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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 112 62. Little Chrysanthemum Goten-sensei has started his class!

“Then my…my efforts were in vain…”

Tapio clenched his fists tightly, gritted his gums, and had a look of reluctance on his twisted face.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟔𝟗𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐱.𝐧𝐞𝐭

“You have two choices.” At this time, Sun Wutian stretched out his index and middle fingers calmly, and Gu Jing’s unwavering eyes looked at Tapio, who was angry at his incompetence.

Upon hearing this, Tapio looked at Sun Wutian with a confused look on his face, and his eyes glowed with excitement.

“First, you can go to my dad. After all, he destroyed Hirudegang in the battle just now. It doesn’t matter if he eliminates him once,” Sun Wutian put away his middle finger and pointed at Sun Wukong with his index finger.

Tapio looked at Sun Wukong with hopeful eyes, and he also remembered that it was Sun Wukong who had just finished Hillard Tsuna, and it would probably be okay to fight again.

“What about the second type?” Sun Wuhan asked.

Sun Wutian raised his lips slightly, and instead of answering Sun Wuhan’s question directly, he asked, “Brother, do you still remember the future Trunks?”

“I still remember,” Sun Wuhan nodded blankly.

“I remember that when Trunks came to this era, he finally cultivated to the point of strength beyond his own limits and then returned to the future to defeat the androids of the future,” Sun Wutian said with an unpredictable smile on his face. .

“I see,” Vegeta, who was listening on the side, raised his lips slightly, “You are planning to let this guy practice on his own and then go back, right?”

“Bingo, that’s right Uncle Vegeta.”

Sun Wutian grinned, showing a row of white teeth, and said with a smile.

“Anyway, there is no rush to go back to the past. You still have a lot of time to practice. As long as you can reach the third level of Super Saiyan strength, you will be able to defeat Sirud Tsuna on your own.”

After listening to Sun Wutian’s two options, Tapio fell into deep thought, weighing the pros and cons of the two options.

“You have to think clearly. You don’t understand the history of the thousand years since you were sealed. If a new enemy appears again, then you can only watch your brother die in front of you and there is nothing you can do.”

To deal with this ten thousand-year-old brother-controller like Uchiha Itachi, the only option to use strong medicine would be to target his younger brother.

In his mind, he imagined his brother lying in front of him with his eyes open, and Tapio’s face suddenly turned pale.

“I…choose the second path,” Tapio said with determination.

Sun Wutian raised the corner of his mouth. When he watched the episode of Dragon Fist before, he admired Tapio. It was okay to help him. As for where to place him, he could go to the nice old man in Guixianwu, or he could go Heaven and Earth are no different from these places.

The matter ended successfully, and at night, everyone gathered at Bulma’s house for a party.

“Wutian, you have been there these days, why did Shenlong say that he can’t bring you back?” At the banquet, a group of people chatted and talked about Sun Wutian’s problem. Everyone’s eyes suddenly focused on Qiqi. On the body of Sun Wutian who was hugging him.

Shenlong can’t bring me back? That’s right, no matter how awesome Shenlong is, he can’t bring me back from another world.

Sun Wutian put down the piece of meat in his hand and said with a chuckle.

“Actually, I’m not very clear about it. During the battle with Evil Bobu, I was sucked into another dimension. When I woke up, I realized that I had arrived in another world, and…”

Speaking of this, a strange smile appeared on Sun Wutian’s lips.

“And what,” everyone asked.

“And that world is almost the same as ours,” Sun Wutian paused and continued, “For example, we have a Sun Wutian here, and there is a Sun Wutian there; there is a Trunks here, and oppositely, there is a Sun Wutian there. Trunks, it’s just that history is a little different from ours.”

“Nani!” xN.

Everyone was stunned and shouted in unison.

“The history over there, Uncle Vegeta had a fight with his father after being controlled by Babidi. After sensing Majin Buu’s awakening, he took the opportunity to knock him out while his father was distracted. After eating He dropped the last fairy bean and then self-destructed to die with Majin Buu. After all, Buu at that time was almost unkillable, so Uncle Vegeta wanted to destroy Buu by self-destructing. “

Vegeta frowned, thinking that he must have already read a hundred words on the screen!

