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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 145 95. The invisible man is eliminated and the fourth universe is cleared

“It hurts, it hurts,” Sun Wukong, who was wounded after exiting the Ultra Instinct, kept gasping for air. Now he was completely exhausted, and even a baby could easily defeat him.


“Dad, can you still move?” Sun Wutian came to Sun Wukong’s side, looked at him and couldn’t even move, and smiled teasingly.

“Hehe… It’s no good… I can’t use any strength at all,” Sun Wukong tried to get up, but failed.

“Ah~~ What a sin…” Sun Wutian sighed, pointed his palm at Sun Wukong, and a soft golden energy appeared, which was then injected into Sun Wukong’s body by Sun Wutian.

“Hey, it’s done!” As soon as the golden energy entered his body, Sun Wukong immediately felt the power, bounced up from the ground, and moved left and right a few times, “Hehe, thank you Goten.”

“Dad, don’t be so proud, it’s good enough that you can transform into a Super Saiyan now, so don’t move around casually,” Sun Wutian stared at Sun Wukong with a pair of dead fish eyes, looking at him who wanted to fight Jiren for hundreds of rounds, and warned him.

“I know, I know,” Sun Wukong grinned, and then jumped away.

“Okay, then I should go and do something,” Sun Wutian looked at Kalifa and Kale who were besieged by seven eleventh universes, raised his mouth, and flew away into the distance.


Sun Wutian, who was running, suddenly felt something strange, frowned, and stopped urgently on the road.

And the moment he stopped, it seemed that a figure flew out, and the attack aimed at Sun Wutian missed, and with a bang, the boulder next to Sun Wutian collapsed.

“Well, no one,” Sun Wutian looked carefully, and the place that was pressed by the boulder was blank.

“Is it the invisible man?” Sun Wutian looked around with solemn eyes.

At this time, Sun Wutian recalled that there seemed to be only eight people in the fourth universe at that time. Could it be that the two invisible ones were invisible men?

“That’s it, Damon, get Sun Wutian out,” Quitla shouted in the audience, with a hint of viciousness in his eyes.

“Two invisible men?” Sun Wutian looked around with vigilant eyes.

“No, I can’t sense the breath of the invisible man,” Sun Wuhan, who came to support, looked a little solemn.

Sun Wutian spread his palms, and energy bombs shot out from his palms and hit the surrounding boulders.




Under the bombardment of the energy bombs, thick dust flew up and spread all over the venue.

Under the cover of the flying dust, the figure of the invisible man appeared.

“Well, there is only one,” Sun Wutian looked a little surprised, but he didn’t think too much. He flew up like lightning and appeared in front of the invisible man in an instant. His fist like a meteorite hit the invisible man fiercely.

“Get out of the field!”

Sun Wutian’s hands condensed a blue power between his waist. He roared and knocked the invisible man out of the field in one breath.

“Galaparos of the fourth universe is eliminated,” the high priest glanced at the fourth universe calmly.

Now there are nine people eliminated in the fourth universe. If there is one more, he will be killed.

“Only Damon is left, Damon, don’t eliminate him again. You should know the consequences of elimination!” Quitla shouted at the stage.

“There is only one left, isn’t it the invisible man?”

Sun Wutian looked around with vigilant eyes. This is the guy who can sense the breath.


Behind him, a subtle sound of breaking through the air sounded. Sun Wutian frowned slightly and kicked hard behind him, but the result was a kick in the air.

“Hmm? Where are the people?”

Sun Wutian’s eyes flashed with confusion. He turned on his perception to the maximum and scanned the surroundings solemnly.

The voice just now was very strange. I could clearly feel his aura approaching, but I didn’t hit him. It was as if I hit the air.

Could it be like Uchiha Obito’s ability to make the body virtual? No, it shouldn’t be. The sound just now was like a bullet flying over.

Could it be…

Thinking of a certain possibility, Sun Wutian felt the aura just now coming towards him again. He exerted all his strength and punched the ground like a mountain.

“Fist bone·Meteorite!”

As Sun Wutian’s punch fell, the ground cracked like a spider web, and a small figure was ejected.

Sun Wutian’s eyes condensed, that was that…

“That is…”

“So that’s it. This is not an invisible man, but an insect man.”

The so-called invisible man is just an insect man who is not even as big as a baby’s finger.

“Damn, failed.”

Quetra was a little annoyed. The perfect battle plan was cracked.

Sun Wutian jumped up and grabbed Damon before he fell.

“What do you want to do? Let me go,” Damon shouted in panic. He was not very strong, just a little small so he could surprise others.

“Get out of here!”

Sun Wutian raised a wicked smile and threw Damon far away like a fish to be slaughtered. Damon left the stage unwillingly.

“Damon of the fourth universe is here. Unfortunately, the fourth universe has been eliminated, so the fourth universe will be eliminated soon!”

The high priest pronounced the fate of the fourth universe expressionlessly.

“No, I’m going to disappear now, I don’t want it,” Quitla yelled like a madman, with a flash of madness in his eyes, “In that case, I will perish with you…”


The King of All raised his left hand high, and the soft blue-white light illuminated the fourth universe. The girl who was accidentally caught by Son Goten looked at him deeply, and then she and the fourth universe were eliminated.

Son Goten’s heart skipped a beat when he saw the look in the girl’s eyes before she died.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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