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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 114 64. Battle between father and son, Sun Wutian vs. Sun Wukong

“And Super Saiyan Blue has another benefit, which is that you can use King-ken.”

Goten dropped another bombshell, which stunned everyone.

Damn, it’s enough to surpass Super Saiyan 3, but you can also use King-ken.

Why don’t you go to heaven.

“No way, you can still use King-ken,” Goku smacked his lips. As the user of King-ken, he has the most say in the power of King-ken. He didn’t dare to use King-ken in the Super Saiyan state, but Super Saiyan Blue can.

Vegeta clenched his fists, looking unwilling, and was thrown away by Kakarot again.

“But don’t worry, Uncle Vegeta. I gave you in that world the transformation of Super Saiyan 4. If we really fight, Dad may not be able to beat you,” seeing Vegeta’s unwillingness, Goten added leisurely.

“Nani,” Vegeta looked at Goten excitedly, “I in that world can transform into Super Saiyan 4.”

69 Book Bar→69𝔰𝔥𝔲𝔵.𝔫𝔢𝔱

Seeing Goten nod, Vegeta was both angry and happy.

He was angry because he didn’t have any transformations to show off, while the self in that world not only had Super Saiyan Blue, but also the more powerful Super Saiyan 4.

He was happy because he was finally not suppressed by Kakarot. In the past, he was suppressed by Kakarot. Whenever his strength improved, Kakarot had a bigger breakthrough.

Goten then told everyone about the challenge of the sixth universe. Of course, it was a shortened version, without revealing Kaya’s name. Then Vegeta was deprived of his power by Superman Water and was saved by Goten.

Of course, Goten didn’t say that the thing that could slow down Vegeta’s disappearance was a bastard, and he was afraid of being beaten to death by Vegeta.

Then, Future Trunks asks for help, Black Goku appears, and so on…

At the end of the story, Goten’s mouth was dry.

“Goten,” Goku called Goten, the flame of fighting spirit burning in his eyes, “Fight with Dad, I want to know how strong you are now.”

“This…may not work,” Goku scratched his head in embarrassment, “Most of my power is suppressed now, and now I probably only have my full strength in this world.”

“Is that so,” Goku’s eyes darkened, and then they returned to light, “It doesn’t matter, Dad wants to know how strong Super Saiyan 4 is.”

“It doesn’t matter, although my power is suppressed, but my transformation is still there, and I can fight.”

Goten’s eyes also showed a hint of fighting spirit. He felt that the basic combat power of Goku in this world was stronger than that of Goku in Super Time and Space.

But it is understandable that in order to challenge Super Saiyan 4 one day in the future, Goku will definitely practice desperately. In the battle with Buu, Goku knew that his strength was weak and practiced madly.

Vegeta was the same. The desperate and terrifying strength of Super Saiyan 4 made the unwilling Saiyan prince feel his self-esteem damaged, and he also practiced madly without caring about his life.

It broke the curse that Vegeta could not transform into Super Saiyan 3.

The father and son gradually floated in the air, separated for a distance, and took a stance, looking at each other with vigilance.

The people below watched the fight between the father and son with burning eyes.

“Hah!” x2.

The two shouted at the same time, and appeared in the void as if teleporting, elbows collided, and a wave of air vibrated in the air.


The two figures flashed again and appeared in the sky at a higher altitude, and a louder roar than before sounded.

“Hehe, not bad Goten,” Sun Wukong smiled.

Sun Wutian raised the corner of his lips slightly, and a short hand quickly hit Sun Wukong’s chin.

Sun Wukong’s eyes condensed, and he grabbed the incoming fist, but was kicked in the abdomen by Sun Wutian’s secretly raised foot.


Sun Wukong vomited bitter water, and flew backwards, condensing an energy bomb and shooting it towards Sun Wutian.


Unnoticed, Sun Wutian, who was hit by the energy bomb, also flew backwards for hundreds of meters.


Sun Wukong’s golden aura burst out, and he directly entered Super Saiyan 2.

“I’ll come too, ha!”

Sun Wutian grinned and also activated Super Saiyan 2.

The battle continued, and the roar in the sky became more and more frequent.

Countless air waves vibrated in the air, rippling.

“Qi Yuan Zhan!”

Sun Wutian condensed a golden energy disk in his palm, and Qi Yuan Zhan, mixed with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, flew towards Sun Wukong under Sun Wutian’s throwing.

Sun Wukong dodged the Chi Yuan Zhan by turning his body sideways, and smiled at Sun Wutian, “Wutian, I didn’t expect you to know the Chi Yuan Zhan, but it’s useless to me.”

A smile of success appeared on the corner of his slightly raised mouth, and Sun Wutian chuckled, “Really, Dad, look carefully.”


The Chi Yuan Zhan that Sun Wukong dodged flew back again and split into six small Chi Yuan Zhan.

“This is… bad,” Sun Wukong was shocked, and his body kept swinging to avoid the six flying Chi Yuan Zhan. The Chi Yuan Zhan stopped in front of Sun Wutian and surrounded Sun Wutian like a docile sheep.

“Chi Yuan Zhan… can be used like this,” Krillin looked at the six Chi Yuan Zhan surrounding Sun Wutian in surprise.

“Yes, this is the Ki-en-zan after Uncle Krillin in that world modified it,” Goten paused, “Ki-en-zan·Six Blades.”

“Even my father who is Super Saiyan Blue suffered a loss with this move,” Goten said with a smile.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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