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Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family — Chapter 149 Xiao Xun'er: If you want to be loved by your master, you have to learn more!

Seeing Queen Medusa’s cold face, Xiao Xun’er was not annoyed at all, and still had a faint smile on her face.

“Queen Medusa, you must be feeling unfamiliar and a little nervous because you just came here. It will be fine if you get familiar with it in the future!”

Xiao Xun’er said with a sweet smile, thinking that when she first came here, she was like Queen Medusa, arrogant, cold, and had a bad temper. But later, after experiencing many things, she finally chose to give in because she was treated badly. Here, without Morrowind’s permission, there is no hope of leaving.

Queen Medusa turned a deaf ear to Xiao Xun’er’s words. In her eyes, although Xiao Xun’er had a good-looking face, she was just a human slave girl without dignity.

After casting a disdainful glance at Xiao Xun’er, Queen Medusa shifted her gaze to Chenfeng again.

“Didn’t you just say… that you would answer my questions when you get to another place?”

Queen Medusa’s eyes were filled with evil, and she asked in a low voice. Even though her voice was cold, it still made people feel numb, and it was so tempting that it made the man’s bones tingle.

“Haha, it seems you are very impatient!”

Seeing the evil look in Queen Medusa’s eyes, Chenfeng’s expression was very calm. He chuckled and said, “I wonder if Queen Medusa still remembers the Ice Emperor?”

“Ice Emperor…Hai Bodong?”

Hearing Morrowind’s words, Queen Medusa instantly remembered Hai Bodong, who was defeated by him decades ago and fell under the snake sealing spell.

“Are you here for Haibodong?” Queen Medusa asked curiously.

“Yes, Haibodong is a senior of my family. He was poisoned by your snake sealing technique. That’s why I came to the desert!” Chenfeng nodded.

Xiao Xun’er already knew something about Chenfeng, so she didn’t have much reaction after hearing the conversation between the two.

“I didn’t expect that the old guy is not dead yet… and there is such a powerful descendant in the family!”

Hearing Morrowind’s explanation, Queen Medusa pondered in her heart, and then calmly replied: “If you came to the desert to find me to break the seal on Hai Bodong, I’m afraid I will disappoint you. The Snake Seal Technique There is only a way to seal it, but there is no way to unblock it!”

“Oh, in that case, it seems I still have to go to the hinterland of your Snake Tribe!”

Morrowind said with some pity. Originally, he thought that after dealing with Queen Medusa, he could directly break Haibodong’s seal. In this situation, he could only continue to look for the medicinal materials needed to break Erdan.

“You are going to the hinterland of our Snake Tribe…”

“Didn’t I just say that as long as I hold my hands and capture you, you will stop attacking me, the snake people?”

“You really can’t believe what humans say!”

Hearing this, Queen Medusa became excited again. She glared at Chenfeng with evil eyes. The next moment, she quickly raised her jade arm, and quickly slapped Chenfeng with her white and delicate palms.

However, Queen Medusa, whose fighting spirit was sealed, looked so weak to Chen Feng. Chen Feng just raised her hand gently and pinched her soft wrist, no matter how hard she exerted it. Can’t break free.

“If only I had fought to the death just now, I wouldn’t be as humiliated as I am now…”

Being easily restrained by the morning breeze, Queen Medusa felt a pang of regret in her heart.

Seeing the extremely complicated look in Queen Medusa’s eyes, Chenfeng slowly let go of her smooth arms and said with a smile: “Don’t be so nervous. I went to the hinterland of the Snake Tribe to find a man named Sha Zhiman.” The medicinal materials of Duoluo were used to refine the sealed elixir!”

“Human, I hope what you say is true!”

She gently tapped the morning breeze with her slender fingers, and a feminine breath appeared on Queen Medusa’s cheeks. There was a faint killing intent in her numb voice: “If you lie to me, even if you die, I will not let you go.” !”


Sensing the soft killing intent released by Queen Medusa in this delicate state, Chenfeng chuckled and said: “Don’t worry, I will definitely make you unable to let go of me!”

After saying this, Morrowind’s eyes began to wander unscrupulously on Queen Medusa’s graceful body.

“This hateful guy!”

Being looked at by Morrowind like this, Queen Medusa suddenly had some bad premonitions in her heart. However, she, who had always been proud, did not dodge because of Morrowind’s gaze. Instead, she slightly raised her arrogant head, beautiful Not to be outdone, he glared at Chen Feng.

This indirectly caused her chest to puff up, exposing her perfect curve to someone’s eyes.

