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Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family — Chapter 374 Queen Medusa gives birth to triplets!

“Madam, come out soon!”


“A little princess has come out…and another one!”


“The second little princess has come out… There is actually one more, Madam, there are triplets! Three little princesses!”


In the room, the midwife’s voice sounded very excited.

The morning breeze outside, listening to the continuous crying coming from the room, made me feel particularly excited.

Although he had already guessed that Queen Medusa’s belly was so big, when the day actually came, he still couldn’t calm down.

“Ding! It was detected that Queen Medusa gave birth to three children for the host at one time. This time the gift package reward will be doubled ten times!”

“Ding! It is detected that the host’s offspring reaches twenty, and the host will be rewarded with a special gift package!”

“Ding, all gift packages have been distributed to the system space, host please pay attention to check them!”

Hearing these system prompts, Morrowind was very excited, but at this time, he still chose to enter the room first to see Queen Medusa, mother and daughter.

“Husband, triplets!”

As soon as Morrowind came in, Queen Medusa smiled at him very excitedly.

Queen Medusa’s face is so beautiful that it almost reaches the level of coquettishness.

Those narrow lavender eyes were so charming that they could attract almost every man’s attention.

She was wearing a thin red gauze skirt, and her delicate body under the gauze skirt was plump and exquisite, looming like a ripe peach, exuding a touch of charm.

A head of three thousand green silk hair casually draped down from the shoulders, vertically between the slender willow waist, and under the gauze skirt, a pair of white and well-proportioned jade feet were exposed, which was simply admirable.

Seeing that Queen Medusa’s figure had returned to its previous state, Chenfeng didn’t even care about the three newly born children at the moment, and immediately reached out to take Queen Medusa’s delicate body into her arms.

The soft touch caused an evil fire to surge up in Chenfeng’s lower abdomen. At this moment, he wanted to execute Queen Medusa on the spot.

“Husband, please take a look at the child first!”

Feeling the changes in the morning breeze, Queen Medusa’s charming cheeks flushed with blush. She gave a sweet cry and pushed the morning breeze away.

Although she pushed away the morning breeze, she still missed the feeling of being nourished by the morning breeze.

Next, Morrowind named the three little guys, Fengzi, Fengying, and Fenghua.

After the others dispersed, Morrowind and Queen Medusa began to do business.

“Medusa, during this period, I am craving for your body!”

Morrowind smiled and carried Queen Medusa to the soft couch.

Looking at Medusa’s smooth and tender skin, the fire in his heart was already very high.

“Husband, I also want to…”

Queen Medusa stretched out her jade hands and wrapped them around Morro Breeze’s neck.

A gust of fragrant wind blew, making Chen Feng feel his body numb.

Soon, the room was filled with a spring color.

“System, open the gift package!”

After a great battle, Queen Medusa was so tired that she lay on top of Morrowind.

Only then did Morrowind think of opening the tenfold reward.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for adding a thousand years of life!” [The current life span has increased by 2,800 years! 】

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, everyone recorded in the Eternal Genealogy has increased their cultivation speed by ten percent!” [Current increase of twenty-eight percent]

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving ten Dou Sheng Star Ascension Pills!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten miniature soul origins!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting ten space jade slips!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten sets of space transformation flags!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving 10,000 Dou Huang Star Ascension Pills!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving ten intermediate experience pills!”

“Ding! All the above rewards have been distributed to the system space. Please check the host carefully!”


Hearing the series of prompts from the system, Chenfeng felt relieved.

Ten intermediate experience pills are equivalent to one high-level experience pill, which can increase your cultivation level by a hundred years.

Morrowind is currently in the middle stage of the One-Star Fighting Saint. These intermediate experience pills will probably allow him to break through to the Two-Star Fighting Saint.

The coolest thing is the first two fixed rewards.

Chenfeng’s lifespan has now increased by 2,800 years. You must know that the average Dou Sheng strongman only has a lifespan of a few thousand years, not ten thousand years, and he now has an extra lifespan of nearly three thousand years.

“Next, there is a special gift package!”

Thinking of the special gift package, Chenfeng became excited again. Looking at the blushing beauty in his arms, he felt very grateful.

If Queen Medusa hadn’t given birth to triplets this time, he wouldn’t have received the second special gift package so quickly.

“Thanks for your hard work!”

“System, open the special gift package!”

Chenfeng patted the white snow with his palm, and then prepared to open this special gift bag.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained ten high-level experience pills!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained ten medium-sized soul origins!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained a ninth-grade Xuandan, an advanced cultivation elixir!”

This time the special gift package still only has three rewards.

However, Chenfeng didn’t feel any less in his heart. At this moment, his face was already filled with ecstasy.

“Ten high-level experience pills, and one ninth-grade mysterious pill!”

Morrowind murmured excitedly.

Ten high-level experience pills can mean a thousand years of cultivation, and the ninth-grade Xuandan is the six-star Dou Sage, or even the seven-star Dou Sage. The strong ones take Dou Huang to great effect.

The next moment, the morning breeze gently lifted Queen Medusa’s body and laid her flat on the bed, and then went to an open place in the wind world.

“Use all intermediate experience pills!”

Coming here, Morrowind first used the dozen or so saved intermediate experience pills.

After a moment, a golden dragon soared over him.

“The early stage of the Two-Star Fighting Saint!”

After feeling his own cultivation, Chenfeng was overjoyed and continued to use the ten high-level experience pills.



The intrusion of thousands of years of cultivation caused an astonishing amount of energy to surge into Chenfeng’s body instantly. Under this huge energy, his aura increased sharply. In an instant, he broke through to the Three-Star Fighting Saint, and then sprinted to the Three-Star Fighting Saint. Mid term!

The late stage of Samsung Fighting Saint.

The pinnacle of Samsung Fighting Saint.

The early stage of the Four-Star Fighting Saint.

This surge in cultivation did not stop until the cultivation reached the middle stage of the Four-Star Dou Sheng.

“With this level of cultivation, coupled with the Dou Sheng Star Ascension Pill, I will soon no longer have to eat soft food!”

Morrowind smiled excitedly. It must be said that this special gift package of twenty heirs was a big turning point for Morrowind.

This time, his strength increased more than ten times compared to before.

“From one-star Dou Sage to four-star Dou Sage, what has Brother Feng experienced?”

In the harem, although Zi Yan was thousands of miles away from Chenfeng, she still sensed the change in his aura, with a look of surprise on her pretty cheeks.


Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Status: Completed Author:


After traveling through time and space, he became Yun Yun's disciple and Nalan Yanran's senior brother. He and Nalan Yanran had a mutual love and made a private life.
Just as Chenfeng was thinking about how to deal with Xiao Yan, a son of this plane.
The system is activated!
Many children, many blessings system!
For each additional offspring, he will be rewarded.
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with a heaven-level skill."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, rewarded with heaven-level fighting skills."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, you will be rewarded with extraordinary physique."
"Ding, congratulations to the host, I will reward you with a copy of Dou Di's origin."
In order to become stronger, in order to become the legendary fighting emperor.
Morrowind resolutely decided to create the strongest family with many children and many blessings!


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