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Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten — Chapter 164 114. The End of the Eleventh Universe

“… Hey, Whis, did you see Goten’s movements clearly?” Sun Wukong turned his eyes to Whis in astonishment.

A trace of surprise appeared on Whis’s calm face, “No, I didn’t see it clearly either.”

“Jiren!” Weimei looked at Jiren anxiously.

After a burst of black smoke dissipated, Jiren’s figure was revealed.

Jiren was embedded in the pumice stone, the kind that couldn’t be pulled out, and almost no part of his body was intact.

Jiren’s eyes widened in horror, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes when he looked at Sun Wutian.

Sun Wutian did nothing, just gently raised a finger, and he flew without any resistance.

This gap is really too big.

“Oh my god, Xiaotian brother, you are too much. You defeated Jiren with just a finger. How can I fight you?” Kaya said in disbelief.

“At worst, I don’t want to fight you with this kind of power,” Sun Wutian said nonchalantly.

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Then he looked at Jiren. The finger just now almost beat Jiren to the point where he had no fighting power, and he couldn’t even get up.

“Go down, Jiren, we’ll come again next time when you recover,” Sun Wutian looked at Jiren calmly and flicked his finger at Jiren.


The rock where Jiren was located exploded silently, and Jiren, who had no foothold, fell out of the field without a doubt.

“Universe 11, Jiren, eliminated.”

“Unfortunately, no one from Universe 11 is left on the field, so Universe 11 is about to be eliminated.”

In Universe 11, except for the angels, everyone had a layer of pale white halo on their bodies.

“Hey, Jiren,” Vegeta walked in front of Jiren and looked down at Jiren leaning on Toppo’s giant hand.


“Jiren, let’s find a better place to fight again next time. I will defeat you fairly.”

After leaving this sentence, Vegeta turned his head away. He was still brooding over the defeat just now. After all, if he lost because of the venue, anyone would feel aggrieved.

“I know,” Jiren smiled with relief as he looked at Vegeta’s back.

In the end, the eleventh universe was cleared, leaving only the sixth and seventh universes, the two brother universes.

Looking at the disappeared eleventh universe, a trace of desolation flashed in Goten’s eyes.

Trembling all over, the light flowing in Goten’s eyes dissipated, and his breath reappeared in everyone’s perception.

“It’s so strange. I can clearly feel Goten’s aura, but there is an indescribable feeling,” Goku frowned, confused.

“Indeed, there is an indescribable strangeness,” Vegeta also looked at Goten with a serious face.



Kaya confronted Goten on the field, and without saying a word, she instantly transformed into Super Saiyan 2, and punched Goten.

Goten always maintained a calm smile, raised his hand lightly, and caught Kaya’s sharp punch.

“Kaya, you should know that with your current strength, if you don’t transform above Super Saiyan 3, you are not my opponent,” Goten let go of his hand and looked at Kaya jokingly.

“Hey, I just want to know if your strength is still there, it seems that it has not decreased,” Kaya was not angry, after all, she knew how strong Goten was, and she was not so naive that a Super Saiyan 2 could shake him.

Kaya jumped back, about ten meters away from Goten, and looked at Goten.

“Okay, I’m going to show my real strength, Xiaotian brother, just watch.”

Kaya looked at Goten in front of her, and a confident smile appeared at the corner of her lips.

“Oh, then I’ll wait and see,” Sun Wutian smiled, with an expression that said, “I’ll just watch you pretending to be cool.” He had no intention of stopping her.

Just kidding, your wife wants to pretend and you bother her. My friend, I think you must not have a girlfriend. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have one, after all, you can still find a boyfriend, right?

Kaya’s playful expression was soon replaced by seriousness. Her lower body moved slightly downward, and she let out a roar. The power immersed in her body began to burst out at this moment.


Golden clouds appeared and condensed in the air, gradually forming a thick cloud layer. A layer of light purple liquid energy also appeared on Kaya’s body surface, just like the previous Toppo.

Just because…

Kaya is also a candidate for the God of Destruction, and it seems that she is stronger than the previous Toppo. The terrifying energy even changed the space, and the whole world was rendered with a layer of gold.

In the golden clouds, countless golden thunders flowed in it like pythons.

“Just like Toppo just now…”

“Yeah, I didn’t expect that girl is also a candidate for the God of Destruction…”

“And she looks stronger than Toppo…”

The people in the audience were horrified, looking at Kaya who was constantly emitting a terrifying aura.

“The God of Destruction? I don’t know what she looks like, I’m really curious?”

Goten looked at Kaya who was gradually releasing the power in her body, and a curious smile appeared on his lips.


Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Dragon Ball: The Strongest Goten

Status: Completed Author:


Reborn Son Goten, knowing the dangers of Dragon Ball, began to take a different path from Nobita in the original work. Super Saiyan is definitely not the end, Super Saiyan 2? Super Saiyan 3? Super Saiyan...


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