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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 152 102. The End of the First Killer

“Hmm? Hit,” Sun Wutian looked at the world that suddenly stopped, and his mouth curled up slightly. Among all the contestants, only Hit has this ability.

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Glancing behind, a purple figure was flying towards Sun Wutian’s back. Who else could it be but Hit.

Sun Wutian dodged Hit’s assassination with a flick of his body. The time freeze ended, and Hit’s figure appeared in front of Sun Wutian.

“Last time I was defeated by you because of weakness. This time I want to duel with you for real,” Hit glanced at Sun Wutian coldly, with a firm look in his eyes.

Hearing this, Sun Wutian remembered the previous sixth and seventh universe conferences. Because Hit exhausted his physical strength in the battle with Vegeta, he was killed by Sun Wutian with one punch. As the first killer in the universe, Hit always felt unwilling when he thought of it. It is estimated that this time he wants to get back at the place.

Seeing that his attack failed, Hit did not feel regretful. Ordinary Flash Time Skill could not limit Super Saiyan 4. Hit knew this in the battle with Vegeta.

Hit used Flash Time Skill again, this time it was the advanced version of Flash Time Skill that he suddenly realized in that game.

Goten watched Hit’s figure disappear in front of him, without dodging or evading, with a slight smile on his lips, and punched the air on the right.




As soon as Gotian punched down, Hit’s figure appeared in Gotian’s attack range. Gotian’s fist hit Hit’s face exactly. Hit screamed in pain and flew backwards. Gotian hit him into the rock and he couldn’t get out.

“What the hell!”

“Hit’s Flash Time Skill was cracked again!”

“How could it be!!!”

Everyone in the sixth universe was shocked and shouted in horror.

“How is it possible?” Hit looked at Goten in disbelief. Even Vegeta could not break his upgraded Flash Time Skill, but Goten broke it so easily.

“Nothing is impossible,” Goten raised his lips with a hint of disdain, “As long as my power is strong enough, your Flash Time Skill will have no effect on me.”

Hit’s brows tightened. Goten directly broke his time confinement in the most direct way. This was not good news for him.

Hit’s eyes condensed, shattered the rocks on his body, ran towards Goten at a very fast speed, and punched him in the chest with all his strength.

A strange energy covered Goten, making him unable to move.


While Goten had not escaped from his confinement, Hit’s fierce punch suddenly rose up and broke through the air towards Goten.

“Hahaha, that guy can’t move,” Xiangpa laughed loudly.

Although Frost did not speak, his resentful eyes flashed with a touch of pleasure, as if he had seen the scene of Sun Wutian being eliminated.


“Get out of here, me!!!”

Sun Wutian snorted coldly, accompanied by a roar, an extremely violent energy gushed out of Sun Wutian’s body, burning wildly in the air, and space and even time were extremely distorted.


Hit was shocked, his face suddenly changed, his full-strength attack could not even break the arrogance on Sun Wutian’s body, what a terrible power.

Boom boom!

Under the power of Sun Wutian, the whole world fell into a big shake, and the earthquake that seemed to destroy the world made the space here extremely unstable, as if as long as Sun Wutian’s power increased by one point, the space would collapse.

“Ahhh!!! Such a strong energy!!!”

“I can’t breathe!!!”


Kaya looked at Goten with a look of horror on her face. This power, even if she used the divine power in her body, could not reach such a high level.

“Is this the power of Goten?” Toppo looked at Goten in horror, with a trace of fear in his eyes, “Jiren, are you sure about this guy?”

Jiren looked solemn. Goten’s power was already comparable to his full strength. If this was not Goten’s full strength, then he…


Goten forcibly broke free from Hit’s Flash Time Power and punched Hit’s chest hard.

“Dragon Fist!!!”

Accompanied by Goten’s roar, the golden dragon condensed by golden energy soared into the sky, biting Hit’s body and rushed out, flying out of the stage.

“Woo wow!”

Hit’s body was taken out of the arena by the golden dragon without any resistance and moved to the sixth universe of the spectator seat.

“Universe 6, Hit, eliminated.”

“Hit!” Xiang Pa looked at Hit anxiously. Fortunately, he was fine, just a little injured.

On the other side, Bodamo and Maggetta, who were looking for death, went to provoke Vegeta, but were beaten and thrown out by Vegeta. Although Maggetta’s ability made Vegeta a little tricky, due to its fragile heart, Vegeta couldn’t stand it after just one scold, so…

“Oh my god, Maggetta’s heart is too fragile,” Kaya helplessly held her forehead. After traveling for so long, she almost forgot some of the plots. At most, she remembered that the protagonist was Sun Wukong and the ending was to defeat their universe. She forgot everything else.

This is different from Goten. Goten basically remembers the plot of Dragon Ball and the anime he watched before. Otherwise, he would not be able to practice the Six Styles.

The current Sixth Universe has basically been eliminated, except for Cabbe and Kaya. If Kaya is also eliminated, after all, compared with Cabbe, Kaya has a higher chance of staying on the stage, then the Sixth Universe will really be finished.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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