No matter what, Gu Chen must find a way to kill the Destiny Maintainer. He does not want to live in this plane. He must return Earth!

Lian said: “Actually, there is no way out. It is said that only by gathering the Heart of God of the six elemental gods and the heart of darkness in the underground world can one obtain the same power of rules as the Destiny Maintainer and defeat her! However, the God’s Hearts of the six elemental gods had been shattered in the original war and turned into a thousand and one fragments called ‘Scattered Eyes of God’, which were scattered in every corner of the continent. “

Gu Chen nodded and said: “So, what kind of place is the underground world you mentioned? What is the heart of darkness?”

Lian replied: “The underground world is a place full of negative energy. There is only one terrifying power there, and that is the power of darkness. The Heart of Darkness is the same existence as our Heart of God, except that it It was not broken at first. However, although the Heart of Darkness was not broken, the ruler of the underground world was seriously injured in that battle. After losing all his memory, the ruler of the underground world became unknown. trace.”

“That’s it, thank you!” Gu Chen said gratefully.

Lian smiled and said: “You’re welcome, it’s my honor to be able to help you!”

After getting his doubts clarified, Gu Chen left the corps headquarters together with Diana from before.

“Mr. Gu, where did you get the Wings of Wind? Why are they so beautiful?” Diana asked Gu Chen curiously after leaving the corps headquarters.

Gu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he knew that the wings of wind she was talking about were his golden dragon wings.

“That’s just a part of my body.” Gu Chen smiled and didn’t want to say more.

From Lian’s mouth, Gu Chen learned how to deal with the Destiny Maintainer.

As long as he collects the one thousand and one scattered God’s Eyes, re-synthesizes them into the God’s Heart of the six elements, and then obtains the Dark Heart of the Underworld, then he can obtain the same as the Destiny Maintainer. The origin of this plane and the power of its rules.

If coupled with the gold and silver dragon transformation with Gu Yuena, then Gu Chen is completely confident in defeating the fate maintainer!

Gu Chen opened the system mall.

After arriving in a different plane, the system mall will be refreshed, and the products in it will be replaced with products suitable for this world.

Sure enough, in the system mall, he saw an item called “God’s Eye Radar” that was sold for one million system points.

Gu Chen bought it without hesitation, and soon, the specific coordinates of the thousand and one scattered God’s Eyes clearly appeared on the radar.

Gu Chen smiled slightly. Fortunately, the maintainer of destiny did not seal his cultivation. Otherwise, even if he knew the location of the thousand and one scattered God’s Eyes, he would have to wait until the end of the year to obtain them.

After all, no one knows if there are any special guardians surrounding these scattered Eyes of God.

At the same time, at the junction of this continent and the underground world, Gu Yuena slowly woke up.

Like Gu Chen before, she immediately pulled out the silver dragon gun beside her and stood up.

“Woo~ Where is this?” Gu Yuena glanced at the surrounding illusion in confusion, and then remembered her own situation.

Suddenly, there was a bit of panic in her eyes.

“Brother Chen…where is Brother Chen?! I have to find him!” Gu Yuena released her Silver Dragon Divine Equipment and planned to explore the surrounding land.

But at this moment, hundreds of figures emerged from the huge space crack in the distance, forming an encircling posture, trapping Gu Yuena inside.

Most of the owners of these figures are powerful people with Titled Douluo cultivation, but there are also a few with priest cultivation.

Soon, these figures stopped in their respective positions, revealing their figures.

These are some monsters that look like humans but not humans. You could say they are humans, but their bodies are covered with long and thin brown hair. You could say they are not humans, but they have human shapes.

It’s like an unevolved forest ape.

Among these monsters, the hair of the dozen or so monsters with the cultivation of priests is black, and their bodies are floating in the air.

After surrounding Gu Yuena, these monsters were chattering to each other, and then, a monster with the level of a priest flew in front of Gu Yuena and spoke in human words: “This… is this the surface world? “

Gu Yuena was stunned and said doubtfully: “What surface world? I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Hearing this, the monster seemed to be a little excited. It screamed again, seemingly talking, and also seemed to be chanting some special spell.

The next moment, a terrifying force of darkness was emitted by the monster, hitting Gu Yuena in the direction.

Seeing this, Gu Yuena subconsciously used her super dark element control ability. The dark power emitted by the monster disappeared without a trace in an instant, and the terrifying dark power released by Gu Yuena, But it covers an area thousands of miles in radius!

Seeing this, the hundreds of monsters all knelt down in the direction of Gu Yuena.

The previous monster that spoke human language trembled and continued to speak in its poor human language: “You… you are the Lord God of Darkness?!”

