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Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family — Chapter 324: Scared away with just one word!

The Jiama Empire is also considered a big country in this northwest continent.

Its territory is so vast that even a powerful Dou Huang warrior would need several days to cross it.

However, such a distance can be reached in only a few hours or less than half a day for Douzong and even Douzun experts.

The Song family brought a group of strong men this time, and the lowest ones all had high-level Douzong cultivation.

Therefore, it didn’t take long before they all came to a patch of sky three hundred miles away from the Jia Ma Imperial Capital.


At this moment, an old man in white robes at the front suddenly raised his hand and ordered everyone to stop.

This old man in white robe is Song Tiandu, the ancestor of the Song family.

His cultivation has reached the late stage of the Three-Star Dou Zun, and he can be considered a strong person even in Zhongzhou.

Beside Song Tiandu, there were two men in black robes, one of whom had reached the level of Three-Star Dou Zun.

The other person arrived at the Five-Star Douzun. Behind the three of them, there were more than twenty strong men with high-level Douzong cultivation.

Such a huge lineup is already very terrifying when the top powerhouses on the mainland choose to hide from the world.

Just these twenty or so people can directly destroy a huge sect like Fenglei Pavilion.

“Ancestor, what happened?”

After hearing Song Tiandu’s call to stop, a middle-aged man from the Song family asked in confusion.

Song Tiandu ignored it. He kept staring straight ahead with a very surprised look in his eyes.

In his sight, there were seven or eight figures of young men and women slowly walking through the air.

These people are not very old, but they all have Dou Zong cultivation. It is impossible not to be surprised.

“Ancestor, he is Chenfeng, he was the one who killed Song Qing and his son back then!”

As Chenfeng and several beautiful wives appeared in the sky, the middle-aged man from the Song family who had just spoken suddenly became excited and quickly pointed out Chenfeng to Song Tiandu.

At this moment, Song Tiandu, whose face was originally full of surprise, had a strong murderous intent flash in his muddy old eyes.

“Are you the one who killed Song Qing?”

Song Tiandu said in a deep voice, with a strong power in his voice.

“Is this the ancestor of the Song family?”

Feeling Song Tiandu’s aura, although Cao Ying guessed that Chenfeng had a trump card to deal with it, she still couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

“Yes, are you here to seek revenge?”

There was no trace of panic on Chenfeng’s face. He nodded with a smile and asked Song Tiandu a question.

“You know what you are asking…Today, I will use your head to sacrifice the people of my Song family who died in vain…”

As soon as Song Tiandu finished speaking, he raised his hand and slapped Chen Feng in the direction.

The huge energy palm print shattered the space and shrouded Morrowind’s head like lightning.

“Haha, since you are here to seek revenge, you must be prepared to be killed!”

Chenfeng sneered and waved out an invisible energy, instantly destroying the massive energy palm print.


Seeing this strange scene, Song Tiandu and the two Dou Zun experts beside him had expressions of surprise on their faces.

“Brother Feng is really unfathomable. He actually destroyed the attack of the powerful Dou Zun head-on, and it seemed very easy!”

Cao Ying, Feng Qing’er and others beside Chenfeng were also very shocked.

In fact, they shouldn’t have doubted Morrowind when he exposed a place like Wind Realm.

After all, how can a person who can own an independent world be threatened by a few ordinary fighting masters?

“Are you going to help the Song family take action?”

Chenfeng did not rush to take action, but asked some other strong men who were not from the Song family.


Seeing Chenfeng’s posture and the weird hand just now, the two Dou Zun experts who were invited suddenly hesitated.

Originally, the people from the Song family invited them here not to deal with Chenfeng, but to prevent the people from the Burning Flame Valley from interfering.

Now, even if the people from Fenyan Valley didn’t come, they were all ready to take action.

“I’ll give you five seconds. If you haven’t left the Song family camp after five seconds, you will be responsible for the consequences!”


Morrowind spoke again and started counting.

“Master Song, this son is extraordinary. I will not participate in the fight between you!”

When Chenfeng counted to the second time, the old man who had the same three-star Dou Zun cultivation as Song Tiandu quickly made a decision.

“Brother Situ, you won’t leave, right? If it weren’t for Song Tiandu’s pill, you wouldn’t have achieved what you have today…”

The old man’s escape made Song Tiandu feel nervous, and he quickly looked at the black-robed man with the five-star Dou Zun cultivation.

“Brother Song, this is just a junior. I believe that your Song family has the strength to solve it. It doesn’t matter whether I take action or not!”

Originally, if Song Tiandu had not said that, the man in black robe had no intention of leaving, but at this moment, Song Tiandu brought up old friendship again, which immediately made the man in black robe a little angry.

“Situ Dian, I didn’t expect you to be so ungrateful!”

After receiving such a reply, Song Tiandu reprimanded extremely angrily.


As everyone knows, the more he said this, the more annoyed Situ Dian became, and he immediately walked away.

With the lessons learned from these two people, the powerful Douzong men invited by the Song family also left one after another.

When Chenfeng counted to the fifth time, the only people from the Song family were left in front of him.

“Ying’er, these people came to my territory to seek revenge and want to kill me. If I kill them all, will Danta hold me responsible for this?”

Seeing all the helpers invited by the Song family retreat, Chenfeng still didn’t rush to take action, but turned his head and asked Cao Ying.

“What an arrogant boy, you dare to say you’ll kill all of us!”

“Ancestor, this kid is too arrogant, we must not keep him!”

Some members of the Song family were very angry when they heard Chen Feng’s words.

“Brother Feng is actually confident that he will kill all the people from the Song family!”

Yun Yun and others behind Chen Feng were also quite surprised.

“No, this time they took the initiative to stir up trouble and killed them all. Danta will not hold them accountable…”

Although Cao Ying was very surprised, she still responded quickly.


After receiving Cao Ying’s reply, Chen Feng smiled and nodded, then looked at everyone in the Song family calmly.

“What does this guy have to rely on?”

Seeing the confidence shown by Chen Feng and the understatement of his previous attacks, Song Tiandu hesitated.

This time, 80% of the Song family’s high-end combat power was gathered here. Song Tiandu did not dare to bet. If he lost the bet, the Song family would decline from now on.

“My dear friend Chenfeng, our Song family will no longer pursue the issue of Song and Qing from now on. Any grievances we have will be wiped out today!”

In the end, Song Tiandu gritted his teeth and made a staggering decision.


Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Status: Completed Author:


After traveling through time and space, he became Yun Yun's disciple and Nalan Yanran's senior brother. He and Nalan Yanran had a mutual love and made a private life.
Just as Chenfeng was thinking about how to deal with Xiao Yan, a son of this plane.
The system is activated!
Many children, many blessings system!
For each additional offspring, he will be rewarded.
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with a heaven-level skill."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, rewarded with heaven-level fighting skills."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with extraordinary physique."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, I will reward you with a copy of Dou Di's origin."
In order to become stronger, in order to become the legendary fighting emperor.
Morrowind resolutely decided to create the strongest family with many children and many blessings!


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