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Douluo: Traveling through Dai Huabin, the heroine listens to his heart — Chapter 10 Bone Spirit Cold Fire Thirty Years Don’t bully young people from Hedong to be poor!

Chapter 10 Bone Spirit Cold Fire Thirty Years Hedong. Don’t bully young people into poverty!

“Level 40! Brother Hua Bin, weren’t you only at level 37 a few days ago? How did you level up so fast?” Zhu Lu threw herself into Dai Huabin’s arms.

Dai Huabin felt the silky feeling in his arms, his face turned red and he said, “Isn’t it because of you?”

“Because of me?” Zhu Lu was a little confused.

Dai Huabin suddenly noticed something and quickly closed the curtains in the big villa.

“Brother Hua Bin?” Zhu Lu scratched her head and asked.

Dai Huabin wants to seriously educate and criticize Zhu Lu!

But looking at Zhu Lu’s sincerity to herself and her silly and cute look, I couldn’t bear it.

“Lu’er, why are you walking around the house like this without closing the curtains?”

“What if another villain, a villain, sees you like this through the glass with a soul-guiding telescope?” Dai Huabin stared at Zhu Lu, who was only wearing a blue and white stripe.

“Brother Hua Bin, I’m sorry that Lu’er knew that I was wrong. From now on, Lu’er will only show you!”

“Okay! Seeing how sincere you are, Lu’er, I will forgive you!”

Looking at the little wife standing in front of her with a perfect figure, twisting her delicate body and apologizing to her for being coquettish.

An indescribable sense of accomplishment surged into Dai Huabin’s heart.

“Ahem! I’m going to take a shower!”

“Cool down”

Dai Huabin glanced at Zhu Lu crazily with the eyes of a bad guy and a villain, and soon said reluctantly.

Zhu Lu, who had already been covered in red by Dai Huabin’s gentlemanly gaze, nodded and chased after him.

“Huh? Lu’er, you’re here like this!”

“I also want to cool down with Brother Hua Bin~~~”

After taking a shower, Dai Huabin felt very high.

Fortunately, he now has the [Nine Yang Divine Art], so he won’t have the temporary malaise that only ordinary people would have in his previous life.

However, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time.

He still has important things to do!

He glanced at the large villa next to him.

Look at Zhu Lu playing alone in the Rolls-Royce Phantom parked next to the big villa.

“Girl Zhu Lu, after she found out that I had this wretched car, she clamored to get in it.”

“But I seem to have forgotten to clean up the scent left by that woman Jiang Nannan.”

“Zhu Lu is a woman and has a very strong sixth sense. Would she be jealous if she knew that the first woman to ride in this shabby car was not her?”

Thinking of this, Dai Huabin ran away without stopping.

Shrek Academy, by Poseidon Lake.

“Sign in!”

Dai Huabin looked at the sparkling lake.

【Ding! Sign in successfully! 】

[The rewards are as follows:]

[Bone Spirit Cold Fire x1]

[Bone Spirit Cold Fire: A strange flame that combines extreme cold and extreme heat, possessing the special ability of both ice and fire! 】

[Sign-in at Poseidon Lakeside completed! (Cannot sign in consecutively)]

[Next check-in location: Shrek Foreign College Teachers’ Office Building, in front of Zhou Yi’s office! 】

[Sign-in rewards: various magic weapons, spells, elixirs, weapons, high technology, etc.]

[Note: Some check-in locations allow you to check in unlimitedly, while others can only sign in once! (You can sign in at most once a day)! 】

【Ding! Bone Spirit Cold Fire cannot be embodied and has been automatically equipped! The host can activate it at will! 】

Hearing the words [Bone Spirit Cold Fire] appear, Dai Huabin couldn’t help but stand in awe.

“Thirty years in Hedong! Thirty years in Hexi!”

“Don’t bully young people into being poor!!”

Dai Huabin, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly burst into words that made the whole world turn pale.

But after yelling, Dai Huabin became terrified. What is the difference between this and shouting “I am a fool” on the street?

He still wants to save face.

But now there is no one at Poseidon Lake.

Because Dai Huabin specially avoided the peak period.

Except late at night, Poseidon Lake is a gathering place for students from the Love Academy in pairs at other times.

Spreading his left hand, he activated his thoughts, and white flames sprouted from his palm!

“Holy shit! That’s awesome!”

“But compared to this strange fire, I prefer the old man with a white beard who can lay me down and take me flying.”

Dai Huabin was daydreaming, and the image of Yao Lao’s stalwart body and lewd smile appeared in his mind.

In his previous life, the reputation of anti-inflammatory drugs was much better than that of Tang San.

“Jiejiejie~~~” Dai Huabin seemed to have suddenly changed.

The evil cannot be evil!

The villain cannot be the villain!

Although I like Yaolao.

But Dai Huabin prefers Soul Emperor!

