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Douluo gold and silver dragon god — Chapter 73 Kill with one blow, no chance!

“It sounds like you two are not just chatting.” Of course Gu Chen didn’t leave just like that, he just stood there and looked at the two of them quietly.

“You’re overthinking it, brother, we really just chatted. It’s time to go back to the room and rest.” Yuan Ye smiled and said.

“We know that person you met in a dead wood house before!” Zhang Yixuan mustered up the courage to say. Of course what she was talking about was the time when Gu Chen grabbed three days’ worth of food.

This is what Gu Chen said at the previous dinner.

“Didn’t I tell you to shut up?!” Yuan Ye turned around and glared at Zhang Yixuan, his eyes fierce.

Gu Chen stood between the two of them and said coldly: “Let her finish speaking!”

“Yuan Ye wants to give Ling Xiaojiu to them!” Zhang Yixuan said, but was interrupted by Yuan Ye again.

Yuan Ye laughed loudly on purpose: “Haha, is she kidding? It’s time to go to bed, Zhang Yixuan!”

Gu Chen felt more and more that they had a problem, especially when Zhang Yixuan mentioned Ling Xiaojiu: “Ignore him and keep talking!”

“That is a very powerful group of students. They have always known that we are here. In order to please them, Yuan Ye will send young girls there every once in a while…” Zhang Yixuan said in tears.

“That’s enough, Zhang Yixuan, that’s enough!” Yuan Ye shouted.

“Mo Yun’s sister was also sent there by him!” Zhang Yixuan said while suppressing her fear of Yuan Ye.

“I told you to shut up!” Yuan Ye exploded, and a steel pillar was hit hard on Zhang Yixuan’s head.

Zhang Yixuan’s head suddenly burst into blood.

But at this time, a stream of air entered Zhang Yixuan’s body from her seven orifices. Zhang Yixuan slowly stood up, and her opened eyes turned out to be completely black, very evil.

The Qinglian Martial Spirit is released. In addition to Qinglian, it also has several powers that Zhang Yixuan has never possessed!

“Fuck! Fuck! It’s a possessed demon!” The angry look on Yuan Ye’s face no longer existed, replaced by deep fear.

He quickly rushed towards the exit of the basement. Gu Chen was stunned for a moment before catching up.

Yuan Ye rushed out of the basement. At the same time, his fifth soul ring lit up, and a metal pillar equal to the size of the door frame was inserted into the door, completely sealing the door.

The metal pillar created by his fifth soul skill is no longer an energy body, but a real metal.

“Son of a bitch, open the door!” Gu Chen roared angrily, and the golden dragon’s claws slashed open the metal pillar. However, the thickness of the metal pillar was a full five meters, and it was really impossible to cut it open with just one claw.

Yuan Ye sneered: “I’m sorry, I have to do this!” After saying that, Yuan Ye ran away.

Gu Chen waved his claw again, and the metal pillar almost broke in half, revealing the moonlight outside.

But he had no time to leave. After the possessed demon possessed Zhang Yixuan, he actually had the strength of a soul emperor.

“Zhang Yixuan” has arrived behind Gu Chen.

But at this time, Gu Chen could only exert the power of the Soul King.

“Damn it, let’s fight!” Gu Chen cursed secretly. He was possessed by the Golden Dragon King, and the fourth soul skill, the Golden Dragon’s Probing Claw, swung down hard at Zhang Yixuan, who was possessed by the possessed demon.

“Zhang Yixuan” Jie laughed, and a black energy hit Gu Chen fiercely. Obviously, this was the ability of the possessing demon itself.

Gu Chen spread his hands and summoned the Golden Dragon Spear, stabbing at the flying black energy. The Golden Dragon Spear showed its powerful devouring ability and forcibly transformed the black energy into pure soul power.

“Zhang Yixuan” was stunned, Gu Chen took the opportunity to stab out a spear, the golden dragon spear stabbed “Zhang Yixuan” on the chest, and the golden dragon spear’s devouring effect was activated!

The vitality was continuously absorbed by the Golden Dragon Spear. “Zhang Yixuan” screamed. The harsh sound made Gu Chen’s brain hurt. “Zhang Yixuan” quickly distanced herself and looked at the Golden Dragon Spear in Gu Chen’s hand with fear.

But how could Gu Chen, who finally had the advantage, let go of this opportunity? The third soul skill, Golden Dragon Flying, was released. Gu Chen quickly got close to “Zhang Yixuan” and at the same time stabbed the Golden Dragon Spear dozens of times in one second.

Countless vitality was swallowed up by the golden dragon gun, and the aura of “Zhang Yixuan” became more and more exhausted. At this time, the aura she exuded was only at the level of a soul king.

Gu Chen gasped continuously. With his physical strength, this was nothing at all. However, as he was seriously injured, the full attack at this time obviously affected his previous injuries.

put all one’s eggs in one basket!

Gu Chen’s expression condensed, he used all his strength to throw the Golden Dragon Spear towards “Zhang Yixuan”, and then collapsed on the ground.

Seeing the golden dragon spear coming at high speed, “Zhang Yixuan” kept screaming in panic and kept retreating.

But she didn’t move as fast as the Golden Dragon Spear, and her head was instantly pierced by the Golden Dragon Spear, absorbing all the life force, including the spiritual power of the possessing demon itself.

