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Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family — Chapter 329 Yanran, if you work harder, you will have a third child!

“Haha, everyone, the winner of this conference is about to be announced, right between Mrs. Xuemei and Mrs. Linfei!”

On the high platform, Fa Ma announced loudly, and then he invited Furukawa and several alchemists from other empires to test the elixirs of Xuemei and Linfei.

“Everyone, the test results have come out. The effects and values ​​of Mrs. Xuemei’s and Mrs. Linfei’s elixirs are very close. It’s hard to tell the difference!”

After a while, after discussions between Fa Ma, Gu He, and several other alchemists, it was decided that Xuemei and Lin Fei would be tied for first place.

“Haha, since there are two first place winners, then this reward…”

Fa Ma continued to speak, looking at Chenfeng, as if waiting for Chenfeng to make arrangements.

“Add another reward for the first place, and the rewards for the next nine people will remain unchanged!”

Morrowind announced directly that to him, these things were just numbers and did not have much meaning.

“Mrs. Xuemei, Mrs. Linfei!”

After Moronfeng’s announcement, deafening roars of excitement suddenly rang out from the audience. Countless people stood up from their chairs with faces flushed with excitement, waving things in their hands. For a moment, the entire square fell into a sea of ​​noise and excitement. .

No wonder the audience became so excited and wild. This competition was different from the previous conferences. In the previous conferences, alchemists from their own countries competed for the championship, so the audience did not have too strong feelings of the same hatred. mood.

However, this time, the title of champion was almost taken away by someone from another country, which completely aroused the sentiment of these Gama people who were unwilling to let someone from other countries win the championship in their own country.

After all, no one wants to see a conference held by their own country end up bringing honor to players from other countries, especially rival countries, because the honor they received was based on the humiliation of the Gama Empire.

Xuemei and Linfei turned the tide at the last moment and won the championship in a crushing way. For the surrounding audience, this move undoubtedly shed hope at a moment of despair. Therefore, the Gama people in the square , it is common sense to be so forgetful and excited.

“The two of them were obviously far inferior to me a month ago~”

At the edge of the square, Yaoyue did not take a direct position. She stood there, listening to what Fa Ma and Chen Feng announced, and her thoughts were very complicated.

“Is it just because they became my brother-in-law’s women? When I grow up…”

The next moment, Yaoyue’s eyes were focused on the tall figure on the high platform that attracted everyone’s attention, and a strange color flashed in her eyes.

The Alchemist Conference was successfully concluded, and those who came from afar to participate in the Alchemist Conference in the Jiama Empire were not without gain.

In addition to the rewards for first place, the rewards for second to tenth place are also quite generous for them.

Of course, compared to the two twenty-year-old sixth-grade alchemists who appeared in the Jia Ma Empire, the rewards from this conference are somewhat insignificant.

It is almost foreseeable that they are about 20-year-old sixth-grade alchemists. In more than ten years, the two of them are likely to become seventh-grade alchemists, or even eighth-grade alchemists.

Once word of this got out, the reputation of the Jiama Empire became even louder than before.

The reputation of the Garma Empire was rising day by day, and Morrowind didn’t pay too much attention to it. Sooner or later, these things would be announced.

Although simply exposing Xuemei and Linfei’s alchemy prowess will arouse the curiosity of many people, those who are truly strong, those who are above the fighting saints, will not care about such a thing.

And as long as those powerful people don’t interfere, Morrowind will naturally not care about other people’s thoughts.

On this day, the wind world once again received good news.

Nalan Yanran, who is pregnant with her second child, is about to give birth.

“Feng’er, guess whether Yanran will give birth to a boy or a girl this time!”

“I like both boys and girls!”

Outside Nalan Yanran’s palace, Yun Yun, Chen Feng and others were already waiting here, chatting happily.

“Everyone has given birth to a second child. When will you be able to give birth to my child?”

Listening to the noise coming from the room, Queen Medusa stroked her swollen belly with her delicate hands, and a trace of expectation flashed in her eyes. Her belly was surprisingly big compared to other people, including Xiao who had given birth to twins. Even Xun’er can’t compare, but it’s been almost two years and there is no sign of having a baby.

She was helpless about this. Judging from the pregnancy status of previous queens of the Snake Tribe, she might not give birth for more than half a year.

Of course, Lingyou and Ziyan were also suffering from the same troubles as her. The bellies of these two people were obviously a bit big, but there were no signs of pregnancy at all.


The next moment, Queen Medusa’s thoughts were interrupted by the cry of a baby coming from the room.

As the crying sounded, everyone slowly entered Nalan Yanran’s room.

“Husband, he is still a boy!”

Chenfeng and others walked into the room. Nalan Yanran had already gotten off the bed and held the child in her hands.

“Boy, that’s good!”

Seeing the somewhat resentful look in Nalan Yanran’s eyes, Chenfeng took the child and started teasing it happily.

“Husband, I was originally thinking of giving birth to a daughter for my second child!”

Nalan Yanran continued to speak.

“Haha, Yanran, this is easy to handle. Since the second child is gone but I still have my wish, then I will continue to work hard for the third child!”

After understanding the meaning of Nalan Yanran’s words, Chenfeng laughed and encouraged her.

“Ah~ Husband, you are so annoying, can’t you make my stomach empty for a while?”

Hearing Chenfeng’s words, Nalan Yanran’s pretty face turned red and she said coquettishly.

After having two children in a row, she had no chance to have sex with Chenfeng, and could only covet her sisters.

This time, Nalan Yanran planned to take a good rest.

“Haha, I’m just kidding. After this time, I promise to keep your stomach empty for more than half a year!”

Seeing Nalan Yanran’s dissatisfaction, Chenfeng quickly smiled and comforted her.

Hearing Chenfeng’s words, Nalan Yanran secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: “That’s good, husband, have you decided what to name the child?”

“How about calling him Haoran?”

Morrowind thought for a moment and replied seriously.

“Mitel—Haoran, what a nice name!”

The names of the two sons were related to her own name, and Nalan Yanran was naturally happy.

Of course, Morrowind is also himself. He will have many heirs in the future. In order to distinguish his so many heirs, he named him this way.

After the little guy Miter Haoran was born, Morrowind basically planned not to leave the wind world for a short period of time.

He plans to spend a month to improve the cultivation of many women so that they can all break through to the realm of Dou Zun.


Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Status: Completed Author:


After traveling through time and space, he became Yun Yun's disciple and Nalan Yanran's senior brother. He and Nalan Yanran had a mutual love and made a private life.
Just as Chenfeng was thinking about how to deal with Xiao Yan, a son of this plane.
The system is activated!
Many children, many blessings system!
For each additional offspring, he will be rewarded.
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with a heaven-level skill."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, rewarded with heaven-level fighting skills."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with extraordinary physique."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, I will reward you with a copy of Dou Di's origin."
In order to become stronger, in order to become the legendary fighting emperor.
Morrowind resolutely decided to create the strongest family with many children and many blessings!


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