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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 120 70. Return to Super Time and Space

While talking, Goten’s body suddenly emitted a dim glow, and when the light flashed, anyone with good eyesight could see that Goten’s body was transparent for a moment.

“Goten, you…” Trunks looked horrified, and pointed at Goten with a trembling finger.

Goten frowned, and he could clearly feel the strangeness of his body just now. The speed at which the mixed energy seed absorbed the mysterious power slowed down a lot.

Am I going back soon?

Goten couldn’t help but think in his heart.

“Goten, are you… okay?” Goku asked worriedly.

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar → 69𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒙.𝒏𝒆𝒕, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

“I don’t know, maybe… I’m going back,” Goten said heavily.

“Goten,” Chichi hugged Goten tightly, as if she didn’t want to be taken away.

Sun Wutian had a relaxed smile on his face. He stretched out his finger, and a ball of mixed energy condensed on his fingertips. As Sun Wutian pointed, the mixed energy turned into four rays and flew out, injecting into the eyebrows of Sun Wukong and the four Saiyans.

“Have you forgotten? I am just a shell of my childhood now. My real body is still in that world. I guess my time is almost up, but don’t worry, I will come back after I finish studying this power,” Sun Wutian chuckled. This is not a life-and-death separation, and there is still a chance to come back.

“Dad, Uncle Vegeta, when you can transform into Super Saiyan 5, maybe I can open the channel between the two worlds. I think you in that world should be willing to fight with you,” Sun Wutian grinned, revealing a row of white teeth.

“Hehe, of course,” Sun Wukong’s eyes burst into the flame of fighting spirit. He kept listening to Sun Wutian telling the story of that world, and he felt his blood boiling.

“Hmph, Goten, tell me in that world not to lose face for the Saiyan prince, or I’ll teach him a lesson,” Vegeta’s eyes flashed with reluctance. Vegeta in this world has a good relationship with Goten.

“Hehe, I’ll tell him,” Goten’s body was covered with stars, and his figure began to become illusory.

Turning his head to look at Gohan, the smile on Goten’s little face suddenly became a little wretched, and he said with a smirk, “Brother, I hope that next time we meet, you and Sister Videl are already married, and it’s best if you have children.”

“Goten!” Gohan and Videl blushed and yelled at Goten.

“Mom, next time we meet, I guess I’ll be an adult, don’t be scared,” Goten smiled.

“Well,” Chichi’s eyes appeared crystal clear.

“Trunks,” Goten looked at his childhood friend, “next time we meet, don’t be so weak, or I’ll beat you up.”

“Tsk,” Trunks pouted proudly, looking unhappy, “How can I be weak, Goten should be careful!”

Goten always had a faint smile on his face. This is definitely Vegeta’s biological son, no problem, buddy.

Goten’s body was shining more and more, and dots of starlight were floating in the air.

“Then everyone, see you next time,” Goten’s figure disappeared from everyone’s sight with the starlight.

Dragon Ball Super Time and Space;

“Wake up,” Goten’s consciousness returned to the main body, and Whis’s voice came to his ears.

His hazy eyes slowly opened, and the light in front of him made Goten see his situation clearly. Well, the familiar ceiling, Baozishan’s home is no accident.

The faces that caught his eyes were all very familiar to Goten, and almost all of them were present.

Let’s not talk about Sun Wukong and Chichi for now, let’s not talk about why Beerus and Whis are here, even Vegeta is here.

“Dear, you finally woke up,” Elena couldn’t hold back her tears anymore, and threw herself into Sun Wutian’s arms and cried bitterly.

“I… am back,” Sun Wutian looked at Elena in his arms, then looked at his adult hands, and confirmed that he had returned to the super time and space.

“Brother Xiaotian!” Kaya, who broke in from the door, was surprised to find that Sun Wutian finally woke up, and followed Elena and threw herself into Sun Wutian’s arms and cried.

Sun Wutian comforted the two girls awkwardly, and when they finally stopped, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“Hey, kid, what’s wrong with you,” Beerus asked with an ugly face.

“Yes, Goten, what’s going on,” Sun Wukong also asked, “Whis said that your soul is not here and scared us half to death. Fortunately, Whis said it was only temporary, but what’s going on with you!”

Everyone’s eyes were focused on Sun Wutian, looking like they were asking for answers.

“Nothing, I just went back to my original time and space,” Goten explained.

“Original time and space?”

“Yes, yes,” Goten nodded and continued.

“I don’t know what happened. I was training well and planned to take a rest, but I ran to my original time and space. After the battle with Majin Buu, a new enemy appeared there.”

“Nani!” Everyone screamed.

“That guy’s name is Hirude Tsuna. He is probably a little stronger than Buu. When I got there, dad and the others were fighting Hirud Tsuna. Although this Hirud Tsuna’s strength is not as strong as dad’s, he can It makes the body insubstantial and makes it impossible to attack. Even Super Saiyan 3’s father and Uncle Vegeta are difficult to hit. When the father caught Hillard Tsuna who was only physical when attacking, he eliminated them in one fell swoop. he.”

Vegeta suddenly interrupted Son Wuten’s voice loudly, “You just said that I can become Super Saiyan III in that world.”

Vegeta looked shocked. Super Saiyan 3. Although he can go to Super Saiyan 4, Super Saiyan 3 is like a curse and cannot be transformed. As a result, I can actually change the time and space of Sun Wutian. I feel like a beeping dog.

Sun Wutian nodded with a smile and said, “Of course, and Uncle Vegeta in that time and space is stronger than Uncle Vegeta here.”

“Nani!” Vegeta immediately became angry, “You said that Vegeta in that time and space was stronger than me.”

“Well,” Sun Wutian said again, “Uncle Vegeta, that uncle Vegeta of time and space asked me to tell you, don’t embarrass the Saiyan Prince, otherwise he will come over and beat you up, friendship. As a reminder, you in that time and space can already transform into Super Saiyan IV. If we really want to fight, you can’t beat me!”

Vegeta was furious, what do you mean, don’t disgrace the Saiyan prince, who the hell are you, I don’t even dare to talk to me like this, don’t you just want to have a fight, come on, Don’t be timid when facing each other and hurt each other!

“Goten, the Vegeta over there is really stronger than the Vegeta here,” Sun Wukong’s eyes were filled with fighting fire, as if he was familiar with it.

Hey, dad, haven’t you seen that Uncle Vegeta is about to explode now? You speak so loudly and he’s not afraid of him biting you to death, Sun Wutian said quietly in his heart.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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