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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 163 113. Sun Wutian wakes up

“Very good, Jiren,” the God of Destruction of the 11th Universe was very proud, “While Goten has no resistance now, quickly eliminate him.”

Jiren stared deeply at Goten’s cocoon, his eyes fixed, and walked towards the cocoon.

Walking to the cocoon, looking at the cocoon in front of him that was half a head taller than him, Jiren frowned. Judging from the attack just now, no matter how strong the attack was, it could not break it, or even make it move a little.

Jiren’s eyes slowly moved to the ground, and he said indifferently: “Goten, although you are a respectable opponent, now it is a life-and-death battle of survival. It’s a pity that I can’t compete with you, but I must ensure the victory of the 11th Universe.”

“Farewell, Goten, Universe 7.”

Jiren’s eyes condensed, and his palm turned into a palm knife and stabbed the ground.

“Oh no, he wants to eliminate Goten and the ground together,” Goku shouted in panic.



“Crack, crack!”

Just as Jiren was about to shovel the ground and throw the cocoon out, a terrifying force burst out from the cocoon. Jiren, who was caught off guard, could only watch his body being bounced away by this force.

A violent energy wave swept across the entire world of nothingness, and the power was far stronger than Jiren and Vegeta who had burst out with all their strength before.


“What an amazing energy…”

The terrible air wave swept the entire venue, making the stage seem shaky.

From this power, everyone felt deeply powerless.

Because of this power, they will never be able to reach it in their lifetime, just like the gap between earthlings and the God of Destruction.

The high priest looked at the cocoon, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

The cocoon broke open, and a figure appeared in the middle of the broken cocoon.

He was wearing a blue martial arts uniform, and his unique crab head was slightly raised. In his ink-like pupils, a brilliant energy flowed in his eyes, reflecting his extraordinaryness.

The momentum gradually receded, and then it seemed to disappear without a trace, and no trace of breath could be sensed.

“Is this… Goten?” Son Gohan was confused.

“Well… it seems to be…” Son Goku was stunned.

“This kid… what on earth has he experienced…” Toppo looked at Son Goten’s back, his eyes full of fear.

Jiren smashed the rocks buried in his body, and looked at Son Goten with a terrified expression.

The power just now was like the vast sea of ​​stars, and he was like a small meteorite floating in the universe. The gap between the two was so big that it could not be seen.

“Brother Xiaotian, are you okay?” Kaya looked at Son Goten with some concern.

Son Goten would give her a reassuring smile, “Nothing, just some insights.”

After saying that, Son Goten’s eyebrows moved slightly, and if you didn’t look carefully, you wouldn’t notice it at all.

Sun Wutian glanced around and was immediately surprised: “Oh my god, how come there are only three of us left, and everyone else fell down.”

“Brother Xiaotian, it’s like this,” Ke Ya paused, and then told Sun Wutian about the battle after Sun Wutian fell asleep.

Sun Wutian said nothing, and gradually looked at Jiren, revealing a kind smile, “So, my friend, are you going to go down by yourself? Or should I help you?”

“I won’t surrender,” Jiren said firmly.

“Okay, you have ambition, I admire people like you who are stubborn,” Sun Wutian laughed. No one has come to test his latest power for him. Now someone is stubborn enough to try it, and Sun Wutian is very happy.

“You say… How strong is Goten now? He hasn’t changed to Super Saiyan,” Krillin looked confused.

Sun Wukong shook his head, “I don’t know, I can’t sense Goten’s breath at all, I can’t say for sure.”

“I… can’t sense it either…” Beerus said solemnly on the side.

Everyone was shocked when they heard Beerus’ voice.

“Yeah, I can’t feel it either,” Whis replied calmly.

“Nani!” Xiangpa was shocked and looked at Bardos behind him in a hurry, “Hey, Bardos, is there really no way to sense it?”

“Yes, Lord Xiangpa,” Bardos nodded with a smile.

Jiren stared at Goten solemnly, and suddenly jumped up, like a cannonball, rushing towards Goten.

Looking at Jiren who was coming towards him, Goten raised his finger and tapped it lightly.

An invisible wave was swaying in the air on his fingertips.

Jiren looked at Goten’s casual finger, and his heart was alarmed. Before he could dodge, his body was blasted out by an invisible force.

“Woo Wow!”

Boom boom boom!

Jiren’s body hit a floating stone floating outside the field like a deflated ball.

Everyone’s faces were filled with horror. In just a blink of an eye, Jiren flew out.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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