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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 136 86. The Power Conference Begins

“Uh… Hi, Xiaotong, long time no see,” Sun Wutian said with a drop of cold sweat on his forehead and an awkward yet polite smile.

Keya raised her eyebrows, with a hint of questioning in her eyes, “Brother Xiaotian, you forgot that you can’t lie in front of me.”

The cold sweat on Sun Wutian’s forehead is getting more and more. Damn it, why did you forget that Xiaotong and I grew up together, and every time I lie, I can’t escape her eyes.


“Brother Xiaotian, are you hiding something from me?” Keya narrowed her eyes and looked directly at Sun Wutian.

“Okay,” Sun Wutian looked around like a deflated rubber ball to make sure there was no one, and spoke softly in Keya’s ear.

After speaking, Keya looked horrified and looked like she was about to be spoiled. She stared at Sun Wutian with tears in her eyes.

“Then, brother Xiaotian, don’t you want me anymore?” Keya Lihua said pitifully with rain in her eyes.

“How could it be?” Sun Wutian saw that this was okay, and ran away if he didn’t coax his wife. “How could I not want you? Besides, the worst we can do is have another child.”

Sun Wutian said with a wicked smile.

“You’re going to die,” Ke Yajiao yelled, hit Sun Wutian on the chest and ran away.

“Damn it, Xiaotong, don’t run away,” Sun Wutian hurriedly caught up.

“Hey, Gabe, tell me what’s going on. That female Saiyan should be from our universe, right?” Looking at Sun Wutian, a pair of loving dogs spreading dog food, Kalifura grabbed Gabe. Come over, point at Keya and ask with a questioning tone.

“You said Keya,” Gabei recognized Keya immediately when he saw her.

“She is also a Saiyan from our Sixth Universe, but she has been with Master Xiangpa. You have never seen her. Speaking of which, she should be the first person in the Sixth Universe to transform into a Super Saiyan.”

Kalifula’s eyes lit up as Gabe explained Keya’s origins. If it wasn’t for the wrong timing, she would have rushed up to fight Keya.

“What about the Saiyan from Universe 7? It seems they have a good relationship,” Kalifulla asked again.

Gabe scratched the back of his head in distress. He really didn’t know about this problem, so he could only warn them, “Anyway, stay away from her. Keya is a mixed-race Saiyan, and she is stronger than Hit. If you go over to me, I can’t guarantee whether she will kill you.”

This is not alarmist. It can be said that Keya hates the Saiyans of the Sixth Universe. If it were not for the power conference that still requires the Saiyans to contribute, Keya would have destroyed the Saiyan clan after the Sixth and Seventh Universe Conference. .

Kalifula didn’t take it seriously, thinking that Gabe was scaring her. She would regret it when she went to find Keya after the game started and was almost kicked to death by Keya.

Since Sun Wutian joined, Sun Wukong had no chance to duel with Hit, so Sun Wukong did not go out of his way to say hello to Hit.

Jiren’s appearance is very consistent with the Earth’s understanding of aliens. He wears the same team uniform as Toppo, has gray skin, and the whites of his eyes are gray-black. You can’t tell where his eyeballs are unless you look carefully.

Jiren stared at Sun Wutian’s figure with vigilant eyes, and his intuition told him that this person was terrible.

“Please all the gods come back to the audience,” the high priest said after watching Sun Wukong’s antics and the game was about to begin.

“It’s up to you,” Beerus glanced seriously at everyone in Universe 7, then used his flying skills to watch the battle in the audience.

“King Calendar 157… (omitting the date here), the Conference of Power begins.”

The high priest raised his hand high, and then waved, announcing the start of the game.




As soon as the game started, players from other universes on the field began to look for their opponents and start fighting, with various energy waves flying around from time to time.

Everyone in Universe 7 gathered in a circle, alert.

“Sun Wukong!”

When the three werewolves from Universe 9 saw Sun Wukong, they roared and rushed towards the camp of Universe 7.

“Just you guys, do you still want to dance?” Sun Wutian’s eyes turned cold and he appeared in front of the trio as if teleporting.


“Boom boom boom!”

“Wow!” x3.

The trio was shocked, and before they could react, they were kicked away by Sun Wutian.

“Wait a minute, Wutian,” Sun Wuhan wanted to stop Sun Wutian, but unfortunately Sun Wutian had already run away, and his voice was too low in such a noisy battlefield.

“Damn it, Sun Wutian, it’s you again,” Bergamo said with a ferocious face, looking at Sun Wutian with a selective and devouring gaze, as if he had the same hatred for killing his father and seizing his wife.

“Haha, come on, puppy,” Sun Wutian curled his fingers toward the trio of people contemptuously, and a thin white shield covered his body.

On the other side, the bottom bastards from other universes who felt extremely self-conscious were attacking the seventh universe, especially the ninth universe, with almost an entire army attacking.

“Big brother, third brother,” Lavanda and Bergamo Basil looked at each other, separated a distance and surrounded Sun Wutian with a three-corner force.

“Ouch, what’s wrong, do you want to dance?” Sun Wutian’s eyes were full of disdain.

The trio’s figures rushed out and transformed into three streams of light, surrounding Sun Wutian.

“Ahahaha, what about the seventh universe? This is the famous stunt of the dangerous trio in the ninth universe, the dangerous triangle formation,” the Kaioshin of the ninth universe laughed arrogantly.

“What an earthy name,” the old Kaioshin said with a look of disdain.

“Dangerous triangle formation,” the little brat of the Omni-King.

Sun Wutian was not panicked at all. He punched the floor with his fist to test its hardness. With a smile on his face, he raised his fist high and gathered strength in his hand.

“Fist bone·Meteorite!”

Sun Wutian roared and punched the floor hard. Suddenly, cracks appeared on the floor and many pieces of rubble were shaken up by Sun Wutian’s punch.


“Damn it!”

Basil and Lavanda were both tripped by the rubble. Bergamo was better off, but his feet hurt a little.

“Dance!” Sun Wutian’s eyes condensed, and he quickly came to Basil, hit him hard on the chin with an uppercut, and then quickly beat him up.

“Third brother,” Lavanda and Bergamo shouted, and attacked Sun Wutian one after another.

“Beat up,” Sun Wutian had a teasing smile on his lips, kicked his right foot up, and gave Basil a flying feeling.

Sun Wutian put his arms together in front of him to block Lavanda’s poisonous fists.

“Damn it, another protective shield,” Lavanda said with a crazy face, hitting Sun Wutian with his fists like meteors, but it was useless.


Sun Wutian bounced off Lavanda’s poisonous fist, condensed an energy bomb in his hand, and smashed it hard at his dog’s mouth.


“Woo Wow!”

Lavanda screamed in pain and flew backwards with his head tilted.

“Fist bone·Meteorite!”

Sun Wutian raised his fist, and the terrifying fist mixed with strong wind knocked away Bergamo who wanted to sneak attack from behind.

“Impossible,” the Kai of the Ninth Universe showed a trace of horror on his pale face, “Why, why are the guys from the Seventh Universe so strong.”

“Very good, that’s it, throw the guys from the Ninth Universe down to me,” Beerus shouted excitedly, and Sun Wutian’s ease in fighting the trio gave him enough confidence.

“Goten is having so much fun, so I can’t fall behind,” Sun Wukong glanced at the battlefield on Sun Wutian’s side, instantly transformed into a Super Saiyan, and punched a tin crocodile away.

“Tsk, that guy Sun Wutian,” Vegeta looked at Sun Wutian unhappily, and his whole body was filled with Qi to form a protective shield like Sun Wutian, fighting a catwoman with sharp claws.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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