“Queen Medusa, you are so dirty, don’t you want to wash it off?”

Chen Feng withdrew his wandering gaze, looked at the raised and charming face, and smiled.

After hearing what Morrowind said, Queen Medusa subconsciously glanced at her body and found that her robes were indeed a little dirty. She couldn’t help but frown slightly.

However, even so, she would never bathe in front of Morro Breeze.

“Xiao Xun’er, she will stay here for now. You can enlighten her more when you have time!”

“Master, don’t worry, I will try my best to enlighten her!”

Seeing that Queen Medusa was silent, Chenfeng greeted Xiao Xun’er with a smile, and then told Lingyou and the Purple Demon Eagle some things separately, and handed the image crystal to them, and then directly took it with him Yaochen’s soul left the small world.

In the small world, Queen Medusa noticed that Morrowind had disappeared instantly, and her eyes began to search around her.

This space is neither big nor small. The air is filled with the energy of heaven and earth just like the outside world, and the intensity of the energy of heaven and earth is several times that of the outside world. At the edge, there is a layer of gray mist. , and then I don’t know where it leads.

“Queen Medusa, there is no need to look for it. The master has left. This world is similar to the Najie, a space that can be moved around, but it can allow living people to enter!”

Seeing Queen Medusa’s movements, Xiao Xun’er reminded her softly with a smile.

Queen Medusa was already in a very complicated mood at this moment. In addition, she also heard the words that Chenfeng told Xiao Xun’er before leaving. Therefore, the smile on Xiao Xun’er’s face did not faze the beauty. Queen Tussaud thought she was very easy-going, but she felt disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

“Lowly human slave girl, do you really want to enlighten me?”

After mocking Xiao Xun’er with great disdain, Queen Medusa twisted her purple snake tail and slid towards the edge of the space.

Hearing Queen Medusa call herself a lowly human slave, Xiao Xun’er didn’t feel much at all. A smile flashed across her beautiful eyes, and she looked at the person who came to the edge of the space and reached out to touch the gray mist in a joking manner. Queen Medusa.

In Xiao Xun’er’s sight, Queen Medusa’s hands slowly stretched into the gray mist. However, as soon as her palms were submerged in the thick fog, she could no longer move forward.

“How could this happen? There is actually a thick space barrier outside!”

Upon discovering this situation, Queen Medusa retracted her palm and said angrily.

“Don’t try to escape. After we get here, only with the owner’s permission can we get a chance to go out for a short time!” Seeing this, Xiao Xun’er smiled again.

“That’s enough. That hateful guy is your master. If you dare to use the word “we” again, I will kill you immediately!”

Hearing Xiao Xun’er’s words from behind, Queen Medusa turned around angrily and shouted at Xiao Xun’er.


Although Queen Medusa’s cultivation level has been sealed, her previous aura as a powerful fighting emperor is still there. The evil aura revealed on her body at this moment makes Xiao Xun’er a little frightened.

“Queen Medusa, if you dare to have any evil intentions against Sister Xun’er, we will punish you!”

“That’s right, if you are honest, we won’t do anything to you, but if you want to misbehave with Sister Xun’er, you will have to suffer!”

The next moment, the purple magic eagle and Lingyou, who were also staying in the small world, made their voices almost at the same time. The first thing Chenfeng told them before leaving was to protect Xiao Xun’er’s safety. They must not let it happen. Queen Medusa hurt Xiao Xun’er, and the other thing is to stop Queen Medusa when she commits suicide.


As the threatening words of the Purple Magic Vulture and Lingyou fell, Queen Medusa reluctantly restrained her evil aura and calmed down.

On Xiao Xun’er’s side, because she has the help of the Purple Demon Vulture and Lingyou, she is no longer afraid of Queen Medusa. Besides, now that Queen Medusa’s cultivation level has been sealed, she may not be able to beat her. As for those who have a fighting spirit.

“Queen Medusa, after a while, you will understand what I mean!”

Xiao Xun’er smiled and shook her head, then went straight to a bathtub placed in the small world.

“If you want to be favored by the master, you have to learn more. You will never be able to look dirty like this. Wash it quickly!” Xiao Xun’er continued to say.

“To get favored by that bastard, you…”

Listening to Xiao Xun’er’s words, Queen Medusa almost went crazy and almost couldn’t control herself. She looked at Xiao Xun’er with eyes that seemed to kill someone.

Xiao Xun’er didn’t even think about Queen Medusa’s reaction. She took the ghost Yanmao with her and quickly prepared hot water for Queen Medusa.

With such a proud character, Queen Medusa naturally cannot tolerate dirt on her body.