After killing the possessed demon, Gu Chen gasped for breath, struggled to stand up, picked up the golden dragon gun, and walked towards the ground step by step.

At this time, on the ground.

Luo Chen half-squinted his eyes, revealing a dangerous aura. The scorpion pistol in his hand was pointed at Yuan Ye’s head.

“Yes, it’s that Gu Chen. He killed Zhang Yixuan. The body is in the basement. If you don’t believe me, go see it yourself!” Yuan Ye stepped back step by step, sweating profusely.

He had seen how Luo Chen used a scorpion pistol to kill abyssal creatures!

“If something happens to Brother Chen, you will all be buried with him!” Gu Yuena’s beautiful face burst out with a cold gaze, and her tone made people feel chilled from the bottom of their hearts.

“He, he is in the basement, go and see for yourselves!” Yuan Ye said.

“Shut up, you lying bitch!” A deep voice came from behind Yuan Ye.

Gu Chen took one step at a time, and the ground was covered with blood marks. He was holding the golden dragon gun and looked very dangerous.

“Brother Chen!” Luo Chen, Gu Yuena, Jin Zi and other eight people said in surprise in unison.

“Why don’t you tell everyone how you sent Mo Yun’s sister to other students to please them?” Gu Chen’s tone was cold, and he burst out with strong murderous intent.

Mo Yun immediately walked out in surprise and looked at Yuan Ye in disbelief: “What?! Wasn’t my sister killed by an abyssal creature?”

Luo Chen also turned his attention to Mo Yun and unintentionally lowered his vigilance.

Yuan Ye seized the opportunity, stepped forward in three steps, took the Scorpion pistol from Luo Chen’s hand, and pointed the pistol at several people: “Listen to me! I’m doing this for everyone. Safety! If we don’t send that girl to those students, do you think we can survive?”

“I have done so much for you, why would you rather believe this sudden appearance…Gu Chen?!” Yuan Ye glanced at Su Bai, Dongfang Po and others, and several of them turned their heads away.

Gu Chen stepped forward, punched Yuan Ye in the lower abdomen, and slapped the Scorpion pistol out of his hand, which was picked up by Luo Chen not far away.

Yuan Ye knelt on the ground, and after a long time, he stood up despite the pain in his lower abdomen.

“Okay, okay, stop fighting, Gu Chen, I know I was wrong!!” Seeing that Gu Chen wanted to take action, Yuan Ye said quickly.

“I…everything I do…is for everyone! It’s all for…” Yuan Ye murmured, his eyes blank.


“After detecting the current situation of the host, we specially activate the plot selection:

A. Let Yuan Ye go. One more person will give you more strength.

Auxiliary: Intermediate Slavery Talisman*3.

B. If you want to kill my people, you have to kill Yuan Ye with the awareness of death.

Auxiliary: Intermediate Slavery Talisman*1. “

Seeing these two options, Gu Chen just wanted to make a choice, but…


A gunshot rang out, and the Scorpion pistol in Luo Chen’s hand burst into violent flames. The shining bullets shot out, blasting a bloody hole between Yuan Ye’s eyebrows.

Blood spurted out and splashed all over Gu Chen not far away.

A big bloody hole appeared on Yuan Ye’s head. He could no longer stand and fell down.

Gu Chen looked at Luo Chen in shock.

Luo Chen’s hand holding the Scorpion pistol trembled slightly, revealing his head that should have been innocent, but now was extremely frightened.

Luo Chen looked at Gu Chen: “Chen, Brother Chen, you taught me…”

“Kill with one strike, no chance!”

The trial in this nameless mountain range not only helps Gu Chen win over his team, but also foreshadows the plot that follows. Therefore, there is still a long chapter about the trials in the Nameless Mountain Range. After that, there will be the Continent-wide Senior Soul Master Elite Competition, and after that, it will be the moment when Gu Chen unifies the continent. I hope that all book friends can follow me, follow Gu Chen, and go to the end together. Thank you for your support!

Also, please ask for recommendation votes and rewards as usual~



Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Douluo gold and silver dragon god

Status: Completed Author:


Gu Chen, who came from the earth, was reborn as the Golden Dragon King. During the Battle of the Dragon God, he took the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena to escape through time and space and came to Dou Yi's Star Forest.

Because of Gu Chen, he and Gu Yuena were not seriously injured. In order to develop the power of soul beasts on Douluo Continent, the two beasts sealed their own strength, transformed into human forms, and penetrated into the human world.

Gu Chen, who brought Gu Yuena and Tang San's team to join Shrek Academy, exposed his talent and attracted forcible recruitment by the strong men of Wuhun Palace.

"Can you tell me why you want to take me away from Shrek?" Gu Yuena's crystal-like purple eyes showed doubts.

Gu Chen grinned, looking at the reluctant eyes of Tang San and others as well as Gu Yuena in front of him, and replied: "Only by mastering the Spirit Hall can the spirit beast turn around!"

Let's see how Gu Chen and Gu Yuena, who are in Dou Yi World, lead the soul beasts to unify the continent and fight back to the God Realm!

(Systematic, single female protagonist, written by a new writer, hope for support)
(Reject nonsense, please do not give three stars and below ratings)
(For the needs of the plot, the strength of the Dragon God will be weakened, so the original party should be careful)


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