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Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family — Chapter 337: The palm of heaven’s creation clashes with each other!

“Are these the so-called ancient puppets?”

Seeing these stone sculpture-like and lifeless figures, Chenfeng murmured in his heart.

Ancient human puppets use special means to extract the souls of strong men from the human body and then seal them in the puppet body. The puppets created in this way not only possess sanity, but can also perform fighting skills.

This kind of puppet is the closest thing Morrowind has ever seen to the effect of his own puppet pill. Unfortunately, the method of making puppets has been lost.

“Although you are ancient beings, if you want to stop me from seizing the treasure, you have no choice but to destroy me!”

The morning breeze walked straight towards the skeleton of the Fighting Saint. At the same time, the stone puppets around the stone seat suddenly opened their eyes that had been closed for countless years. A strong killing force filled the air at this moment. open!

These puppets immediately attacked Morrowind after waking up.

However, their strength is just that of ordinary Dou Zun, and in the eyes of Chenfeng, a peak Dou Zun strongman, it is simply not enough.

“Boom! Boom!”

Morrowind basically hasn’t used his fighting spirit yet, just punches and kicks, and he can beat them all back with his physical strength.

Because of such a fight, the ten light groups trembled violently, and then erupted into a burst of dazzling light.

And in this strong light, the scrolls inside also turned into streams of light at this moment, rushing out from the light group!

The light group disappeared, and ten streams of light of different colors burst out from it. Looking through the light, one could faintly see the scrolls inside, and an ancient aura filled the air from these scrolls.

Although these scrolls were not heaven-level fighting skills, they were all powerful earth-level fighting skills or techniques. Morrowind naturally did not waste any time and quickly captured them all.

At this moment, the fingers of the skeleton sitting cross-legged on the stone seat trembled slightly.

“Saint of Creation, you may have been very strong at first, but now, there is only a residual mark of your soul left!”

Noticing the abnormality of the Dou Sage skeleton, Chen Feng did not panic. With his current strength, he was not afraid even if the skeleton could exert the strength of a one-star Dou Sage, but it was obvious that this skeleton did not have such strength.

Perhaps hearing the provocative meaning in Chenfeng’s words, subtle bones twisting sounds were gradually heard from the skeleton, and soon, the entire skeleton stood up slowly.

“Those who invade the ruins will die!”

The jade-white skeleton slowly raised its head, a ball of flame rising from its hollow eyes, and an ancient and hoarse indifferent voice gently resounded through the hall.

“This is?”

Outside the main hall, Zi Yan saw this scene and was very surprised. She did not expect that a skeleton that had been dead for many years actually stood up.

In her sight, the standing skeleton’s upper and lower jaws gnashed slightly, and then took a step, grabbing the palm of the skeleton directly at the morning breeze.

“Brother Feng, be careful!”

Seeing this, Zi Yan shouted quickly and then rushed into the hall.

“Well done!”

In the main hall, facing the attack of the skeleton, Chen Feng was not afraid at all. He clenched his palm into a fist and faced it straight forward.


A punch hit the skeleton’s palm hard, but the seemingly fragile bones were actually harder than fine steel at this moment.

However, Morrowind’s palm was harder than the skeleton. With one punch, the skeleton was knocked back more than ten steps, but he himself was completely fine.


Zi Yan, who had just rushed to the entrance of the hall, couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Chen Feng repelling the strange jade-white skeleton with one strike.


After being repulsed by the morning wind, Dou Sheng’s skeleton paused for a moment and suddenly raised his head. A vague, low and hoarse voice came out quietly as if from those ancient times.

“The great… sky… created… the… palm!”

“Zi Yan, get out!”

Hearing this hoarse and ancient intermittent sound, Chen Feng quickly said something to Zi Yan who was following behind.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic fighting energy surged from his palm.

The speed at which the energy was gathered was greater and faster than the energy gathered in the palm of the Dou Sheng skeleton.


At this moment, a black spot about the size of a soybean suddenly appeared in the palm of the Dou Sheng’s skeleton. This black spot was extremely pure. If a person took a look at it, it would seem that even his soul would be swallowed into it. It was extremely weird.

Black dots appeared, and the Dou Sheng Skeleton’s right palm was raised fiercely, and then hit hard on the extremely hard ground of the hall.

Where the bone palm fell, the stone slab did not make any sound. At the moment of contact, the extremely hard stone slab seemed to disappear in an instant, revealing the dark brown rock underneath.


The floor disappeared, and a black halo suddenly emerged from the stone slab, and then… spread suddenly!

Tsk tsk tsk!

The black circle of light spread, and all the places affected by the black circle, whether it was stone slabs, stone pillars or other things, disappeared in an instant.

That kind of disappearance is a disappearance in the true sense, without any residue.

This feeling is like a black hole, mysterious and terrifying.


This terrifying scene made Zi Yan feel a little dazed. She forgot what Chen Feng said and wanted to run away with Chen Feng.


At this moment, Chenfeng’s palm also fell, and then, a black circle that was larger than the black circle emanating from the Dou Sheng’s bones spread.

This situation is like two black holes attracting each other.


After the two huge black holes came into contact, the energy storm of the imagined collision did not appear.

The two black holes actually slowly became smaller. In the end, the one emitted by the Dou Sheng Skeleton was completely obliterated, and the black halo of Morrowind was also consumed by two-thirds.

“It seems that I used too much force!”

Watching the black halo of light continue to sweep towards the Dou Sheng skeleton, Chenfeng flashed and appeared directly in front of the Dou Sheng skeleton and grabbed it.

At this moment, after using the Heaven’s Fortune Palm, the soul remnants in the Dou Sheng’s bones had completely disappeared, and there was no longer any threat.

Looking closely, Chenfeng could see that on these bones, there was a strange pattern that seemed to be naturally formed, and there was faint fluorescence emitting, which looked particularly magical.

Moreover, within the bone arm, there was something like liquid flowing quietly.

“Haha, it’s really a worthwhile trip!”

Seeing these liquid-like substances, Chenfeng’s face suddenly filled with joy.

“Zi Yan, let’s go!”

After putting away the bones of the Fighting Saint, Chenfeng planned to return to the Wind Realm. After obtaining the treasure, digesting it in time was the best choice.

Of course, when he returned, Chenfeng also brought the medicine dust he searched for in the Alchemy Palace. Zi Yan may need his help later when she absorbs the Dragon and Phoenix Origin Fruit.


Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Status: Completed Author:


After traveling through time and space, he became Yun Yun's disciple and Nalan Yanran's senior brother. He and Nalan Yanran had a mutual love and made a private life.
Just as Chenfeng was thinking about how to deal with Xiao Yan, a son of this plane.
The system is activated!
Many children, many blessings system!
For each additional offspring, he will be rewarded.
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with a heaven-level skill."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, rewarded with heaven-level fighting skills."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with extraordinary physique."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, I will reward you with a copy of Dou Di's origin."
In order to become stronger, in order to become the legendary fighting emperor.
Morrowind resolutely decided to create the strongest family with many children and many blessings!


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