Gu Yuena, who originally planned to kill these monsters directly, stopped her movements when she heard this. She said: “God of Darkness? I am not, but you, why are you attacking me?”

The monster trembled and said: “Impossible, no one can exert such a powerful power of darkness except the Lord of Darkness! Lord of Darkness, your heart of darkness is waiting for you in the underground world! Please also Sir, follow your subordinates back to the underground world and obtain the Heart of Darkness!”

Gu Yuena was a little helpless. It was obvious that these monsters believed that they were the God of Darkness.

However, she was quite interested in the Heart of Darkness, and she had a hunch that the Heart of Darkness might have a certain effect on her.

No matter how bad it is, this Heart of Darkness should still be able to help Brother Chen.

It’s just… where is Brother Chen?

Thinking of this, Gu Yuena’s eyebrows flashed with worry.

“Well, what do you mean by the underground world and surface time?” Gu Yuena asked.

The monster said: “The surface world should be where we are now. There are six elemental gods here, representing wind, rock, fire, thunder, ice, and grass. The underground world is a cursed world. A place where only dark elements exist!”

“That’s it.” Gu Yuena nodded as if she understood, and she said, “Lead the way, I’m going to get the Heart of Darkness!”

“Yes!” The monster bowed respectfully to Gu Yuena, and then walked towards the crack in space.

Gu Yuena followed behind this monster.

She is not afraid that this monster will be detrimental to her. After all, the gap between the two sides is really too big. This monster is a priest, and she is the God King.

Even if this monster possesses some super artifact, it is impossible to defeat her.

After entering the space crack, Gu Yuena only felt a force of space power and darkness power mixed together, wrapping herself up and moving in a certain direction.

She could feel that this power had no ill intentions towards her, so she did not resist.

Soon, Gu Yuena’s vision recovered, and she came to the so-called underground world.

As the monster said, there is only the power of darkness in this underground world. There is only endless darkness in Gu Yuena’s field of vision. The only light source in this underground time is probably the fluorite on the top.

What surprised Gu Yuena even more was that in the light released by the fluorite, there was no trace of the power of the light element. Instead, the light was filled with the power of the dark element.

“Sir, please!” The monster also appeared. It saluted Gu Yuena again, and then flew in a certain direction.

In this way, Gu Yuena followed the monster and flew for a day and a night.

At this time, thousands of meters away from Gu Yuena, Gu Yuena discovered a palace made of black crystal stone.

“Sir, that is your palace, and your heart of darkness is in this dark temple!” The monster said respectfully to Gu Yuena. It seemed to recognize that Gu Yuena was the god of darkness in the underground world. It’s just a loss of memory.

When this monster brought Gu Yuena a hundred meters outside the dark temple, he stopped and then continued to look at Gu Yuena respectfully.

It was as if there were some rules that bound this monster, preventing it from getting closer than a hundred meters to the dark temple.

After Gu Yuena nodded slightly towards the monster, she flew into the dark temple alone.

In the center of this dark temple, there is a ledge several feet high, and above the ledge is a pure black crystal suspended.

This crystal contains extremely terrifying dark elemental power. In addition to the dark elemental power, this black crystal seems to also contain a ray of the original power of the underground world!

Gu Yuena raised her hand and the heart of darkness appeared in her palm.


The moment she came into contact with the Heart of Darkness, Gu Yuena felt a terrifying force invading her body, and she couldn’t help but snort.

Super dark element control was unleashed. Gu Yuena relied on her powerful element control ability and god-king level cultivation to forcibly control this heart of darkness.

This heart of darkness is actually the origin of this underground world!

After sensing the power of this heart of darkness, Gu Yuena couldn’t help but feel a little shocked!

“With the Heart of Darkness in hand, it’s time for me to return to the surface world and look for Brother Chen.” Gu Yuena murmured.

During the day she was in this underground world, she spent a lot of time searching for Gu Chen through spiritual detection.

Although Gu Yuena did not sense Gu Chen’s whereabouts, she was certain that Gu Chen was not in the underground world.

Then the only result is that Gu Chen is in that surface world.

at the same time.

In this day, Gu Chen also used the power of the God King level and the assistance of the God’s Eye Radar to collect the one thousand and one scattered God’s Eyes.

“Melt it!” Gu Chen roared, and the terrifying power of energy and blood surged out, instantly covering the thousand and one scattered God’s Eyes and forcibly merging them in one direction.

The one thousand and one God’s Heart fragments representing six different elements were first slowly transformed into six God’s Hearts shining with different colors under the divine power of Gu Chen’s God King cultivation. , and then condensed towards the center again.

Another day passed, and Gu Chen had almost consumed nearly half of the divine power in his body.

