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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 147 97. Eliminate Frost and play tricks on Toppo

The fist hit Sun Wutian’s abdomen and made a dull sound, but Sun Wutian did not move at all.

“Is this…is your full strength?”

“No…impossible…you can’t be so strong. If you are so strong, then what have I suffered these days?” Frost’s face was full of panic, and there was a hint of panic in his tone.

“I don’t believe you can’t be so strong…”

Frost has fallen into madness. During the battle between Sun Wutian and Keya, he was knocked unconscious by Vegeta and did not see the battle. Otherwise, he would have escaped long ago.

“Go to hell, die, die!”

Frost’s face was full of madness, and he attacked Sun Wutian with his fists like I didn’t believe it.


Sun Wutian is as immovable as a mountain. No matter how strong your attack is, it won’t hurt or itch me.

“get out!”

Sun Wutian glanced at Frost with cold eyes, and hit Frost’s crazy face with a punch like a meteorite.


Frost’s face was deformed by Sun Wutian’s punch, and he flew backwards out of the field as if he had lost control, and then appeared on the stage.

“Universe 6, Frost, eliminated.”

“Ah, Frost, get out,” Keya, who was beating up a sidekick robot from the third universe, glanced at the audience in surprise. That annoying Frost was indeed eliminated.

After eliminating Frost, a troublesome guy came to the door.

“Sun Wutian, fight me, and I will let you see the justice of Universe 11,” Toppo said solemnly, looking directly at Sun Wutian.

“Oh ho?”


Sun Wutian cast a sidelong glance at Toppo in a playful manner. A crimson energy aura sprang up, replacing the original golden aura. A pair of light red pupils looked at Toppo strangely.

“Here you are, my defeated general. Wasn’t the lesson learned last time enough?” Sun Wutian said teasingly, looking at Toppo who was blushing.

“Hmph, let’s see the real chapter under your hands!” Toppo snorted coldly, raised his fist, and ran towards Sun Wutian like a tank.


“You are really stubborn,” Sun Wutian transformed into super red at that moment. He also raised his fist and ran towards Toppo. The two of them ran wildly and punched each other with a terrifying fist like a meteorite. .


The two terrifying forces collided with each other, dense electric currents continued to surge around the two people, and air waves spread in all directions.

Sun Wutian’s eyes narrowed, and the energy ball hidden in his other hand came out and pressed hard on Topo’s abdomen.



Toppo screamed in pain, endured the burning pain in his abdomen, and kicked Sun Wutian away.

Sun Wutian flew upside down and stopped a few meters away, smiling at Toppo.

The clothes on the abdomen hit by Sun Wutian’s energy ball were damaged.

“Damn Sun Wutian, justice shines!”

Toppo’s eyes widened with anger, and he pointed his fingers together at Sun Wutian. Orange energy bullets condensed rapidly on his fingertips, and shot towards Sun Wutian like a violent storm.


Sun Wutian stabbed the ground with his hand knife, and then lifted it violently. A piece of stone wall was shoveled away by Sun Wutian, and it collided with Toppo’s energy bomb.

Sun Wutian took the opportunity to reach up to the sky, put his hands on his waist, and a blue energy ball shone with blue light.


“Turtle Style Qigong Wave!”

Toppo was shocked, but Sun Wutian didn’t care what he thought. He pushed the condensed terrifying power hard, and the blue energy wave hit Toppo air.


Toppo’s eyes narrowed, and he pushed his hands forward, and an orange energy wave came out of his hands, colliding with Sun Wutian’s turtle style Qigong wave in mid-air.


The two forces collided, forming a half-blue and half-orange ball of energy in front of it, where Sun Wutian and Toppo were locked in a stalemate.

“Damn it, you dare to fight a Saiyan, go to hell,” Sun Wutian increased the energy transmission, and the blue energy wave suddenly surged. Among the two forces that were originally in a stalemate, the blue energy wave belonging to Sun Wutian faced the opponent. Po’s energy crushed him away and finally hit Top Po.


A huge mushroom cloud shot up and entered everyone’s sight.


The taste was so delicious that he couldn’t believe it, and his horrified eyes were fixed on Toppo’s position on the field.

“Damn it, Sun Wutian… um, where are the people?”

Sun Wutian’s blow did not exert too much force on Toppo, so Toppo had no major problems except for the damage to his clothes. Toppo jumped up from the pit and glared at Sun Wutian’s position. As a result, Sun Wutian was no longer around. .

“Sun! Wu! Tian! I am incompatible with you!” Toppo roared angrily, and the sound waves he roared shattered the surrounding rocks.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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