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Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family — Chapter 238 Brother Feng, you are really knowledgeable!

Far above the sky, a huge purple creature flapped its wings, with a circle of ten feet in size. A faint purple light shield diffused from its body, resisting the oncoming strong wind.

Inside the light barrier were Morro Feng, Zi Yan, Han Yue, and Liu Fei who had left the Jia Ma Empire.

Riding on the back of the purple magic eagle, a sixth-level peak flying monster, Morrowind and his party arrived at the Black Horn Territory again in less than three days.

“Brother Feng, the distance between the Black Corner Territory and Zhongzhou will take at least half a year for even a strong Douzong expert to cross, but if you go through the space wormhole, it will probably take less than a month to reach it! “

On the back of the purple magic vulture, Liu Fei told him something in a low voice because she knew that this was Chenfeng’s first trip to Zhongzhou.

The space wormhole she mentioned is relatively common in Zhongzhou Continent. It is a point in two spaces connected by the power of space by a strong Dou Zun. It requires a lot of precious materials and a lot of time and energy to build.

The area of ​​Zhongzhou is really too vast. Therefore, in Zhongzhou, most large cities have space wormholes to slow down travel time. Most of the founders of these “space wormholes” are people who belong to the city. The pinnacle expert or senior.

If the senior who built the “space wormhole” belongs to a certain family, then this “space wormhole” will also become a property of that family.

Of course, even these extremely powerful families would not dare to use this kind of public transportation measures alone, and very few families would do such stupid things. After all, every year, a “space wormhole” brings The profits in the future will reach quite terrifying figures.

Therefore, in Zhongzhou, the emergence of every “space wormhole” will attract the jealousy of countless forces. After all, not everyone can hire a strong Dou Zun and spend a lot of effort to build a “space wormhole”.

Therefore, the “space wormhole” also symbolizes wealth and strength in Zhongzhou. Most of those who can maintain it are some famous forces. Of course, this excludes some families who enjoy the legacy left by their ancestors. .

Moreover, after the space wormhole is built, it must be repaired frequently. The strength of the maintenance personnel must be at least higher than that of Douzong. Except for places like Zhongzhou, space wormholes rarely appear in other areas.

“Well, let’s go directly to Tianya City next. That city has a space wormhole!”

After hearing Liu Fei’s words, Chenfeng nodded lightly.

“It turns out that Brother Feng already knew it!”

An awkward smile appeared on Liu Fei’s lips, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt relieved. After all, Morrowind’s status was considered extremely noble in the northwest continent, and it was not difficult to understand these things.

Tianya City is located in a mountain range called Tianqing, thousands of miles away from the Black Corner Region. As the only city within a thousand miles that has a space wormhole leading to Zhongzhou, Tianya City is within this thousand miles. The level of prosperity within it is second to none.

“Brother Feng, do you know much about things in Zhongzhou?”

Listening to the conversation between Chenfeng and Liu Fei, Han Yue asked with interest, because he was very sure that Chenfeng had always stayed in the northwest continent and had never been to Zhongzhou.

Looking at the expression on Han Yue’s face, Chenfeng smiled and said, “I guess you know a little bit about it!”


Hearing this, Han Yue’s eyes showed a strange color, and she seemed to be more interested: “Brother Feng must know that the first palace, the first tower, the second sect, the three valleys, and the Sifang Pavilion are relatively famous among human forces!”

“The first hall is the Soul Palace, and the tower is the Dan Pagoda. As for the two sects, they are Tianming Sect and Hua Sect respectively. The three valleys are Ice Valley, Sound Valley and Burning Flame Valley…”

Chenfeng replied naturally. He knew much more about these things than Han Yue, a person from Zhongzhou. Basically, there were not many secrets that he, a time traveler, did not know.

“Brother Feng, the city where my family is located is within the jurisdiction of the Burning Flame Valley, one of the three valleys!” When Chenfeng mentioned the Burning Flame Valley, Liu Fei suddenly interrupted.

“That’s okay. When I go to your home, I’ll stop by to visit the Burning Flame Valley!” Chenfeng nodded casually.

“Ah…Brother Feng, can a big force like the Burning Flame Valley be able to visit casually?”

Hearing Chen Feng’s words, Han Yue and Liu Fei were a little surprised. They felt that Chen Feng was talking big words. In their understanding, there were legendary fighting masters in the Burning Flame Valley, and there might be more than one. A strong warrior.

“Why not?”

Chenfeng smiled and asked.

Seeing the confidence overflowing from Chenfeng’s face, Han Yue and Liu Fei were silent.

“Brother Feng, you have to take us to see it then!”

Han Yue smiled and chose to believe Chenfeng for the time being.

“Brother Feng, the Sifang Pavilion you just mentioned is Xingyun Pavilion, Wanjian Pavilion, Huangquan Pavilion, Fenglei Pavilion… Because these four forces are located in the same four-corner direction and stand on Zhongzhou, so they are named! Where I am The Northern Territory of Zhongzhou is where Fenglei Pavilion, one of the four pavilions, is located! Fenglei Pavilion is considered to be the strongest force in the Northern Territory of Zhongzhou!” Han Yue continued.

“Compared to other parts of Zhongzhou, the Northern Territory is a little barren, otherwise it wouldn’t be possible for one Fenglei Pavilion to dominate!” Chenfeng nodded slightly.

“Uh…that’s the truth!”

Han Yue was stunned for a moment and nodded in agreement. What Chenfeng said just now is not something that someone from the Northwest Continent could say, because no matter how barren the Northern Territory is, it is still better than the Northwest Continent. a lot of.

“I didn’t expect Brother Feng to not only have a talent that is close to that of a demon, but also to be so knowledgeable!” A trace of admiration flashed in Han Yue’s eyes.

In the blink of an eye, another three or four days passed. At a certain moment, Liu Fei pointed to a section of mountains that suddenly protruded from the ground in the distance and said in surprise: “Tianqing Mountain Range, Brother Feng, we are here!”

The purple magic vulture crossed the plains and slowly entered the mountains. These mountains are covered with green trees. Many of them are towering trees that are hundreds of feet high. In these trees, there are many monkeys constantly climbing and playing. These This guy is very smart and doesn’t hide when he sees someone, he just stares blankly. It’s obvious that they are used to these passers-by.

Chenfeng and his party did not stop, and flew over the mountain range with the griffin beast. Immediately, the spacious roads within the mountain range appeared in all directions under the sight of Chenfeng and others. Above the road , you can also see many people coming and going, making it very noisy.

At this moment, the Purple Demonic Eagle was not the only flying monster in the sky above the mountain range. Shortly after Morrowind and the others entered the mountain area, they heard the sound of breaking wind in the distance, and soon they saw the flying monster. Many flying beasts of various strange shapes flapped their wings and flew towards the mountains.


Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Status: Completed Author:


After traveling through time and space, he became Yun Yun's disciple and Nalan Yanran's senior brother. He and Nalan Yanran had a mutual love and made a private life.
Just as Chenfeng was thinking about how to deal with Xiao Yan, a son of this plane.
The system is activated!
Many children, many blessings system!
For each additional offspring, he will be rewarded.
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with a heaven-level skill."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, rewarded with heaven-level fighting skills."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with extraordinary physique."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, I will reward you with a copy of Dou Di's origin."
In order to become stronger, in order to become the legendary fighting emperor.
Morrowind resolutely decided to create the strongest family with many children and many blessings!


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