And the six divine hearts were transformed into one body under the condensation of Gu Chen.

This is a golden crystal. After Gu Chen got it by force, he got its name – Heart of Light!

When the six elements that make up this surface world are merged together, then it is the origin of this world, light!

“This is…the power of the origin of the world! Great, after I find Na’er, I will look for the Heart of Darkness. Then, we will have the capital to deal with the Destiny Maintainer!” Gu Chen said ecstatically in his heart .

Just when Gu Chen was about to leave, Gu Chen’s figure suddenly stagnated, and then his expression of ecstasy was beyond words.

Gu Chen’s golden dragon wings appeared behind him, and with the sudden blow of the golden dragon wings, his figure reached a thousand miles away in a moment.

At this time, the person in front of him was his wife, Gu Yuena!

During this day, Gu Yuena also returned to the surface world and found him!

“Na’er!” Gu Chen directly hugged Gu Yuena into his arms.

Gu Yuena also hugged Gu Chen with her backhand. Although they were separated for less than three days, Gu Yuena missed Gu Chen very much. She was greedy for Gu Chen’s embrace and was unwilling to let go. Gu Chen.

Gu Chen had no choice but to tell Gu Yuena the news he got in Fengqing City while holding her in his arms.

Hearing this, Gu Yuena was stunned for a moment, and then took out the heart of darkness she had obtained.

“Brother Chen, is this the heart of darkness you are talking about?” Gu Yuena obediently shrank into Gu Chen’s arms, handed him the heart of darkness, and then asked.

The moment the Heart of Darkness appeared, it seemed as if it had received some extremely powerful gravitational pull, and it instantly collided with the Heart of Light in Gu Chen’s hand.

Immediately afterwards, a wisp of the power of the rules of this plane slowly formed!

Feeling the power of this rule, Gu Chen was overjoyed.

“Sure enough, it’s the power of rules! Na’er, after we use the Golden and Silver Dragon Divine Transformation, and with the help of the power of rules of this plane, we may not be able to defeat the maintainer of destiny!” Gu Chen said.

Gu Yuena’s eyes were also full of joy, and she whispered to Gu Chen: “Brother Chen, without further ado, let’s set off!”

Gu Chen nodded, and the golden dragon god costume appeared on him.

Gu Yuena also released the Silver Dragon Divine Armor.

The golden dragon spear and the silver dragon spear appeared in the hands of the two men respectively. They did not fly separately like before, but held hands and shot towards the sky.


In an instant, Gu Chen and Gu Yuena appeared at the position where they were bounced back before.

Not surprisingly, the energy from before reappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the red-clothed and white-haired maintainer of fate appeared not far from the two of them.

“Outsiders, you have violated the taboos of the rules! This time, I will seal your strength, and you can live here forever!” Although the maintainer of destiny was still expressionless, her tone seemed to Become more indifferent.

Hearing this, Gu Chen just snorted coldly and said: “Destiny Maintainer, your life ends here!”

As Gu Chen finished speaking, the golden and silver divine power appeared between Gu Chen and Gu Yuena. This golden and silver divine power turned into a whirlpool that reached the sky, rapidly expanding at an irresistible speed.

In an instant, the shadow of a terrifying gold and silver dragon appeared behind Gu Chen and Gu Yuena.

And there was endless coldness in the eyes of Gu Chen and Gu Yuena.

It was this fate maintainer that caused them to be separated for so long. For Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, this fate maintainer must die!

The third form of the Gold and Silver Dragon Divine Transformation – Gold and Silver Skyfall!

The moment Gu Chen and Gu Yuena merged their souls, they displayed their most powerful ability, which was also the ability Gu Chen used to kill the original God of Destruction and Goddess of Life!

Gu Yuena smiled slightly, and her body turned into void energy and merged with Gu Chen.

Gu Chen’s body shape once again transformed into that strange man with gold and silver eyes. His power possessed the abilities of both the Golden Dragon God and the Silver Dragon God. His realm seemed to have reached that level after the fusion of the two. A level above the king!

When the fate maintainer saw this, he just snorted coldly and released red light. There seemed to be a ray of the power of the rules of this world in the red light!

“The power of rules? I have it too!” Gu Chen chuckled, and the heart of light and the heart of darkness appeared in the golden dragon claw on his right hand and the silver dragon claw on his left hand respectively.

With Gu Chen’s claws clenching hard, the heart of light and the heart of darkness collided together in an instant, turning into the powerful power of rules and sinking into Gu Chen’s body!

With the addition of the power of rules in this world, Gu Chen’s aura surged again.

Gu Chen’s right claw suddenly shot out, waving a huge golden claw shadow thousands of miles long towards the Destiny Maintainer!

