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Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family — Chapter 249 Tang Huoer!

After leaving the Liu family for more than ten miles, Chenfeng left a space teleportation flag in a secluded place nearby just like the last time he went to the Han family.

“Brother Morrowind, where should we go next?”

On the back of the purple magic vulture, there were only Chen Feng and Zi Yan. Zi Yan directly stretched out her arms to hug Chen Feng’s neck, and her whole body seemed to be hanging on Chen Feng’s body.

“I haven’t thought about it yet. Zhongzhou is so big, so it’s hard to decide!” Chenfeng shook his head after hearing Zi Yan’s words.

“Brother Chenfeng, didn’t you say before that you could visit the Burning Flame Valley at will? The Burning Flame Valley seems to be quite close to Tianhuang City. Why don’t you go there?”

Zi Yan was already very playful. After thinking about it for a while, she suddenly thought of what Chen Feng said before.

“Going to Burning Flame Valley?”

After hearing Zi Yan’s words, Chenfeng hesitated slightly.

Seeing Chen Feng’s hesitation, Zi Yan smiled and said: “Brother Chen Feng, I’m kidding you, how can you go to a place like Burning Flame Valley casually! How about we go to Dan Territory, which is the real place on the mainland. center.”

“If you want to go to the Dan Realm, you will also go to the Burning Flame Valley!”

After hearing Zi Yan’s words, Chen Feng suddenly made a decision.

Now, Morrowind’s cultivation level has reached the Dou Zun level, and he also has several Dou Zun peak cultivation experience cards, the highest of which reaches the Nine-turn Dou Zun peak. Combined with some other trump cards, even the one-star Dou Saint from Burning Flame Valley Even Chenfeng was not afraid of the fact that Patriarch Huoyun, who was cultivating, came forward in person.

“We really want to go to Burning Flame Valley!”

Zi Yan was a little surprised when she heard Chenfeng’s decision.

“Yes, we agreed to visit Burning Flame Valley before, how can we back out now!” Chenfeng nodded.

“Okay, anyway, brother Morrowind, I will go wherever you go!”

Hearing this, Zi Yan smiled and nodded.

Burning Flame Valley is located in the Burning Fire Mountains in the southwest of the Central Region. This mountain range is completely formed by blazing volcanoes. Looking at it, it is uniformly red. On the top of some mountain peaks, rich aromas are constantly rising. White smoke, and occasionally, magma overflows from it.

The Burning Fire Mountain Range, even if you look at the entire Zhongzhou, has quite a reputation. Of course, some of this is due to the fact that the Burning Flame Valley is here, and the rest is because of the harsh environment of this mountain range.

Although the environment here is not very eye-catching, the fire attribute energy here is extremely rich due to the endless volcanoes.

Fire-attribute practitioners practicing here will undoubtedly achieve twice the result with half the effort. Therefore, even though they know that it is quite dangerous, there are still many people who practice fire-attribute skills and take the risk to come here.

On Morrowind’s side, after deciding to go to Burning Flame Valley, they ordered the purple magic vulture to fly in the direction of the Burning Fire Mountains on the map.

The Burning Fire Mountain Range is not far from Tianhuang City, and the Purple Magic Vulture is extremely fast. Therefore, after just four hours or so, Chen Feng and Zi Yan could faintly feel the energy in the surrounding heaven and earth. Gradually it became abundant, and in this abundance, there was also a faint flavor of violence.

Standing on the back of the purple magic vulture, Chenfeng looked slightly into the distance. At the end of his sight, he saw a fiery red line. This fiery red line was extremely majestic. At a glance, he could see everything. No end in sight.

“It’s so fast, Brother Morrowind, the Scorching Fire Mountains should be in front of us!”

Looking at the scene ahead, Zi Yan said excitedly that now she no longer had the desire to grow up before, so this kind of journey made her very relaxed.


Morrowind smiled and nodded, and immediately accelerated the purple magic vulture, flying straight into the continuous fiery red mountains.

As they entered the Burning Fire Mountain Range, Chen Feng and Zi Yan could see it clearly. The lush color of this mountain range was extremely rare. At a glance, most of it was red land.

Above the ground, there is not even a bit of turf covering it. It seems that the environment here is indeed quite harsh.

Although the fire attribute energy is extremely abundant in this scorching mountain range, due to the perennial eruptions of volcanoes in the mountains, this fire attribute energy contains some violent factors.

If you want to absorb it, you must expel the violent factors in that energy. Otherwise, if you practice for a long time, it will seriously affect the mind of the practitioner.

Even so, during this flyby, Chenfeng still saw many people sneaking into these volcanoes to open caves for practice.

Moreover, there are many magical beasts in this scorching mountain range. Due to the energy of this world, the magical beasts here are particularly violent and fierce compared to other places.

Entering the sky of the Burning Fire Mountains, the temperature has also become much higher, but these temperatures are nothing to Chen Feng and Zi Yan.

“Brother Morrowind, this map only shows the location of the Burning Fire Mountain Range, and does not indicate the exact location of the Burning Flame Valley. The Burning Fire Mountain Range is so big, how can we find the Burning Flame Valley?”

After flying a certain distance, Zi Yan suddenly asked with some doubts.

“That’s right…the location of Burning Flame Valley is indeed not marked!”

After hearing Zi Yan’s words, Chenfeng glanced at the map again and then nodded.

Chenfeng vaguely remembered that the Burning Flame Valley was shrouded by a huge space barrier and was located between two huge volcanoes. The inside was like a paradise in the volcano, full of greenery, in sharp contrast to the outside.

The next moment, a huge amount of soul power surged out from between Chenfeng’s brows, covering dozens of miles nearby in the blink of an eye, and was still expanding.

With Morrowind’s current soul state in the late spiritual realm, his perception ability is already comparable to that of the three giants of Danta. Therefore, it took him almost no time to discover anomalies deep in the mountains.

“With such powerful spatial fluctuations, it seems that that’s where the Burning Flame Valley is!”

After determining the location, Morrowind immediately ordered the purple magic vulture to fly towards the east.

Soon after, in Morrowind’s field of vision, two extremely majestic red mountains appeared. These two majestic mountains were closely leaning against each other. A winding stone ladder climbed up from the foot of the mountain. Before Morrowind unfolded his soul power The strong spatial fluctuation detected originated from the end of the stone staircase.

Just as Chenfeng stared at the end of the stone staircase, a fiery red figure appeared there.

This woman in red has a slender figure, and a dark red whip is wrapped around her small waist, which outlines her waist more attractively.

The woman’s appearance is also very good, but there is a hint of heroism between the slender eyebrows. Coupled with the fiery red outfit, she looks heroic and has a unique charm.


Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Status: Completed Author:


After traveling through time and space, he became Yun Yun's disciple and Nalan Yanran's senior brother. He and Nalan Yanran had a mutual love and made a private life.
Just as Chenfeng was thinking about how to deal with Xiao Yan, a son of this plane.
The system is activated!
Many children, many blessings system!
For each additional offspring, he will be rewarded.
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with a heaven-level skill."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, rewarded with heaven-level fighting skills."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with extraordinary physique."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, I will reward you with a copy of Dou Di's origin."
In order to become stronger, in order to become the legendary fighting emperor.
Morrowind resolutely decided to create the strongest family with many children and many blessings!


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