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Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family — Chapter 358 Destroy the Mulan Empire!

“Jia Xingtian, today, I want you to be my first sacrifice after the completion of my “Blood Soul Art”!”

The bloody giant pincer pointed at Jiaxing Tian, ​​and a look of ferocity appeared on Xie Biyan’s face.

Perhaps because of the technique, his voice became hoarse.

“Haha, it depends on whether you have that ability!”

Looking at Xie Biyan, whose aura had soared to the level of the Five-Star Douzong, Jiaxingtian was still very calm in his heart. He was truly at the peak of the Five-Star Douzong, and was not someone who was briefly promoted using secret techniques like Xie Biyan.

The next moment, an earthy yellow stick appeared in Jia Xingtian’s hand.

The majestic energy condensed crazily on the stick, which was frightening.

“Earth-level fighting skills, and they seem to be at the intermediate level of the earth-level!”

Feeling the power of Jiaxingtian’s accumulated fighting skills, the smile on Xie Biyan’s face solidified again.

Not to mention that his cultivation level is not as good as that of Jiaxing Tian. Even if his cultivation level is the same, Jia Xingtian can perform earth-level intermediate fighting skills, which he cannot compare with.


Xie Biyan’s face showed a ferocious expression, and his figure flashed quickly, waving the giant blood-colored pincers to cut off the stick in Jiaxingtian’s hand, hoping to interrupt Jiaxingtian’s energy accumulation.


“You react too slowly!”

Seeing Xie Biyan rushing over, Jia Xingtian showed a trace of disdain on his lips, and a streak of khaki energy shot out crazily from the stick.

At this time, Xie Biyan’s bloody giant pincer also hit the stick, and the stick was broken in a flash of sparks.

It’s a pity that the energy pillar hit Xie Biyan’s head hard.


With the sound of broken bones, Xie Biyan’s body fell rapidly to the ground like a kite with its string broken.


Seeing the Scorpion Mountain that fell from the sky, the strong men of the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect were filled with tears. In such a battle, the ancestor of the sect was killed in front of so many people. This was very important to them. The blow was not a single blow, but these strong men were fine. The ordinary disciples of the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect on the ground were completely demoralized at this moment, and their faces were pale.

“go to hell!”

Jia Xingtian took advantage of the victory to pursue, and when Xie Biyan fell, he quickly launched dozens of attacks, burying the entire area.

After that, he could clearly feel that Xie Biyan’s life breath had completely disappeared.

“The ancestor died so quickly!”

On the Scorpion Mountain side, there was also fear on their faces, because with the help of the Four-Winged Sky Demon Scorpion, they did not suffer any loss in the confrontation between the Dou Huang level experts.

But now, with the release of Jia Xing Tian, ​​the strongest combat force of the Jia Ma Empire, the battle is no longer suspense.

Soon, the Four-winged Heavenly Demon Scorpion was also killed by Jiaxingtian, and all the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect Douhuang’s combat power was reduced to death.

After eliminating some of the recalcitrant remnants of the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect, the force of the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect was completely removed from the Izumo Empire. From then on, the Izumo Empire no longer had any resistance forces and was completely integrated into Gama. empire.

At this moment, the area displayed on Morrowind’s monitoring compass was more than twice as large as before.

“very good!”

In the wind world, Chenfeng felt the changes in the monitoring compass and was extremely satisfied.

In the future, strong men who appear in the Izumo Empire will also be detected by Morrowind immediately.

If the entire Northwest Continent is under his control, then if those ancient people dare to enter casually, Morrowind will know it instantly, even if the Soul Emperor and his like enter Morrowind’s territory, there will be no exception.

Generally speaking, this kind of war between the two countries will touch the interests of the surrounding empires.

Sometimes, some empires will help the weak side to prevent one side from becoming bigger and stronger.

But this time, because the Izumo Empire has always been a hostile country to the Gama Empire, and the poisonous cultivators of the Izumo Empire are hated by several surrounding empires.

Therefore, this time the Gama Empire’s army attacked the Izumo Empire without the participation of surrounding empires.

“The Izumo Empire has been destroyed, and next is the Mulan Empire!”

On Kaixingtian’s side, after leading the army to capture the Izumo Empire, they did not stop. Instead, they continued to send troops towards the Mulan Empire, a neighboring country of the Izumo Empire.

As for the captured Izumo Empire, he mobilized more than fifty Douwang warriors from the Gama Empire to suppress and manage it.

With fifty Douwang warriors suppressing it, the Izumo Empire, which was defeated and surrendered, had no chance to reorganize its forces and rebel.

A few days later, the Jiama Empire’s army appeared at the border of the Mulan Empire.

This time was different from before. The Mulan Empire paid attention in advance and got the news.

Nearly half of the country’s strength is gathered in a fortress on the border.

“Why did the Jiama Empire carry out this military campaign?”

On the border of the Mulan Empire, Tianlan Fortress, countless soldiers of the Mulan Empire gathered here, and there was a heavy flow of people.

Suddenly, three streams of different colors burst out from the army on the city wall, and finally turned into three old men, appearing in mid-air.

The three old men who appeared in the sky were all wearing blue robes. However, on the robes, there were three patterns of lions, tigers and bears painted on them. These patterns did not look like they were made of ordinary embroidery thread. , on the contrary, it seems to be a condensed form of some mysterious energy.

Therefore, when a person’s gaze is swept away, those three extremely ferocious beasts will glare fiercely at them with their huge scarlet eyes. If a person is not mentally competent, just under this violent sight full of murderous intent, his eyes will be turned upside down. My legs can’t help but feel weak.

Although these three old men in green seemed to be at the peak level of Dou Huang based on their aura, the “Three Beasts Wild Judgment” they practiced was quite strange. Their combined fighting power was astonishing and could rival Dou Zong.

“Mr. Mulan, at your age, can’t you see the situation clearly?”

“Today I follow your Majesty’s orders to attack Mulan. You must either surrender or die!”

When Mulan the Third Elder appeared in the sky, Jia Xingtian also came directly to the sky outside the fortress.

“Sigh… Jia Xingtian, I just want to know, after the surrender of Mulan Valley, can the sect’s leadership be retained?”

Among them, the old man with a bear embroidered on his robe sighed and asked.

“The Mulan Valley can be retained, but all attached territories and resources must be handed over…”

Jia Xingtian nodded.

“All right!”

After hearing Jia Xingtian’s words, the three elders of Mulan nodded in unison with helpless expressions.

They had heard about the achievements of the Jiama Empire army before, especially after seeing Jia Xingtian, the remaining resistance was gone.

Surrendering will mean losing some profits at most. If you don’t surrender, the sect’s inheritance will be lost.

After Mulan Sanlao decided to surrender, the soldiers on this border fortress threw away their weapons and opened the city gate to welcome the entry of Gama’s army.


Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Status: Completed Author:


After traveling through time and space, he became Yun Yun's disciple and Nalan Yanran's senior brother. He and Nalan Yanran had a mutual love and made a private life.
Just as Chenfeng was thinking about how to deal with Xiao Yan, a son of this plane.
The system is activated!
Many children, many blessings system!
For each additional offspring, he will be rewarded.
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with a heaven-level skill."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, rewarded with heaven-level fighting skills."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with extraordinary physique."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, I will reward you with a copy of Dou Di's origin."
In order to become stronger, in order to become the legendary fighting emperor.
Morrowind resolutely decided to create the strongest family with many children and many blessings!


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