“Signing in is complete, it’s time to go back.”

“It’s getting late, we can’t let Zhu Lu stay alone in an empty room!” Dai Huabin stretched and yawned.

He rested his head on his pillow and kept making a magical sound of “Jie Jie Jie” from his mouth as he walked towards Shrek’s gate.

[Let me go, I can’t be so lucky, there are actually shooting stars! Still red! 】

[Unfortunately, I am invincible and have no wishes to grant.]

“What is that sound?”

Ma Xiaotao, who couldn’t control the evil fire erupting in her body, suddenly heard two strange words in her heart.

His haunting pale pink eyes glanced down crazily.

Because after Ma Xiaotao heard these two words, the evil fire in her body that was about to go berserk was temporarily suppressed!

Currently, there are only two people who can suppress the evil fire for her. One is Xu Sanshi, who has the water attribute in the Xuanming Turtle Martial Soul.

The other one is the godbrother she just recognized a few days ago, the Ultimate Ice Martial Spirit Huo Yuhao.

Ma Xiaotao ran out of the inner courtyard at high speed just to find her godbrother Huo Yuhao and ask him to control the evil fire for her!

But water far away cannot save the fire near!

How could Ma Xiaotao let go of the “source of water” that seemed to be able to extinguish the evil fire in her body suddenly appeared in front of her?

【Something is wrong, very wrong】

[Looking horizontally and vertically like this, is this meteor coming towards me? 】

【Grass Mud Horse! It’s really for me! 】

Dai Huabin’s eyes widened as he watched the crimson meteors in the sky hit him without any twists and turns.

Suddenly he cursed in his heart, God King Tang San.

Just run away!


A red stream of light fell to the ground.

The smooth path was smashed into a huge deep pit.

Ma Xiaotao’s beautiful pink eyes became very hazy, she was about to be completely controlled by the evil fire!

She is thirsty! She wants water!

Hearing a rumble from behind.

Dai Huabin looked back and saw that the meteor not only did not disappear, but also turned a corner and chased him!

[It can’t really be Tang San’s fault, right? 】

[Brother Tang San, I was wrong, my little brother should not have occupied your Poseidon Trident.]

[Please stop chasing me. My little brother is willing to return the Poseidon Trident! 】

【Let’s chase! Do you think my Nine-Yang Magic Skill was practiced in vain? 】

[As long as I want to, I can accelerate to 100 kilometers per second! Exactly the same speed as my Rolls-Royce Phantom! 】

Dai Huabin was very arrogant and made faces at the red beam of light behind him while running very proudly.

From time to time, he would pause, wait, and give way to his opponent.

Ma Xiaotao was so angry that she cried because of the sixth child’s behavior! She had never been teased like this before!

Ma Xiaotao is no longer suppressing the evil fire at this moment! Full acceptance of evil fire!

I saw the imaginary enemy “Poseidon Tang San” speeding up.

Dai Huabin was as steady as an old dog and continued to provoke, “Interesting——”

He also accelerated, but his horse stumbled.

“I’ll hit you!” Dai Huabin tripped over a pebble picked up from the road near Poseidon Lake.

He fell heavily to the ground.

Ignoring the elegant Dai Huabin, he stood up quickly. He couldn’t lose to “Tang San”!

But just stood up.


Dai Huabin was pushed to the ground.

His wrists were controlled and squeezed firmly by a pair of slender jade hands.

It shows a strange posture where the enemy is superior and we are inferior.

【Fuck! It turns out it’s not Tang San]

[It turned out to be Ma Xiaotao, the royal sister of the inner courtyard! 】

The villain Dai Huabin was pinned down tightly by Ma Xiaotao.

Dai Huabin vowed not to obey, but when he saw those beautiful legs swaying…

Dai Huabin’s old face turned red, he was relieved.


Douluo: Traveling through Dai Huabin, the heroine listens to his heart

Douluo: Traveling through Dai Huabin, the heroine listens to his heart

Status: Completed Author:


Dai Huabin traveled through "Peerless Tang Sect" and became a well-known villain.
And awaken the sign-in system, receive the artifact at the beginning, and reach the peak of invincibility!
But Dai Huabin never expected that this system would have bugs...
Because his inner voice always flows inadvertently into the minds of the heroines...
Wang Dong looked unbelieving: "Dai Huabin, stop! Why did my soul have to be divided into three? Tell me!"
Tang Ya looked questioning: "Does Beibei really have any other relationship with Senior Sister Le Xuan? Dai Huabin, don't lie to me!"
Ma Xiaotao looked shy: "Hua Bin... do you really have the ability to completely purify my martial soul?"
"Ah this..."
Looking at the heroines who couldn't connect with the plot of the original novel.
Dai Huabin could only say silently: "Did I travel through the wrong time..."
"Am I, a villain, so charming?"
"Shouldn't you stick to the protagonist Huo Yuhao!?"


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