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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 124 74. The General Assembly officially begins

“Uh uh uh……”

Sun Wukong and Sun Wuhan stepped back in horror. Sun Wuhan could not sense the breath of God, but he felt that the pressure given to him by Sun Wutian was too strong.

Sun Wukong’s eyes sparkled even more. With Sun Wutian here, Universe 7 has a greater chance of survival.

“This is Sun Wutian’s anger. It’s really annoying.” Sensing Sun Wutian’s unabashed divine aura, Vegeta stared in Sun Wutian’s direction, with a trace of jealousy flashing in his eyes.

“How’s it going? I didn’t disappoint you,” Sun Wutian said with a smile after returning to his normal state.

This book is first published on 𝟲𝟵Book Bar→𝟲𝟵𝘀𝗵𝘂𝘅.𝗻𝗲𝘁, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

“That’s awesome, Wutian,” Sun Wukong shouted with excitement.

“Well, let’s go quickly, brother, hold on to me,” Sun Wutian glanced helplessly at Sun Wukong, who had forgotten important things due to excitement, and put his fingers between his eyebrows.

Upon hearing this, Sun Wuhan subconsciously grabbed Sun Wutian’s shoulders, and with a “whoosh” sound, the two disappeared in front of the confused Sun Wukong.

“Wait for me,” Sun Wukong came to his senses and found that his two sons had run away without loyalty. He yelled and put his fingers between his eyebrows, activated teleportation and left.

Kaioshin Realm;

“Hey! Good afternoon,” Sun Wutian, who had just teleported over, said hello when he saw the gods who had been waiting for a long time in the realm of Kaio.

“Ah, Goten-san came so fast,” Weiss waved.

Sun Wukong, who was a step late, looked reproachful, “Wutian didn’t wait for me either.”

“Dad, you always forget everything when you get excited,” Sun Wutian shrugged nonchalantly and said.

Beerus looked deeply at Sun Wutian and fell into deep thought.

“Is it the three of you this time?” Kaioshin smiled.

“Yes, it’s absolutely fine for us, father and son,” Sun Wutian said with a raised eyebrow.

“In that case, let’s go.”

Kaiou Shen chanted a spell, and everyone seemed to teleport. They only saw a flash in front of their eyes, and they came to a strange space.

The starry sky here is filled with twelve black spheres wrapped in colorful nebulae. The endless void is full of twisted space, and the ground where they are standing is floating in the air with a building with all the characters written on it.

“This is the center of the universe!” Sun Wutian and Sun Wufan were like country bumpkins who had just entered the city, with curious eyes in their eyes. Even though they had seen this kind of scene on the screen, Sun Wutian was still shocked.

Introduced into the King’s Palace by the great priest, a group of people from Universe 7 also met their opponent, Universe 9.

The God of Destruction in Universe 9 is a race that looks like Sha Monk and is short in stature; the Kaioshin in Universe 9 is a green-skinned Kaioshin with an arrogant look on his face, and the polite one in Universe 7 Kaiohshin is completely two extremes; their angel is a person who looks exactly like a Westerner, which is the angel that Sun Wutian is particularly concerned about.

The three dogs standing next to them… wolves, a stronger blue werewolf named Bergamo; and the skinny yellow werewolf next to them named Lavanda, and a red werewolf named Basil. .

“Are they…the contestants from Universe 9?” Sun Wukong said solemnly.

Sun Wuhan stared at the three werewolves solemnly, always feeling threatened by them.

Sun Wutian is like looking at an ant. To him, the ninth universe is indeed an ant. There is not even a super blue level strong man. He is also targeting Sun Wukong, who is the protagonist. This is not seeking death.

I didn’t have any luck in my heart, especially their Kaioshin, who made all kinds of ridicule, but in the end, Universe 9 was the first to be eliminated, and it only took one episode.

At that time, Sun Wutian almost laughed to death. Such a scumbag still felt good about himself. If you don’t die, who will die? No wonder it is the last universe, and there is no high-end combat power.

If in the Power Conference, the God of Destruction level is considered the top master, then the Super Blue level is considered the high-end combat power. Look at how many high-end combat power there are in the Seventh Universe.

Frieza counts as one, No. 17 counts as one, Son Goku who doesn’t use Kaioken counts as one, and Vegeta who doesn’t use Deep Blue counts as one, so that’s four.

Sun Wukong’s semi-freedom is considered the God of Destruction, and his perfect freedom is considered the Super God of Destruction;

Vegeta’s Deep Blue is considered the God of Destruction, and there are only two Gods of Destruction in Universe 7, who can already dominate the field.

What about the sixth universe? Hit counts as one, and Kefla counts as the God of Destruction.

In Universe 11, not counting others, Tispo’s super-light speed mode is considered Super Blue level, Toppo is Super Blue level, and after transformation, he is God of Destruction level, but his power is not yet the real God of Destruction, and Jiren is a super god of destruction.

There are other universes that have more or less super blue level combat power. The ninth universe is at the same level as the tenth universe. Oh, by the way, the fourth universe is also similar. However, considering that they are insidious enough, the remaining The time in the arena is a little more than the two universes above.

The great priest made a move, and starting from the seventh universe, a colorful space channel appeared on the ground, sucking everyone in.

When they came to their senses, they had landed on a circular floating seat, and the gods from the other ten universes also arrived one by one.

“Hey~~ Brother Xiaotian, here, here,” from the floating seat in the sixth universe, a Saiyan girl was waving to Sun Wutian in the seventh universe.

“Hey, Xiaotong, you’re here too,” Sun Wutian leaped lightly and flew to the floating seat of the sixth universe.

“Brother Xiaotian, this is the big thing you said,” seeing Sun Wutian coming, Ke Ya first showed joy on her face, and then whispered in his ear.

“Yes, now it is the opening of the universe survival war, and we are now opponents,” Sun Wutian teased, looking at Sun Wukong who ran to the little brat of the Omni King behind him, feeling a little helpless, and then flew back to the floating seat of his own universe.

“Now for the first game, please invite the first contestant of the two universes to play,” the high priest shouted loudly standing alone on the single floating seat.

“Big brother and second brother, I’ll go first,” the red werewolf Basil jumped down and landed on the stage.

“Basil, let the weak of the seventh universe know how powerful our ninth universe is,” the ninth universe’s Kai King said arrogantly.

And here in the seventh universe, Sun Wutian jumped into the stage.

“In the first battle, I’ll take the lead,” Goten’s mouth cracked into a banana shape.

“Goten, be gentle,” Gohan shouted loudly, but he just asked him to be gentle.

This directly angered Basil and the people in the Ninth Universe. This is too arrogant. Others are cheering for you to be gentle, but you asked him to be gentle. Are you looking down on us?

And Goten’s next sentence made Basil explode directly.

“Come on, little dog, use your humble power like an ant on the ground to please me, let me see how big your capacity is.”


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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