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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 144 94. Ultra Instinct

The seventh universe fell into a period of sadness. The death of Sun Wukong reduced the winning rate of the seventh universe, and at the same time, they felt pain for the death of Sun Wukong.

Sun Wutian seemed to have noticed something, and his frown relaxed and showed a smile.

I said, the protagonist’s life is stronger than cockroaches. What kind of protagonist is he if he dies like this?

“Goten, what are you laughing at?” Seeing that Sun Wutian was not sad but smiled, everyone looked at him puzzled.

“You guys just watch, it’s too early for dad to die,” Sun Wutian grinned and laughed.

“Could it be…”

“How is it possible? With such a strong power, Sun Wukong definitely can’t have hope of survival…”

“Is this guy already stupid…”

The gods talked about it, and almost none of them were optimistic that Sun Wukong was still alive.

“Three,” Sun Wutian smiled and calmly stretched out three fingers.

“What is Goten doing?” Sun Wufan scratched his head blankly, not knowing what Sun Wutian was doing.

“Two,” Sun Wutian retracted one finger.



When Sun Wutian shouted, a stream of pure white liquid energy shot up from the ground of the giant pit and rushed into the sky.

“Nani!” Everyone was shocked and looked at the giant pit in disbelief.

A figure stood up from the energy and slowly emerged from the blue and white energy.

“Wukong, it’s Wukong…”

“Nani, that Sun Wukong is still alive…”

Everyone was shocked and looked at Sun Wukong in the center of the pit in disbelief.

At this time, Sun Wukong’s image has changed a little compared to before.

The crab-like hair was slightly raised, and there was a layer of bright silver substance on the surface of the hair. The bright silver eyes were wrapped in black pupils. The body was covered with a ball of liquid energy, and from time to time there was a starlight floating up.

“This… This is…”

“Could… Could it be…”

“No… Impossible…”

As if recognizing Sun Wukong’s current state, the gods widened their eyes in horror as if they were wound up, and turned their eyes to Sun Wukong in disbelief.

“Lord Beerus, what’s the situation with Goku now?” Krillin asked in confusion after seeing the strange looks from the gods.

“Ultra Instinct,” Beerus suppressed the shock in his heart and said with a serious expression.

“Huh?” Krillin looked confused.

“Is this the new form that Xiaotian said? I can’t sense any breath at all,” Kaya looked at Son Goku in shock.

Son Goku stared at Jiren quietly with an expressionless face. Suddenly, Son Goku moved, appeared in front of Jiren at a speed that no one could see, and kicked out.

“Hmph!” Jiren’s pupils shrank suddenly. When he came to his senses, Son Goku had already appeared in front of him, with his fist less than one centimeter away from him, and a powerful punch fell in vain.

Jiren did not dare to be careless, and instantly came to his senses, crossed his arms in front of him, and was instantly knocked away by a punch from Son Goku.

Jiren rolled several times in the air and quickly stood firm. Sun Wukong followed closely, and Jiren’s eyes suddenly widened.

Countless invisible pressures flew towards Sun Wukong like raindrops.

Sun Wukong’s figure was like a phantom, and Jiren’s attacks did not hit him once.

“Nani! Jiren…” Toppo’s eyes suddenly shrank, and he said in shock.

“It looks more powerful than the original self-instinct,” Sun Wutian looked at Sun Wukong’s attack and couldn’t help sighing. It’s a pity that he didn’t know what the perfect self-instinct looked like.

“No, I have to help Jiren,” Toppo’s eyes were full of determination, and then he ran all the way to the big pit.

Jiren took advantage of Sun Wukong’s gap and quickly jumped far.

“Justice Flash!”

With Toppo’s low shout, countless orange light bullets flew towards Sun Wukong like rain.

Sun Wukong seemed unaffected and walked towards Jiren all the way. None of Toppo’s moves hit Sun Wukong.

“Toppo, back off,” Jiren glared at Toppo with a threatening look.

“Jiren…” Toppo’s eyelids jumped, and he stopped releasing light bullets to attack Sun Wukong, “I know.”

The battle between Sun Wukong and Jiren continued.

Sun Wutian shook his head lightly, not optimistic about Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong has not fully mastered the Ultra Instinct now. He just accidentally entered it and couldn’t hold on for too long. Moreover, Sun Wukong has only developed infinite dodge and still thinks when attacking.

“Ah, Goten-san seems to be very pessimistic about Goku-san,” Whis teased when seeing Sun Wutian’s pessimism.

Sun Wutian rolled his eyes at Whis, “Isn’t it obvious? My dad’s Ultra Instinct is only a semi-finished product now. He can dodge, but he still thinks when attacking. If you want to defeat Jiren, unless my dad can achieve the real Ultra Instinct.”

Indeed, Sun Wukong and Jiren are tied now, but that’s because Jiren hasn’t shown his true ability yet, otherwise Sun Wukong would have knelt down long ago.

Beerus nodded in agreement with Goten’s words. He could only dodge like Goku now. If he attacked, he would think unconsciously, and he had not reached the true state of selflessness.

Jiren aimed at Goku and punched him in the abdomen mercilessly. Goku vomited sweet blood, flew backwards and crashed into the ground, and he also exited the state of Ultra Instinct.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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