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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 141 91. Eliminate Bogas

“Damn it, I can’t lose. For my brother, I must eliminate all the people in the seventh universe.” After retracting his fist, Bergas quickly jumped away and separated himself from Sun Wutian, but his back was soaked with cold sweat.

“Uh ah!!!”

Bergas tried hard to shake off the fear in his heart, roared, and his originally thin body suddenly doubled in size, and his figure became like a birdman like Ganos.

“Oh, not bad, a little better than your useless brother,” Sun Wutian glanced at Bergas indifferently, and “praise”.

This made Bergas even more angry, his eyes full of anger suddenly glared, and the red energy condensed into a scissors in his hands.

“Go to hell, Sun Wutian!” Bergas shouted, his figure flew out like lightning, and the sharp air blade mixed with terrible power cut down towards Sun Wutian’s head.

“Tianzao!” Sun Wutian looked at the air blade that was slashing down at him with disdain, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and an uppercut hit Bergas’s chin fiercely.


This book is first published on 𝟼𝟿 Book Bar, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no disordered chapters

Bogas screamed in pain, and his body flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.


Sun Wutian looked at Bogas flying backwards, his hands clasped at his waist in a calyx shape, and a blue energy ball condensed in his hands. With Sun Wutian’s roar, the blue energy ball emitting terrifying fluctuations was pushed out by him.

The blue Kamehameha wave drew a beautiful light in the air, and finally hit the target. Bogas, who suffered secondary damage, howled in pain and flew out of the stage.


Bogas flew out of the stage and was instantly teleported to the spectator seat. Quitla looked at Bogas who was teleported back nervously.

“Sorry, Master Quitla, I failed,” Bogas struggled to open his eyes, said weakly and fainted.

“The fourth universe, Bogas, eliminated,” the high priest said lightly.

“Bogas Bogas, here, I click,” the King of All found Bogas’s portrait on the pad in his hand, and clicked it with one hand, and Bogas’s portrait darkened.

“That’s it, throw all the people in the fourth universe out of the field,” Beerus stood up and shouted excitedly.

“Damn the seventh universe, we are not done with this matter,” Quitella looked at Beerus with resentment and said viciously.

Sun Wutian didn’t care, and harvested a few more heads on the way and approached Sun Wukong.

“I say, Grandpa Kame, you won’t fall in love with that girl, right?” Seeing that Kame stretched out her salty pig hand to a young girl with blue skin, the corners of her mouth twitched, a little helpless.

“Oh, Goten,” Kame paused, giving the girl a chance to escape.

But I don’t know if this girl was scared silly, and ran directly to Sun Wutian, and Sun Wutian didn’t care. In the original work, this girl seemed to be directly scared by Kame, so he didn’t care.

Sun Wutian didn’t notice it until the girl was about to hit him…

Fuck, girl… look at the road, not the bowl… nonsense.

Fuck, look at the road, I’m a living person in front of you…

“Ouch!” x2.

Sun Wutian, who couldn’t dodge in time, was knocked down by the girl, and the key is that the girl pressed down.


So soft…

So fragrant…

Feeling the softness on his face, Sun Wutian’s big hand pinched it subconsciously.

“Ahhh! Beng Tai!!!” The girl blushed and left Sun Wutian, blocking her chest with a pair of jade arms, glaring at Sun Wutian with a defensive wolf.

Turtle Hermit’s eyes almost popped out, looking at Sun Wutian with envy and jealousy, why don’t I have such good luck.

Sun Wutian looked at his hand with a confused face, not to mention…the touch was really good.

The girl saw Sun Wutian’s face clearly, and suddenly “so handsome…” popped up in her heart, and then remembered that she had been taken advantage of just now.

“Ahhh!!!” The girl glared at Goten, then ran all the way off the stage and was teleported back to the spectator seats.

“Hey, why did you jump out?” Quitla said angrily.

“I’m scared…” The girl explained weakly.

“The fourth universe…” The high priest said lightly.

“Hey hey hey… Goten, how do you feel?” Master Roshi approached Goten with a smile of an experienced driver on his face.

“Uh… how do you feel?” Seeing this, Goten also showed a smile of an experienced driver and winked at Master Roshi.

“You kid…”

The two looked at each other and smiled obscenely at the same time.

We are all adults, so talk softly.

The girl sat in the spectator seats, looking at Goten on the field with a contradictory face, and she would think of the place where she was caught just now, and her originally slightly red face became even redder.

She had never been touched so closely by a man, not to mention those two evils. Thinking of this, she was so ashamed that she had no face to hide.

“Next… you will fight me, right?” A gleam of light flashed across Master Kame’s glasses, and he said in a deep voice to the dark place blocked by the stone wall.

“Ah, I’ve been discovered,” in the dark place, an auntie emerged from the ground.

“Are you the talisman master of the fourth universe?” Master Kame looked directly at the talisman master under his glasses.

“Hehe,” the talisman master seemed to be afraid of Sun Wutian, and said nothing. A blue diamond-shaped light piece flew towards the two of them.

The blue light piece turned into a ball of fire in the air and flew towards the two of them.

Master Kame punched out and hit the flame.

“No temperature, is it an illusion?” Master Kame said solemnly.

“Ah, that young man doesn’t seem to be in a hurry at all. Isn’t he afraid that this old man will be burned to death by the flames?” The talisman master looked at Sun Wutian with a teasing look.

“Idiot,” Sun Wutian looked at the talisman master with contempt, “How can it be true that there is no abnormality in the air.”

“Humph,” the talisman master snorted coldly, waved his hands, and countless blue light pieces flew out, and after hitting the entity, they disappeared into the stone wall.

In the area where the blue light pieces were concentrated, a dark place like a barrier was formed.

“Hehe, ugly woman, are you going to trap us?” Sun Wutian smiled disdainfully.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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