And now she has confirmed that Chenfeng is no longer in this space, and Xiao Xun’er and the two monsters are both women.

Therefore, after a brief hesitation, Queen Medusa slowly twisted her purple snake tail and slid towards the tub…

On Morrowind’s side, after locking Queen Medusa into the small world, they returned to the City Lord’s Mansion in Stone Desert City again.

“Master Morrowind, who was the strong man who came near Stone Desert City just now?”

In the room, Qing Lin asked curiously when he saw Chen Feng coming back.

“It’s Queen Medusa of the Snake Tribe!”

Upon hearing Qinglin’s inquiry, Chenfeng didn’t hide anything.

“Queen Medusa… No wonder I feel that her bloodline is very close to mine!” Qinglin said thoughtfully.

“Qing Lin, I have to go to the depths of the desert to do something later, so you can stay at the City Lord’s Mansion for a few days! I’ll come back to pick you up when I’m done!”

Chen Feng explained to Qing Lin that because of his relationship, the city lord Xu Guang would definitely treat Qing Lin as a distinguished guest. It was very safe for Qing Lin to stay here for the time being. In addition, she had the strength of a two-headed snake to fight spirits. Bodyguard, ordinary people can’t hurt her at all.

“Well! Master Morrowind, go and do your own things, Qinglin will take care of yourself!”

Qing Lin nodded obediently. She also understood that it might be very dangerous for Moro Feng to go deep into the desert. If she followed him, she would only become a burden to Moro Feng.

After bidding farewell to Qinglin, Chenfeng did not stay in Stone Desert City for long. He took out the map given by Hai Bodong and took a look at it, then left directly and headed towards the depths of the desert.

It was a long journey from Stone Desert City to the Temple of Medusa. After Morrowind left Stone Desert City for some distance, he planned to take the Purple Demonic Vulture out of the small world. He would be much more comfortable if the Purple Demonic Vulture did the journey instead.

However, when Morrowind’s soul power was injected into the Universe Treasure Box, he did not bring out the purple magic eagle, because at this time, his mind was already attracted by a scene in the small world.

In the small world, Queen Medusa’s snake tail is soaked in the bathtub, and her upper body is completely exposed from the water.

Although a pink curtain was hung around the bathtub, it had no effect on Moron Breeze’s God’s perspective.

I saw Queen Medusa looking around and above her head, and finally felt relieved.

She bit her red lips lightly and slowly unbuttoned her brocade robe with her jade hands. Immediately, a perfect jade body that looked like a masterpiece from heaven was nakedly exposed in the space surrounded by pink curtains.

The perfect plump body like white jade releases the temptation that makes the mouth dry.

Her beautiful face revealed a touch of enchantment like a fairy inadvertently, and her slender white neck revealed an elegant arc.

Crystal water droplets emerged from the neck, then rolled down all the way, passing through the body skillfully, and finally drew a stunning arc and dripped down.

The slender willow waist seems to be not enough to be grasped, but there is a sense of flexibility in the slightly thin body. The flat and delicate lower abdomen does not have a trace of excess fat. At a glance, it is very flattering. One cannot resist the urge to reach out and swim slightly.

Under the slender waist is a wild purple snake tail. The snake tail swings slightly, bringing up the hot water in the bathtub, and then washing it on the body, adding another kind of temptation to the jade body. It has a unique style.

This delicate body that has made countless men salivate is now naked and exposed to Chenfeng’s sight, allowing him to feast his eyes on it.

Seeing the fragrant scene of Queen Medusa taking a shower and the morning breeze flying in the sky, an evil fire suddenly rose up in her lower abdomen.

But the next moment, this evil fire was forcibly suppressed by the fighting energy in his body.

Nowadays, Queen Medusa is still a human-snake body. No matter how tempting she is, Morrowind must restrain herself.

If you want to eat it, you have to wait until Queen Medusa has completely transformed into a human form.


Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Status: Completed Author:


After traveling through time and space, he became Yun Yun's disciple and Nalan Yanran's senior brother. He and Nalan Yanran had a mutual love and made a private life.
Just as Chenfeng was thinking about how to deal with Xiao Yan, a son of this plane.
The system is activated!
Many children, many blessings system!
For each additional offspring, he will be rewarded.
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with a heaven-level skill."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, rewarded with heaven-level fighting skills."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with extraordinary physique."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, I will reward you with a copy of Dou Di's origin."
In order to become stronger, in order to become the legendary fighting emperor.
Morrowind resolutely decided to create the strongest family with many children and many blessings!


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