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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 71 Demonic Charm

“What? Have you met more than a thousand Abyss Bomb Bees?!” Dongfang Po said in disbelief. In his opinion, if he met so many Abyss Bomb Bees, the only result would be death.

After all, this is not the technologically advanced world of Dou San. The most powerful defense project here is just like the Great Wall in Gu Chen’s previous life.

“Yes, we were lucky enough to wipe out the group of Abyss Bomb Bees and were seriously injured as a result.” Gu Chen nodded.

Dongfang Po looked at Gu Chen with a little more fear.

“Na’er, how is your health?” Gu Chen asked through voice transmission.

Gu Yuena said in a voice message: “It’s okay. It’s just because I was seriously injured when my soul power was exhausted. If it weren’t for the previous ice and fire body refining to strengthen my body, I’m afraid I’m still in a coma. The only strength I can exert now is The Soul King.”

Gu Chen nodded, it was the same as him.

“What about the others?” Gu Chen asked.

“Xiao Jiu and Xiao Yu are awake, and the others are still unconscious.” Gu Yuena said.

“Hey, are these the younger siblings?” Dongfang Po asked with a smile.

“This is my sister, Gu Yuena.” Gu Chen said.

“By the way, how are your companions? Can you let us take a look?” Yuan Ye asked.

Gu Chen nodded and pushed open the dead wood door.

Feng Xiaoyu was taking care of the others at this time, while Ling Xiaojiu released the Nine-leaf Sword Grass Martial Spirit to heal the injuries of the others.

“Brother Chen, who are they?” Ling Xiaojiu asked warily when he saw Yuan Ye and others behind Gu Chen.

“Sister Xiaojiu, this is Yuan Ye, Wuhun is Iron Pillar, the boss of this survivor base, this is Zhang Yixuan, Wuhun Qinglian, you are the one who helped to treat you. This is Dongfang Po, Wuhun Jiaoyi spear, this is Wan Tianyu, Wuhun Yujunqi, this is Su Bai, Wuhun is Guxinjian, this is Lu Yan, Wuhun Fangzi chessboard, this is Sima Da, Wuhun kills the soul Knife. They are all from this survivor base.” Luo Chen introduced. Apparently, Yuan Ye had already introduced the information about the four Dongfang Po souls to him before.

Ling Xiaojiu nodded and said softly: “Thank you, brothers and sisters, for saving us.”

“You’re welcome, this is what we should do.” Yuan Ye said, but his eyes flashed, obviously thinking about something.

At this time, Jin Zi, Hua Buluo and Xuan Mo woke up at the same time, and Ling Xiaojiu quickly helped the three of them sit up.

Soon after, Xue Yingyou also woke up.

“Now that we’re all awake, let’s have dinner together.” Yuan Ye suggested.

Su Bai went out first, lit a pile of dead wood as a bonfire, and then took out a large piece of… wild boar meat from the bracelet space! ! !

“Damn it, where did you get this wild boar meat?!” Jin Zi drooled.

“Hehe, they were brought in secretly from outside.” Dongfang Po said with a smile.

“Show!” Gu Chen gave a thumbs up.

“Tonight is the welcome feast we give you. From now on, you will also be a member of this survivor base. Starting tomorrow, we will go out in batches to hunt abyssal creatures. You are all injured, so I will follow you. Go.” Su Bai said.

The next day, Ling Xiaojiu, Feng Xiaoyu, and Luo Chen took care of Hua Buluo and others who had not recovered yet in the dead wood room, while Gu Chen, Gu Yuena and Su Bai left the survivor base and went out to hunt abyssal creatures.

At first, the hunting of abyssal creatures went very smoothly, but just when the three of them were exhausted and ready to return, the situation suddenly changed!

A demon that was still following the three of them saw that the three of them were slacking off, so it took action and delivered a fatal blow.

This demon could sense the powerful blood aura of Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, so it directly attacked the weakest Su Bai. A pair of sharp claws pierced Su Bai’s lower abdomen and took out the bloody intestines.

Gu Yuena was the first to react. She teleported to Su Bai’s side and lifted his collar, and then teleported him away from the demonic hand.

Gu Chen’s golden dragon spear was thrown out, and the five-foot-long spear beam shot directly into Mo Mei’s eyebrows.

But how can the devil be so easy to kill?

Mo Mei smiled coldly and leaned her body to the right, just in time to avoid the attack of the Golden Dragon Spear, but…

A long-predicted silver dragon spear pierced the demon’s head, and after flying it dozens of meters, the demon turned into gray air and was swallowed by the silver dragon spear.

Although Mo Mei had been killed, Su Bai was not in good condition at this time.

Su Bai’s intestines flowed all over the floor, and he had fallen into a coma. It was obvious that if he could not get treatment in time, Su Bai would definitely die here.

Gu Chen quickly stepped forward, roughly stuffed Su Bai’s intestines back, and said to Gu Yuena, “Quick, use space to teleport and go back directly.”

Gu Yuena nodded and held Gu Chen’s shoulders. After teleporting five times in a row, the three of them returned to the previous survivor base.

When Yuan Ye and others at the survivor base saw the unconscious Su Bai, they immediately rushed over anxiously. Dongfang Po roared almost irrationally: “What’s going on? What happened to Su Bai? Why has he been out with you for less than a day? , is this what it is?”

Gu Chen said calmly: “We encountered a demon. Su Bai was seriously injured by her sneak attack. After Na’er and I killed the demon, we came back as quickly as possible.”

The word “demon” was like a bucket of cold water poured on their heads, chilling their hearts.

“Devil?!” Dongfang Po was a little incredulous, “Can you kill Demon?!”

“Get out of the way, Su Bai can still be saved!” Zhang Yixuan came over with Ling Xiaojiu and pushed away Yuan Ye and Dongfang Po who were blocking the front.

Dongfang Po quickly got out of the way, fearing that he would hinder Zhang Yixuan’s treatment.

Although Yuan Ye also stepped aside, a dangerous arc flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Yixuan released the Qinglian martial soul, the fourth soul ring lit up, and a green light slowly injected into Su Bai’s body. The wound on the abdomen healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But even so, the speed of wound healing is still extremely slow, for no other reason than that the wound caused by the demon is too large, and there is also an evil aura that prevents the wound from healing.

“Nine-leaf Spring Warm Recovery Grass!”

Ling Xiaojiu also released soul skills to help Su Bai recover.

Even so, it took an entire night for Su Bai’s wounds to completely recover and his face to turn rosy.

Su Bai was still in a coma and had not yet woken up.

“Su Bai can’t go on today’s hunt.” Yuan Ye said.

“Hua Buluo, Xuan Mo and I will go today.” Jin Zi said.

“I’ll follow, I’m responsible for protecting them.” Gu Chen said.

The four people left the survivor base and went out to hunt abyssal creatures, while the others stayed in the survivor base.

To be honest, in the survivor base, only two people need to stay vigil every night, and the others can sleep peacefully without being so worried.

Sure enough, meeting the demon is not that easy. At the end of the day, Gu Chen and others only killed some Baan and a few six-clawed bats before returning to the survivor base.

It was another bonfire party, celebrating the safe return of Su Bai, Su Xing and Gu Chen and others.

“Thank you. If it weren’t for you, I might have died there.” Su Bai thanked him sincerely.

Recently, there have been fewer and fewer recommendation votes and rewards, and the ranking on the free list has dropped by nearly ten places (.)

I beg you book friends to give me a thumbs up for this book. There are also recommendation votes, please ゜(ノД`)イ゜


Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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