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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 143 93. Almost in despair, Wukong is dead?

“Dragon Fist~~”

Sun Wukong roared, and his figure shot out like an arrow from a bow, rushing towards Jiren.

Dragon Fist, which was asked by Sun Wukong and Sun Wutian, is one of the killer moves of Sun Wukong in other time and space, but Sun Wukong did not figure it out here, but was taught by Sun Wutian.

It is the complete version of the Heaven and Earth Piercing Fist that he used to kill Piccolo back then, and its destructive power and penetration are stronger than the Heaven and Earth Piercing Fist.

“It’s Goten’s Dragon Fist,” Krillin said in surprise.

“Oh, is it the move you said killed Frieza?” Beerus said with interest.

“Yes, Goten used this move to kill Frieza in seconds,” Krillin nodded.


Sun Wukong roared, and poured all his energy into his right fist, exploding a ball of golden smoke on the spot, and then turned into a golden dragon, blasting towards Jiren.

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“Well, not good,” Jiren’s face changed drastically. He smelled a hint of danger from this move, and immediately punched out from the air. The orange energy formed a streak with Jiren’s fist and collided with the golden dragon in mid-air.


The orange energy wave and the golden dragon kept squeezing each other in mid-air, as if they wanted to overwhelm each other.

“Oh~~~~” The King of All saw it with his eyes shining.


Sun Wukong in the dragon roared like thunder, and the explosive energy was even more powerful. After destroying the orange energy wave, he rushed towards Jiren.


Jiren used all his strength and punched the golden dragon.



The two extremely strong energies collided, causing the entire arena to shake like a magnitude 10 earthquake.

“What a terrible power, are they really human…”

“Wow, I’m going to fall down…”

“Woo, woo, so dangerous…”

“Hmm~~~~” Jiren increased his strength and smashed the golden dragon with one punch, revealing Sun Wukong inside.



“Woo woo!!”

Hit by Jiren’s powerful punch, Sun Wukong flew backwards, smashed several piles of rubble on the ground, and almost flew out of the arena.

“That’s it, kick Sun Wukong down!” Xiangpa shouted excitedly.

“You think I don’t exist,” Sun Wutian jumped out like a clever monkey, caught Sun Wukong in the air, and glared at Xiangpa with cold eyes, which immediately scared Xiangpa back to his seat.

“So strong, so strong,” Sun Wukong struggled to get up, looking at Jiren with fiery eyes.

“You are very strong, at least stronger than Toppo,” Jiren was silent for a few seconds and praised Sun Wukong.

“It’s rare that Jiren actually praised Sun Wukong,” the face of the 11th Universe Kaioshin showed a trace of surprise.

“Dad, you are not going to go up again?” Sun Wutian looked at Sun Wukong who jumped on the boulder and looked down below in surprise.

“Hehe, I want to try this,” Sun Wukong smiled, stepped out of Super Blue, and raised his hands high.

“Everyone in the 7th Universe, give me your vitality,” Sun Wukong roared, and it immediately spread throughout the arena.

“This posture… He is going to use the spirit bomb…” Kaya saw Sun Wukong’s plan at a glance and said with some surprise.

Could this move still defeat Jiren?

“Here it comes,” Sun Wutian raised his hand high, and the spirits like starlight separated from his body and gathered above Sun Wukong.

The others also raised their hands and gave their energy to Sun Wukong, and even a little energy floated out of the competition stage.

“It’s almost there… If it’s stopped…” Sun Wukong looked at the energy slowly gathering above his head and muttered with some worry.

“Don’t worry, I won’t stop you,” Jiren said calmly.

“Damn, you really gave him time to gather energy, you are a very stubborn brother,” Ke Ya looked at Jiren with a look of pity.

Don’t you know that two big bosses died under the energy bomb? You are very confident in yourself, young man.

The white energy condensed above Sun Wukong’s head, gradually forming a blue energy ball with a diameter of about ten meters, emitting terrifying energy fluctuations. Once it hits, it will be a disaster.

“Okay,” Sun Wukong’s mouth curled up slightly when he noticed the full weight of the energy bomb.

“Energy bomb!”

Sun Wukong roared and threw the huge energy bomb above his head at Jiren.

The Spirit Bomb, carrying a strong wind, flew towards Jiren quickly.


Jiren’s eyes narrowed, and he pushed his hands hard, confronting the Spirit Bomb.


Sun Wukong and Jiren kept trying to push the Spirit Bomb towards each other.

“Hah!!!” x2.

Sun Wukong and Jiren roared, trying to push the Spirit Bomb towards each other.

This time, Jiren used at least 60% of his strength, of course, the strength of his clothes before they exploded.

In the original work, Sun Wukong could only be suppressed by Jiren before he activated the Ultra Instinct, but this time, he had the strength to make Jiren take him seriously.

“Two… twenty… twenty-five times… Kaio-ken!!!”

For the Spirit Bomb, Sun Wukong was desperate and directly used the 25-fold Kaio-ken.

The scarlet flame suddenly surged, and the spirit bomb that was originally stopped in front of Jiren moved a little bit.

“Wukong… can he… withstand 25 times Kaio-ken…” Krillin showed a worried look on his face.

The damage to the body caused by Kaio-ken is very huge. In his memory, he has never seen Sun Wukong use more than 20 times Kaio-ken.

“Tsk, Kakarot…” Vegeta’s eyebrows were solemn. Jiren’s strength was terrifying, and the energy burst from Sun Wukong also made him feel a little dangerous.

“Oh my god, 25 times Kaio-ken, is he going to die?” Kaya looked at Sun Wukong who broke through the limit in horror.


Jiren’s eyes condensed, and he shouted loudly, and orange-red energy emerged from his body, and the spirit bomb was pushed back little by little.

“Oh no…” Sun Wuhan was shocked. The energy of the spirit bomb was enough to kill a Super Blue.





Sun Wukong’s figure was submerged in the spirit bomb that was pushed back, and the people of the seventh universe shouted with worry.


The spirit bomb exploded, and its energy spread to the whole world. The light covered the stage, making everyone close their eyes.

After a while, the light faded, revealing the stage full of broken pieces and a huge pit.

“Where is Goku…”

“Where is Goku…”

Krillin looked around the stage in horror, but could not find any trace of Sun Wukong.

“Unfortunately, Sun Wukong died under his own trick, so… it’s not a foul,” the high priest shook his head regretfully.



Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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