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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 139 89 The shocking transformation of the second universe

“Okay,” the three girls smiled coquettishly, jumped up and jumped back to the original boulder.

“That idiot, you should defeat the enemy before they use their true skills,” Beerus said with an angry look on his face. He now wants to go down and kill Sun Wukong directly. If you still think the other party is not strong enough, wait until the other party becomes stronger. Look at how well people are doing on the 17th, but how come the gap between people is so big.

Krillin was eliminated by Frost because of his carelessness and was eliminated by Frost: “There is no way, Goku is like this.”

“Uh-huh, let’s do it again,” the God of Destruction from the second universe coughed dryly, “lovely flowers will bloom on the battlefield at this moment.”

“Where to start the replay,” Beerus complained.

“The replay is too long,” Xiangpa yelled.


Everything is as before, continue to transform…

“Ah ah, Brother Xiaotian, I’m so sleepy,” Keya yawned with a bored look on her face as she watched the girl from the second universe transform.

“I’m also… drunk…” Sun Wutian was also speechless and rolled his dead eyes.

“By the way, isn’t Dragon Ball a hot-blooded battle series? This Sailor Moon painting style is like that,” Keya covered her face and shook her head helplessly.

“I…” Sun Wutian.

After the transformation, the three girls basically couldn’t tell what they looked like before.


When their transformed appearances appeared in front of everyone, everyone (except Universe 2) was shocked.

As the most beautiful girl among the three girls, Librian turned directly into a fat aunt. Her original cuteness no longer appeared, which was very shocking.

Fortunately, Sanka looked a bit like a cat. A cat tail grew out of his back, his jade-like fingers turned into a pair of cat claws, and there was a mask on his face to cover his eyes. At least he didn’t lose much of his appearance.

Su transformed into a martial arts uniform with an extra layer of orange glasses on his face.

“Uh uh uh…” When their figures appeared completely, Sun Wutian couldn’t help but vomited directly.

“Brother Xiaotian, brother Xiaotian, please cheer up,” Keya said anxiously.

“This is the most beautiful costume of our Second Universe warriors. Even if the level of human beings is not the highest, the level of love is the best in the entire universe,” Honey, the God of Destruction from the Second Universe, said confidently.

“Ah ah ah, my eyes, my 24k carbon alloy dog ​​eyes!!! They were so fucking treated/raped!!!” Before the voice of the second universe’s destruction myth fell, Sun Wutian’s wailing voice resounded throughout the whole place. Everyone in the world was confused, and the gods in the audience looked at Universe 7 with strange eyes.

Is the joke above really from your seventh universe?

Beerus helplessly held his forehead, don’t ask me, you want Jingjing, don’t ask me who Jingjing is, I don’t know either.


“Tch, it’s boring. If you cooperate, you will die.” Sun Wutian, who felt that no one was cooperating, stood up calmly, as if the person he was teasing just now was not him.

“…” Brother Xiaotian, that’s enough, Keya complained silently.

“Speaking of Xiaotong, there is still a lot of time anyway, how about we also set up our opening remarks,” Sun Wutian looked at Keya with inexplicable excitement.

“This… is so embarrassing!” Keya blushed.

“It’s okay, you see they are all so good at pretending. As time travellers, we can’t lose to these natives,” Sun Wutian advised.

“Yes,” Keya nodded.

“Great, great, beautiful girls,” the old Kaioshin of the second universe shouted with excitement.

“…”The seventh universe.

Do they all have this kind of virtue in their second universe…

“You still think she’s cuter before she transforms,” ​​Krillin complained.

“Yeah, I think so too, Uncle Klin,” Sun Wutian nodded in agreement.


Suddenly, two extremely strong murderous auras locked onto them. The two of them trembled in unison and looked at the source of the murderous aura with a hint of fear.

I saw No. 18 and Keya smiling and looking harmonious, but what the hell was that inexplicable black energy behind.

Wife, I was wrong.

Sun Wutian (Klin) was immediately frightened. His wife is the most important person in the world. He should put everything aside until his wife is coaxed.

Keya twisted Sun Wutian’s ears with a “smile” on her face, with a hint of murderous intent in her tone, “Isn’t it cute, Brother Xiaotian…”

“No, no, no, Xiaotong, you are cute, you are still the cutest,” Sun Wutian gave in, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, which reminded Sun Wukong of his wife, and a slight chill flowed down his forehead.

Vegeta said that you stupid humans, I have nothing to say to my wife, let’s see how you can strengthen your husband.

“…” No. 18 was smiling like a blooming summer flower, which made Klin nervous. If he hadn’t been eliminated, there would have been a murder live broadcast.

“Wonderful and just,” Toppo and a guy behind him who looked like Beerus blushed, especially Toppo who looked in agreement.

“I didn’t expect this kind of transformation,” Sun Wukong said. I was shocked. I thought the transformation would increase my strength, but now it seems…it’s not as good as my Kaio Fist.

“Come on, show your power,” Vegeta jumped down from above.

“Okay,” Ribrian laughed, and put his hands together to form a heart. A stream of pink energy emerged from the heart and rose to the sky. Ribrian jumped up and jumped onto the giant heart, and his hands turned into afterimages and clicked the heart frantically.

The heart with pink energy fell like a meteor shower, and exploded when it hit the real object, shaking up a cloud of pink smoke.

After the pink smoke enveloped the entire arena, a fragrance drifted out, and those with low strength were confused by it.

“Oh, this move is really hard to guard against,” the old Kai’s eyes flashed with a trace of vulgarity.

“It’s really… annoying,” Sun Wutian’s eyebrows trembled, and he was very uncomfortable with the surroundings being rendered pink.

Pick up the stone on the ground and aim at Ribrian on it.

“Brother Xiaotian, what do you want to do,” Kaya looked at Sun Wutian in surprise.

“What… hehe, of course…” Sun Wutian lowered his head and laughed, then raised his head, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and roared.

“Fist bone·Meteorite meteor shower!”

Sun Wutian’s hands turned into afterimages, and he quickly picked up the larger pieces of rubble on the ground and threw them at Ribrian.


Ribrian was frightened when he saw countless stones flying towards him.

“Hey, Master Omni, he broke the rules,” Xiangpa pointed at Sun Wutian and reported.

“He didn’t break the rules…” The Omni turned his head sinisterly, and instantly scared Xiangpa to death.

“Xiangpa, he used the stones on the stage, which are not within the range of weapons,” the high priest also laughed.

Xiangpa sat back in silence.

“Ribrian, we are here to help you,” Sanka and Su saw that their sisters were in trouble, and they rushed towards Ribrian.

Helped Ribrian, who was releasing skills, to block Sun Wutian’s meteor-like flying stones.


“How is it possible, such a strong force,” Sanka’s claw just touched the flying stone, and the terrible force made her face change drastically.

“Beat it to pieces!!!” Su Jiao shouted, her hands turned into afterimages, and yellow energy bombs bombarded Sun Wutian’s meteorite.

“Hehe, not bad, then continue,” Sun Wutian raised the corner of his mouth, and the movement of his hands suddenly accelerated, making the two women exhausted from dealing with Sun Wutian’s meteorite.

“Sangka! Su!” Ribrian’s eyes were filled with anger, as if he wanted to burn Sun Wutian to death.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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