The golden claw shadow not only contains extremely powerful energy and blood power, but also contains a wisp of rule power!

Under the golden claw shadow, the red light released by the Destiny Maintainer shattered, and the claw shadow bombarded her body in the Destiny Maintainer’s incredible gaze!

The figure of the Destiny Maintainer flew out upside down, and the Destiny Maintainer’s expressionless face also showed some emotional fluctuations.


The fate maintainer seemed to be seriously injured. She suddenly coughed out two mouthfuls of blood. She looked at Gu Chen with coldness in her eyes.

The power of rules in her body and her strength merged again, and red square energy blocks suddenly appeared in the space, turning into high walls, seemingly trying to suppress Gu Chen.

Gold and silver are destroyed!

Gu Chen put his hands together, and the first form of the gold and silver dragon divine transformation that had to be released by Gu Chen and Gu Yuena together was actually released by Gu Chen alone with his fused body!

The golden and silver divine power turned into a monstrous beam of light, which instantly annihilated the red cubes in the sky, and exploded in the direction of the Destiny Maintainer with undiminished power!

Although the power of the Destiny Maintainer is powerful, her ability seems to be given by some other existence, and she cannot fully exert her power at all.

She could only watch helplessly as the terrifying gold and silver light beam bombarded her body and penetrated her chest!

“Go against heaven…you…will pay the price…” The fate maintainer knew that she was bound to die, but she did not show any signs of despair.

Her expression is still indifferent, as if her own life is also a stupid dog, and she is stingy!

Immediately afterwards, under Gu Chen’s somewhat surprised gaze, the body of the Fate Maintainer did not fall downwards. Instead, it turned into countless dots of red light and completely dissipated in the world!

“Brother Chen, is she not really dead?” Gu Yuena separated from Gu Chen’s body. She looked at the dissipating bits of red light and couldn’t help but asked worriedly.

Gu Chen shook his head and said: “Don’t worry about her. The barrier that prevented us from leaving this plane has disappeared. Let’s leave this plane quickly. As long as we leave this plane, no matter what the destiny maintainer has, All backup options are useless!”

Gu Yuena nodded, and the two flew out of the atmosphere again.

This time, without the obstruction of the Destiny Maintainer, the two of them left this plane easily.

At the same time that Gu Chen and Gu Yuena left this plane, their hearts of light and hearts of darkness seemed to be pulled by some special force, and actually broke away from their control and flew in the direction of this plane. go.

Seeing this, Gu Chen and Gu Yuena didn’t care.

After all, after leaving this plane, the power of the rules of this plane is no longer useful to them.

Even if the heart of light and the heart of darkness are left, they are just used as decorations.

In a place where the two of them could not see, at the junction of the underground world and the surface world, a flash of red light suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the maintainer of fate unexpectedly appeared in this place. She raised her head and looked in the direction where Gu Chen and Gu Yuena disappeared.

There was a look of indifference in her eyes.

“Those who disobey destiny, you will eventually pay the price…”

At this time, after Gu Chen and Gu Yuena left this fourth-level plane, they continued to fly towards the earth according to the instructions of the pointer.

Just like that, another half year passed.

The golden pointer in Gu Chen’s hand had completely turned into light and disappeared from his hand.

Thousands of miles away from him and Gu Yuena, a blue planet was shining with faint light, floating quietly in the universe.

Looking at the blue planet, Gu Chen’s eyes flashed with tears again.

Without any hesitation, Gu Chen took Gu Yuena’s little hand and instantly appeared inside the blue planet.

He evaded all surveillance and appeared on a street corner.


“It has been detected that the host has arrived at the secondary technological plane, Earth!”

Gu Chen looked up at the advertising screen dozens of meters away, which showed the current time!

He murmured: “Only ten years have passed on earth. So, my parents are still here!”

As his words fell, Gu Chen and Gu Yuena suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, two figures appeared above an old house.

A strange power enveloped their bodies, making them invisible to the surrounding surveillance cameras.

Gu Chen looked down and saw two figures that were both familiar and unfamiliar to him, working in the kitchen of this house.

Ten years have passed, and the hair of these two old people has completely turned white.

In a certain room of this house, Gu Chen saw a portrait of him, but it was already a black and white photo.

Obviously, this black and white photo is the reason why the hair of the two old men turned completely white in ten years!

Seeing this scene, Gu Chen couldn’t bear it anymore!

He took Gu Yuena’s little hand and appeared in front of the two old people in an instant. Looking at the two old people who looked shocked, tears burst into Gu Chen’s eyes.

“Dad, Mom, I’m back!”

The travelers who left their hometown finally returned to their hometown!


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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