Sun Wutian didn’t care what Vegeta was thinking, and continued, “Then, Buu, under the command of Babidi, wanted to destroy Xidu. In order to delay time, Dad sacrificed himself by letting Trunks get the Dragon Ball Radar. In the remaining time, Super Saiyan 3 was used to hold Buu down. Trunks returned after successfully taking away the Dragon Ball Radar. Knowing that he did not have much time, his father asked the Son Wuten and Trunks of that world to learn to fuse. “

“Fusion, Wutian, you mean the fusion of the moves of the Medama people,” Sun Wukong said.

Sun Wutian nodded lightly.

“After dad left, Son Wuten and Trunks successfully merged into a brand new super warrior, Gotenks. Then, Gotenks successfully transformed into a Super Saiyan after less than a day of training in the Spiritual Time Room. Third, he had the strength to fight Buu, but because he underestimated the enemy, he was absorbed by Buu along with Uncle Piccolo. “

“My brother who fought Buu before was brought back to the Kaiowen Holy Land by Kaiohshin. Through the development of the potential of the old Kaiohshin sealed in the Kaiohshin Sword, he has the power to surpass Super Saiyan III. ”

“The power beyond Super Saiyan 3, Goten, is it like your Super Saiyan 4?” Sun Wukong asked again.

“No,” Sun Wutian shook his head, “It’s my brother’s potential power. Dad, you should know it very well.”

“That’s it!”

Putting aside Sun Wukong’s question, Sun Wutian continued, “At this time, the old Kaioshin gave dad a pair of earrings that could be combined. Dad borrowed the old Kaioshin’s life and successfully resurrected and returned to the world. Originally, You want to use that pair of earrings to merge with me. Because the time has come for the fusion of Gotenks, the power has changed and you two have lowered your guard. As a result, the unwary brother was also absorbed. “

Vegeta’s face twitched calmly, Damn, I’m the only one here who’s been absorbed, and damn, all those places have been absorbed. Could it be that he’s mocking me!

Vegeta roared inwardly.

“Then what happened next?” Curious about the next story, Sun Wuhan asked. Even he was absorbed. Is it possible that the newly resurrected father is cold again?

“The next step is that Uncle Vegeta returns to the world as a soul. His breath is captured by Dad. Under Dad’s persuasion and the death of Aunt Bulma, Uncle Vegeta merges with him.”

“Eh~~ I’m dead in that world?” Bulma looked confused.

“To be precise, almost everyone on the earth is dead. Except for us who were hiding in the heaven at that time, only Satan is still alive. But you were turned into chocolate by Buu who caught up with you and eaten by magic. , so they are all dead.”

Having said this, Sun Wutian felt a little heavy.

“Wait a minute, you said that Kakarot and I merged.” At this time, Vegeta reacted with anger on his face.

“Yes, after all, my father had no one else to merge with you at that time. It’s thanks to Uncle Hell that he kept your body, otherwise I wouldn’t have had the chance,” Sun Wutian raised his eyebrows and said with some gloating.

“So, Vegito, the invincible combined warrior, has appeared. By the way, if nothing else happens, the combined warrior cannot be separated after being combined,” Sun Wutian said with a sinister smile.


Everyone was shocked again, and Vegeta was full of anger, “We can’t be separated. You mean Kakarot and I can’t be separated.”

“Generally speaking, this is the case, but at that time, Vegetto was deliberately absorbed by Buu in order to save the absorbed people, just like I did to save Uncle Vegeta. But unfortunately, it may be some kind of secret in Buu’s body. The elements caused you to separate, and the earring was crushed by Uncle Vegeta. “

When he heard that he and Kakarot were separated, Vegeta couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief. Damn, merging with Kakarot would make him so sick that he couldn’t eat.

Vegeta secretly decided in his heart that if he really got the fusion earring, the first thing he would do would be to crush him, and he would never be able to merge with Kakarot.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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